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Humans are not alive and don't feel anything .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I am already an ''expert'' on particle physics and some sciences , I have studied science for over a decade .
Tell me more

Where did you learn from? I mean did you read books? What exactly have you studied?

Could you recommend an interesting book about science?

I'm interested to know

Why don't you demonstrate your expertise on these forums?

Why have you made some very ignorant posts if you are so very knowledgable? How do you explain that?

In another thread you didn't understand why tides cannot be observed on tiny bodies of water. Instead of asking why that is the case and admitting you didn't understand this you implied that because you didn't understand it all the scientists are wrong and stupid, which is not what anyone who understood science would do.

Just because you don't know something doesn't mean the whole of science is wrong, and you appear to think this. If you don't know then ask. There is no shame in asking. That's how people learn.

And I must say, it is obvious that there are some very huge gaps in your understanding so I'm a bit sceptical about these claims that you are a well-read expert, they sound a bit dubious to me and you don't seem to understand what science is or how it works so I don't really believe you when you say this, given the evidence of how you have behaved on these forums over the last few days......

I haven't actually seen you make a post that isn't either ignorant, incorrect, or totally nonsensical to any mind other than your own and if it only makes sense to you doesn't that tell you something?????? Doesn't that kind of tell you it being nonsensical is more of a you problem rather than it is a them problem????? - When I was 21 I believed in all manner of stupid, crazy, and un-evidenced stuff that I no longer believe in and I now freely admit that so I think it is possible for you to eventually sort yourself out, if that's what you want to do.

So sorry, but I don't believe you and I don't see why you feel the need to be dishonest. Your story about being a well-read and self-taught polymath doesn't ring true to me. I don't know much about the natural sciences, which is why I don't pontificate on them from my position of ignorance. And you do pontificate. You pontificate a lot. From what is obviously a position of ignorance.

There is no shame in not knowing or understanding. Even the most accomplished experts didn't understand anything at one point and had to learn. It didn't just come to them all in one go. There is much I don't know about the things I'm educated in, I freely admit that and wouldn't go as far as to call myself an "expert" even though I have a BA with honours. So again, I'm sorry but I don't believe you.

Until I have reason to trust someone I judge them by their actions rather than their words. And I'm judging you on your actions rather than your words.

Sometimes my posts may read a bit strange
Yes they do but there should be no shame in being strange

Thanks for your offer of ''friendship'' , if you have any questions on particles feel free to ask in the science section and I will oblige with answers .
I think I'll continue reading the biography of Lenin that I started last week instead.......

You say you don't understand the smaller boxes . Consider each box is education and which ever box you pick is full of information in regards to the subject you wish to choose .

For example , you want to learn particle physics . You need the box that says science on it , then you need to pick the sub section box that says physics , then finally the sub-section box that says particle physics .

In picking the box you have already learnt three terms , science , physics and particle physics .
You have a very eccentric way of thinking about that and I don't at all mean that as a criticism

I mean why do you have to conceptualise choices in terms of boxes?

I'm curious to know


Active Member
Tell me more

Where did you learn from? I mean did you read books? What exactly have you studied?

Could you recommend an interesting book about science?

I'm interested to know

Why don't you demonstrate your expertise on these forums?
I have studied online in discourse on every single science forum that exists . I have studied a vast amount of different science in discourse to understand what people think and what people know . You'd be better watching videos than reading a book . There is many reputable videos o youtube . I do demonstrate my expertise but it sometimes more advanced than the reader knows or understands .
Why have you made some very ignorant posts if you are so very knowledgable? How do you explain that?
Ignorant ? I have no idea what you are referring too .
In another thread you didn't understand why tides cannot be observed on tiny bodies of water. Instead of asking why that is the case and admitting you didn't understand this you implied that because you didn't understand it all the scientists are wrong and stupid, which is not what anyone who understood science would do.
I understand it in full but had a query . I still have queries , I process the information and if that information isn't 10/10 then I will query it always .
I haven't actually seen you make a post that isn't either ignorant, incorrect, or totally nonsensical to any mind other than your own and if it only makes sense to you doesn't that tell you something?????? Doesn't that kind of tell you it being nonsensical is more of a you problem rather than it is a them problem????? - When I was 21 I believed in all manner of stupid, crazy, and un-evidenced stuff that I no longer believe in and I now freely admit that so I think it is possible for you to eventually sort yourself out, if that's what you want to do.

I mean why do you have to conceptualise choices in terms of boxes?

I'm curious to know
I take an intuitive leap when considering the boxes , I actually ''teleport'' my mind to another place and into somebody else's mind and I see .

You can just conceptually pick a box though or actually have real boxes .

Here is a diagram that may help you understand .


  • ex.jpg
    22.3 KB · Views: 49


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I have studied online in discourse on every single science forum that exists . I have studied a vast amount of different science in discourse to understand what people think and what people know . You'd be better watching videos than reading a book . There is many reputable videos o youtube . I do demonstrate my expertise but it sometimes more advanced than the reader knows or understands .
Steve once told Bill "I've taught my dog how to speak"

"OK" said Bill "what can he say?"

Steve then said "Oh, I taught him, but he didn't learn anything"

Studying doesn't mean learning

And I'm sorry, but the things you say a ludicrously wrong and ignorant, a person who is an expert would not say the things you have said

An expert would know that an individual cannot "evolve" - you didn't know this

An expert would know that there is no such thing as "absolute space" - you didn't know this

And remember, you actually think that the expansion of the universe is driven by light and souls that are resting at its periphery. And it is not. This is "not even wrong" it's like saying "potato" is a number

You are not an expert

You don't understand that studying involves learning ideas, not inputting arrangements of words

Just because you say you are doesn't make it so

You have not displayed even an ounce of knowledge about science and you obviously don't understand it
Ignorant ? I have no idea what you are referring too .
Oh, come on!

You don't know what evolution is, you think an individual organism can evolve

You don't know why the tidal effects of the moon cannot be observed on tiny bodies of water

You believe in absolute space

You think the expansion of the universe is driven by light and souls that are resting at its periphery which is so ignorant as to be funny

And you have said ridiculous things in other threads too and other people have told you this

You say ridiculous and ignorant things that no expert would ever say

And you actually think that "humans are alive and don't feel anything" which is obviously untrue to anyone who understands what the words "human", "alive", and "feel" mean in the educated discourse - you are ignorant of what those words mean to intelligent people who are a part of the discourse

When it comes to the educated discourse it is plain that you are not an insider and have little interest in becoming one
I understand it in full but had a query . I still have queries , I process the information and if that information isn't 10/10 then I will query it always .
Then why did you present it as Moses being right and the scientists being ignorant and stupid?

And when someone told you "mass" you didn't take that as the answer, or ask her what exactly she meant by that, you didn't query the answer someone gave you, you more or less ignored it

Which is an example of ignorance
I take an intuitive leap when considering the boxes , I actually ''teleport'' my mind to another place and into somebody else's mind and I see .

You can just conceptually pick a box though or actually have real boxes .

Here is a diagram that may help you understand
OK, thanks for sharing

So the smaller boxes are inside the bigger boxes, and the smaller the box the more precise the speciality?


Active Member
Steve once told Bill "I've taught my dog how to speak"

"OK" said Bill "what can he say?"

Steve then said "Oh, I taught him, but he didn't learn anything"

Studying doesn't mean learning

And I'm sorry, but the things you say a ludicrously wrong and ignorant, a person who is an expert would not say the things you have said

An expert would know that an individual cannot "evolve" - you didn't know this

An expert would know that there is no such thing as "absolute space" - you didn't know this
This expert knows that in his science box it says there is no absolute space but this expert knows that is an arrangement of words formed by another human without logic or proof .
This expert would know that an individual can't evolve because the majority of the human ''programming'' into a sentient being is human information cloning . However , this expert has individual evolved because I have neurological adapted to the acceptance that I am not alive or feel . Yes I can still feel my highjacked bodies feelings but I am self aware now which is a big advantage when it comes to thinking .
And remember, you actually think that the expansion of the universe is driven by light and souls that are resting at its periphery. And it is not. This is "not even wrong" it's like saying "potato" is a number
You say that based on your closed box and have not considered the evidence . Lights travel is +ve , when we die , all our light (soul) travels from out of our bodies in +ve manner . This is true physics and the nature of light . This version is far more real physically than any religious belief .

You are not an expert

You don't understand that studying involves learning ideas, not inputting arrangements of words

Just because you say you are doesn't make it so

You have not displayed even an ounce of knowledge about science and you obviously don't understand it
I'm talking about wave-function and light etc and you say I don't know about science ?

By the way , I am ''destroying'' science in another thread .

OK, thanks for sharing

So the smaller boxes are inside the bigger boxes, and the smaller the box the more precise the speciality?
Correct , we start with the category , then we neurologically select the sub section , then the sub section has sub sections and so on .

I call it the box learning style , it ''eats Honey and Mumford styles for breakfast'' .

You want hear something funny , a lot of the smaller boxes in the celebrity category are empty boxes . :)


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
This expert knows that in his science box it says there is no absolute space but this expert knows that is an arrangement of words formed by another human without logic or proof .
Scientists don't form arrangements of words, that's not what they do, they produce scientific knowledge

Ideas and theories are not arrangements of words

That's like saying that a film is made out of a DVD

You don't even know what an idea is, that much is obvious
this expert has individual evolved
Evolution is when the traits of a population change thanks to natural selection

You are not using the word "evolved" in the correct sense

You could say "giraffes have evolved long necks" or "humans evolved from apes", that would be using the word in its correct sense

You mean to say that you have "developed", or "grown", or "learnt" - you are misusing the word "evolve"

You are obviously an expert

Experts use words like how other experts use them

They don't develop their own definitions that only they themselves understand
I have neurological adapted to the acceptance that I am not alive or feel . Yes I can still feel my highjacked bodies feelings but I am self aware now which is a big advantage when it comes to thinking .
You are evidently on your own planet

Population one
You say that based on your closed box and have not considered the evidence . Lights travel is +ve , when we die , all our light (soul) travels from out of our bodies in +ve manner . This is true physics and the nature of light . This version is far more real physically than any religious belief .
HA HA! That's hilarious

You know nothing

Show me anyone who knows what they are talking about who thinks this

Submit your "theory" to a journal if you are so confident

What you have said is stupid beyond words and is based on a religious belief that is not based on reality

You cannot blend religious beliefs and science as you try to do, all that produces is stupidity

Nobody who has studied the expansion of the universe thinks that, you obviously have not studied it, that much is clear

It's like saying the Moon is made out of cheese, it is that ignorant and stupid

Again, it is "not even wrong"
I'm talking about wave-function and light etc and you say I don't know about science ?
Yes, you talk about it

Anyone can talk about anything

That doesn't make it right or mean what they say makes any sense

Here is an example, I'm going to talk about my dog

"my dog has eight legs"

Oh wow, I've talked about something therefore I'm right about it!!!!!

You're talking ****
By the way , I am ''destroying'' science in another thread .
LOL! You've said it

YOU ARE AGAINST SCIENCE, you are hostile to it

You have just said that, using your own words


Science is about understanding reality in an intelligent way

You have just said that you are against understanding reality in an intelligent way

You are therefore all for being ignorant and believing in fantasies

No expert would ever say they were trying to destroy science

Experts contribute to science, they don't try and destroy it

You're basically in your own world, howling at the moon

You are an outsider

You have just shown that I was right to say you are not an expert. Thank you.

And you are losing in those other threads too and the sad thing is you cannot realise this, such is your detachment from reality

If you were right about the **** you say then you'd have earned at least one of these:

nobel prize.png

You are incapable of learning and I fear you will be forever ignorant


Active Member
Scientists don't form arrangements of words, that's not what they do, they produce scientific knowledge

Ideas and theories are not arrangements of words

That's like saying that a film is made out of a DVD

You don't even know what an idea is, that much is obvious

Evolution is when the traits of a population change thanks to natural selection

You are not using the word "evolved" in the correct sense

You could say "giraffes have evolved long necks" or "humans evolved from apes", that would be using the word in its correct sense

You mean to say that you have "developed", or "grown", or "learnt" - you are misusing the word "evolve"

You are obviously an expert

Experts use words like how other experts use them

They don't develop their own definitions that only they themselves understand

You are evidently on your own planet

Population one

HA HA! That's hilarious

You know nothing

Show me anyone who knows what they are talking about who thinks this

Submit your "theory" to a journal if you are so confident

What you have said is stupid beyond words and is based on a religious belief that is not based on reality

You cannot blend religious beliefs and science as you try to do, all that produces is stupidity

Nobody who has studied the expansion of the universe thinks that, you obviously have not studied it, that much is clear

It's like saying the Moon is made out of cheese, it is that ignorant and stupid

Again, it is "not even wrong"

Yes, you talk about it

Anyone can talk about anything

That doesn't make it right or mean what they say makes any sense

Here is an example, I'm going to talk about my dog

"my dog has eight legs"

Oh wow, I've talked about something therefore I'm right about it!!!!!

You're talking ****

LOL! You've said it

YOU ARE AGAINST SCIENCE, you are hostile to it

You have just said that, using your own words


Science is about understanding reality in an intelligent way

You have just said that you are against understanding reality in an intelligent way

You are therefore all for being ignorant and believing in fantasies

No expert would ever say they were trying to destroy science

Experts contribute to science, they don't try and destroy it

You're basically in your own world, howling at the moon

You are an outsider

You have just shown that I was right to say you are not an expert. Thank you.

And you are losing in those other threads too and the sad thing is you cannot realise this, such is your detachment from reality

If you were right about the **** you say then you'd have earned at least one of these:

View attachment 84703

You are incapable of learning and I fear you will be forever ignorant
Your ''tone'' of posts has changed, did you get the information you require for your own gain in the world ?

When an infant is born and starts to pick up a few words , don't you think the human in the infant has evolved ?

Don't you think that when the same infant becomes a teen and has a larger selection of words , the human haven't evolved further ?

Yes I am incapable of learning science lies or any other lies , I will be staying ignorant to lies .

I wish you good day , you got the information you require .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Your ''tone'' of posts has changed, did you get the information you require for your own gain in the world ?
I don't get what you're trying to say here
When an infant is born and starts to pick up a few words , don't you think the human in the infant has evolved ?

Here's a question:
You are mis-using a scientific term

No person who knew anything about science would ever do that

Especially no expert
Don't you think that when the same infant becomes a teen and has a larger selection of words , the human haven't evolved further ?


Yes I am incapable of learning science lies or any other lies , I will be staying ignorant to lies .
Oh right, so the scientists are lying?

They are deliberately faking research?

They are deliberately making theories to mislead people?

What planet are you on?????
I wish you good day , you got the information you require .
You're hilarious, you've brightened my day no end

Take care, and good luck with your efforts to destroy science


Active Member
I don't get what you're trying to say here


Here's a question:
View attachment 84706
You are mis-using a scientific term

No person who knew anything about science would ever do that

Especially no expert



Oh right, so the scientists are lying?

They are deliberately faking research?

They are deliberately making theories to mislead people?

What planet are you on?????

You're hilarious, you've brightened my day no end

Take care, and good luck with your efforts to destroy science
I said I am ''destroying' science , words in '''' are often a metaphor but never mind you have become annoying and rude . If I started to be rude to you , I'd have you ''crying'' .

Oh right, so the scientists are lying

They are deliberately faking research

They are deliberately making theories to gain funding and have a cushy job .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
If I started to be rude to you , I'd have you ''crying'' .
"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough"

Bring it on

Stupidity and intransigence provokes rudeness

I've tried being reasonable with you but you are evidently beyond reason

And cannot admit the error of your ways
They are deliberately making theories to gain funding and have a cushy job .
Oh right, so science is a scam?

They just make **** up?

Is that why their discoveries and theories help people invent machines and technology that actually work??????

I think someone is feeling inadequate and a little jealous ;)

It's like when Adolf Hitler failed to get into the Viennese Academy of Arts because he was **** at painting.......

After they rejected him he developed a hatred for good art

You've failed at science so now you've begun to hate it


Active Member
"Come and have a go if you think you're hard enough"

Bring it on

Stupidity and intransigence provokes rudeness

I've tried being reasonable with you but you are evidently beyond reason

And cannot admit the error of your ways

Oh right, so science is a scam?

They just make **** up?

Is that why their discoveries and theories help people invent machines and technology that actually work??????

I think someone is feeling inadequate and a little jealous ;)

It's like when Adolf Hitler failed to get into the Viennese Academy of Arts because he was **** at painting.......

After they rejected him he developed a hatred for good art

You've failed at science so now you've begun to hate it
Where did I state that all science is a scam ?

Some science is really good but some science is a funding scam where there is probably pilfering from the ''pot'' going on .

Some countries use science for massive investment from other countries , often the research is just abstract .

I am not jealous in anyway , why should science bother me ?

I'm only bothered about their lies , the stuff that isn't true . They are teaching this crap to people , it is not good .

Take absolute space for example, if we conceptually remove the contents from space we are left with absolute space .

That is logical , so how can science claim there is no absolute space when quite clearly absolute space underlies the contents of space ?


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Where did I state that all science is a scam ?
You said this:

"They are deliberately making theories to gain funding and have a cushy job"

and this:

"I am incapable of learning science lies or any other lies , I will be staying ignorant to lies"

You said their principle concern was having a cushy job and that they lie, that would make their activities a scam

And you expressed hostility towards it, you said you were arguing against it in other threads, you said you were "destroying" it as in you were beating someone in an argument or something - a true scientist wants to contribute to the advancement of science

It is plain that you are not here to learn, you have demonstrated that quite clearly and I don't actually think you are capable of learning, I'm sorry to say....

Scientists don't fight science, they seek to join it and advance it
I'm only bothered about their lies , the stuff that isn't true . They are teaching this crap to people , it is not good .
You mean crap like the idea that an individual can evolve, or that absolute space exists?

Or that the expansion of the universe is driven by souls and light that are resting at its periphery?

What stuff do they say that isn't true?

What lies does science tell?

Examples please
Take absolute space for example, if we conceptually remove the contents from space we are left with absolute space .
My physicist friend disagrees, he said, to use his exact words, "special relativity sorts that out"

Go and study special relativity, that's all I have to say to you

He is obviously at a higher level than you, which isn't saying much......

Perhaps if you'd studied at such a level you'd know better?

Here's the thing: I'm not a scientist and neither are you

The difference between me and you is that you claim to be an expert when clearly you're not whereas I don't


Active Member
You said this:

"They are deliberately making theories to gain funding and have a cushy job"

and this:

"I am incapable of learning science lies or any other lies , I will be staying ignorant to lies"

You said their principle concern was having a cushy job and that they lie, that would make their activities a scam
Yes but that is in regards to some science not all of it .
And you expressed hostility towards it, you said you were arguing against it in other threads, you said you were "destroying" it as in you were beating someone in an argument or something - a true scientist wants to contribute to the advancement of science
I am contributing and advancing science by correcting them .
It is plain that you are not here to learn, you have demonstrated that quite clearly and I don't actually think you are capable of learning, I'm sorry to say....
Who said I was here to learn ? This isn't school , however I don't mind teaching the world to be human .
My physicist friend disagrees, he said, to use his exact words, "special relativity sorts that out"
Over in the other thread I have already blown scientists famous gravity equation away . I have also blown particle physics and CERN away .

Tell your physicist friend he his a box with a closed lid , but no disrespect to them , some of them don't just realise because they had to accept it or fail . It isn't my job so I can be candid .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I am contributing and advancing science by correcting them .
It seems like it is they who are correcting you
Who said I was here to learn ? This isn't school , however I don't mind teaching the world to be human .
Then why else are you here????????

What do you have to share that is of any value?

And how dare you call others less human than yourself, that is so arrogant
Over in the other thread I have already blown scientists famous gravity equation away . I have also blown particle physics and CERN away .


Then why aren't you a world-famous scientist and why haven't you been recognised as one of the greatest of human minds to ever live?

If you'd done that you'd be a household name and there would be a statue of you in your home town, your contributions to science would be known throughout the world and you would be on every syllabus

When will you be a guest on Radio 4's The Life Scientific?

Clearly none of this is the case so you're obviously just being full of ****

If you're not full of **** then please show me your workings, tell me exactly how you have "blown away" gravity and how you've made the good people at CERN look like fools

Show me

If you can't then I won't believe you, I will just think that you are bull****ting, yet again

So show me your workings
Tell your physicist friend he his a box with a closed lid , but no disrespect to them

And yes, his lid probably is closed...... to bull**** that doesn't even make sense and is highly moronic

If you are like a box then that's very unfortunate for you and I'm truly sorry

If you can demonstrate that absolute space exists you'd be up for a Nobel Prize, why haven't you claimed it yet? What's stopping you?

And I asked you to provide a list of the lies that science tells

Please tell me some lies that science has told
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Pantheist Christian
Premium Member

This conversation is over

You are most certainly a troll

I have learnt that you have been here under other identities and on other forums too where your game is to post nonsense and to see how long you can keep it going

No person could actually be as much of a total, absolute and unmitigated cretin as you have been on this thread and on others, nobody could be that ignorant, that deluded, that arrogant, and that detached from reality unless there was something seriously, seriously wrong with them......

You've kept this thread going for 274 post though, so congratulations, good job

That's quite an accomplishment and you should be rightly proud with yourself (I'm being sarcastic)

If you pop up here again under another identity I will be sure not to feed you, I won't make that mistake again and I'll not be responding to any more of your posts

You might want to consider perhaps getting a life?
Last edited:


Active Member

This conversation is over

You are most certainly a troll

I have learnt that you have been here under other identities and on other forums too where your game is to post nonsense and to see how long you can keep it going

No person could actually be as much of a total, absolute and unmitigated cretin as you have been on this thread and on others, nobody could be that ignorant, that deluded, that arrogant, and that detached from reality unless there was something seriously, seriously wrong with them......

You've kept this thread going for 274 post though, so congratulations, good job

That's quite an accomplishment and you should be rightly proud with yourself (I'm being sarcastic)

If you pop up here again under another identity I will be sure not to feed you, I won't make that mistake again and I'll not be responding to any more of your posts

You might want to consider perhaps getting a life?
Sorry God , obvious you are so superior .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I have a little button that can make people like you go away

I'm not normally one to press it but I think I'm going to now.......

Good bye.


Active Member
I have a little button that can make people like you go away

I'm not normally one to press it but I think I'm going to now.......

Good bye.
You are no loss in my life buddy , you are right abut your mental health . I can tell you are living inside your head and have confused words .


Active Member
I've been suspicious of that myself. Thank you for confirming it, Eddi.
Jesus came back from the dead many times before but suspicious people are just that ,

Gods Pets

God had two pets and named them Adam and Eve . God taught these wild animals to be tame , making them human pets .

God was very surprised when Gods two pets started to teach other wild animals and their siblings , how to be tame pets .

Humanity started to form and the pets forgot they were just wild animals .


Sgt. Pepper

All you need is love.
Jesus came back from the dead many times before but suspicious people are just that ,

Gods Pets

God had two pets and named them Adam and Eve . God taught these wild animals to be tame , making them human pets .

God was very surprised when Gods two pets started to teach other wild animals and their siblings , how to be tame pets .

Humanity started to form and the pets forgot they were just wild animals .

You're barking up the wrong tree because I'm not playing your game. You might as well give it up now.