Your soul really is the information in word form , your mind stores . What else do you think goes to heaven and is your soul ?
So all I am is a load of information?
I think that when you die your
consciousness goes to heaven, not just a load of information
I am not information, I am consciousness
Information is not conscious, it is either just code in a computer or words written down on paper
Maybe a person's soul can be described in terms of information but that doesn't mean that it is information.......
I mean, I could paint a picture of you and that picture would be a representation of you. But it wouldn't be you. It would most certainly not be conscious in the way you yourself are
"the map is not the territory" as it is said
Likewise, the information is not the reality. It is a representation of a reality.
Let me explain this in more worldly terms and it is called thermodynamics .
Light will never travel towards an hot place , it always travels in the direction of cold places .
I have just messaged that line you have just written to a friend of mine who is a physicist, let's see what he has to say.......
I am beginning to get the feeling you are now just making things up as you go along and that this thing is just one great big troll attempt