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Humans are not alive and don't feel anything .


Active Member
So you're saying that it is true that the expansion of the universe is driven by light and souls that are resting at its periphery?

That idea is simply not true, you therefore speak falsehoods, you therefore do say things other than the truth......
In Physics , that is the only possibility of a heaven , take it or no longer believe in God etc . There is no other choices or physics that can work .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
My mental health is better than yours because I have evolved further than you in understanding what it is to be human .
Ha ha! You don't even know what mental health is, you think it has something to do with enlightenment!

And I've already told you, individuals don't evolve

Will you ever learn?
All of you on this planet have severe mental health issues
Implying that you are not on the same planet as everyone else??????

Yes, from what you believe and say it is evident that you are not on the same planet as everyone else, you have made that perfectly clear......

none of even realise this because you all are walking around thinking you are alive and not considering only your body is alive .
How could I think if I wasn't alive????

Here's a question: where is your mind?

Here's another: how do you think a substance such as alcohol effects the mind? How does drinking a lot of beer make you experience drunkenness?

Please answer these.
Often these humans try to portray the truthful person as being mentally unwell .
No, I have never accused you as being mentally unwell indeed I have never personally attacked you although I have attacked some of what has come out of you. I have been very careful to act that way.

I have criticised you for talking **** because, well, you are talking ****......

Mentally ill people can be truthful and perfectly sane people can lie through their teeth.....
Signs , you have to consider throughout history , peoples thoughts that have formed on AI etc . I provided a video link of a human inside a robot . The human inside the robot is as real as you or I , but has no feelings .
You do realise that the film Short Circuit 2 is fictitious and not a documentary?????

Do you have trouble distinguishing between movies and reality?


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
In Physics , that is the only possibility of a heaven , take it or no longer believe in God etc . There is no other choices or physics that can work .
What has this got to do with anything?

It's a word salad, it is not clear prose

Another reminder:

You have claimed that the expansion of the universe is driven by light and souls that are resting at its periphery

This hurts your credibility as a thinker and a writer


Active Member
So you're saying that it is true that the expansion of the universe is driven by light and souls that are resting at its periphery?

That idea is simply not true, you therefore speak falsehoods, you therefore do say things other than the truth......
In Physics , that is the only possibility of a heaven , take it or no longer believe in God etc . There is no other choices or physics that can work .
Ha ha! You don't even know what mental health is, you think it has something to do with enlightenment!

And I've already told you, individuals don't evolve

Will you ever learn?

Implying that you are not on the same planet as everyone else??????

Yes, from what you believe and say it is evident that you are not on the same planet as everyone else, you have made that perfectly clear......

How could I think if I wasn't alive????

Here's a question: where is your mind?

Here's another: how do you think a substance such as alcohol effects the mind? How does drinking a lot of beer make you experience drunkenness?

Please answer these.

No, I have never accused you as being mentally unwell indeed I have never personally attacked you although I have attacked some of what has come out of you. I have been very careful to act that way.

I have criticised you for talking **** because, well, you are talking ****......

Mentally ill people can be truthful and perfectly sane people can lie through their teeth.....

You do realise that the film Short Circuit 2 is fictitious and not a documentary?????

Do you have trouble distinguishing between movies and reality?
Will you ever be willing to learn instead of presenting an arrangement of words , a projection of yourself ?

I am the only one in our conversation being real , you are not saying the truths and replying in a defensive manner instead of being willing to learn .

I am not projecting myself in this conversation , I am seeing and presented what I see .

I access this minds information while I see and cross reference my existing existence within this sentient being , added new information all the time and evolving that one step further than everyone else .

I am of this earth , I was formed here within this sentient being , I am the words of truth .

You didn't see the video , you only saw yourself .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
In Physics , that is the only possibility of a heaven , take it or no longer believe in God etc . There is no other choices or physics that can work .
Oh right, so now you speak for physics

You say you do so that must be the case! Because you are more human than me!
I am the only one in our conversation being real , you are not saying the truths and replying in a defensive manner instead of being willing to learn .
Oh, the irony.......

You have nothing of value to teach, it is totally uneducated and conflicts with things that we know are true

"humans are not alive and don't feel anything" is obviously untrue as is the notion that the expansion of the universe is driven by light and souls that are resting at its periphery. These two statements are ludicrously untrue, they are simply ridiculous.......

And you actually believe them! You need to align your definitions of words with how everyone else defines them. We call this process education. If you don't this you will become a source of confusion and falsehood.

I'm unwilling to learn from you because you talk **** and don't understand what you're trying to talk about

I want to learn things that are true and to acquire knowledge, so yes, I don't want to learn from you
I access this minds information while I see and cross reference my existing existence within this sentient being , added new information all the time and evolving that one step further than everyone else .
Forgive me for shouting, but INDIVIDUAL PEOPLE DON'T EVOLVE

I have told you this at least three times now and you are not learning, it's like talking to a rock or an onion

You are not a thinker, you are not a writer, and you most certainly are in no way a teacher

You're just a person who talks rubbish on the internet, I used to be such a person but then I DEVELOPED (I didn't evolve because humans don't evolve, I know this because I paid attention in high school science classes)

I am of this earth , I was formed here within this sentient being , I am the words of truth .
Oh right, so now you're a living personification of truth?????
You didn't see the video , you only saw yourself .
Oh man, that is so deep, I'm going to sell all my possessions and come and follow you.......

And you did not answer my questions, so I will ask you them again:

Question 1: where is your mind?

Question 2: how do you think a substance such as alcohol effects the mind? How does drinking a lot of beer make you experience drunkenness?

Please answer these.

Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
Being a human does mean x but on this planet all humans are A to Z ,a variate .

God made all ''human'' sentient bodies equal in that they all had no words , wouldn't sit there wondering what blah blah down the road has said etc.

Human beings forming within our sentient bodies is a mental health disaster that causes all sort of problems including wars etc .

So God asked me on Gods behalf to try and fix the human beings .

Gods tried before , thou shall not kill etc , but look how well that went .

Being human is a set of strict defining rules and none of us have correctly evolved into a human being .
Sorry, I do not think I am able to follow your trail of thought here - I simply do not understand what it is that you wish to say.


Hermit Philosopher

Selflessly here for you
Being a human does mean x but on this planet all humans are A to Z ,a variate .

God made all ''human'' sentient bodies equal in that they all had no words , wouldn't sit there wondering what blah blah down the road has said etc.

Human beings forming within our sentient bodies is a mental health disaster that causes all sort of problems including wars etc .

So God asked me on Gods behalf to try and fix the human beings .

Gods tried before , thou shall not kill etc , but look how well that went .

Being human is a set of strict defining rules and none of us have correctly evolved into a human being .
Sorry, I do not think I am able to follow your trail of thought here - I simply do not understand what it is that you wish to say.



Active Member
And you did not answer my questions, so I will ask you them again:

Question 1: where is your mind?

Question 2: how do you think a substance such as alcohol effects the mind? How does drinking a lot of beer make you experience drunkenness?

Please answer these.
Most of your incorrect thinking is because you can't allow your box to have an open ''lid'' .

Your mind is in your head , it is your brain . Your mindset , a set of defining instructions and information , is formed in your mind . When you drink alcohol , this causes reactions in the body that causes wave function fluctuations , because the timing of neurons etc is ''upset'' .

Some people talk with elated speech , their wave functions increased in rate etc .

Anyway , Boy Jesus touched a lifeless body then explained , '' All the light has gone and this body is so cold hearted'' .

Ask your physics friend to argue that then ask a doctor if Jesus was correct .


Active Member
Sorry, I do not think I am able to follow your trail of thought here - I simply do not understand what it is that you wish to say.

I am not saying anything , I am writing Gods will , what I am seeing .

In simple terms I am stating that humanity is a secondary independent existence that has formed within sentient beings .

I explain using an empty box , the empty box representing a sentient beings brain before there existed words in the box .

The sentient beings did not need to have humanity formed within its brain to survive .

We , humanity , the writers of words , the speakers of words , are not alive but we exist within these sentient beings .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Most of your incorrect thinking is because you can't allow your box to have an open ''lid'' .
My mind is not a box

I don't just let people come along and put things into it

Concepts don't just enter a mind, they are formed in the mind, they are represented as changes in the brain's structure

(keep this in mind, it will pop up again later in this post)

(Your mind may be like a box but mine certainly isn't so speak for yourself......)

But thank you for having a go at the questions. Let's have a look at what you've just said:

Your mind is in your head , it is your brain
OK, you have just admitted that the mind is physical, you said that "it is your brain"

You have said that mind = brain

So let's assume that's true.............

Here's what you've just admitted if a person's mind is indeed their brain (which is what you've just said):

Premise 1: The brain is physical (obviously)
Premise 2: The mind is the brain (you have just said this)
Conclusion: The mind is physical - in other words biological

And things that are biological are alive...... therefore the mind is alive

A person's humanity is obviously a product of their mind and you have just claimed that the mind is alive

A person's humanity is therefore alive

That biological basis would no longer work if you were to die

This contradicts the things you have said earlier in this thread

I know you think of the brain as being like a box that contains words so let's run with that for a minute:

How do you think the words exist in the box? - I'll tell you how, they exist as information in the brain, they are represented by changes in its structure. What you think of as "words" are therefore biological/physical, they are therefore ALIVE as if you were to die they would cease to exist

You have just contradicted your past claims that a person's humanity (or their "words" as you put it) is not alive

You yourself have just admitted this when you said that mind = brain

We can therefore conclude that humans are alive

Premise 1: Words are alive (because they exist as representations in a living mind)
Premise 2: Humans are words (this is what you've been saying)
Conclusion: Humans are alive (what you have been denying)

Super Conclusion: Humans are alive

Which means that the position that "humans are not alive and don't feel anything" is untrue!

This is where things logically lead if we believe that mind = brain which is what you just said is true

This is your own logic, not mine, this is all based on the things that you yourself have said

End of story

Unless you want to explore why you were wrong when you said that humans can't feel anything?


Active Member
My mind is not a box

I don't just let people come along and put things into it

Concepts don't just enter a mind, they are formed in the mind, they are represented as changes in the brain's structure

(keep this in mind, it will pop up again later in this post)

(Your mind may be like a box but mine certainly isn't so speak for yourself......)

But thank you for having a go at the questions. Let's have a look at what you've just said:

OK, you have just admitted that the mind is physical, you said that "it is your brain"

You have said that mind = brain

So let's assume that's true.............

Here's what you've just admitted if a person's mind is indeed their brain (which is what you've just said):

Premise 1: The brain is physical (obviously)
Premise 2: The mind is the brain (you have just said this)
Conclusion: The mind is physical - in other words biological

And things that are biological are alive...... therefore the mind is alive

A person's humanity is obviously a product of their mind and you have just claimed that the mind is alive
Now you are thinking , your reply is higher in level than your last posts . You accessed the words in your mind in a deep content way .

What you said in the fist part of your post is correct but then you said this -

''A person's humanity is obviously a product of their mind and you have just claimed that the mind is alive ''

This part is illogical !

A persons humanity is the education they receive . A set of defining instructions that states you are human .

For example you must wear clothes in public , this defines the difference between a human and an animal although it be a false ideology .

This human defining instruction is something most of us obey although in some countries still , women walk around topless etc .

Do we look at these people in these countries as indecent exposing themselves to children and others ? No we don't , we ignore their culture and their version of humanity .

As I said , humanity is information and this information has developed a set of unique instructions that controls these bodies to be human rather the natural animal they are .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Now you are thinking , your reply is higher in level than your last posts . You accessed the words in your mind in a deep content way .

In other words I've just proved to you that you were wrong and that "humans are not alive" is untrue according to your own beliefs

I have corrected your error

You're welcome :D

''A person's humanity is obviously a product of their mind and you have just claimed that the mind is alive ''

This part is illogical !
How is it illogical?

You say that people are words and we have just established that if that was the case then those words would be alive

This is based on what you yourself have said, you have defined humanity as being like words in a box

If we can talk about a mind in terms of it being a box that has contents then those contents would have to be biological and if they are biological then they are alive

And by saying "this part is illogical" it seems as though you're saying that the rest of what I wrote is - especially the bit where I showed how "humans are not alive" is illogical and false :cool:
A persons humanity is the education they receive . A set of defining instructions that states you are human .
I'm going to assume that by education you mean the things they have learnt from their life experience as opposed to what school they went to, etc.

And no, a person's humanity is not a set of instructions, a person's humanity is the fact that they are human. It's not a programming, it is a way of being.

Have you seen The Jungle Book?

In it, Mowgli is a little Indian kid who gets raised by the animals who live in a jungle

Question: Is Mowgli human?

Please answer and explain your reasoning

I'd say he is because humanity is the condition of being human - it is descriptive not prescriptive and there are different ways of being human, different humanities

Let's look at what a dictionary definition is - dictionaries reflect how words are actually used, what people mean by them, here's the link for you: HUMANITY Definition & Usage Examples | Dictionary.com

To copy and paste from that link:
  1. all human beings collectively; the human race; humankind.
  2. the quality or condition of being human; human nature.
Nothing about "instructions" or anything like that. This is how educated, cultured people use the word. This is what is what it means. You have been using it all wrong.

We could all give words our own meanings, but if we did that then nobody would understand us!

For example you must wear clothes in public , this defines the difference between a human and an animal although it be a false ideology .
So, you're into nudism?

That's a rule, it is written in a law that if you don't wear clothes in public you'll probably go to prison

It has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of mental programming or "instructions"

Do you not know what the law is?

Generally, people don't walk about naked because it is illegal to, but also because it is a custom, it is a standard for behaviour which we acquire from others and which we are free to ignore, although ignoring it would be deviant and being deviant may have bad consequences


It has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of mental programming or "instructions"

You need to learn a bit of Sociology
This human defining instruction is something most of us obey although in some countries still , women walk around topless etc .
it isn't an instruction, as I've just said people wear clothes because:
  • If they don't they may be punished
  • Not doing so makes them deviant
  • Not doing so makes them cold
These things are social, they can be understood with Sociology

They have nothing to do with people putting "words" into "boxes" although some behaviour aren't learnt - but they are learnt through enforcement and socialisation, not programming
Do we look at these people in these countries as indecent exposing themselves to children and others ? No we don't , we ignore their culture and their version of humanity .
You are sort of right here because Laws and Customs vary between cultures and jurisdictions

These are social things, if you want to understand them and how they work then study Sociology
As I said , humanity is information and this information has developed a set of unique instructions that controls these bodies to be human rather the natural animal they are .
You said wrong.

Humanity is the condition of being human, it is not information

And humans are governed by laws and customs which are social because humans are social creatures

These are not "instructions" in the way you use the term, by which I think you mean "programming"

You need to study some Sociology

it's a fascinating field


Active Member
In other words I've just proved to you that you were wrong and that "humans are not alive" is untrue according to your own beliefs

I have corrected your error

You're welcome :D

How is it illogical?

You say that people are words and we have just established that if that was the case then those words would be alive
You have just made that up in your mind and completely twisted anything I said . Not once have I said people are words , people are a living breathing thing defined by the human word people .

Humans are a set of words that form in people by education .

Humans do not exist in people without education .

You are being very naive -These are not "instructions" in the way you use the term, by which I think you mean "programming"

Of cause they are instructions or when you was hot and on any beach , you'd take all your clothes on too cool down and perhaps go skinny dipping . The fact that most people don't is because an arrangement of words instructs them and prevents them from doing so .

You can argue all you want but you will never and can't beat the absolute truths .

Take the Muslims for example , their arrangement of words instructs and orders women to keep covered up . The women not allowed to be human at all and the men being jealous , neither being human .

This doesn't just apply to Muslims though , look at Christians etc , they all have instructions and programmed for specific clothes .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
You have just made that up in your mind and completely twisted anything I said . Not once have I said people are words , people are a living breathing thing defined by the human word people .
You meant their humanity is words - you have said that

I made the error of thinking that you understood that humanity is made out of humans as most people do, I forgot who I was talking to

I'm used to communicating with people who use English in the same way as everyone else so pardon me for that lapse
You are being very naive
Says a man who thinks that how people learn things is analogous to putting pieces of paper into a box
Of cause they are instructions or when you was hot and on any beach
How do people learn not to go around naked? (to use your example)

They learn because they learn that doing so is against their local way of being human

They are socialised, and this doesn't happen through receiving instructions, the standards for behaviour are passed on in other ways

Sure, you can look at it in terms of "instructions" but people who actually study this call it Socialisation

Question: How did you learn not to walk about a town or a city butt-naked? Did someone sit down and say "I instruct you not to walk around a town or city butt-naked"? - no. You picked it up from other people and learnt to feel shame at being naked, etc.

It is psychological, cultural and social

Sure, you can say it's from instructions but that is a much weaker way at looking at it

It is WAY more complex than someone putting a piece of paper into a box that reads "don't walk around naked in public"

If you think that is how people work then it is you who are extremely naive

Customs and Laws don't work like that, they are social, cultural, psychological, and bureaucratic concerns and are very complex

There are different types of people - some types of people don't walk around naked in public but others do (e.g. tribal people)

These differences have NOTHING to do with instructions, it is WAY more complex than that

Your view of humanity is very limited and basic
You can argue all you want but you will and can't beat the absolute truths .

You mean how the expansion of the universe is caused by resting souls and light at its edge is an absolute truth????

So now you're some God-like figure on a cloud dispensing absolute truth to the ignorant and stupid mortals!

You basically mean "you can provide logical and cogent arguments all you want but I'm not going to listen because I'm right and everyone else is wrong and God is on my side"

Refute my logic

Refute my arguments

Provide your own logic

Provide your own arguments

I bet you won't, because you can't

Take the Muslims for example , their arrangement of words instructs and orders women to keep covered up . The women not allowed to be human at all and the men being jealous , neither being human .

This doesn't just apply to Muslims though , look at Christians etc , they all have instructions and programmed for specific clothes .

It's the beliefs people follow, not the words

The words are how the beliefs have been written down

Honestly, it's like talking to a potato.............

Let me explain:

Muslims are Muslims because they have been raised as Muslims

How exactly this happens is complex, multi-faceted, and varies between Muslims

Not because someone has put some "words" into their 'box"

Islam is a religion, a belief system, not "words"

It is the belief system/religion Muslims follow, not the words in which it is written

Your understanding of how people work is ridiculously basic

I've studied this type of thing at degree level and graduated with good honours, I know what I'm talking about, this is rudimentary stuff and should be obvious to anyone with even only half a brain, even if they don't know the academic terminology etc.

I'm not going to accept some of the things you say because you don't know what you're talking about whereas I do

Until recently you didn't even know that an individual organism can't evolve, and remember your views on why the universe is expanding?

And your pompous insistence on using your own definition of words (such as "humanity") instead of the definitions that every other person uses proves that you are not open to learning and are essentially living in your own little world

But that's OK, every other person is stupid and ignorant whereas you possess absolute truth, that cannot be questioned


Active Member
You meant their humanity is words - you have said that

I made the error of thinking that you understood that humanity is made out of humans as most people do, I forgot who I was talking to
You say the right thing but make it to mean something else .

Yes humanity is made out of humans and humans are made out of words .

You aren't distinguishing the difference between a sentient being that is alive and an arrangement of light namely humans , that exist but are not alive .

Humans have a binary existence with the sentient host , the human existence highjacks the host preventing the sentient being from being an animal .

You do realise that in the past people use to eat other people because they were animals and lacked a human formation within themselves ?

'''I've studied this type of thing at degree level and graduated with good honours, I know what I'm talking about,''

So you have received an arrangement of words in your memory that you believe to be true and learnt to repeat back because if you didn't agree with the set of instructions you would of failed your degree . Another classic case of human cloning and programming .

You quite clearly know what you are talking about in regards to what you remember from your education , in slang terms , ''Parroting'' .

However , this prevents you from accepting any sort of new programming , you are stuck in Windows 98 mode while I'm in Windows 2023 .

But anyway with no disrespect , I am always willing to listen and learn because my box is never closed .

The fact is that humans are as I explained , like this or not that is the truth .

After death , light does leave our bodies , this all fact too , the cold hard truth .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
You aren't distinguishing the difference between a sentient being that is alive and an arrangement of light namely humans , that exist but are not alive .
Oh dear, I thought we'd made a break-through but we've obviously regressed.....

Are you a goldfish? Can you not acquire new knowledge? Do you have a short-term memory that can only go back 5 seconds?
Yes humanity is made out of humans and humans are made out of words .
LOL, nope

Define "word" please

I am not words

You might be words

I don't believe God made humans out of words

Speak for yourself

You don't even know what humanity is, you have your own stupid definition that is at odds with how all other humans use the term

That's fine, just don't expect to be taken seriously by others

Because what you've been doing is ridiculous

But thanks for all the laughs, too bad they were "at" and not "with"
You do realise that in the past people use to eat other people because they were animals and lacked a human formation within themselves ?
So you're saying tribes whose members eat other people aren't human?

That's racist

And what about those people on that Andean plane crash??????
So you have received an arrangement of words in your memory that you believe to be true and learnt to repeat back because if you didn't agree with the set of instructions you would of failed your degree . Another classic case of human cloning and programming .
No, I acquired knowledge

I understand things better than before I learnt about them

I didn't absorb words

I'm a human being, not a box
in slang terms , ''Parroting''
Parrots don't know what they are saying

I do

Don't insult my intelligence

I can solve problems and understand stuff, I am intelligent

Obviously you aren't

It is you who uses words without understanding their meaning

It is hilarious that you're accusing me of parroting when you've been saying the same crap for a thread that now has almost 200 posts in it

You are incapable of critical thinking

And the irony is you think you are so enlightened
However , this prevents you from accepting any sort of new programming , you are stuck in Windows 98 mode while I'm in Windows 2023 .
You may be like a computer

I'm not

Speak for yourself
But anyway with no disrespect , I am always willing to listen and learn because my box is never closed .
It is sad that you think that learning is like someone putting words into a box

It's also incredibly ignorant

You have a very low view of humankind, you see humans as being like boxes or computers

I believe God made us to be much, much more than boxes or computers

The fact is that humans are as I explained , like this or not that is the truth .
You don't even know what humanity is

Like how it's true that the expansion of the universe is caused by light and souls that are resting at its periphery?

You're so full of ****

I can barley believe it I have never met anyone as intransigent as you

Little Dragon

Well-Known Member
In example let us consider a new born baby boy , at this stage the boy is without an identity or humanity
The child is human. Your humanity is determined by your genome, not by abstract concepts of your own bias. The child has an identity, just because that identity cannot be communicated, it doesn't mean one is absent.


Active Member
Define "word" please

I am not words

You might be words

I don't believe God made humans out of words
Finally you are starting to see the truth but need to open your eyes a little further .

God didn't create humans which are words . God only created the sentient being by cell placement .

Boy Jesus asked his mother , ''why is a tree called a tree''? , his mother replied , ''somebody imagined it was called a tree my child but somebody also imagined it was called shajara'' .