Faith in this justice system obviously doesn't work. It's evident in itself that this justice system doesn't work, even excluding "faith" in it. Even separating from justice being served out by a system, it will not change or prevent other occurrences.
What would be spreading truth? We can try to see the big picture of life. Why do things like this occur is the question. "Why? Why me? This isn't fair." What if that fairness is cosmic justice? What if we are experiencing suffering for the same suffering we have caused others to experience? Like the universe is built on, opposites.
It's a circular cycle. If I murder, I will become the murdered. If I steal, I will become the stolen from. If I abuse, I will become the abused. If I'm racist, I will become what I hate. If I devour another human being in any way, I will experience the same devouring I caused and reap the effects myself. Cause and effect. What if I'm the one who needs forgiven for all of my causes upon others until I learn the cold, uneasy hard truth about myself and life? I'm not going to escape the cycle until I learn and pay the prices regardless of any man-made justice system. If I hated and abused "African's" for example, what if I knew I'd become an African that is abused by a man just like me? Then I am sitting here, asking the questions, why me? This isn't fair, why are things like this? Why am I experiencing this suffering for my skin color? Then I realize, I was once the victimizer of a victim like I currently am. Those harmed, the damage cannot be changed. I'd find more comfort in the cosmic/divine justice than any corrupt man-made system and would be at rest and contentment knowing in the truth. But then I don't want harm to anyone. I want forgiveness and a shift in minds. I know that I have the power to forgive those that have harmed me. Others need to be aware of this also. Wishing bad upon someone is never good. If I were sexually abused, my initial emotion would want the perp to be sexually abused and experience the same suffering I have received. Justice Justice Justice. Instead, they get 2 years in prison. No one becomes aware of the truth and is forgiven and forgives. Later on in the future of circular life and divine/cosmic justice... That former perp is in a different body, and they get sexually abused and experience the suffering and in need of console and demanding justice for what was done to them. It's a never ending cycle of devouring and cause and effect. Devourer becomes devoured. Feeding into the circular system.
What I meant by silence is doing work before there is such thing as a victim. Not literal silence. Being loud yet humbly and in truth and peaceful ways. There are troubled minds all around me, everywhere I go. I can plant seeds in minds, help others overcome their emotions and desires before they do act out on them. Who is saved from being a victim is of no concern to me. Who is saved from becoming the victimizer is of no concern for me. It's the "silence" behind the scenes that saves souls. Or I can ignore them and judge and label them as no good and worthless, giving no help. Genuine people believing and having faith that they can have a change in mind.
Whether a victim or a potential perp, it all starts internally, with a radical change in conscious mind. The defeat of an old mind and having a renewed and new mind. A rapist cannot be a rapist if they have a change in mind. A murderer cannot murder if they have a change in mind. A victim cannot be a victim if their potential victimizer had a radical change in mind. A thief cannot be a thief if they have a change in mind and so on.
Then I realize, hell is true. It's a living and real experience bodily. If I harm others, I'm going to be the harmed. I'm going to experience the same conscious experience of suffering in another body somewhere that I have caused.
The truth is easy to see, it's universal. Not many are looking for it.
As for forgiveness, I am the one who needs forgiven for all of my actions, before I can forgive others. Genuinely.
Before I can find true freedom and rest and peace in conscious mind. I have to get over myself, my ego and pride, my stubbornness, I have to accept that I am suffering for my actions, I am the only one responsible. The truth hurts. Initially.
Look around us, everyone is devouring each other by living in the past. Country vs country. Race vs race. Husband vs wife. Religion vs religion. Government vs government. Boyfriend vs girlfriend. Individual vs individual. Ego vs ego. Pride vs pride. Over things that cannot be changed and living in the past. Things that occurred thousands and hundreds of years ago even. No forgiveness. Things can be changed now and going forward. By spreading truth, love, and peace.