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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Dear Fallout, You have confused the sons of God (prehistoric people) with Humans (descendants of Adam). Science has made the same mistake and that is WHY they dreamed up the False Theory of Evolution. The didn't know that Adam's world was totally dissolved in the Flood and have falsely believed that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. They are "willingly ignorant" that Humans were made long BEFORE any other living creature. Gen 2:4-7 God Bless you

First off thank you for being so polite.

Second we are Homo sapiens (humans) and they have existed around 200,000 years ago. We evolved along side the neanderthals (direct relative) that died off as well as mixed into homo sapiens genetics (cross breading). A lot of humans today still carry about 1.7% to 2.0% of neanderthal DNA (proven by DNA of neanderthal fossils).

DNA and biology have proven how evolution works in both the long term and short term. I will give you some examples...
1. Do you believe you can pass genetic traits to your kids? Without evolution there is no passing of genetic traits and therefor NO use of DNA yet we have DNA and we DO pass them on. I encourage you to read into how DNA works and read into evolution rather then just dismissing it because it does not fit your beliefs. ----The truth is NOT about finding what you want to believe but truth is willing to see what you are not wanting to admit-----
2. The genetic structure of our DNA in the long run connected to DNA of other apes that we are close to is not a myth. As humans have existed in time we have been changing in our DNA as well as every other animal on this planet. Like math there are patterns that show us a definite answer if done correctly it will REPEAT! This is true of correct (or truthful) scientific data. This is true of our genetics and its history. If evolution was not real then we would never see any change to our genetic code however, we most certainly do see it change and it changes in a way that creates whole new species over time!
3. There is a pacific Island called Pingelap that had a man develop(evolve) a condition that made him see only black and white. He went to that Island in 1909 and had kids. Since evolution happens faster in small local pockets(communities) today 15% of that population have the same condition. Imagine if they moved from each island effecting small pockets of people they could make most of the pacific with the same condition because the more times a genetic gene is passed the more it will be come a dominate gene in our gene pool. They could also effect the entire world JUST LIKE with our male Y gene. Today all Males have a Y gene that is getting smaller and smaller with each passing of genetics.

Third... We (as well as all animals that every existed) are made of (and come from) Bacteria in the beginning. Bacteria can come from nothing as long as there is heat and water and oxygen. In our bodies we are made up of mostly water and bacteria.

----Faith is only a tool for falsehoods, for the only way a falsehood can survive is by faith. For what does the truth need faith for then when faith is the enemy of logic and reason? When logic and reason are denied a falsehood survives, It is therefor that if Faith is the goal and primary concern it is then a falsehood in hiding behind denial------

Midnight Rain

Well-Known Member
You are not understanding me I guess...

1. I am...NOT... saying that radiometric and carbon dating are wrong at all, Iam saying the exact opposite.

2. Humans and dinosaurs have NEVER been scientifically dated to have lived together...period!

If you were agreeing with me then why did you respond to my post and not his/hers?
My bad. I misread you. I thought that you said all of the above has been proven false not "proves you false" in response to the other poster. Sorry :p


Well-Known Member
Dear shawn, God created matter from Energy in the beginning. Gen 1:1 Jesus took some of that air, dust, and water, and changed it back into Energy at the Big Bang. Gen 2:4 As the Energy cooled, the matter within our Cosmos came into form. Can you tell us HOW ancient men who lived 3k years ago knew that? Of course NOT. It's evidence of God. God Bless you

Your post at first said matter into energy and I corrected you on it.

"Can you tell us HOW ancient men who lived 3k years ago knew that? "

They didn't know that. you can keep clinging to Genesis as an accurate account, but its not of course.

""created the heaven and the earth" on Day One"

"It was on Day Four that God created the sun, moon, and stars"

The Earth was NOT created before the sun, that is not how our solar system formed or the universe for a fact. No matter what you believe, has no bearing on the actual facts.

Ben West

Your right about Dinosaurs being extinct 65 millions years ago I NEVER said or mentioned any different.

Your wrong about humans though...we first started to come into being about 200,000 years ago.

Dear Fallout, The sons of God (prehistoric people) became fully human physically 200k years ago. Humans didn't arrive until some 10k years ago. Here is the historic evidence which NO Evol has been able to explain: Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE Can you? God Bless you

Ben West

Your post at first said matter into energy and I corrected you on it.

"Can you tell us HOW ancient men who lived 3k years ago knew that? "

They didn't know that. you can keep clinging to Genesis as an accurate account, but its not of course.

""created the heaven and the earth" on Day One"

"It was on Day Four that God created the sun, moon, and stars"

The Earth was NOT created before the sun, that is not how our solar system formed or the universe for a fact. No matter what you believe, has no bearing on the actual facts.

Dear shawn, Correction. It doesn't make sense according to YOUR interpretation. Here is God's Truth:

Day 1 God created the heaven/air, earth/ground but the ground was without form and empty. Reminds me of dust. Darkness/Death was upon EVERYthing God had just brought into the physical world APART from Himself and ANYthing made from this contaminated matter would be subject to DEATH, Entropy, and ruin. God said, Let there be Light and Jesus came forth from within the invisible Spirit of God into the Physical world. He will shape the clay into form and change the empty into the perfect physical Heaven in only 6 of God's Days.

Day 2 Adam's firmament is made

Day 3 Other firmaments are made and Adam's Earth is made inside the firmament which protects his world from the water which totally surrounds it. Adam is made before the plants. Gen 2:4-7

Day 4 One of the other firmaments made on the 3rd Day is our Cosmos. God lights the Stars on this Day in total agreement with the latest discoveries of Hubble and other Space telescopes.

Day 5 EVERY living creature (except Humans) is created and brought forth from the water Gen 1:21. This was some 3.77 Billion years ago in man's time. Science calls this created life "Natural" since it came from water

Day 6 Today since God is still creating mankind in His Image or in Christ. Gen 1:27

We will NOT advance to the Prophecy of Gen 1:28-31 until AFTER Jesus returns at the end of the 6th Day/Age in the Creation of the perfect Third Heaven. God Bless you
Last edited:

Ben West

First off thank you for being so polite.

Second we are Homo sapiens (humans) and they have existed around 200,000 years ago. We evolved along side the neanderthals (direct relative) that died off as well as mixed into homo sapiens genetics (cross breading). A lot of humans today still carry about 1.7% to 2.0% of neanderthal DNA (proven by DNA of neanderthal fossils).

DNA and biology have proven how evolution works in both the long term and short term. I will give you some examples...
1. Do you believe you can pass genetic traits to your kids? Without evolution there is no passing of genetic traits and therefor NO use of DNA yet we have DNA and we DO pass them on. I encourage you to read into how DNA works and read into evolution rather then just dismissing it because it does not fit your beliefs. ----The truth is NOT about finding what you want to believe but truth is willing to see what you are not wanting to admit-----
2. The genetic structure of our DNA in the long run connected to DNA of other apes that we are close to is not a myth. As humans have existed in time we have been changing in our DNA as well as every other animal on this planet. Like math there are patterns that show us a definite answer if done correctly it will REPEAT! This is true of correct (or truthful) scientific data. This is true of our genetics and its history. If evolution was not real then we would never see any change to our genetic code however, we most certainly do see it change and it changes in a way that creates whole new species over time!
3. There is a pacific Island called Pingelap that had a man develop(evolve) a condition that made him see only black and white. He went to that Island in 1909 and had kids. Since evolution happens faster in small local pockets(communities) today 15% of that population have the same condition. Imagine if they moved from each island effecting small pockets of people they could make most of the pacific with the same condition because the more times a genetic gene is passed the more it will be come a dominate gene in our gene pool. They could also effect the entire world JUST LIKE with our male Y gene. Today all Males have a Y gene that is getting smaller and smaller with each passing of genetics.

Third... We (as well as all animals that every existed) are made of (and come from) Bacteria in the beginning. Bacteria can come from nothing as long as there is heat and water and oxygen. In our bodies we are made up of mostly water and bacteria.

----Faith is only a tool for falsehoods, for the only way a falsehood can survive is by faith. For what does the truth need faith for then when faith is the enemy of logic and reason? When logic and reason are denied a falsehood survives, It is therefor that if Faith is the goal and primary concern it is then a falsehood in hiding behind denial------

Dear Fallout, False. You are confusing prehistoric people (evolved from the common ancestor of Apes) with Humans (Adam's descendants). The reason this is important is that ONLY Adam was made with an intelligence level like God's. Gen 3:22 Animals and prehistoric people are INNOCENT because they do NOT have the intelligence necessary to Judge which is to know good from evil.

Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans was made Billions of years BEFORE any other creature which came forth from the water beginning 3.77 Billion years ago. IOW, The ToE is FALSE. Human blood was contaminated with the blood of prehistoric beings when Noah's grandsons married and produced today's Humans with. prehistoric people who had been here for Millions of years before the Ark arrived. Gen 6:1-4 Glad to help. God Bless you


Dear Fallout, The sons of God (prehistoric people) became fully human physically 200k years ago. Humans didn't arrive until some 10k years ago. Here is the historic evidence which NO Evol has been able to explain: Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE Can you? God Bless you

1. Your "prehistoric people" you mentioned are Homo sapiens(humans) which started around 200,000 years ago. We (modern humans)... ARE...Homo sapiens! Its in the DNA. So...the prehistoric people are of the same genetic blood lines as modern humans.

2. Actually almost EVERY SINGLE evolutionist, archeologist and even historian will tell you that civilization did NOT happen until people evolved out of a hunter/gatherer society (which did NOT build cities/towns) and learned to use agriculture around 10,000 years ago. Before that there were no buildings for archeologist to find, however there were only sites that hunter/gatherer used to chase the hunt. These "humans" were the same "humans" that exist today. The Human Journey: Migration Routes Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hunter-gatherer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Dear Fallout, False. You are confusing prehistoric people (evolved from the common ancestor of Apes) with Humans (Adam's descendants). The reason this is important is that ONLY Adam was made with an intelligence level like God's. Gen 3:22 Animals and prehistoric people are INNOCENT because they do NOT have the intelligence necessary to Judge which is to know good from evil.

Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans was made Billions of years BEFORE any other creature which came forth from the water beginning 3.77 Billion years ago. IOW, The ToE is FALSE. Human blood was contaminated with the blood of prehistoric beings when Noah's grandsons married and produced today's Humans with. prehistoric people who had been here for Millions of years before the Ark arrived. Gen 6:1-4 Glad to help. God Bless you

1. Again the evidence proves your statement wrong. The prehistoric people are OUR ancestors! The DNA in our modern Homo Sapiens and the DNA of the remains of prehistoric Homo Sapiens are a match.
We even have a history of the genetic changes that lead to us (modern homo sapiens).

2. The story of the Arch is false by the way. Its a matter of math. There are 16 million species of animals and insects on this planet. the first thing wrong with that story is that...
A. You cannot fit even 50 animals on 450 foot long and 75 foot high boat.
B. There are NONE and I mean NO archaeological findings of a MAJOR earth covering flood at any point in history...TRUST ME there are people looking for decades to prove Noah's Arch story and there is not one finding of a major flood that covered the earth or it would be front page news. If there was a flood that covered the earth then it would show in the layers of earth below us. There has been such a search on every single continent on earth with no evidence of such a world wide flood. The proof is that fossils found in ALL layers throughout history and life of plants and animals did NOT see an extinction event. If they did then we would also see a huge shift in the layers of earth where there were no fossils (meaning that there was an extinction event). No such thing has ever been found.
C. If Noah's arch was real then that means that 16 million species would have had to walk from the middle east to their place of origin (like the Kangaroo who would have also had to swim across the ocean).
D. The estimated time per bible puts Noah's arch around 4000BC. If this was the case then the prehistoric people (sons of God as you mentioned) would NOT have been destroyed at all because around this time they are already on the move through out the world at this time.

3. I would like you to still explain how you think that humans came before pre-history humans? You cannot find a human before pre human times! There are no evidence of Adam and Eve's people building a civilization (if they are as smart as God then they would have) other wise we would have seen civilizations before 10,000 years ago from the prehistoric humans. Besides our evolutionary finds have linked us and other apes together through DNA over a span of millions of years. http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/gctext/Inquiries/Inquiries_by_Unit/Unit_5_files/image017.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dear shawn, Correction. It doesn't make sense according to YOUR interpretation. Here is God's Truth:

Day 1 God created the heaven/air, earth/ground but the ground was without form and empty. Reminds me of dust. Darkness/Death was upon EVERYthing God had just brought into the physical world APART from Himself and ANYthing made from this contaminated matter would be subject to DEATH, Entropy, and ruin. God said, Let there be Light and Jesus came forth from within the invisible Spirit of God into the Physical world. He will shape the clay into form and change the empty into the perfect physical Heaven in only 6 of God's Days.

Day 2 Adam's firmament is made

Day 3 Other firmaments are made and Adam's Earth is made inside the firmament which protects his world from the water which totally surrounds it. Adam is made before the plants. Gen 2:4-7

Day 4 One of the other firmaments made on the 3rd Day is our Cosmos. God lights the Stars on this Day in total agreement with the latest discoveries of Hubble and other Space telescopes.

Day 5 EVERY living creature (except Humans) is created and brought forth from the water Gen 1:21. This was some 3.77 Billion years ago in man's time. Science calls this created life "Natural" since it came from water

Day 6 Today since God is still creating mankind in His Image or in Christ. Gen 1:27

We will NOT advance to the Prophecy of Gen 1:28-31 until AFTER Jesus returns at the end of the 6th Day/Age in the Creation of the perfect Third Heaven. God Bless you

"Here is God's Truth:"

So your speaking for God?

"Day 1 God created the heaven/air, earth/ground

"Day 4 One of the other firmaments made on the 3rd Day is our Cosmos. God lights the Stars on this Day

That is NOT the way it happened the sun was born before the Earth and we know that for a fact. Its part of how our solar system formed and we know how they form, we can also see new ones forming right now, which is in .

"Day 4 One of the other firmaments made on the 3rd Day is our Cosmos. God lights the Stars on this Day in total agreement with the latest discoveries of Hubble and other Space telescopes."

No its not you just don't understand it.



Premium Member
That is NOT the way it happened the sun was born before the Earth and we know that for a fact. Its part of how our solar system formed and we know how they form, we can also see new ones forming right now, which is in .
This is very key, we are not making things up. God does not create an earth before the sun. We can observe how god does it to this day.

Ben West

1. Your "prehistoric people" you mentioned are Homo sapiens(humans) which started around 200,000 years ago. We (modern humans)... ARE...Homo sapiens! Its in the DNA. So...the prehistoric people are of the same genetic blood lines as modern humans.

2. Actually almost EVERY SINGLE evolutionist, archeologist and even historian will tell you that civilization did NOT happen until people evolved out of a hunter/gatherer society (which did NOT build cities/towns) and learned to use agriculture around 10,000 years ago. Before that there were no buildings for archeologist to find, however there were only sites that hunter/gatherer used to chase the hunt. These "humans" were the same "humans" that exist today. The Human Journey: Migration Routes Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Hunter-gatherer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dear Fallout, False. Prehistoric people evolved from the water from which they were brought forth on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which began some 3.77 Billion years ago in man's time. Humans (Adam's descendants) were made some 10 Billion years earlier on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7 Adam's daughters married and produced children with these prehistoric people, Gen 6:1-4 and the offspring inherited Adam's unique superior intelligence which is like God's Gen 3:22 AND they also inherited the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes from which the sons of God (prehistoric people) came. Scientists have Falsely Assumed that these prehistoric people were Humans. This is total speculation since these scientists are ignorant of the fact that Humans were made Billions of years BEFORE the first life appeared in the water of our Earth.

2. Noah arrived in Lake Van, Turkey some 10k years ago and brought Adam's unique superior intelligence to this planet of the sons of God (prehistoric people). Human civilization can be traced back to the arrival of the Ark in the mountains of Ararat. Noah's descendants walked out of the mountains into Northern Mesopotamia which is the Cradle of Human civilization on this planet. That's God's Truth which DESTROYS the False ideas of today's scientists who have fallen into the Snare which God set with the Flood. I'm sorry that you have been brainwashed into believing the False ToE since it is the Biggest Lie ever told. Below is evidence of the arrival of the FIRST farmers, city builders, and Humans who were smart enough to grow themselves something to eat, unlike the prehistoric people who had been here for Millions of years BEFORE Noah arrived. God Bless you

Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

Ben West

1. Again the evidence proves your statement wrong. The prehistoric people are OUR ancestors! The DNA in our modern Homo Sapiens and the DNA of the remains of prehistoric Homo Sapiens are a match.
We even have a history of the genetic changes that lead to us (modern homo sapiens).

2. The story of the Arch is false by the way. Its a matter of math. There are 16 million species of animals and insects on this planet. the first thing wrong with that story is that...
A. You cannot fit even 50 animals on 450 foot long and 75 foot high boat.
B. There are NONE and I mean NO archaeological findings of a MAJOR earth covering flood at any point in history...TRUST ME there are people looking for decades to prove Noah's Arch story and there is not one finding of a major flood that covered the earth or it would be front page news. If there was a flood that covered the earth then it would show in the layers of earth below us. There has been such a search on every single continent on earth with no evidence of such a world wide flood. The proof is that fossils found in ALL layers throughout history and life of plants and animals did NOT see an extinction event. If they did then we would also see a huge shift in the layers of earth where there were no fossils (meaning that there was an extinction event). No such thing has ever been found.
C. If Noah's arch was real then that means that 16 million species would have had to walk from the middle east to their place of origin (like the Kangaroo who would have also had to swim across the ocean).
D. The estimated time per bible puts Noah's arch around 4000BC. If this was the case then the prehistoric people (sons of God as you mentioned) would NOT have been destroyed at all because around this time they are already on the move through out the world at this time.

3. I would like you to still explain how you think that humans came before pre-history humans? You cannot find a human before pre human times! There are no evidence of Adam and Eve's people building a civilization (if they are as smart as God then they would have) other wise we would have seen civilizations before 10,000 years ago from the prehistoric humans. Besides our evolutionary finds have linked us and other apes together through DNA over a span of millions of years. http://www.globalchange.umich.edu/gctext/Inquiries/Inquiries_by_Unit/Unit_5_files/image017.jpg

Dear Fallout, False. You cannot show us the First Human, nor his wife, nor his children. You ask us to accept by FAITH your false ToE since you have NO evidence of How or When we magically changed from animal to Human intelligence. Today's Science is also ignorant of the difference between animal and human intelligence but YOU want us to believe that YOU can see it happening hundreds of thousands of years ago. Get real. You probably were brainwashed as a child in the Public Schools. Right?

2. The Bible does NOT say that Noah brought the number of creatures you falsely suppose he brought.

A. Sure i can. Noah's sons brought his grandsons with them and they took up NO space since they were NOT yet born. They had NO other Humans to marry, so like Cain, they married and produced children with the prehistoric people who were already here. These people had evolved from the water beginning 3.77 Billion years ago. In just some 10k years God's plan had produced some 7 Billion Humans (descendants of Adam)

B. The Bible does NOT say that our Earth suffered a Global Flood, but instead, tells us that Adam's world, the world that THEN WAS was totally destroyed in the Flood. ll Peter 3:3-7 You've been listening to too many ancient goat herders. Don't you know that they knew NOTHING of God's Truth?

C. Why? since there were many millions of species already on our Earth when Noah arrived 10k years ago. Noah could have fulfilled God's commands and the commands of the LORD God with less than 100 creatures.

D. False. Noah arrived some 10k years ago as the empirical historic evidence confirms. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE Can you refute this evidence? Of course NOT.

3. Simple. Adam's world (Kosmos) was made the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8 The present Cosmos was made the 3rd Day Gen 2:4 along with the 3rd Heaven, ll Cor 12:2 where ALL Christians will live AFTER the present world is burned. ll Peter 3:10 IOW, Humans were NOT made on our Planet but instead, on Adam's world. Have you ever actually read the Bible? Or are you parroting the mistakes made by the Godless Evols of this lost and dying world. God Bless you

Ben West

This is very key, we are not making things up. God does not create an earth before the sun. We can observe how god does it to this day.

Dear idav, God made Adam's Earth on the 3rd Day. Gen 1:9-10 The first Stars of our Cosmos lit up on the 4th Day. Gen 1:16 Your ignorance can be traced to the Fact that you THINK our Earth is the First Earth.This is totally False since Adam's world was "clean dissolved" in the Flood. Isaiah 24:19 and ll Peter 3:5

Adam's EARTH was made some 10 Billion years BEFORE our Solar system was formed. This means that God made Adam's Earth BEFORE our Sun appeared. God Bless you


Admiral Obvious
Dear Fallout, False. Prehistoric people evolved from the water from which they were brought forth on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which began some 3.77 Billion years ago in man's time. Humans (Adam's descendants) were made some 10 Billion years earlier on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7 Adam's daughters married and produced children with these prehistoric people, Gen 6:1-4 and the offspring inherited Adam's unique superior intelligence which is like God's Gen 3:22 AND they also inherited the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes from which the sons of God (prehistoric people) came. Scientists have Falsely Assumed that these prehistoric people were Humans. This is total speculation since these scientists are ignorant of the fact that Humans were made Billions of years BEFORE the first life appeared in the water of our Earth.

2. Noah arrived in Lake Van, Turkey some 10k years ago and brought Adam's unique superior intelligence to this planet of the sons of God (prehistoric people). Human civilization can be traced back to the arrival of the Ark in the mountains of Ararat. Noah's descendants walked out of the mountains into Northern Mesopotamia which is the Cradle of Human civilization on this planet. That's God's Truth which DESTROYS the False ideas of today's scientists who have fallen into the Snare which God set with the Flood. I'm sorry that you have been brainwashed into believing the False ToE since it is the Biggest Lie ever told. Below is evidence of the arrival of the FIRST farmers, city builders, and Humans who were smart enough to grow themselves something to eat, unlike the prehistoric people who had been here for Millions of years BEFORE Noah arrived. God Bless you

Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE
The map again?
The map you cling so desperately to does not evidence your claims.
really really sad.


Admiral Obvious
Dear Fallout, False. You cannot show us the First Human, nor his wife, nor his children. You ask us to accept by FAITH your false ToE since you have NO evidence of How or When we magically changed from animal to Human intelligence. Today's Science is also ignorant of the difference between animal and human intelligence but YOU want us to believe that YOU can see it happening hundreds of thousands of years ago. Get real. You probably were brainwashed as a child in the Public Schools. Right?

2. The Bible does NOT say that Noah brought the number of creatures you falsely suppose he brought.

A. Sure i can. Noah's sons brought his grandsons with them and they took up NO space since they were NOT yet born. They had NO other Humans to marry, so like Cain, they married and produced children with the prehistoric people who were already here. These people had evolved from the water beginning 3.77 Billion years ago. In just some 10k years God's plan had produced some 7 Billion Humans (descendants of Adam)

B. The Bible does NOT say that our Earth suffered a Global Flood, but instead, tells us that Adam's world, the world that THEN WAS was totally destroyed in the Flood. ll Peter 3:3-7 You've been listening to too many ancient goat herders. Don't you know that they knew NOTHING of God's Truth?

C. Why? since there were many millions of species already on our Earth when Noah arrived 10k years ago. Noah could have fulfilled God's commands and the commands of the LORD God with less than 100 creatures.

D. False. Noah arrived some 10k years ago as the empirical historic evidence confirms. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE Can you refute this evidence? Of course NOT.

3. Simple. Adam's world (Kosmos) was made the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8 The present Cosmos was made the 3rd Day Gen 2:4 along with the 3rd Heaven, ll Cor 12:2 where ALL Christians will live AFTER the present world is burned. ll Peter 3:10 IOW, Humans were NOT made on our Planet but instead, on Adam's world. Have you ever actually read the Bible? Or are you parroting the mistakes made by the Godless Evols of this lost and dying world. God Bless you
You make The Satan so proud.


Just old
Premium Member
Ahhhhh....what a bush we run around !
If God did exist, He would hide from the words of men !
If !

Ben West

The map again?
The map you cling so desperately to does not evidence your claims.
really really sad.

Dear Mes, IF you had ANY evidence of How or When humans magically evolved from Apes, you would be buggier than you are. At least I have empirical historic evidence that your precious ToE is completely WRONG, and you don't like for me to post it. Yipee diddle. I will alert the Press that Mes disagrees....God Bless you

Ben West

You make The Satan so proud.

Dear Mes, Thanks for telling us that your father is proud. Of course he's the biggest liar in history so I accept his view that he doesn't like me. I don't like him either. He's a devil and always has been. God Bless you

BTW, Ha Satan is a false religious view of ancient goat herders from Nut and Yahoo land.


Admiral Obvious
Dear Mes, IF you had ANY evidence of How or When humans magically evolved from Apes, you would be buggier than you are. At least I have empirical historic evidence that your precious ToE is completely WRONG, and you don't like for me to post it. Yipee diddle. I will alert the Press that Mes disagrees....God Bless you
More bold faced lies.