Do babies believe there is no god? Do babies deny there is a god? Do babies reject the claim that god exists? Do babies dismiss the idea of god? Do babies challenge the notion of god?
These are all things atheists commonly do. Name one thing babies do that puts them in the same camp as atheists. (It should be pointed out that mere lack of belief doesn't necessarily make an atheist; dogs and cats also lack a belief in god.)
A baby does not have the word god (nor hidden agent) or concept of the two in his or her world.
That baby has what he senses with his five senses etc. He understands life from the nature of his mother. There is no abstract language. No judgement of a philisophical concept as complex like god when he is still trying to figure out what Pop Corn feels like and why he cant chew steyrophone.
He has no belief in god (lacks it) because it is not in his worldview. He is an atheist.
Then when his mother or father starts using language and refering to aspects of his life and identity to a word called "god" he starts inpersonalizing what cant be seen. That is when he learns about god.
Becoming an plain atheist is like going back to your fresh state of mind where belief in deities didnt exist at age 2. Its like whiping dirt (as some people see it) caked up on glass and they become atheist later when they wash it clean...
Like it was before or to begin with.
How can a baby not lack belief in something he was not aware of to begin with?