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How The Democrats Will Still Lose


Active Member
I live in California, and the issue is so incredibly complex, there are so many factors involved in who is homeless, why they are homeless, and can their situations be solved with intervention. I'm glad I'm not involved in policy decisions regarding the homeless, because they're damned if they do something about it and damned if they don't.
I as an escapee from California, and the exodus continues. In Arizona California is often referred to as the 'Peoples Republic.'


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
what theocratic agenda?
He caters to Christian Dominionists.
- Banning abortion.
- Putting them in power, with an end to voting.
Trump has no religion
His base is largely fundie Christians & Zionists.
He's a Christian....although arguably a poor example.
The public is sick of woke absurdities =, speaking against such absurd narratives is not negative,
The public & woke absurdities....some love'm...some hate'm.
The notion i see on the left, typical of leftists is the 'deplorables' the proletarians need a strong central government to 'keep them under control ' and not interfere with woke absurdities
Strong central government is the aim of
both Republicans & Democrats. They differ
only in the areas where they seek ever more
control over our lives....& how to spend ever
more taxpayer dollars on things that don't
benefit us.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hanlon's Razor states: never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by neglect, ignorance or incompetence.
I would say it's a mistake not to consider malice. Malice defines the Republican party. Malice motivates Trump. Trump's orbit is criminal.
Because capitalism has everyone competing with everyone else for everything.
Not exactly, but competition is a good thing in a well-regulated environment. It's also the human condition and the condition for all life including vegetation, which competes with other vegetation for resources.

Robber baron capitalism isn't about competition. It's about monopoly and exploiting workers and despoiling the environment, hence the need for regulation, unions and minimum wages to help workers compete against the oligarchs and captains of industry.
Are there any objective reasons why they should support the Democrats? What is in it for the worker?
Really? You don't know? Do you follow the news (all of it, not just conservative indoctrination media)?
Where is my job security?
That's your responsibility. The Democrats gave you record new jobs and low unemployment, but nobody is guaranteeing you a job. Moreover, many jobs are now being threatened by innovation. I just saw drones being put to work delivering packages for Amazon. My career was in medicine during which time we saw the rise of nurse practitioners to compete with physicians, and now there's AI reading X-rays and robots doing surgery. No job is guaranteed.
Where are my price protections?
You don't get that, either, although if you need insulin, Biden just did you a big favor.
Why is there no cap on the salaries of CEO's? Why is the rent too damn high?
Are you expecting the Republicans to help you with that? If so, you've misunderstood who and what they are and what they represent. Spoiler: It's not us.
If you want it simple and to the point, they want to be treated FAIR.
Fair wages (no minimum wage increases that diminish the merit raises of dedicated employees)
Fair taxes (cut those loopholes and deductions that are only known how to be fully utilized by CPAs that wirking stiffs don't have)
Fair breaks (if those salaried managers can take two hour lunches without monetary deductions, then the line workers should be able, too, as well, and if a line worker is asked to bypass their break due to a production issue -- it should be compensated and voluntary)
Fair hours (If overtime is a standard, it should be clear in the hiring process and fairly paid)
Fair health care options (not everyone needs certain coverages, so the plan options should be set up for personal tailoring)
Fair treatment without constant fighting (In all fairness to the worker, Unions should not be necessary)
Fair time earnings for PTOs & VAC (time earnings for dedicated workers should shadow management)
Same question: If that's what you want, and your only realistic choices are the Democrats and Republicans, who are you expecting to take more interest there? Maybe you'd like more and better from the Democrats, but if you vote and it's not a write-in candidate or a third-party candidate, you have to choose the party that you think will care most about what you care about. The Republicans have no interest in the lower or middle classes. The Democrats do. The Republicans want to take your Medicare and Social Security from you. They also want to take many of your rights and freedoms away including the vote. I'd say that the choice is clear if you're an aware citizen.

You will be able to Choose between Kamala and Trump this November. Which of those people do you think cares more about what you care about? That's what matters when voting - not that neither party meets your expectations.
That most people are more worried about how much money they have in their pockets to pay their bills and put food on the table, the ability to save, and have a little entertainment for themselves
The Republicans won't help you with any of that. Besides, that's YOUR responsibility. Your choices will affect how financially secure you are. Did you improve yourself enough to have a marketable skill? Did you work fulltime at it? Did you have a lot of children? Did you live within your means and save? I know a lot of people who didn't who now regret it. And a lot of people that have all the money they can use. Those two sets of people lived very different lives.
The Democratic party is more agenda oriented than ever before
That's rocking good news. I support that agenda.

The Republicans are also extremely agenda oriented, but their agenda doesn't include you except to work their business for peanuts and live a subsistence existence.
what theocratic agenda?
The one that stacked the Supreme Court with Christian theocrats to impose Christian values on non-Christians.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
How should they make this happen? Using federal funds, like Oregon?

Oregon is also pioneering an approach that tries to tackle both housing and health simultaneously. The new pilot program, launching in 2024, will make Oregon the first state in the nation to use Medicaid money to pay for housing costs.​
The funds, previously limited to medical care, can now be spent on supports such as rental assistance for people who are homeless and participating in mental health or addiction treatment.​
Who pays (federal, state, municipal)? What agency(ies) should be in charge of moving the homeless into housing, ensuring they make their rent, pay their utilities, can buy food and basic necessities? Find a job? Control addictions, treat mental illness?

Price and rent controls would be a good start. There may be other ways to put pressure on the industry to create disincentives to gouging people. Another way might be to double the property tax on vacant/abandoned properties each month until the property is sold or occupied. I've seen other proposals about modifying zoning regulations and making it easier for the development of low-cost housing. There might be a fight with NIMBYs, who are more of a problem for society than they're worth.

Of course, as you mention addiction and mental illness, some of these issues are tied in to the healthcare industry, which is another troublesome, mischievous industry which badly needs to be reined in through price controls. Again, we don't need to raise taxes or strain an already-strained budget. All we have to do is disallow these and other industries from gouging people as they have been all this time.


colors your eyes with what's not there
Price and rent controls would be a good start. There may be other ways to put pressure on the industry to create disincentives to gouging people. Another way might be to double the property tax on vacant/abandoned properties each month until the property is sold or occupied. I've seen other proposals about modifying zoning regulations and making it easier for the development of low-cost housing. There might be a fight with NIMBYs, who are more of a problem for society than they're worth.

Of course, as you mention addiction and mental illness, some of these issues are tied in to the healthcare industry, which is another troublesome, mischievous industry which badly needs to be reined in through price controls. Again, we don't need to raise taxes or strain an already-strained budget. All we have to do is disallow these and other industries from gouging people as they have been all this time.

Do you initiate involuntary incarceration for mental illness? I don't have an answer; it's a slippery slope. How to balance freedom with moral obligation, and how many wouldn't want the state to be the arbiter of that.

There will be an outcry to price and rent controls. How to manage that, because price and rent controls are likely aimed at inidividuals, not corporate landlords although they're there, too. Who would say that Covid restrictions on evictions should continue to be permanently administered by the state? It's a fraught thing, to independents and conservatives for sure.

I have no problem reigning in the health care industry but it's a lack of health care that people on the street have so I don't see how that mitigates a homeless population. How do you not raise taxes to cover healthcare for all, there literally is no incentive for private industry to offer low cost healthcare.

How do you force people to stop abusing substances? How do you force them to clean up and look for a job when they are mentally incapacitated? How do you force them to move into housing they don't want to move into, or trash when they do? Everyone's ready to help the temporarily unhoused who need a hand up and they're back on their feet again. But what happens in a situation like this:



Active Member
I would say it's a mistake not to consider malice. Malice defines the Republican party. Malice motivates Trump. Trump's orbit is criminal.

Not exactly, but competition is a good thing in a well-regulated environment. It's also the human condition and the condition for all life including vegetation, which competes with other vegetation for resources.

Robber baron capitalism isn't about competition. It's about monopoly and exploiting workers and despoiling the environment, hence the need for regulation, unions and minimum wages to help workers compete against the oligarchs and captains of industry.

Really? You don't know? Do you follow the news (all of it, not just conservative indoctrination media)?

That's your responsibility. The Democrats gave you record new jobs and low unemployment, but nobody is guaranteeing you a job. Moreover, many jobs are now being threatened by innovation. I just saw drones being put to work delivering packages for Amazon. My career was in medicine during which time we saw the rise of nurse practitioners to compete with physicians, and now there's AI reading X-rays and robots doing surgery. No job is guaranteed.

You don't get that, either, although if you need insulin, Biden just did you a big favor.

Are you expecting the Republicans to help you with that? If so, you've misunderstood who and what they are and what they represent. Spoiler: It's not us.

Same question: If that's what you want, and your only realistic choices are the Democrats and Republicans, who are you expecting to take more interest there? Maybe you'd like more and better from the Democrats, but if you vote and it's not a write-in candidate or a third-party candidate, you have to choose the party that you think will care most about what you care about. The Republicans have no interest in the lower or middle classes. The Democrats do. The Republicans want to take your Medicare and Social Security from you. They also want to take many of your rights and freedoms away including the vote. I'd say that the choice is clear if you're an aware citizen.

You will be able to Choose between Kamala and Trump this November. Which of those people do you think cares more about what you care about? That's what matters when voting - not that neither party meets your expectations.

The Republicans won't help you with any of that. Besides, that's YOUR responsibility. Your choices will affect how financially secure you are. Did you improve yourself enough to have a marketable skill? Did you work fulltime at it? Did you have a lot of children? Did you live within your means and save? I know a lot of people who didn't who now regret it. And a lot of people that have all the money they can use. Those two sets of people lived very different lives.

That's rocking good news. I support that agenda.

The Republicans are also extremely agenda oriented, but their agenda doesn't include you except to work their business for peanuts and live a subsistence existence.

The one that stacked the Supreme Court with Christian theocrats to impose Christian values on non-Christians.
"That's rocking good news. I support that agenda." Yes a leftist agenda, and worldwide how has that worked out in the last 125 years in all that tried it? inflation, borders out of control, woke absurdities- Theocratic agenda? straw man, not a single 'theocrat' on the court.


Veteran Member
The left is now in control of the Democrat party.
What is the "left" since the democrats have been categorized as liberal for nearly 60 years? How does the "left" differ from liberal? We are aware that the right has compressed into a narrow lane of issues and the left has absorbed most moderate issues, like abortion access (which back in the 70's was what the majority in the SCOTUS that ruled that Roe v Wade was legal, and got majority approval by republicans). So there is a left and moderate to democrats, but you are vague, and given your heavy bias and incorrect beliefs you should clarify.
The Democrat party is more agenda oriented than ever before ...
Yes, because the far right is essentially what has become the repuiblican party, and threatening women's healthcare, the rights of gays and trans citizens, threaten the environment, have troubling economic goals, like more tax cuts for the wealthy which will stress the revenue of the USA, and mean more burden on the middle class and poor when they cut programs and grants to states and communities. The democrats are the party for the people.
..... animated by wild woke absurdities all part of its narrative.
Which you avoid stating. Tell us what is absurd about the democrat agenda.
Is America now so secular,
America is a secular nation, which allows a diversity of religious belief and freedom, inclusing the freedom from religion. Government should be secular because it has to represent all citizens and not advocate for any one religion or dogma.
so nihilistic iso removed from its base foundational cultural moorings as to buy into what the Democrats are selling? we shall see in November.
More vague terrorism. It would sound really scary if you actually made some coherent point, and used facts. Your posting history tells us you are big with vague rhetoric, but very weak on details. Makes me wonder what the heck is going on in your mellon.


Active Member
I'm happy you're happy somewhere else. :thumbsup:
Yes Arizona is relatively woke free, the massive homeless, high taxation, no Newsome no one confused about what bathroom to use, and the exodus continues , a sign should be put up "Leaving California, welcome to the USA"


Active Member
What is the "left" since the democrats have been categorized as liberal for nearly 60 years? How does the "left" differ from liberal? We are aware that the right has compressed into a narrow lane of issues and the left has absorbed most moderate issues, like abortion access (which back in the 70's was what the majority in the SCOTUS that ruled that Roe v Wade was legal, and got majority approval by republicans). So there is a left and moderate to democrats, but you are vague, and given your heavy bias and incorrect beliefs you should clarify.

Yes, because the far right is essentially what has become the repuiblican party, and threatening women's healthcare, the rights of gays and trans citizens, threaten the environment, have troubling economic goals, like more tax cuts for the wealthy which will stress the revenue of the USA, and mean more burden on the middle class and poor when they cut programs and grants to states and communities. The democrats are the party for the people.

Which you avoid stating. Tell us what is absurd about the democrat agenda.

America is a secular nation, which allows a diversity of religious belief and freedom, inclusing the freedom from religion. Government should be secular because it has to represent all citizens and not advocate for any one religion or dogma.

More vague terrorism. It would sound really scary if you actually made some coherent point, and used facts. Your posting history tells us you are big with vague rhetoric, but very weak on details. Makes me wonder what the heck is going on in your mellon.
Its crystal clear, specifically out of control borders, inflation, taxation at any level stymies economic growth, it is the free enterprise system that raises people up from poverty, not endless government programs. The 'once' great democrat party of say FDR now over run with woke lunacy, leftism, is far from what was once called liberalism. leftism is far far different from liberalism. Secularism is good for government and science, all else it destroys. 'incorrect beliefs' something fundamentalist would say.


Active Member
What is the "left" since the democrats have been categorized as liberal for nearly 60 years? How does the "left" differ from liberal? We are aware that the right has compressed into a narrow lane of issues and the left has absorbed most moderate issues, like abortion access (which back in the 70's was what the majority in the SCOTUS that ruled that Roe v Wade was legal, and got majority approval by republicans). So there is a left and moderate to democrats, but you are vague, and given your heavy bias and incorrect beliefs you should clarify.

Yes, because the far right is essentially what has become the repuiblican party, and threatening women's healthcare, the rights of gays and trans citizens, threaten the environment, have troubling economic goals, like more tax cuts for the wealthy which will stress the revenue of the USA, and mean more burden on the middle class and poor when they cut programs and grants to states and communities. The democrats are the party for the people.

Which you avoid stating. Tell us what is absurd about the democrat agenda.

America is a secular nation, which allows a diversity of religious belief and freedom, inclusing the freedom from religion. Government should be secular because it has to represent all citizens and not advocate for any one religion or dogma.

More vague terrorism. It would sound really scary if you actually made some coherent point, and used facts. Your posting history tells us you are big with vague rhetoric, but very weak on details. Makes me wonder what the heck is going on in your mellon.
Differences, Race: This is perhaps the most obvious of the many moral differences between liberalism and leftism. The essence of the liberal position on race was that the color of one’s skin is insignificant. To liberals of a generation ago, only racists believed that race is intrinsically significant. However, to the left, the notion that race is insignificant is itself racist. Thus, the University of California officially regards the statement “There is only one race, the human race” as racist. For that reason, liberals were passionately committed to racial integration. Liberals should be sickened by the existence of black dormitories and separate black graduations on university campuses. to the LEFT America is essentially a racist, sexist, violent, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic country. The left around the world loathe America, and it is hard to imagine why the American left would differ in this one way from fellow leftists around the world. Leftists often take offense at having their love of America doubted. But those left-wing descriptions of America are not the only reason to assume that the left has more contempt than love for America.


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
What do you think Newsom should do about the 180,000 homeless people in California? Seriously? What will solve the problem?
I personally don't know, but I believe that's Newsom's problem., not mine. I live on the other side of the country, and it's a big country.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Do you initiate involuntary incarceration for mental illness? I don't have an answer; it's a slippery slope. How to balance freedom with moral obligation, and how many wouldn't want the state to be the arbiter of that.

There will be an outcry to price and rent controls. How to manage that, because price and rent controls are likely aimed at inidividuals, not corporate landlords although they're there, too. Who would say that Covid restrictions on evictions should continue to be permanently administered by the state? It's a fraught thing, to independents and conservatives for sure.

I have no problem reigning in the health care industry but it's a lack of health care that people on the street have so I don't see how that mitigates a homeless population. How do you not raise taxes to cover healthcare for all, there literally is no incentive for private industry to offer low cost healthcare.

How do you force people to stop abusing substances? How do you force them to clean up and look for a job when they are mentally incapacitated? How do you force them to move into housing they don't want to move into, or trash when they do? Everyone's ready to help the temporarily unhoused who need a hand up and they're back on their feet again. But what happens in a situation like this:

If you're saying that it's not politically feasible because of the vast wealth and political power of those who would fight such proposals, then I would agree that you're correct. It's within that group where most of this country's political problems lie.

You speak of forcing people using state power, but that's already being done anyway. Evictions and foreclosures are a use of force - which is how these people end up on the streets to begin with. Likewise, the war on drugs, which is connected to this country's substance abuse problems, also exerts force upon people. I think that mental illness and addiction are healthcare problems which are the state's obligation to its citizens to deal with.

As unfortunate as it may be, there are people who, for whatever reason, are not able to live on their own or take care of themselves - and they might be a danger to themselves or others. As you cite here regarding this hotel in L.A., they have to deal with drug overdoses, along with rather violent and destructive behaviors. Are we to just let these people roam free with untreated mental illness and let the chips fall where they may? Shutting down the homeless encampments does not solve the problem, as the same people are still going to be around anyway. Where are they going to go?


Veteran Member
Its crystal clear, specifically out of control borders,
Just as the current laws allow. There was a bipartisan reform of the laws, but Trump sabotaged it. That's on republicans if you don't like the status of the border.
inflation, taxation at any level stymies economic growth,
Much of the inflation issue is global, not just national. But some of the inflation was due to corporartions taking advantage of the money consumers ad post pandemic, and that is the free markets that conservatives want. But now you complain because the free markets are doing what they do. Now you want government regulation? Say it aint so.
it is the free enterprise system that raises people up from poverty,
Only if there is a chance to make money by hiring more people, and there is low unemployment and wages need to rise to get the workers. Otherwise free enterprize will pay the lowest it can get away with, which is why governments all over the USA have legislated higher minimum wages, which tend to be well below what a person can live on. And much of the success in free enterprize these days is who has the financial resources to compete and market, and that is a demand many folks can't meet. The show Shark Tank illustrates how average joes try to sell investme nt interest in their ideas so they can profit from the ideas and products they invented. It's hard and rare for a guy to make a new product and immediately get traction in a market that is flooded with information.
not endless government programs.
Governments ideally should help balance the advantaged and disadvantged so that society has a better and more stable environment. We see pell grants and other programs help lower income people get into college. We see government regulate pollution so citizens don't get sick and die from the negligence of big business, we see many things governments do to help balance the haves and have nots. Why? Because we aren't a bunch of animals in the wild fighting and ying for the limited resources available. The right shows itself to be more primal, more feral, and less sophisticated socially as it becomes more MAGA. There must have been a time when America was unethicsal, savage and cruel, because they seem to think that attitude is Great.
The 'once' great democrat party of say FDR now over run with woke lunacy, leftism, is far from what was once called liberalism.
Wow, you are against government programs but csay FDR represented the greatness of the democrats?
leftism is far far different from liberalism.
OK, there's your claim, where's the explanation? Still being vague.
Secularism is good for government and science, all else it destroys. 'incorrect beliefs' something fundamentalist would say.
Another claim, and yet again no explanation. This is why we reject much of your posting.


Well-Known Member
I happened to see the recent political ad for Kamala Harris the other day and my immediate thought was that I hoped they would fire whomever created it. As it was exactly what the democrats have always done to turn away moderate and undecided voters. The whole ad was dripping with images of 'diversity' and of liberal heroes and touting liberalism and inclusion as "freedom", and worst of all, it was blatant liberal virtue-signaling from beginning to end.

Don't misunderstand. It's not that I think these things are wrong, or bad. But it smells heavily of liberal moral elitism of the exact kind that turns a lot of people off and even makes some of them angry. And those are the same people that are not politically progressive. The same people that could just as likely vote for Trump as for Harris. In a word, the they are very people the democrats should be trying to attract. Not offend.

This is an ongoing obsession with the democrats in power: that they love to paint themselves as 'oh so morally superior'. And liberals as the only intelligent and true Americans. And it's in no small part why Hillary lost to Donald Trump in 2016. And here they are, right out of the gate, doing the same thing, again. Because they've learned nothing.

To their credit, they at least stopped short of accusing conservatives and republicans of being mentally retarded and morally bankrupt haters of freedom and democracy. Which, even if it were true (and it's not) certainly is not going to win any of them over. Or inspire any non-defensive consideration from them. It's just counter-productive self-aggrandizing that will hurt the democrat's own cause in the end.

And the stakes are too high this time for the same old democratic virtue-signaling BS. Harris needs to get out there among the people and start touting the things Biden got done to help out the average citizen in the last 4 years. And he did get some meaningful things done for them. And she need to clearly and loudly state what things she intends to get done next to help out the average citizen in this country. Because the average citizen in this country needs a LOT OF HELP right now. They are drowning from the depths of corporate greed that has flooded every aspect of our commerce and corner of our culture.
The two major issues that are most important to Americans, are illegal immigration; the border crisis, and the supply side inflation economy. Both were made worse by the DNC. They also say they are for the elderly, and that Social Security is going broke. So the DNC decided to give SS to millions of illegal aliens to speed up the death of that SS program that the elderly need. What are they thinking?

The DNC knows they need to avoid these issues and try to spin and lie about them. The diversity stuff is sugar coated racism and sexism, to pander to their base. Diversity is where Big Brother decides, and not the people. The result is is not based on hard work and friendly competition for gold medals; jobs, like the Olympics. The young people understand you can never have a woke Olympics and excellence, since it would become intramural. That is the difference between Socialism; entitlement, and Democracy; individual pursuit of happiness. Socialism tries to steal this individual pursuit and assign it to their own operatives. Republican Blacks are a minority among minorities, so why are there not more of these in DEI positions? It was a scam. All in DEI work for the DNC.

The DNC puff up their fake leaders with lies and fairy tales, and demonizes the other side, with lies and false accusations. They will use their lock step fake news propaganda wing in the media for both. They all now deny Harris was ever called the Border Czar. A Czar was the title of a Russian dictator with full authority and control of the situation; puff the magic czar Harris, now needs counter lies to avoid blame fro her lack of performance at the border as the Czar. Didn't the inflation reduction act make inflation worse. The DNC lie machine struck again.

The media is saying Harris is picking her VP choice. But that is a lie. She was coronated without a fair election. Those who coronated her will pick for her and then the media will spin it otherwise. If you assume a lie, you will be one step ahead of each scam.


Active Member
Just as the current laws allow. There was a bipartisan reform of the laws, but Trump sabotaged it. That's on republicans if you don't like the status of the border.

Much of the inflation issue is global, not just national. But some of the inflation was due to corporartions taking advantage of the money consumers ad post pandemic, and that is the free markets that conservatives want. But now you complain because the free markets are doing what they do. Now you want government regulation? Say it aint so.

Only if there is a chance to make money by hiring more people, and there is low unemployment and wages need to rise to get the workers. Otherwise free enterprize will pay the lowest it can get away with, which is why governments all over the USA have legislated higher minimum wages, which tend to be well below what a person can live on. And much of the success in free enterprize these days is who has the financial resources to compete and market, and that is a demand many folks can't meet. The show Shark Tank illustrates how average joes try to sell investme nt interest in their ideas so they can profit from the ideas and products they invented. It's hard and rare for a guy to make a new product and immediately get traction in a market that is flooded with information.

Governments ideally should help balance the advantaged and disadvantged so that society has a better and more stable environment. We see pell grants and other programs help lower income people get into college. We see government regulate pollution so citizens don't get sick and die from the negligence of big business, we see many things governments do to help balance the haves and have nots. Why? Because we aren't a bunch of animals in the wild fighting and ying for the limited resources available. The right shows itself to be more primal, more feral, and less sophisticated socially as it becomes more MAGA. There must have been a time when America was unethicsal, savage and cruel, because they seem to think that attitude is Great.

Wow, you are against government programs but csay FDR represented the greatness of the democrats?

OK, there's your claim, where's the explanation? Still being vague.

Another claim, and yet again no explanation. This is why we reject much of your posting.
Just as the current laws allow. There was a bipartisan reform of the laws, but Trump sabotaged it. That's on republicans if you don't like the status of the border.-The so called reform was not real border control at all, leaving wide open borders, the wall was a great solution which the democrats ended. the democrats have a vested interest in open borders. // much of the inflation is global. In this Biden was 'passing the buck, not accepting out of control spending led to it. A credible democrat long ago named Truman said' the buck stops here. /// Minimum wage being raised in California has done great damage to the economy, fast food and other company's are leaving in groves, being added to the exodus. ///Only if there is a chance to make money by hiring more people,, there is a difference between capitalism-crony capitalism and free enterprise, one reason why i am not a republican.///FDR up until JBJ were actually anti marxists, today the Democrat are the marxists, neo-marxist . 90% of all those government programs have failed, all useless burdens to the working class taxpayer./// The big difference between liberal and leftism (marx) is its own thread. I am shocked this is even a question.// The constitution is a secular document mandating a secular government , nothing vague in that. The Founders saw in Europe what mixing the two over centuries had done. A secular society losses its values, cultural moorings as Alexis De Tocqueville wrote in Democracy in America , a 'Puritan republic moving to a selfish democracy,- as he stated, and that is what has happened. Nothing vague in that, the topic demanding a much longer thesis to expound on that space permits.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I personally don't know, but I believe that's Newsom's problem., not mine. I live on the other side of the country, and it's a big country.
And it's the job of the right to see it stays that way. To have the People's Republic apply to the national level is the goal of the modern day Democrat party who touts established national rule rather than individual state rule.