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Humans are not alive and don't feel anything .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
It isn't cryptic to me because I am not learning the information
Your job as a thinker and a writer is to make others understand, to transmit what is in your skull into the skulls of others

You could have just said "humanity is both biological and cultural. The biological aspect is not cultural and the cultural aspect is not biological. The cultural aspect is therefore not subject to death" if that's what you actually mean, which I think it is, in your own messed-up and convoluted way


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
That is not what I said so again I will provide an easy explanation .

Christian is a word , all your members minds contain an exact copy of this word .

Spread the word said he

Cloning the word into others minds .

Imagine a row of empty boxes but one box had the word Muslim in .

If we then spread the word and place the word Muslim into the empty boxes , then all the boxes have a cloned image of the Muslim in them .

Add other words and the boxes start to think they are no longer boxes , they are now Muslims .
So the way people adopt ideas is like putting pieces of paper with things written on into boxes?

There is no critical faculties involved and people just absorb what goes into them?

And what is already in them has no effect on how new things enter them?

My mind is not that crude.....

Speak for yourself

If your mind actually works like that, if that is a metaphor for how your own mind works, then I am truly sorry for you


Active Member
You belong to no social or cultural group?

Have you just come down from Heaven or something?

Are you some kind of superior being who belongs to no group and is not subject to the same things that the lesser beings are subject to?

And what are my group's interests????
I belong to no groups and I am not sure about the other questions . I do find it strange that I know so much information and keep creating new information .


Active Member
Your job as a thinker and a writer is to make others understand, to transmit what is in your skull into the skulls of others

You could have just said "humanity is both biological and cultural. The biological aspect is not cultural and the cultural aspect is not biological. The cultural aspect is therefore not subject to death" if that's what you actually mean, which I think it is, in your own messed-up and convoluted way
No No, humanity isn't biological , it is a set of defining instructions and information , something that the sentient beings of Earth have not yet fully evolved too .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
I belong to no groups and I am not sure about the other questions . I do find it strange that I know so much information and keep creating new information .
So you are not a member of the English-speaking world, for instance?????

You say you're religion is "God" on your profile......

Does that mean you do not belong to the group of people who believe in God?


Active Member
So you are not a member of the English-speaking world, for instance?????

You say you're religion is "God" on your profile......

Does that mean you do not belong to the group of people who believe in God?
In answer to your question , yes a big part of my existence is a cloned existence but me being me , I have created a second existence within this bodies mind , evolving from my last existence .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
No No, humanity isn't biological , it is a set of defining instructions and information , something that the sentient beings of Earth have not yet fully evolved too .
Would humanity exist if all humans died off?

No. It depends on biological beings to exist hence it is a biological phenomenon

Although yes, some aspects aren't - but as a whole it is biological in nature

Here is another link that might advance your education:

Emergence - Wikipedia


Active Member
Would humanity exist if all humans died off?

No. It depends on biological beings to exist hence it is a biological phenomenon

Although yes, some aspects aren't - but as a whole it is biological in nature

Here is another link that might advance your education:

Emergence - Wikipedia
The semantics are very arguable .

Humans could exist in an inanimate object , that is the point . If we had the technology , we could clone our human existence , the information and store ourselves in something not biological .

There is a difference though in being human and being conscious , after death of these animal bodies we remain human (the information) but we are no longer conscious .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Humans could exist in an inanimate object , that is the point
You're talking about Artificial Intelligence?

I wouldn't call those things human, they come close, but no

If there was no beings - either biological or for the sake of argument AI - would humanity still exist??????

If it is just information then surely it would need a medium in which to exist?????

Maybe an AI could have humanity - but the humanity would still need a medium in which to exist, and since currently no AI has humanity, I think we can say that humanity NEEDS a biological medium in which to exist.......

There is a difference though in being human and being conscious , after death of these animal bodies we remain human (the information) but we are no longer conscious .
Would that information be able to exist without existing in some medium, such as a body????
I don't do beliefs , only truths .
You believe you have the truth

I have studied both chemistry and physics
And evidently not a lot else....


Active Member
If there was no beings - either biological or for the sake of argument AI - would humanity still exist??????

If it is just information then surely it would need a medium in which to exist?????
Yes humanities information would still exist .

It doesn't require a medium to exist , it requires the opposite , an absolute space where the information becomes the fixed medium .

Let me explain how things work

The words in your mind is information (your soul) and is formed from light .

When a person dies your soul then escapes the brain and travels outwards through space to the edge of the universe where beyond is absolute space . When your soul reaches the edge of the Universe , it becomes at rest in the absolute space and immovable by natural means .
As souls and normal light reaches the edge of the universe and becomes at one with the universe , it also expands the universe into absolute space .

Heaven is a rest from worry and woe , in simple terms a good sleep .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
The words in your mind is information (your soul) and is formed from light .
Sounds like nonsense to me.....

And now suddenly you've started calling the "information" that is a person's humanity a "soul" - which is apparently made up out of words

It's getting more and more confusing

When a person dies your soul then escapes the brain and travels outwards through space to the edge of the universe where beyond is absolute space . When your soul reaches the edge of the Universe , it becomes at rest in the absolute space and immovable by natural means .
As souls and normal light reaches the edge of the universe and becomes at one with the universe , it also expands the universe into absolute space .
Is this a belief......

or truth?

Sounds like a load of crazy talk to me

If a soul is just "words" how the hell can it "escape" a brain and travel anywhere???? How on Earth does that work?????

And you say the soul is made out of light - are you saying that when a person dies light shines out of them and travels to the edge of the universe? Sounds like a load of old bollocks to me

It's getting messier and messier and less and less convincing

And you have yet to substantiate the claim that "humans are not alive and don't feel anything"

I think I'll stick to the views I currently hold about humanity, thank you very much

I mean, is the soul made out of words or out of light? It can't be both

What is it?????


Active Member
Sounds like nonsense to me.....

And now suddenly you've started calling the "information" that is a person's humanity a "soul" - which is apparently made up out of words

It's getting more and more confusing

Is this a belief......

or truth?

Sounds like a load of crazy talk to me

If a soul is just "words" how the hell can it "escape" a brain and travel anywhere???? How on Earth does that work?????

And you say the soul is made out of light - are you saying that when a person dies light shines out of them and travels to the edge of the universe? Sounds like a load of old bollocks to me

It's getting messier and messier and less and less convincing

And you have yet to substantiate the claim that "humans are not alive and don't feel anything"

I think I'll stick to the views I currently hold about humanity, thank you very much

I mean, is the soul made out of words or out of light? It can't be both

What is it?????
I can't come into a room and be too heavy , in explaining to humans at first , I have to slowly build a ''picture'' so they can see the truth .

Your soul really is the information in word form , your mind stores . What else do you think goes to heaven and is your soul ?

Yes your soul is made of light and yes the soul travels to the edge of the universe although some souls for a while become ghost images ''bouncing about'' between objects .

Let me explain this in more worldly terms and it is called thermodynamics .

Light will never travel towards an hot place , it always travels in the direction of cold places .

Let us not forget that these unfortunate creatures we have formed in and ''highjacked'' , are terrified of death , they tremble and all sorts when considering death or facing moments of death .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Your soul really is the information in word form , your mind stores . What else do you think goes to heaven and is your soul ?
So all I am is a load of information?

I think that when you die your consciousness goes to heaven, not just a load of information

I am not information, I am consciousness

Information is not conscious, it is either just code in a computer or words written down on paper

Maybe a person's soul can be described in terms of information but that doesn't mean that it is information.......

I mean, I could paint a picture of you and that picture would be a representation of you. But it wouldn't be you. It would most certainly not be conscious in the way you yourself are

"the map is not the territory" as it is said

Likewise, the information is not the reality. It is a representation of a reality.

Let me explain this in more worldly terms and it is called thermodynamics .

Light will never travel towards an hot place , it always travels in the direction of cold places .
I have just messaged that line you have just written to a friend of mine who is a physicist, let's see what he has to say.......

I am beginning to get the feeling you are now just making things up as you go along and that this thing is just one great big troll attempt


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Light will never travel towards an hot place , it always travels in the direction of cold places .
My friend who is a physicist says this is "categorically untrue"

I asked him if it was bull**** and he said that yes, it is


Active Member
My friend who is a physicist says this is "categorically untrue"

I asked him if it was bull**** and he said that yes, it is
Ask your friend what is always the final destination of light and you will find it is outward bound . if you shine a flashlight at an object , that is just a detour .


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
Ask your friend what is always the final destination of light and you will find it is outward bound .
I'm not going to bother him anymore with your crap, he's normally a very busy man and he is currently enjoying his Saturday evening

I have already confirmed that you evidently have no idea what you are talking about

You obviously can't do physics, just as you can't do a great many other things


Active Member
I'm not going to bother him anymore with your crap, he's normally a very busy man and he is currently enjoying his Saturday evening

I have already confirmed that you evidently have no idea what you are talking about

You obviously can't do physics, just as you can't do a great many other things
I am not incorrect , the final destination of all light formed within a universe is the edge of the universe . This is very simple science , planetary matter can't conserve light for a lengthy period , that is why your hot drink goes cold .