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Humans are not alive and don't feel anything .


Active Member
You're barking up the wrong tree because I'm not playing your game. You might as well give it up now.
Quite clearly you were not educated well in being a tame pet (human) .

There is a thing in ''life'' called human decency , this is what makes us civil towards each other . You are not being very civil right now when I have never done you any harm .

What game ?


Active Member
Ok, let me refresh the thread ,

Humans are a product of data cloning , they are constructed of data . Remove the human data and we do not exist :eek:

watch this and see the realism of what I am saying .


It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I looked at your link. Thanks for that.
I really don't know what he gets out of his game
Me, neither, but does it matter? I enjoy that game. I'm not trying to teach him anything. I'd be glad to if I could, but that's not going to happen, so one's purpose here should be otherwise. I learn two ways here on RF. One is from the words of other people like you and Sgt Pepper with whom I share a common temperament and way of processing information. Your words and hers resonate with me, and I can have discussion with each of you that will be productive and informative. It's for people like you that I write, and it's from people like you that I learn things like what I learned looking at your link (and I learned from that poster as well).

And each of you has proposed things that DON'T resonate with me. Didn't you propose a holographic universe or simulation universe a while back? If not, my apologies. Sgt Pepper writes about the spirit world, which I can't identify with, either. Nevertheless, I can communicate effectively with each of you.

Then, there's the people with whom discussion is a problem - people that preach without paying attention to the replies, people with chaotic or grandiose thought, hostile and emotionally labile types, etc.. When I reply to their posts, it's for the potential benefit of that first group, since I don't expect to be able to do anything for that second group. But I learn from them as well, albeit indirectly. One of my purposes on RF has been to collect a large number of data points regarding the spectrum of types of people in the various denominations, which is contrasted with the control group - those without religion - to get a general sense of how faith-based thinking affects other thinking, so I don't mind posters like this one at all.

We can think of this experience as something akin to a university course with lecture and lab sections. We learn by discussion with some posters and by observing reactions with others.
He's just an enormous time-waster
The funny thing about retirement is that I have few responsibilities that take my time, so I can't really waste any of it. If I'm enjoying myself, then it's time well spent. Even if I'm bored, I can't really call it time wasted, since it isn't needed for anything else. So, the phrase, "Don't waste my time" doesn't have much meaning any more.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
What is a thread? A thread is a formed set of defining words that are hosted by forum. When a post is born, that post isn't a thread.

Now let us take all the words from this thread, and the thread would exist no more.

How true!