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How Should the Wealth be Redistributed?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
You have to ask yourself why would these people want to give up their wealth? Because the government makes them? Good luck there. Would they want to shed some unwanted $100 bills to feed a starving hobo freezing to death in winter? Of course not. A cold heart got them to the top of their game and a cold heart will keep them there.

Unfortunately, it is these cold hearted b*stards that will probably make the decisions whether to redistribute wealth or not.

No one said meaningful change would be easy.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
In the first place, the Heritage Foundation is a discredited source of information. You might as well be quoting the National Enquirer.

One mans creditable source is another mans National Enquirer.

Phil, just this week you quoted a MSNBC poll. Give me a break, they said that Kerry and Albert Gore where going to be Presidents too. So tell me again about quoting creditable sources. What did the Heritage foundation say that you could prove otherwise? They list their sources, you know like John Edwards?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
One mans creditable source is another mans National Enquirer.

True. Some us, like me, are more careful with our sources than are others.

Phil, just this week you quoted a MSNBC poll.

I've forgotten if I did. Who was the pollster?

What did the Heritage foundation say that you could prove otherwise? They list their sources, you know like John Edwards?

The Heritage Foundation, so far as I know, has a history of distortion. For that reason, I no longer give them much credence. If that disturbs them, well, it was their own choice to distort so many things over so many years, anyway.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Yes, but do you hoenstly think it would work? I think if it worked, 2 years later all the hard work would be undone. Theres too much corporate corruption out there.

It's not a one off. It's a constant struggle. Always will be a struggle. Democracy is never secure. But it's always worth fighting for.
How Should the Wealth be Redistributed?

Voluntarily by the people, not forcefully by the gov.

The rich will not part with thier money. It has been shown that the middle class gives a higher % to the poor then the rich.

World wide 50 % of the people of the world live on under 5 dollars a day. 1/2 of them live on under a dollar a day. If a majority of the people in a democracy vote to redistibute the wealth the the gov is not doing it forcefully it is being done voluntarily by the people.
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One mans creditable source is another mans National Enquirer.

Phil, just this week you quoted a MSNBC poll. Give me a break, they said that Kerry and Albert Gore where going to be Presidents too.
Bush was a little bit up (2% I think)in the polls with Kerry. Gore and Bush were tied in the polls .By the way Gore did win the courts gave it to Bush.
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What is so sad is how willingly we have finally given in to the two-sidedness of hatred politics. On the surface, we pretend to despise it, but deep down, it gives us incredible satisfaction and even joy to see the "other side" lose.

We sure have come a long way from the Colosseum haven't we?


Bush was a little bit up (2% I think)in the polls with Kerry. Gore and Bush were tied in the polls .By the way Gore did win the courts gave it to Bush.
Every single credible investigation disagrees with you, but you know, it was 8 years ago. Who really cares anymore?


Treasure Hunter
I'll take some of the rich people's money, if they don't mind... If everyone just gives me 1% of their check every time they get paid, they won't even notice, and I'll be a lot better off. :D
Every single credible investigation disagrees with you, but you know, it was 8 years ago. Who really cares anymore?

I do care because our system failed us. If the Dems and the GOP ever try to fix it then I say let the past be the past. I hope we will protect our system.

The Consortium of Newspapers Dems and GOP alike that counted all the ballots in Florida said this.

The newspapers concluded that Gore would have won by 242 if ballots with multiple indentations -- indicating a malfunctioning machine -- were counted. Gore's margin would have swelled to 332 if ballots with indentations only for president were counted. If all indented ballots were thrown out, however, Bush would have won by margins of 407 or 152, depending on whether ballots with hanging chads or only fully punched through chads were counted, the newspapers reported.
The New York Times' finding suggests that if the faulty overseas votes were disqualified -- costing Bush another 292 net votes -- Gore would have won under three of the four standards for counting ballots.
Additionally, USA Today reported that Gore lost about 15,000 to 25,000 votes from ballot errors that resulted from confusing ballot designs in some counties.
In another move that cut into Gore’s tally, Gov. Jeb Bush’s administration improperly purged hundreds of voters – predominately African-American – after falsely identifying them as felons. According to exit polls, Gore carried the African-American vote by a 9-to-1 margin, so the phony felon purge predictably hit him hardest.
Now, with The New York Times’ findings, it is even clearer that Gore was the choice of Florida voters as well as the U.S. electorate which favored him by more than a half million ballots. Nevertheless, the American people ended up with George W. Bush in the White House.

The Consortium

The Consortium
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Jeremy Mason

Well-Known Member
I dont care also but I dont like it when people just make stuff up.

The Consortium of Newspapers Dems and GOP alike that counted all the ballots in Florida said this.

The newspapers concluded that Gore would have won by 242 if ballots with multiple indentations -- indicating a malfunctioning machine -- were counted. Gore's margin would have swelled to 332 if ballots with indentations only for president were counted. If all indented ballots were thrown out, however, Bush would have won by margins of 407 or 152, depending on whether ballots with hanging chads or only fully punched through chads were counted, the newspapers reported.
The New York Times' finding suggests that if the faulty overseas votes were disqualified -- costing Bush another 292 net votes -- Gore would have won under three of the four standards for counting ballots.
Additionally, USA Today reported that Gore lost about 15,000 to 25,000 votes from ballot errors that resulted from confusing ballot designs in some counties.
In another move that cut into Gore’s tally, Gov. Jeb Bush’s administration improperly purged hundreds of voters – predominately African-American – after falsely identifying them as felons. According to exit polls, Gore carried the African-American vote by a 9-to-1 margin, so the phony felon purge predictably hit him hardest.
Now, with The New York Times’ findings, it is even clearer that Gore was the choice of Florida voters as well as the U.S. electorate which favored him by more than a half million ballots. Nevertheless, the American people ended up with George W. Bush in the White House.

The Consortium

The Consortium

Good post!
What is so sad is how willingly we have finally given in to the two-sidedness of hatred politics. On the surface, we pretend to despise it, but deep down, it gives us incredible satisfaction and even joy to see the "other side" lose.

We sure have come a long way from the Colosseum haven't we?

Good point the other side is not the enemy. Both conservatives and liberals have there place in the world.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
What is so sad is how willingly we have finally given in to the two-sidedness of hatred politics. On the surface, we pretend to despise it, but deep down, it gives us incredible satisfaction and even joy to see the "other side" lose.

We sure have come a long way from the Colosseum haven't we?

Good point the other side is not the enemy. Both conservatives and liberals have there place in the world.

Conservatives and Liberals I can live with. I've voted for both. And at different times in my life, I've been both. Conservations want to preserve traditional American freedoms and liberties, and Liberals want to expand those freedoms and liberties. I can live with either group in power.

But I take issue with authoritarians. Authoritarians want neither to conserve nor to expand American freedoms and liberties. Instead, they would restrict and abolish our freedoms and liberties. They are deeply, fundamentally anti-American, and I oppose them.
Conservatives and Liberals I can live with. I've voted for both. And at different times in my life, I've been both. Conservations want to preserve traditional American freedoms and liberties, and Liberals want to expand those freedoms and liberties. I can live with either group in power.

But I take issue with authoritarians. Authoritarians want neither to conserve nor to expand American freedoms and liberties. Instead, they would restrict and abolish our freedoms and liberties. They are deeply, fundamentally anti-American, and I oppose them.

Name a few authoritarians so I can better understand you.