If you say so. But that is hardly reassuring.
That is not actually possible.
I am well aware that most Bahais do not like to admit it, but the facts remain that:
- there are many thousands of beliefs out there;
- some of them are outright insane; many others are mutually exclusive to various degrees;
- therefore (and probably unavoidably) Bahai doctrine ends up claiming to succeed only a half dozen or so and glossing over the very existence of most faiths;
- even within those very few faiths there is a major challenge in even attempting to take the Bahai theology very seriously. It is not really compatible with the very same Muslim claims of renewal of obsolete faiths that it directly emulates, and it saddles itself with a welcome yet ultimately doomed attempt at embracing elements of Zoroastrianism, Hinduism and Buddhism as well.
I actually like the Bahai Faith. In attempting to be something that it can not possibly ever be, it may well spearhead the much more urgent task of healing something that should never have been.
The main Baha’i teaching is the oneness of mankind. To establish in the hearts of all people a prejudice free attitude towards all.
The purpose of Baha’u’llah is not to convert the world to the Baha’i Faith but to foster harmony and friendship between the different races, religions, nations, classes and genders so that we can have peace. To heal the division, polarisation and confrontations and replace conflict with consultation and usher in virtues and inner peace and world peace.
Each race, nation, religion is a protagonist in building a world where we can become our true selves - spiritual beings with virtuous characters.
All the religions you mentioned are wonderful. For instance in Zoroastrianism good thoughts, good words and good deeds we fully support and in Buddhism passages from the Thousands like this highlight that we have so much in common...
“A man may conquer ten times ten thousand men in battle but he is a true conquered who cinwuers his own self”. (Dhammapadda)
Baha’u’llah teaches us to love all truth no matter which religion it is and to even pray in all churches and mix with all people as this is conducive to unity.