It is a testament to that great, long-dead institution it could survive not just a Nero, but a Caligula.
It is equally a testament(though not near as inspiring) that it was brought low by a bunch of people who worshiped a Jewish Zombie who totes for real is comin' back here soon.
Perhaps this is where the term "schmuck" first came into being..
Meh...Caligula gets a bad rap. I mean, he deserves a bad rap, but he is commonly held up as the ultimate in self-indulgent/destructive hedonism, and I think that is a little overstated. It would be fascinating to drop a couple of modern medical folks back in his time, and see what he was diagnosed with. I own a bio on him by Anthony A Barrett which I think is pretty credible, if not exactly riveting reading. Rather than craft a narrative from the information available, he examines the information, finding much of it not credible, or even deliberately hostile. It's kinda like our current view of Caligula is crafted from the worst stories of him. Perhaps those are all true, but it seems likely they are based on ancient gossip rather than 'fact'.
Rome was fine as long as it represented opportunity. Growth. But it really couldn't survive stasis, and Rome was little more than a mythical name associated with the Empire for much of it's death throes. I'm trying to work out if I knew you were interested in classical Rome. *ponders*
(There were no Nazi's, you know, although at times the Praetorians had some similarities to the Brown Shirts if you squint hard