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How Much Do You Doubt God's Existence?


Veteran Member
It was @Hawkins who first suggested "should come forward" .. if you can't or won't explain, then perhaps he can.
God showing itself to non-believers has been suggested by many, many people. What we see is believers making excuses why God can't do it. Almost as if their Gods are imaginary.

And so much for an "all-powerful" God.

Evaluate .. ponder on .. try to comprehend .. try to live them .. try to gain in wisdom.
..but not downright reject, or criticize without full knowledge.
Believers are offered many, many chances to demonstrate their claims of truth are true. They fail over and over again. What option do critical thinkers have but to reject the claims that some sort of God exists? And especially when we see some believers acts contrary to the ideals they claim their God demands? If anyone rejects "God" it's those believers who think God exists but refuse to follow its moral guidelines.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I know that is what you believe and that is wonderful. What I ask is not to apply it to those who are not following your faith. I know you think it and I know I do not expect to change your mind, but I do not want to hear it. I am very familiar what is in the bible and have heard these things all of my life. I have found something far greater for me and don't want to be told again something I do not believe in. Thank you for your respect.
If you notice my signature, it says “ Of course, I speak through the eyes of one who holds a worldview of the Christian faith; I'm sure that other religions have different viewpoints."

It applies to you only in context of my worldview as I understand it. If you have a different viewpoint or religion, I’m sure there are portions that you would apply to me but I wouldn’t agree with.

We all have to make our decision on what or whom or whoms (my dictionary) we are going to believe and follow.

It is imperative to support free-will and accept the fact that people will not agree but, as much as it is possible, to be at peace with each other
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Redneck Mystic

Active Member
Is there any room in your belief to doubt God exists?
Or do you believe in God with 100% certainty?

If you're agnostic does that mean you believe there is a 50% chance God exists and a 50% chance he doesn't?

If you don't believe in God or gods are you 100% certain there is no God(s)? 90%, 70%?

If you believe in more than one God are there some gods you don't believe in? How certain that these gods you don't believe in don't exist?

What do you base this percentage of non-belief on?
I know for a fact that God exists by any name people might use,and angels and demons, too, and ETs, as well. But I would be nuts if I thought I could prove it to anyone else. I tell atheists, if there was no God, that topic would never come up. I tell Christians, to the extent they live as Jesus lived and taught in the Gospels, they are saved by him. I tell Christians God doesn’t care if someone believes in God or not. What interests God is how people live and relate to other people and the planet.
I wrote about my heaven and earth experiences many times at blogs I published, and now there are around a dozen of my digitized books at the free internet library, archive.org, which is funded and run by colleges in America, and thanks to technology, that library's books can be read in English and about 33 other languages.
Three of my books at the libary are novels, which are not entirely all made up, and for grown ups, and the rest of my books there are not made up at all, and for grown ups, but some parts might be viewed by some people as stranger than fiction.
Enter Sloan Bashinsky into the search apace and icon links for my books come up, which can be opened and read by clicking on the icons, Free reads, no ads, no soliciting.
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Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
They are real enough for my liking .. I take them seriously, as I'm sure we all do.

If not, then why do I see atheists taking about the abhorrence of torture?

You do understand that we can block pain. Like when you go to the dentist and they give you novacain.

The physical reality of the cause of pain still exists but we can stop the brain's ability to interpret that stimulus as pain.`
Also we know that different people feel pain differently. Some people feel pain intensely were as some people actually are incapable of feeling pain.

So yes, they are real, but are they real if they are not real for everyone?


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I know for a fact that God exists by any name people might use,and angels and demons, too, and ETs, as well. But I would be nuts if I thought I could prove it to anyone else. I tell atheists, if there was no God, that topic would never come up. I tell Christians, to the extent they live as Jesus lived and taught in the Gospels, they are saved by him. I tell Christians God doesn’t care if someone believes in God or not. What interests God is how people live and relate to other people and the planet.
I wrote about my heaven and earth experiences many times at blogs I published, and now there are around a dozen of my digitized books at the free internet library, archive.org, which is funded and run by colleges in America, and thanks to technology, that library's books can be read in English and about 33 other languages.
Three of my books at the libary are novels, which are not entirely all made up, and for grown ups, and the rest of my books there are not made up at all, and for grown ups, but some parts might be viewed by some people as stranger than fiction.
Enter Sloan Bashinsky into the search apace and icon links for my books come up, which can be opened and read by clicking on the idon, Free reads, no ads, no soliciting.

I believe what you experienced was 100% real but not necessarily reality.


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Yes… spoken by Jesus. No interpretation… it is in red.

It is pretty easy, even in a fictional account to highlight words being reportedly said by the protagonist.
Even though as fiction no one actually ever said those words.

Just because it is done in the Bible is not really proof of the thing.
This a matter of faith though that God would have prevented these words from being printed if it were not true?


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
As a Christian, I don't believe that:

God is a vending machine.

God plays games with us and our heads.

Most things are very clear to me, and I am willing and able to give God a hard pass on anything I in my mortal condition have any questions about.


Active Member
Evaluate .. ponder on .. try to comprehend .. try to live them .. try to gain in wisdom.
..but not downright reject, or criticize without full knowledge.
If you are lacking full knowledge and try to comprehend, am I right to think that some of his rules (and actions) you can not really explain? But you you are following them, because he supposedly "said" so?
In other words how can you say that you have 100% faith, if you are unable to determine and evaluate some of this God's rules and actions yourself?

Bear Wild

Well-Known Member
I wasn't trying to. I'm just saying that, the lower you set your standards, the more gods you get.
I believe it is the opposite. The more gods and goddesses you get the more it sets a greater standard for relationality in a complex world. And removing the good and evil from the gods and goddesses allows for a more meaningful relationship. Yes, the polytheistic religions do not have warm and fuzzy deities who personally care about you, but they resonate with our natural world and not in some disconnected supernatural world. They are immanent and experiential.


Veteran Member
God showing itself to non-believers has been suggested by many, many people. What we see is believers making excuses why God can't do it..
Can't do what???
It seems that people lack imagination .. if G-d is not a person, then what is there to "see" ?

Believers are offered many, many chances to demonstrate their claims of truth are true. They fail over and over again..
It is not "believers" that need to demonstrate anything ..
It's quite simple .. believers believe .. and disbelievers disbelieve .. and we all reap what we sow.

..in this life, and a "possible" next.
It's easy to claim that you won't experience existence after death, but there is no way to
prove it either way.
..and that's how it is supposed to be. G-d does not play childish games with atheists. :expressionless:
Life is serious, whether we acknowledge it or not.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
'evolution' as an explanation for the existence of mankind is somewhat lacking.
You have to throw in material, chemical, and psychological evolution as well to get a complete history of the advent of man beginning with the Big Bang. Cultural evolution takes us to modern, technological man.

Material evolution culminates in an earth made of an assortment of elements, chemical evolution culminates with the first life, biological evolution gives us animal life, and psychological evolution gives us consciousness then intellect.
It is only a hypothesis that we all originate from LUCA.
No, it's much more than that. Creationism is only a hypothesis, but the theory of evolution has been confirmed beyond reasonable doubt. Do you doubt that? If so, your argument will be unreasonable, that is not properly evidenced nor sound.
G-d does not "hide"
Just his name needs to be hidden, right?
I believe God does not need people's needs to exist.
I don't know what that means as written, but presumably you meant that "God" exists independent of humanity. That's backward. The concept of gods was a human invention.
I believe I didn't know I was in a cave until I saw the light of day which I believed because other people believed in it.
I don't think you understand what you wrote there. How about, "I didn't know I was in the dark until I saw the light." You can leave all three of your believe/believeds out of the sentence. You're describing enlightenment until you say that it comes from believing others.
There is plenty of evidence. Atheists just refuse to accept it. Then claim that the lack of it IS evidence that no gods exist. it’s a ridiculous position, but they don’t hear any criticism. They fight it tooth and nail even while they proclaim what critical thinkers they are.
No, you don't have plenty of evidence in support of a god belief. You just have your beliefs, which you hold by faith. If it were otherwise, critical thinkers would know about that evidence themselves. They have the same sensory apparatus and neural circuits as the faithful. Since they claim to have evidence in support of their god beliefs, we know they are incorrect.
you don't get to set the standard for what is evidence
The standard for interpreting evidence comes from academia. Those rules are tried and true. They work.

You don't have to understand or apply that yourself, but if you use rogue "logic," you've gone off the reason reservation and your conclusions have no value to the critical thinker. And those ideas have no practical value. They can't be used for anything except to comfort those needing comforting who can be comforted by such ideas.
nor what anyone else chooses to do with it.
Like I said, feel free to use whatever rules you like for deciding what's true about the world. It doesn't matter to others how you use your mind to assess reality. As for me, I'll stick with critical thinking.
Same goes for science. No truth can be derived from it
All knowledge of reality is acquired empirically (experientially). Other ideas about reality aren't knowledge.
Then why are you always proclaiming scientism and atheism to be superior to any and all other alternatives?
Empiricism and skepticism are both superior to belief by faith if one uses results as a yardstick. What have we gotten from faith? Astrology, alchemy, Ouija boards, the flat earth society, and creationism are some of faith's greatest achievements to date, and not a single useful idea from the lot.


Veteran Member
If you are lacking full knowledge and try to comprehend, am I right to think that some of his rules (and actions) you can not really explain? But you you are following them, because he supposedly "said" so?
I'm a human being .. imperfect .. I follow what seems good to me.
..as I assume you do.
The difference is, I take belief seriously, so try to comprehend it, and act accordingly.

I do not follow blindly, if that's what you are implying .. I am not blind, as G-d has "opened my eyes".

In other words how can you say that you have 100% faith, if you are unable to determine and evaluate some of this God's rules and actions yourself?
Why should I have to be a top scholar to have faith?
Experience tells me, that there are reasons why G-d has forbidden things .. it's for our own good.
G-d is not in need .. He is independent, whereas we are far from that .. although we might proudly think we are, especially when we are younger.


Veteran Member
No, it's much more than that..
I'm afraid not .. unless you can categorically prove events that happened billions of years ago.
There are many competing hypotheses.

Creationism is only a hypothesis..
Red herring.

.. but the theory of evolution has been confirmed beyond reasonable doubt. Do you doubt that?
Sorry .. T of E is a sprawling bunch of hypotheses .. some are confirmed beyond reasonable doubt ..
..and some are not.


Well-Known Member
Well, that's just silly. "God" is only a word.
Yes! And words have meanings. Unfortunately this word “God” means different things to different people. What this word means for some people is something that do exist, what this word means for other people is something that don’t, or may even be impossible to exist. So if you are gonna use a word like Atheism, it can’t be based on existence of whatever someone chooses to call God, it has to be based on something else.


Well-Known Member
So in your worldview either everything is God, or nothing is?
No. First of all, I don't have a worldview, but if I did it wouldn't include something I call God. My point is; it isn't enough to ask if God exist, you need to first articulate exactly what you mean by God, rather than expecting me to be able to read your mind. Example; when you say God do you mean people who used to exist but have since died; like Jesus or Haile Selassie? Or someone still living like Kumari, or an inanimate object like the Sun that also exist? Or something like Allah likely the figment of some very wild imaginations? I can't just say something doesn't exist unless I know what you are talking about.
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