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Humans are not alive and don't feel anything .


Active Member
No he didn't.
Do I really have to go into details to prove this ?

Take an handful of matter and throw it into space , let physics do thy work .

Take any chemical element and let chemistry do thy work

Take an handful of cells , let them place in a specific order , let them grow to form complex shapes that physics and chemistry cannot do . Let the complex shapes have the placement of eyes and ears , let them poor creatures see and hear me said the words of logic .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Finally you are starting to see the truth but need to open your eyes a little further .
My eyes can see that you're full of **** so drop the Master Yoda act

It makes you look like some lunatic strutting around a madhouse declaring that he's Plato or Aristotle

What you're doing on this forum is actually pretty close to that :D

I don't know what your expectations for this thread were, unless it is some poor attempt at trolling

You mean truth like how the idea that the expansion of the universe is caused by souls and light resting at its periphery is true?

That kind of truth? - According to you that would be an absolute truth! So pardon me for not thinking you're a font of wisdom

Or the idea that humans aren't alive? Which I have shown is illogical if we subject your own definitions to a sensible examination

You still haven't got back to me on that BTW, and I'm still waiting but am not expecting much.......

God didn't create humans which are words . God only created the sentient being by cell placement .
And now you know how God created humankind!

Yes, you are right that God didn't create humans out of words, you are entirely right there....

Because neither humans nor humanity are made of words

If you want to believe stupid things about things that are at odds with how better informed people think about them then that's your choice, just don't expect others to take you seriously

And I asked you to define "word", please do that

Boy Jesus asked his mother , ''why is a tree called a tree''? , his mother replied , ''somebody imagined it was called a tree my child but somebody also imagined it was called shajara'' .
Oh right, so now you're making up scripture? Also:


Why have you even come on this forum? Personally one of the reasons I came here is to learn and broaden my mind
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Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
Do I really have to go into details to prove this ?

Take an handful of matter and throw it into space , let physics do thy work .

Take any chemical element and let chemistry do thy work

Take an handful of cells , let them place in a specific order , let them grow to form complex shapes that physics and chemistry cannot do . Let the complex shapes have the placement of eyes and ears , let them poor creatures see and hear me said the words of logic .
Naturalistic explanations for life make your God thing unnecessary, your statements are irrational.


Active Member
Naturalistic explanations for life make your God thing unnecessary, your statements are irrational.
No they don't , there is no natural explanation , physics and chemistry can't explain the complexity of human animal form because physics or chemistry can't do that .

Our eyes for example are positioned , that isn't some random mutation because it is repeated over and over when people are born .

I use to think a creator was illogical until I realised that cell placement is very specific compared to what we observe in chemical reactions and physics .


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
What is a human ? A human is a formed set of defining words that are hosted by a sentient being . When an infant is born , that infant isn't a human , it is instead an animal that has no formed humanity . Humans are formed within the host and are not subject to any feelings but can experience feelings via the mind and body experience . In example let us consider a new born baby boy , at this stage the boy is without an identity or humanity . Now let us call this boy Jesus , Jesus is a word and the beginning of the formation of Jesus within the sentient host .

Now let us consider that Jesus in the future gains many words , ''I am Jesus and I am formed from words '' .

Now let us consider taking away all the words Jesus knows , including his own name . Jesus would exist no more , there would just be left the body , the work of God .
A human is any member of the species homo sapiens sapiens. They have this designation due to their DNA and the attributes it gives them. A living being is human from conception -- a human zygote is not chimpanzee or dog or tree. Obviously, humans change greatly over the course of their lives. The amount of dependency varies greatly as well--a six month old depends on his mother for milk, and a 95 year old cannot survive without care either.

I have NO CLUE what you mean when you say, " A human is a formed set of defining words that are hosted by a sentient being." Humans are formed when a sperm enters an egg. Words do not make babies.


Active Member
A human is any member of the species homo sapiens sapiens. They have this designation due to their DNA and the attributes it gives them. A living being is human from conception -- a human zygote is not chimpanzee or dog or tree. Obviously, humans change greatly over the course of their lives. The amount of dependency varies greatly as well--a six month old depends on his mother for milk, and a 95 year old cannot survive without care either.

I have NO CLUE what you mean when you say, " A human is a formed set of defining words that are hosted by a sentient being." Humans are formed when a sperm enters an egg. Words do not make babies.
You are doing the same as many other readers and not considering the sentient being , being independent of the human being that is formed by words , that exists within them .

God said to me that two bodies occupied by human beings have never caused a war against each other , it is the words inside that cause the war and the innocent bodies to fight .


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
You are doing the same as many other readers and not considering the sentient being , being independent of the human being that is formed by words , that exists within them .

God said to me that two bodies occupied by human beings have never caused a war against each other , it is the words inside that cause the war and the innocent bodies to fight .
Of course, because although most humans are sentient, some are not. A person in a coma is not sentient, but very much is a human.

Are you saying that God audibly talks to you?

At any rate, war is a different topic, so I'll not comment on that.


Active Member
Of course, because although most humans are sentient, some are not. A person in a coma is not sentient, but very much is a human.

Are you saying that God audibly talks to you?

At any rate, war is a different topic, so I'll not comment on that.
God doesn't speak to me in voice , God gives me the thoughts of truth and new information .

The sentence on war was more to do with realisation than war , the realisation of how innocent our bodies are compared to the human existence , the words , that occupy and control these poor innocent bodies .


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
God doesn't speak to me in voice , God gives me the thoughts of truth and new information .
I'm sure you believe this. The thing is, there is no evidence this is actually God and not just you talking to yourself, with the help of a little dissociation. Indeed, the fact that people who "hear God" in this manner get contradictory messages throws a lot of doubt on it.


Active Member
I'm sure you believe this. The thing is, there is no evidence this is actually God and not just you talking to yourself, with the help of a little dissociation.
Yes of course , I am not hearing voices in my head obviously but I wouldn't be much of a human if I didn't question my own abilities and where these thoughts come from .
New information must come from somewhere in my opinion , some people getting gifted these thoughts , look at computers for instant . The thought for computers was quite ''out there'' to say the least .

But anyway , Jesus is crying out to say something before the thought slips away .

Boy Jesus was walking when he saw a man wearing a gold necklace , he said to his mother , ''mother can I have one of those gold necklaces''?

His mother replied , '' My child , does your body want a gold necklace ? '''

Can you see the truth yet in this thread ?


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Yes of course , I am not hearing voices in my head obviously but I wouldn't be much of a human if I didn't question my own abilities and where these thoughts come from .
New information must come from somewhere in my opinion , some people getting gifted these thoughts , look at computers for instant . The thought for computers was quite ''out there'' to say the least .

But anyway , Jesus is crying out to say something before the thought slips away .

Boy Jesus was walking when he saw a man wearing a gold necklace , he said to his mother , ''mother can I have one of those gold necklaces''?

His mother replied , '' My child , does your body want a gold necklace ? '''

Can you see the truth yet in this thread ?
In my experience people who "hear God" in this manner never receive any knowledge they haven't already gotten through other means. The things they hear "said" by "God" are things they can figure out for themselves.

I think you have a healthy imagination :) You are clearly a very creative person.


Active Member
In my experience people who "hear God" in this manner never receive any knowledge they haven't already gotten through other means. The things they hear "said" by "God" are things they can figure out for themselves.

I think you have a healthy imagination :) You are clearly a very creative person.
Yes I am extremely creative and intelligent , my intelligence has made me question these new thoughts though because they are not memories of existing information , they are totally fresh ''from out of space'' .

I really feel like just the messenger because all I am really doing is placing an arrangement of words to form a sentence explaining what I see .

I do know what I am writing is very real and truthful .


Loving God and my neighbor as myself.
Yes I am extremely creative and intelligent , my intelligence has made me question these new thoughts though because they are not memories of existing information , they are totally fresh ''from out of space'' .

I really feel like just the messenger because all I am really doing is placing an arrangement of words to form a sentence explaining what I see .

I do know what I am writing is very real and truthful .
It's called an intuitive leap.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
You are doing the same as many other readers and not considering the sentient being , being independent of the human being that is formed by words , that exists within them .
I did consider it and even went to great lengths to try and understand it

I then rejected it

There is a phrase I like that can apply to your ridiculous theory: "not even wrong"

But you're arrogant and think you know better than others, even those who know what they're talking about and are educated in that field

Your theory defies both reason and evidence - it is contrary to what we know to be true already only a moron would allow you to convince them and disregard what they already know

Do you expect people to abandon all their knowledge and adopt your stupid little theory?

We already know what a person is and what humanity is, minds greater than any of ours have long since established this and it makes much better sense than what you're offering.....

Your theory is IGNORANT as you obviously have no idea what you're talking about

It's like me trying to convince mathematicians that I've just discovered 1 + 1 = 2 and that therefore pigs can fly, or telling them that 1 + 1 = 136 or that "potato" is a number - those things are essentially what you've been doing

In another post you actually called me a lesser being, a being who is inferior to you, you said you were like a computer running on the most recent operating system and I was like one running on Windows 98

Do you know how insulting and arrogant that is?

And how this makes you look?

Yet you actually think people are like boxes or computers

And you think that other people are so stupid that they don't understand the difference between an object and the names used to refer to it and you think you knowing there is such a difference is an amazing and profound insight but the funny thing is it comes across as though you don't really understand any of this yourself, this everyday notion obviously blows your mind......

Your theory is not even wrong, it's crazy and stupid

Just another bunch of deluded madness on the internet that nobody takes seriously

If what you say is true wouldn't you have won a Nobel Prize or something?

Do you expect to win some medal for your stupid theory?


Active Member
If what you say is true wouldn't you have won a Nobel Prize or something?

Do you expect to win some medal for your stupid theory

This is not a theory , this is Gods truth about what are humans !

You are one person and don't speak for everyone , I am quite sure there is many who have understood this truth .

Does my body require a prize ? Of course not and it would be very subjective of me , the human within my body to want something this body doesn't need .

You want , you can't even realise that can you ?


Active Member
Your mind works in mysterious ways
My mind works the same as everyone else's but me , the human inside this mind has a unique ability to see the truths .

Ask yourself this , the device you are using right now to communicate and share a part of you , who wanted this device ?

You the human or your body ?


Veteran Member
My mind works the same as everyone else's

I'm not certain.

but me , the human inside this mind has a unique ability to see the truths .

If you mean that we can reason a bit better then other species, then sure

Ask yourself this , the device you are using right now to communicate and share a part of you , who wanted this device ?
You the human or your body ?

Your loaded question is noted.
A human is a body.