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Humans are not alive and don't feel anything .


Veteran Member
Quite clearly education is something else you don't understand . I could pass any course if I was willing to sit there and listen , remembering everything the teacher said , right or wrong . Then exam time I only have to recall my memories and Parrot what the teacher said in answers .

Your first sentence is quite ironic considering the nonsense you spewed afterwards. Clearly you've never been to college or university.
I had a couple of class mates that tried your strategy. They didn't pass.

Teachers want you to demonstrate that you master / comprehend the material. They will frame their questions so that mere parotting will not cut it.


Veteran Member
Yes , obvious a mind is a part of a body .

Well, to be exact, the mind is a function of the brain and the brain is part of the body.

Before humanity there was no words , what would you call the human body before humans existed declaring it was their bodies ?

There were no humans before there were humans. Your question makes no sense.

Humans have stole these bodies , these bodies don't belong to us . I make this body drink alcohol and smoke , I wish I wasn't in this body then it would be healthier but I am not ready for death yet , hope to be around forever in this body I have snatched .

Nothing like that .
Again, you make no sense at all.


Veteran Member
That isn't arrogant or over confidence ,that is tried and tested . I wouldn't say it if it were not true .
If it were tried and tested, you'ld have the evidence to show for it where you prove scientists wrong or whatever.

But let's be serious here... all you are talking about is you talking thrash on the internet, just like you are doing now.


Veteran Member
The teachers aren't qualified in my teachings , I am afraid their questions will not cut it !

IOW, you aren't interested in intellectual discourse. All you care about is talking thrash and derailing whenever your nonsense is exposed.

Owkay then, good to know.

Now, shall I simply stop replying or instead perhaps join this playground debate tactic..?

We'll see.


Active Member
But let's be serious here... all you are talking about is you talking thrash on the internet, just like you are doing now.
You consider the truth in being trash ?

I make lots of sense and I am explaining lots of truths , is it really my fault you can't accept reality or understand ?

You as others are considering the body and the mind experience in being one , calling it human .

This is not true , humanity is conceptual , a set of instructions that orders these bodies to do as we will .

Have you got a television ? Who wanted that , you or your body ?

Talking about trash I guess I'll amuse you and put the trash out while you think about what I just said rather the trying to brush it off .

Answer the question


Active Member
IOW, you aren't interested in intellectual discourse. All you care about is talking thrash and derailing whenever your nonsense is exposed.

Owkay then, good to know.

Now, shall I simply stop replying or instead perhaps join this playground debate tactic..?

We'll see.
Of course I am interested in discourse of the information but as I say , teachers of the world do not have this information , therefore unqualified .


Veteran Member
You consider the truth in being trash ?

I consider trash talk as being trash talk.
All I see you do is trash talking scientists and academic education.

I make lots of sense and I am explaining lots of truths , is it really my fault you can't accept reality or understand ?

You as others are considering the body and the mind experience in being one , calling it human .

This is not true , humanity is conceptual , a set of instructions that orders these bodies to do as we will .

Have you got a television ? Who wanted that , you or your body ?

Talking about trash I guess I'll amuse you and put the trash out while you think about what I just said rather the trying to brush it off .

Answer the question
What you say makes no sense.


Veteran Member
Of course I am interested in discourse of the information but as I say , teachers of the world do not have this information , therefore unqualified .

Really? You don't think that biologists, neurologists etc might have a good idea of what a human is?

owkay then



Active Member
So what do YOU study?
I have studied a variation of subjects ,

Imagine several small boxes in a row , on each box it says a profession , some of these boxes are full of information and some are still being filled .

I place all these several boxes in my bigger box , that is me .


Active Member
Name some that are relevant to your claim that you are more qualified to discuss what a "human" is as opposed to a biologist, neurologists or related.
I have studied social neuro-science , physics and biology . I don't know all the information in the world but learnt enough to be able produce a new concept that is the truth .
I and you are neurological reference frames that are a secondary existence within a primary sentient host . I was trying not to get too technical .


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I sure do feel stuff, not all of it pleasant.
At 70, the adventures in health care have become time consuming.
Oddly though, I feel that things are going really well in me life.
I certainly felt something as the dentist told me I needed a root canal. At 69, I trying to catch up to you


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
You deny the truth and don't speak the truth , my body or human feels absolutely nothing about your insult because I know I am well educated at the age of 50 , like most humans are , regardless of academic memory tests .
OK, in this post I'm going to offer you some friendly advice and then make you an offer, it's quite long, but please read it:

First off, you obviously aren't "well educated" judging by your contributions to this forum. All you have demonstrated here is arrogance and ignorance and you have demonstrated that you have these in abundance, there is zero EVIDENCE that you are educated beyond being literate

But those are just your behaviours, I don't think they actually reflect your true character, I am willing to give you the benefit of the doubt on that one.....

The thing is though, just because you say it's so doesn't make it so, I'm sorry



It is about gaining knowledge about a subject and then demonstrating a command of that subject

A qualification is proof that you have KNOWLEDGE and the ability to effectivley use that knowledge to solve problems, such as by answering exam exercises or writing a dissertation

That's what people are marked on in assessments, not remembering things

It does not work like how one might put a piece of paper in a box......

It has nothing to do with "remembering words" when I was a student I did not think of my activities as remembering words I thought of it as LEARNING and acquiring new knowledge to help me become more educated

The words are a way of writing down ideas, we transmit ideas through language......

The arrangement of words is how abstract ideas are written down so they can be shared with other humans and of course words can be spoken too

The ideas are not the words, the words are just a medium, why is this so hard for you to get your head around?

The words are not the ideas and it is the ideas that are important

(if any linguist is reading this then please contribute to this thread)

Ideas that are written down are read and then (hopefully) comprehended by sapient minds and then become a part of their understanding of the universe

And the understanding of the universe is a collective effort

Pieces of paper in boxes is a very, very, very crude analogy and if your mind works like that then I can only say that I am truly sorry for you

An examination or an assignment is a test of how one comprehends ideas and applies their intellect to problems, drawing on those ideas

It is not at all a memory test

It is not a memory test, it is nothing at all like a memory test it is both a test of knowledge and intelligence

On these forums, in this and in other threads, you have shown that you lack knowledge and you have not been acting intelligently

I don't think you're stupid, I just think that you are uneducated and aren't using whatever intelligence you may have and you do not appear open to learning new things and you appear incapable of admitting that you don't know everything about everything

And nobody knows everything about everything!

There are some bright and knowledgable people here, you should learn from them, I have learnt a lot from my time here, if you have a question about science or anything like that there are people here who I am sure would be happy to help you or at least point you in the right direction, but you seem unwilling to let others help you learn, indeed you have outright resisted it a great many times

Knowledge and understanding is a collective effort, anyone can partake, let's all learn together and expand our minds.......

Won't you come and join the party?

Experience pays dividends over education every time , we learn from experience , not class room memories .
Experience can help us get knowledge and be a means of demonstrating our intelligence just like education can and you can most certainly add it to your CV

But it it not opposed to education, it is not the opposite of being educated, becoming more educated does not make you less experienced and becoming more experienced does not make you less educated.......

Both are important, both have value, and one can have both, indeed it is preferable to have both of them!

But if you want to join in an educated discourse and talk about ideas with other people then you need to do so in the same terms as others or else you won't be misunderstood and to do this you need to know what you are talking about

If we don't use the same language then we cannot share ideas between each other and become more informed

At the very least you have to have an understanding of what others are talking about, what ideas and concepts they use AND WHAT THEY MEAN BY THE WORDS THEY USE

And you need to know how others understand the subject you want to talk about too, and you have shown here and in other threads that you don't do this

Remember, things like science and philosophy are a discourse, they are not solo projects, they are a collective effort and over the centuries a great deal of wisdom has been produced and ALL of that is based on evidence and reason rather than just fantasy and uneducated imaginings, which is what you provide

Again, come and join the party
I'm happy to talk and discuss anything with anyone but I try my best to be civil without insults .
You don't discuss though

You are totally intransigent and you have a very bad attitude, it is very frustrating and can be like talking to a wall

You have adopted a very condescending and messianic tone too, which is not at all endearing I'm sorry to say......

A part of discussing things is learning new things and you seem to be very closed to that, you don't even seem to know how it works and that's OK, but if you were truly interested in discussing then you'd have less of a know-it-all attitude

You have made some very evident errors on these forums but you don't seem to acknowledge these and you seem to think that people who know better than you don't know better than you........

Have you ever considered where the things taught in universities come from? The things you say people "parrot"?

In the case of physics, they come from calculations and formulas etc. (not at all my field) that are known to be correct and from theories that make sense and are backed up by evidence and that can be falsified, they are based on an intelligent and systematic study of reality, the production of such knowledge involves empiricism (studying what exists) and theorising (making sense of that) - people don't just make it up and people don't just learn it and blindly accept it and consider it "true" because some other person has written it down

It's all based on an appeal to reason and an appeal to evidence

If this is wrong and if any natural scientist is reading this then please correct me!

See, I am open to being wrong and am willing to learn so that I stop being wrong! I am not a scientist, if any scientist reading this can correct my understanding please reply to this post!

Science is a discourse and you have not joined this discourse and seem to have very little interest in doing so

Until you do this you will be an outsider when it comes to science, you will not be an insider

Think of it as a community of knowledge

And there are people who have done great things in it who are much smarter than even you or I and there is so much to learn!

If you want to become an insider then ditch the attitude and open your mind!
I have you a question for you , what did it say on the box that was your choice of career ?
I don't really have a career, I am totally over-educated for what I do but would like to eventually get into working in social care

But I don't see how careers come in boxes........

And let me just say, I don't dislike you or anything, and I'm sorry if I gave that impression, you're just so very frustrating, that's all

If I didn't like you I would not talk with you, but I'm sorry to say that you have been talking a lot of **** and I think that it is ultimately more kind to call you out on that than to just let it pass and I'm sorry but you have said some stupid things and when people say stupid things people generally treat them as being stupid and for what it's worth I don't actually think you're stupid, you just act that way

Remember, enlightenment is a group effort, we all learn together!

Have you been to The Open University's Open Learn website?

There are loads of free courses on there about all kinds of things, including science

I have found one on physics, here is the link:

Particle physics

If you are interested in doing this course then I'd be happy to do it alongside you and perhaps together we could expand our minds and become more educated :)

Would you be interested in going through that course with me?

I must say that I know very little about physics beyond what I learnt at high school many years ago but I would be up for doing that course!

It is of course totally free
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Active Member

Particle physics

If you are interested in doing this course then I'd be happy to do it alongside you and perhaps together we could expand our minds and become more educated :)

Would you be interested in going through that course with me?

I must say that I know very little about physics beyond what I learnt at high school many years ago but I would be up for doing that course!

It is of course totally free
I enjoy our conversations and I take no offense of peoples words . You are incorrect , I am educated but have no academics except an Information technology (I.T) qualification .

I am already an ''expert'' on particle physics and some sciences , I have studied science for over a decade .

Sometimes my posts may read a bit strange but I am writing these posts ''live'' during intuitive leaps .

This post I write now , I am here in the present at home, I am not in ''leap mode'' .

Thanks for your offer of ''friendship'' , if you have any questions on particles feel free to ask in the science section and I will oblige with answers .

You say you don't understand the smaller boxes . Consider each box is education and which ever box you pick is full of information in regards to the subject you wish to choose .

For example , you want to learn particle physics . You need the box that says science on it , then you need to pick the sub section box that says physics , then finally the sub-section box that says particle physics .

In picking the box you have already learnt three terms , science , physics and particle physics .

Added- By the way , the box you select is called an E.N.R.F (external neurological reference frame ) , once you have learnt the subject is becomes a part of you , an I.N.R.F (internal neurological reference frame) .
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