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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Admiral Obvious
Dear Mes, Thanks for telling us that your father is proud. Of course he's the biggest liar in history so I accept his view that he doesn't like me. I don't like him either. He's a devil and always has been. God Bless you

BTW, Ha Satan is a false religious view of ancient goat herders from Nut and Yahoo land.
You keep twisting what I say.
Does your god approve of such blatant dishonesty?
I suspect he does, given the number of bold faced lies you post.

So based upon your behaviour and lies, I can honestly say your god is one I want nothing to do with.


Well-Known Member
Dear Fallout, False. Prehistoric people evolved from the water from which they were brought forth on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which began some 3.77 Billion years ago in man's time. Humans (Adam's descendants) were made some 10 Billion years earlier on the 3rd Day. Gen 2:4-7 Adam's daughters married and produced children with these prehistoric people, Gen 6:1-4 and the offspring inherited Adam's unique superior intelligence which is like God's Gen 3:22 AND they also inherited the DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes from which the sons of God (prehistoric people) came. Scientists have Falsely Assumed that these prehistoric people were Humans. This is total speculation since these scientists are ignorant of the fact that Humans were made Billions of years BEFORE the first life appeared in the water of our Earth.

2. Noah arrived in Lake Van, Turkey some 10k years ago and brought Adam's unique superior intelligence to this planet of the sons of God (prehistoric people). Human civilization can be traced back to the arrival of the Ark in the mountains of Ararat. Noah's descendants walked out of the mountains into Northern Mesopotamia which is the Cradle of Human civilization on this planet. That's God's Truth which DESTROYS the False ideas of today's scientists who have fallen into the Snare which God set with the Flood. I'm sorry that you have been brainwashed into believing the False ToE since it is the Biggest Lie ever told. Below is evidence of the arrival of the FIRST farmers, city builders, and Humans who were smart enough to grow themselves something to eat, unlike the prehistoric people who had been here for Millions of years BEFORE Noah arrived. God Bless you

Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

"Prehistoric people evolved from the water from which they were brought forth on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which began some 3.77 Billion years ago in man's time."

wrong again, at 3.77 billion years ago there were no animals at all only cynobacteria that we know of and they evolved photosynthesis and hence why the Earth has an Oxygen atmosphere humans can breath and not a Natural gas atmosphere, similar to the Saturn moon Titan.

Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?
Predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years, Turkey's stunning Gobekli Tepe upends the conventional view of the rise of civilization

Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple? | History | Smithsonian


Well-Known Member
The oldest fossil of our genus

"The oldest fossil of our genus
And a new look at Homo habilis

Homo habilis
Researchers announced the oldest known fossil of the genus Homo, the evolutionary group of living humans. The new discovery, called the ‘Ledi jaw’ from Ethiopia, is 2.75 to 2.80 million years old. The lower jaw, known only from the left half, has smaller teeth than the ancestor Australopithecus and other similarities to later species of Homo, such as Homo habilis.

The most important jaw of Homo habilis, around 1.8 million years old, has now been restored. The shape was cracked as it fossilized. Using CT scanning, scientists could visualize and separate the cracked pieces to reconstruct its original shape. The newly restored jaw, found in 1960 in Tanzania, shows parallel rows of teeth likeAustralopithecus, yet it belongs to an individual with a large brain, similar in size to earlyHomo erectus.

The new reconstruction of Homo habilis (below, left) was published in Nature March 5, 2015, and the Ledi jaw (below, right) was announced in Science the same day.

The oldest fossil of our genus | The Smithsonian Institution's Human Origins Program

"Big Brain" Gene Allowed for Evolutionary Expansion of Human Neocortex
The newly identified gene is found in modern-day humans, Neandertals and Denisovans, but not in chimps

"Big Brain" Gene Allowed for Evolutionary Expansion of Human Neocortex - Scientific American

Howard Hughes Medical Institute's new BioInteractive Video on human evolution is online!
Great Transitions: The Origin of Humans — HHMI BioInteractive Video
Which traits distinguish humans from other primates? When and where did these traits evolve? Discover the latest findings on hominid evolution in this classroom-ready biology video.



Dear Mes, IF you had ANY evidence of How or When humans magically evolved from Apes, you would be buggier than you are. At least I have empirical historic evidence that your precious ToE is completely WRONG, and you don't like for me to post it. Yipee diddle. I will alert the Press that Mes disagrees....God Bless you

Humans are genetically linked to a species that walked on all fours most of the time and would also walk on two legs only when it needed to and that species is called Sahelanthropus. Sahelanthropus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia There is also the Australopithecus....Australopithecus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keep in mind that we have traced our development(evolution) enough that we know evolution works other wise we would not have been able to trace our DNA at all as well as create new species of animals such as dogs. How do you think that we have so many forms of dogs and cats? Dogs ALL come from the wolf at their beginning. I have given you many links to prove evolution and even real world situations. The proof is in front of your eyes but you are not "allowed" (or able) to consider it at all are you?

What is preventing you from considering evolution then when there is overwhelming facts to support it and ZERO facts supporting the bibles story of the beginning?
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Dear idav, God made Adam's Earth on the 3rd Day. Gen 1:9-10 The first Stars of our Cosmos lit up on the 4th Day. Gen 1:16 Your ignorance can be traced to the Fact that you THINK our Earth is the First Earth.This is totally False since Adam's world was "clean dissolved" in the Flood. Isaiah 24:19 and ll Peter 3:5

Adam's EARTH was made some 10 Billion years BEFORE our Solar system was formed. This means that God made Adam's Earth BEFORE our Sun appeared. God Bless you

Our earth is made of the elements of OUR sun. The earth could not have come first and to think so is as ridiculous as believing that the earth is flat.

So what you are saying is that a "flood" wiped out an entire solar system? That would be the case if you are saying that Adam's earth was before our sun and our current earth.
This link here..http://chandlerdriggs.com/Media/HubbleUltraDeepFieldImage.jpg. is a picture that Hubble took and in the picture shows millions of galaxies and every SINGLE SPEC OF LIGHT is an ENTIRE galaxy.


Dear Fallout, False. You cannot show us the First Human, nor his wife, nor his children. You ask us to accept by FAITH your false ToE since you have NO evidence of How or When we magically changed from animal to Human intelligence. Today's Science is also ignorant of the difference between animal and human intelligence but YOU want us to believe that YOU can see it happening hundreds of thousands of years ago. Get real. You probably were brainwashed as a child in the Public Schools. Right?

2. The Bible does NOT say that Noah brought the number of creatures you falsely suppose he brought.

A. Sure i can. Noah's sons brought his grandsons with them and they took up NO space since they were NOT yet born. They had NO other Humans to marry, so like Cain, they married and produced children with the prehistoric people who were already here. These people had evolved from the water beginning 3.77 Billion years ago. In just some 10k years God's plan had produced some 7 Billion Humans (descendants of Adam)

B. The Bible does NOT say that our Earth suffered a Global Flood, but instead, tells us that Adam's world, the world that THEN WAS was totally destroyed in the Flood. ll Peter 3:3-7 You've been listening to too many ancient goat herders. Don't you know that they knew NOTHING of God's Truth?

C. Why? since there were many millions of species already on our Earth when Noah arrived 10k years ago. Noah could have fulfilled God's commands and the commands of the LORD God with less than 100 creatures.

D. False. Noah arrived some 10k years ago as the empirical historic evidence confirms. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE Can you refute this evidence? Of course NOT.

3. Simple. Adam's world (Kosmos) was made the 2nd Day. Gen 1:6-8 The present Cosmos was made the 3rd Day Gen 2:4 along with the 3rd Heaven, ll Cor 12:2 where ALL Christians will live AFTER the present world is burned. ll Peter 3:10 IOW, Humans were NOT made on our Planet but instead, on Adam's world. Have you ever actually read the Bible? Or are you parroting the mistakes made by the Godless Evols of this lost and dying world. God Bless you

The species that came just before humans and then became human is either the Australopithecus or the Sahelanthropus. The reason that I say that its one of those is that both share similar DNA to both Chimps and humans. Humans came from one of them and the Chimps came from the other. Its one or the other.

2. You are NOT listening...I never said that the bible says 16 million. I said that there ARE 16 million species of animals and insects and that it is impossible to put that much on a small boat.

A. No I was not talking about the people, I was talking about every animal on the planet.

B. Wrong, the reason is is because they (animals) were brought on two by two (one male and one female). This MEANS that they were planning to avoid extinction! If that small area of land was to be flooded and NOT the whole world then there WOULD BE NO NEED to save ANY animals with two by two AT ALL because the animals of that area existed in other areas like the mountain goat just for example. This MEANS that the bible states literally that the world had been flooded whole.

C. No our current evolution tree (what is discovered so far) is much bigger then anything that could fit on a 450 foot boat in as little as 4000 years. What your stating is not only mathematically impossible but also goes against current findings as well as the basics of biology itself.

D....Wrong again. The bibles own interpretation states by evaluating the names and dates listed in the bible puts Noah's Arc around 4000 years ago. Timeline for the Flood | Answers in Genesis Is the Global Flood of Noah to be taken literally?
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Ben West

"Prehistoric people evolved from the water from which they were brought forth on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which began some 3.77 Billion years ago in man's time."

wrong again, at 3.77 billion years ago there were no animals at all only cynobacteria that we know of and they evolved photosynthesis and hence why the Earth has an Oxygen atmosphere humans can breath and not a Natural gas atmosphere, similar to the Saturn moon Titan.

Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple?
Predating Stonehenge by 6,000 years, Turkey's stunning Gobekli Tepe upends the conventional view of the rise of civilization

Gobekli Tepe: The World’s First Temple? | History | Smithsonian

Dear shawn, Learn to read. I said that prehistoric people "BEGAN" to evolve from the water 3.77 Billion years ago since that is WHEN God commanded that "every living creature that moveth" be created and brought forth from the water. Gen 1:20-21 The sons of God (prehistoric people) moveth. Right?

I agree that Gobeki Tepe could be Babel in Northern Mesopotamia. Please don't try to tell us that Babel is Babylon since it is in SOUTHERN Mesopotamia and probably named after Babel, the first Human city. Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah built Babel. Gen 10:10 Nimrod was the son of Cush AND a prehistoric woman, since there were NO other Humans for Noah's grandsons to marry. God Bless you

Ben West

Humans are genetically linked to a species that walked on all fours most of the time and would also walk on two legs only when it needed to and that species is called Sahelanthropus. Sahelanthropus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia There is also the Australopithecus....Australopithecus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Keep in mind that we have traced our development(evolution) enough that we know evolution works other wise we would not have been able to trace our DNA at all as well as create new species of animals such as dogs. How do you think that we have so many forms of dogs and cats? Dogs ALL come from the wolf at their beginning. I have given you many links to prove evolution and even real world situations. The proof is in front of your eyes but you are not "allowed" (or able) to consider it at all are you?

What is preventing you from considering evolution then when there is overwhelming facts to support it and ZERO facts supporting the bibles story of the beginning?

Dear Fallout, I have NO problem with evolution since it is nothing more than changes within His and Their kinds. What I have problems with is the idiotic idea that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. The DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes is found in Humans because Noah's grandchildren had NO other Humans to marry so they married and produced children with the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were here when the Ark arrived some 10k years ago. Genesis 6:4 Can YOU tell us HOW ancient men who lived thousands of years before Science knew this? Of course not since only God knew about genetics 3k years ago. Try again? God Bless you

Ben West

Our earth is made of the elements of OUR sun. The earth could not have come first and to think so is as ridiculous as believing that the earth is flat.

So what you are saying is that a "flood" wiped out an entire solar system? That would be the case if you are saying that Adam's earth was before our sun and our current earth.
This link here..http://chandlerdriggs.com/Media/HubbleUltraDeepFieldImage.jpg. is a picture that Hubble took and in the picture shows millions of galaxies and every SINGLE SPEC OF LIGHT is an ENTIRE galaxy.

Dear Fallout, The flood destroyed Adam's Earth and NOT the present Earth. Adam's world was made the 2nd Day in the midst of water. Gen 1:6-8 Our world was made the THIRD Day Gen 2:4 and our world is NOT surrounded by water as Adam's was. Adam's Earth was "clean dissolved" in the Flood. Isaiah 24:19 Our Earth is the 3rd ROCK from the Sun and water did NOT clean dissolve our Earth since it is still here. The problem is with your interpretation which agrees with ancient goat herder theology of people who called for the Crucifixion of their own God. Jhn 19:6

I go to the Hubble site all the time and I'm familiar with the deep filed image of the Galaxies. Adam's world was NOT a part of our Universe, but instead, was the First Universe made within our Multiverse. Confusion on your part is indicated. God Bless you

BTW, Adam's world was also FLAT. Want Scripture?


there are two types of people; there were two types of dinosaurs (eating grass in peace or runing around biting everyone); I can tell which dinosaur/human Ive met instantly: first thing they do when you say no to them, they bite; they think they are masters of that planet

if you take both type of people to the river bank, you can tell them "we are all scared of death; wash it of, or you will lust all your life" once they came out of river, they know which dinosaur they are; then you tell all man, all Adams: you have apple in your throat, and snake between your legs; if you spend all your life chasing pleasures, if you let your penis in your heart, you will be reborn as women;

stay in Eden, all good Adams, and keep your snake/your penis calm; if you get scared, and start pleasuring it penis, snake willl grow into your breast

you can call it evolution, you can call it dharma and reincarnation, or you can call it being in Eden (as a state of mind)


Well-Known Member
Dear shawn, Learn to read. I said that prehistoric people "BEGAN" to evolve from the water 3.77 Billion years ago since that is WHEN God commanded that "every living creature that moveth" be created and brought forth from the water. Gen 1:20-21 The sons of God (prehistoric people) moveth. Right?

I agree that Gobeki Tepe could be Babel in Northern Mesopotamia. Please don't try to tell us that Babel is Babylon since it is in SOUTHERN Mesopotamia and probably named after Babel, the first Human city. Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah built Babel. Gen 10:10 Nimrod was the son of Cush AND a prehistoric woman, since there were NO other Humans for Noah's grandsons to marry. God Bless you

Its not me who needs to learn to read for sure.

"I said that prehistoric people "BEGAN" to evolve from the water 3.77 Billion years ago since that is WHEN God commanded that "every living creature that moveth" be created and brought forth from the water."

If you want I can point out more that is totally wrong from the Genesis creation myth 2000 years ago and what we know today, or at least some of us or most of us, there are a few like you who don't seem to know how much we have learned?

Those were "modern Humans' anatomically who built Gobeki Tepe .

The first civilization were the Sumerians. Abraham came from the Sumerian city or UR.

By the way, can you read and have you read a Greek bible or only English translations? I personally cannot read Greek myself.


monkeys were sitting in branches, away from earth and its goods, eating bananas and looking up in the sky and the sun; unfortunately they turned into humans, walking planet earth and being pulled down by its pleasures; now they chase food, car, house

it is sad that bananas dont taste good any more;

will humans let monkeys evolve in milions of years? by then there will be no jungle left

Ben West

Its not me who needs to learn to read for sure.

"I said that prehistoric people "BEGAN" to evolve from the water 3.77 Billion years ago since that is WHEN God commanded that "every living creature that moveth" be created and brought forth from the water."

If you want I can point out more that is totally wrong from the Genesis creation myth 2000 years ago and what we know today, or at least some of us or most of us, there are a few like you who don't seem to know how much we have learned?

Those were "modern Humans' anatomically who built Gobeki Tepe .

Dear shawn, All you can do is expose your own ignorance of what Genesis says. Go ahead and try and I will show you your error. God Bless you


Well-Known Member
Neanderthals were as Smart as Early Humans, Say Scientists

In a new review of recent studies on Neanderthals, anthropologists have found that complex interbreeding and assimilation may have been responsible for Neanderthal disappearance about 40,000 years ago, not the superiority of their human contemporaries.

Neanderthals were as Smart as Early Humans, Say Scientists | Anthropology | Sci-News.com

Neanderthals, Humans Interbred, DNA Proves


- A newly mapped Neanderthal genome provides strong evidence that humans and Neanderthals interbred.

- Between 1-4 percent of the DNA of many humans living today likely came from Neanderthals.

- People of European and Asian heritage are most likely to carry the Neanderthal genes.

It's official: Most of us are part Neanderthal. The first draft sequence of the Neanderthal genome has provided the strongest evidence yet that modern humans and Neanderthals interbred and that all non-Africans today have Neanderthal gene fragments in their genetic codes.

Neanderthals, Humans Interbred, DNA Proves : Discovery News


Dear Fallout, I have NO problem with evolution since it is nothing more than changes within His and Their kinds. What I have problems with is the idiotic idea that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. The DNA and ERVs of the common ancestor of Apes is found in Humans because Noah's grandchildren had NO other Humans to marry so they married and produced children with the sons of God (prehistoric people) who were here when the Ark arrived some 10k years ago. Genesis 6:4 Can YOU tell us HOW ancient men who lived thousands of years before Science knew this? Of course not since only God knew about genetics 3k years ago. Try again? God Bless you

1. If you have a problem with "us" coming from ancient apes because it makes you uncomfortable then that is NOT a valid reason to be to say that it is not truth. IF WE CAN BREED with(ancient apes) them as you said Noah's people did then how could they they if they are not genetically matched enough to have offspring with a common ape? If they are genetically matched then they(humans) CAN breed with common apes of that time...THIS MEANS that the ..."ONLY"... way that can happen is through biology in a process that we call evolution. THIS MEANS that if YOU are saying that Noah's people was matting with the common ancestors then they would HAVE to be genetically related to start with. This can ONLY happen if they were ALREADY connected by evolution.
2. Intelligence began in humans when our ancestors skulls began to expand (genetic mutation) due to humans having to think more and more in order to survive(adapt), those that could not adapt die off leaving only those that had the "right" genes to survive (this is why every animal seems perfectly suited for his/her environment). This caused the only offspring to survive IF they had the ability to survive. This means that only the ones that had the genetic skull modification to survive/adapt. This process of an expanding skull did NOT happen all at once. We see the evidence in ALL the humans and their remains that came before us. It was not until 200,000 years ago that there was enough mental intelligence ( and the greatest skull expansion) to classify them as another species called Homo Sapiens (modern humans).
3. How did ancient men lived thousands of years ago before science knew this?....well first off science DID and does know of how ancient men lived thousands of years ago and I suggest you to read into in. The history of human beginnings is not short enough to explain in a single post. Short version is... The genetic "bread trail" is all there for us to see how we evolved. We even have a genetic tree that has been traced to other sub humans. ALSO the "Nephilim" are referred to as fallen angels and NOT ancient humans. If you suggest that Noah's people are different then Adam's people then I suggest you try again because Noah's arch happened around 4000 years ago and our genetic pool did NOT see any MAJOR intelligent change or difference in humans of that time then today like IT WOULD if it was true that Adam's people were different then Noah's people.

The genetic history of humans does NOT fit your claim of Adam's people not coming from evolution if we have traced our genetic history back 7 million years ago. Try again.
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Ben West

1. If you have a problem with "us" coming from ancient apes because it makes you uncomfortable then that is NOT a valid reason to be to say that it is not truth. IF WE CAN BREED with(ancient apes) them as you said Noah's people did then how could they they if they are not genetically matched enough to have offspring with a common ape? If they are genetically matched then they(humans) CAN breed with common apes of that time...THIS MEANS that the ..."ONLY"... way that can happen is through biology in a process that we call evolution. THIS MEANS that if YOU are saying that Noah's people was matting with the common ancestors then they would HAVE to be genetically related to start with. This can ONLY happen if they were ALREADY connected by evolution.
2. Intelligence began in humans when our ancestors skulls began to expand (genetic mutation) due to humans having to think more and more in order to survive(adapt), those that could not adapt die off leaving only those that had the "right" genes to survive (this is why every animal seems perfectly suited for his/her environment). This caused the only offspring to survive IF they had the ability to survive. This means that only the ones that had the genetic skull modification to survive/adapt. This process of an expanding skull did NOT happen all at once. We see the evidence in ALL the humans and their remains that came before us. It was not until 200,000 years ago that there was enough mental intelligence ( and the greatest skull expansion) to classify them as another species called Homo Sapiens (modern humans).
3. How did ancient men lived thousands of years ago before science knew this?....well first off science DID and does know of how ancient men lived thousands of years ago and I suggest you to read into in. The history of human beginnings is not short enough to explain in a single post. Short version is... The genetic "bread trail" is all there for us to see how we evolved. We even have a genetic tree that has been traced to other sub humans. ALSO the "Nephilim" are referred to as fallen angels and NOT ancient humans. If you suggest that Noah's people are different then Adam's people then I suggest you try again because Noah's arch happened around 4000 years ago and our genetic pool did NOT see any MAJOR intelligent change or difference in humans of that time then today like IT WOULD if it was true that Adam's people were different then Noah's people.

The genetic history of humans does NOT fit your claim of Adam's people not coming from evolution if we have traced our genetic history back 7 million years ago. Try again.

Dear Fallout, 1. False, since Humans were made on the 3rd Day, Gen 2:4-7 and EVERY other living creature was made from the water on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 The LORD/Jesus made Adam BEFORE the plants herbs and rain and since each of God's Days/Ages is some 4.5 Billion years in length, in man's time, Adam was alive for 10 Billion years BEFORE the First bacteria appeared in the water, making it impossible that Humans could have possibly evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. Elohim (The Trinity) created and brought forth life from the water and today's misguided scientists call this creation from the water "natural".

When Noah arrived on our Planet, his grandsons, like Cain, had NO other Humans to marry so they married and produced children with the sons of God (prehistoric people) Gen 6:4 which the Trinity created on the 5th Day.

2. False, since you are calling the sons of God "Humans". ONLY Adam's descendants are Humans. The sons of God were made from the water while Adam was made from the dust of the ground. Since BOTH were made by God, they were made to be compatible sexually with Humans because God KNEW that Adam would fall.

3. False, Angels do NOT have sex according to Jesus, Mar 12:25 and are bound in everlasting chains under the darkness. Jde 1:6 Also, Angels are NOT made of Flesh, but the sons of God (prehistoric people) were. Your dating is also False since the following shows that the FIRST Human farming happened 10k years ago in the valleys just SW of the mountains of Ararat in the Fertile Crescent which is known as the Cradle of Human Civilization on this Earth. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE Can you explain WHY, if prehistoric people became "fully Human" 200k years ago, they waited for 190k years to grow themselves something to eat? Of course not. You have swallowed the False assumption of the ToE which Falsely teaches that Humans had our origin on this Planet.

Noah brought the unique superior intelligence of Adam, which is like God's intelligence, Gen 3:22 to this Planet of the descendants of the common ancestor of Apes. That is God's Truth. God Bless you

Ben West

We so need a pontoon smilie...
