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How is 'not accepting the act' a true acceptance of homosexuality?


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Your personal story doesn't change the fact that the bahaullah is not a "promised one" in any religion but your own.

Yes only we believe He is the long awaited Messiah foretold in all the Holy Books. That is only our belief not others outside our religion.

The Kilted Heathen

Crow FreyjasmaðR
How can you not see that your belief starts stepping on toes, including us in your beliefs, when you start making statements for us? It's presumptuous and ridiculous. It would be like me saying that Odin is the true god and giver of knowledge for every religion including bahai.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I can understand how a person who is unaware of Baha’u’llah’s Station might think that but to those of us who know Who He actually is there remains no doubt whatsoever.

If you say so. But that is hardly reassuring.

The sun will rise tomorrow as surely as Baha’u’llah is the Promised One of all Faiths.

That is not actually possible.

I am well aware that most Bahais do not like to admit it, but the facts remain that:

  • there are many thousands of beliefs out there;
  • some of them are outright insane; many others are mutually exclusive to various degrees;
  • therefore (and probably unavoidably) Bahai doctrine ends up claiming to succeed only a half dozen or so and glossing over the very existence of most faiths;
  • even within those very few faiths there is a major challenge in even attempting to take the Bahai theology very seriously. It is not really compatible with the very same Muslim claims of renewal of obsolete faiths that it directly emulates, and it saddles itself with a welcome yet ultimately doomed attempt at embracing elements of Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and Buddhism as well.
I actually like the Bahai Faith. In attempting to be something that it can not possibly ever be, it may well spearhead the much more urgent task of healing something that should never have been.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
How can you not see that your belief starts stepping on toes, including us in your beliefs, when you start making statements for us? It's presumptuous and ridiculous. It would be like me saying that Odin is the true god and giver of knowledge for every religion including bahai.

Yes that’s correct. We expect the entire world to rise up against us.

How great, how very great is the Cause! How very fierce the onslaught of all the peoples and kindreds of the earth. Ere long shall the clamor of the multitude throughout Africa, throughout America, the cry of the European and of the Turk, the groaning of India and China, be heard from far and near. One and all, they shall arise with all their power to resist His Cause. Then shall the knights of the Lord, assisted by His grace from on high, strengthened by faith, aided by the power of understanding, and reinforced by the legions of the Covenant, arise and make manifest the truth of the verse: ‘Behold the confusion that hath befallen the tribes of the defeated!’” (Abdu’l-Baha)

Let him be aware that so soon as the full measure of the stupendous claim of the Faith of Bahá’u’lláh comes to be recognized by those time-honored and powerful strongholds of orthodoxy, whose deliberate aim is to maintain their stranglehold over the thoughts and consciences of men, this infant Faith will have to contend with enemies more powerful and more insidious than the cruellest torture-mongers and the most fanatical clerics who have afflicted it in the past. What foes may not in the course of the convulsions that shall seize a dying civilization be brought into existence, who will reinforce the indignities which have already been heaped upon it! (Shoghi Effendi)


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Someone's eager to play the martyr... Yet this isn't "the world rising against you", this is your opinions of other religions and your audacity to speak for them being factually wrong.

Everyone has opinions. That is what freedom of thought and conscious is all about.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
If you say so. But that is hardly reassuring.

That is not actually possible.

I am well aware that most Bahais do not like to admit it, but the facts remain that:

  • there are many thousands of beliefs out there;
  • some of them are outright insane; many others are mutually exclusive to various degrees;
  • therefore (and probably unavoidably) Bahai doctrine ends up claiming to succeed only a half dozen or so and glossing over the very existence of most faiths;
  • even within those very few faiths there is a major challenge in even attempting to take the Bahai theology very seriously. It is not really compatible with the very same Muslim claims of renewal of obsolete faiths that it directly emulates, and it saddles itself with a welcome yet ultimately doomed attempt at embracing elements of Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and Buddhism as well.
I actually like the Bahai Faith. In attempting to be something that it can not possibly ever be, it may well spearhead the much more urgent task of healing something that should never have been.

The main Baha’i teaching is the oneness of mankind. To establish in the hearts of all people a prejudice free attitude towards all.

The purpose of Baha’u’llah is not to convert the world to the Baha’i Faith but to foster harmony and friendship between the different races, religions, nations, classes and genders so that we can have peace. To heal the division, polarisation and confrontations and replace conflict with consultation and usher in virtues and inner peace and world peace.

Each race, nation, religion is a protagonist in building a world where we can become our true selves - spiritual beings with virtuous characters.

All the religions you mentioned are wonderful. For instance in Zoroastrianism good thoughts, good words and good deeds we fully support and in Buddhism passages from the Thousands like this highlight that we have so much in common...

“A man may conquer ten times ten thousand men in battle but he is a true conquered who cinwuers his own self”. (Dhammapadda)

Baha’u’llah teaches us to love all truth no matter which religion it is and to even pray in all churches and mix with all people as this is conducive to unity.


Giovanni Pico & Della Barba Devotee
My premise for this question stems from the fact that most human beings are not asexual and need fulfillment from a relationship as a part of life.

There are among the religions of the world and their sects, a view that homosexuality can be accepted- just not acting on it.

My view is that this is only half-hearted and incomplete, given that homosexuals are going to reasonably want romantic fulfillment like any heterosexual does- in a partnership with a mate.

If a homosexual embraces said worldview that doesn't accept 'the act'- they're going to be fighting against themselves, which is exactly the same as if the religion were actually calling it a sin.

In either case, a homosexual must fight against themselves according to certain religions and/or sects.

I am not convinced that this half-hearted acceptance of homosexuals still requiring them to fight against any desire for fulfillment with a mate is actually too accepting.

I think it is still cruel to homosexuals, and that is my position on the subject.

What makes accepting homosexuals, but not accepting 'the act'- an actual acceptance of gay people?
Actually us ACEs arnt so rare... except in poker, unless you are rlly good lol. I think the whole thing on discrimination, segregation, racism and homophobia is the fault of the laws not catching up to the times.....someone needs to replace all those old ppl in Congress and the senate, someone young. Because even in the military they still have the don't ask, don't tell policy; and schools are only beginning to teach children about the LGBT community. Some states allow "the right to refuse service" (aka discrimination) based on religious beliefs, which can easily be misused on anyone for anything actually, and that should be abolished. Everyone should be serviced anywhere and if the employee (whether doctor or cashier) doesn't like attending every race, religion or sexual orientation then they should find a non-ppl skills related job. Why don't any employers force a contract on us about that? Srsly. Everything else like religion and politics is not conventional to try to be accepted in b/c clearly for everyone there is just no use in trying to do something ....example a homosexual getting angry for not being accepted in their catholic school, or a transgender getting upset for not being voted as president.... anything you would just say in your mind "ugh, typical" and then roll your eyes at b/c of the end result being a brick wall to your attempt at doing what "normals" do/ being equal. As a saying goes: "if you are not celebrated then you are not where you should be," sooooo LEAVE to where you will be. I myself am accepting of whatever.....when and if (only) it is with two consenting adults .....of the same species.........with fully working brain functions...preferably...anything else is too taboo and I'm not gonna fight for their rights...no offense.
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Veteran Member
But the question is ?

How exactly do you separate homosexualit from the act ?

Homosexuality is what is made up by the act.
If you separate the act, then how is a homosexual a homosexual ?

Along with bisexuality and heterosexuality, homosexuality is one of the three main categories of sexual orientation within the heterosexual–homosexual continuum. Your maiden Aunt Tilly may like men, in fact ardently desire them, but because for some reason, maybe she's very ugly, she's never had a "boyfriend." Never had sex with a male, or even held hands with one, but boy! would she like to get one into bed. So, is she not heterosexual just because she's never been intimate with a male? Same goes for bisexuals and homosexuals. It ain't what you do with whom, but who your attracted to.

Exclusively attracted to the opposite sex? Then you're a heterosexual

Definitely attracted to both sexs? Then you're a bisexual

Exclusively attracted to the same sex? Then you're a homosexual
This isn't to say that there aren't attractions that fall between these orientations, but in main they're the three mile posts.

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