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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes

Everything that is "we" is interaction. Our consciousness is interaction. Reincarnation is just a personal belief of mine. I believe that some interactive part that we could relate to as our "self" continues on after that stage we call death and on into another highly interactive existence.. Obviously there is nothing anyone can provide as evidence for this, which is why it is just a belief. I simply believe that after "death" we will be more interactive and more animated that most people think.


I don't object to you sharing something that is "just a belief" of yours.
I'm just still confused because you use terms in a way that seems entirely different to how the rest of us uses them.
If "consciousnes" is just "interaction", then sure... this will outlast us.
And as I've said, if you just believe that our parts (I assume you mean our atoms) will keep interacting after our death, I even agree with you.
So, if you describe THIS concept as "reincarnation" (our atoms keep interacting) and this interaction "consciousnes", then I'm on the same page as you are... I just use different terms to describe it, and I think the terms I use ("Interactions of atoms" f.e.) are less confusing, and don't hold bagage like the terms "reincarnation" do, which at least implies that we (and again: not what you seem to define the word "we" means, but our personality, our self-awareness, and these things) will eventually experience a different life in a different physical form. And I think that's what most people understand what you mean when you use the term "reincarnation", which is why I think you should reevaluate simply the terminology you use.


Admiral Obvious
And your word games are less than interesting.

I did not expect a straight answer from you.
You are to well versed in hiding.

And to accuse me of words games when word games is all you have..

Yes, you are well versed in hiding behind your faith.


I don't object to you sharing something that is "just a belief" of yours.
I'm just still confused because you use terms in a way that seems entirely different to how the rest of us uses them.
If "consciousnes" is just "interaction", then sure... this will outlast us.
And as I've said, if you just believe that our parts (I assume you mean our atoms) will keep interacting after our death, I even agree with you.
So, if you describe THIS concept as "reincarnation" (our atoms keep interacting) and this interaction "consciousnes", then I'm on the same page as you are... I just use different terms to describe it, and I think the terms I use ("Interactions of atoms" f.e.) are less confusing, and don't hold bagage like the terms "reincarnation" do, which at least implies that we (and again: not what you seem to define the word "we" means, but our personality, our self-awareness, and these things) will eventually experience a different life in a different physical form. And I think that's what most people understand what you mean when you use the term "reincarnation", which is why I think you should reevaluate simply the terminology you use.

I do tend to define things a little differently and admittedly this does confuse people sometimes.

Most people define consciousness as the ability to feel self aware which to me seems kinda vague. I define consciousness in a more mechanistic fashion. I define it as the ability to interact in a complex manner with the environment.

Most people define reincarnation as the continuation of a non-physical "soul" after death into a new life. I don't believe in the supernatural, but I do believe there are natural, physical unknowns that exist. I define reincarnation in a more mechanistic fashion as well as being the continuation in on fom or another, of the same interactive forces which give us that feeling of "self" or "awareness". The way I see it, matter...atoms, molecules, and proteins, etc.. are not "conscious". I don't believe matter is capable of being conscious or living. There is only interaction at varying levels of complexity. The more something interacts, the more conscious or life-like it may appear.
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I do tend to define things a little differently and admittedly this does confuse people sometimes.

Most people define consciousness as the ability to feel self aware which to me seems kinda vague. I define consciousness in a more mechanistic fashion. I define it as the ability to interact in a complex manner with the environment.

Most people define reincarnation as the continuation of a non-physical "soul" after death into a new life. I don't believe in the supernatural, but I do believe there are natural, physical unknowns that exist. I define reincarnation in a more mechanistic fashion as well as being the continuation in on fom or another, of the same interactive forces which give us that feeling of "self" or "awareness". The way I see it, matter...atoms, molecules, and proteins, etc.. are not "conscious". I don't believe matter is capable of being conscious or living. There is only interaction at varying levels of complexity. The more something interacts, the more conscious or life-like it may appear.

Well, ok then, I guess that's settles it.

I just think you should reconsider having your own definitions.
We have language to communicate, so we agree on a specific line of silibels to have a specific meaning on which we agree.
If we all use the same line of silibels ("words" ;)) to describe different concepts, language loses all usefullness...
And if people don't know that you use the words differently, then you will always end up having to explain yourself in great detail, to make the other person understand... when you could just use the definitions that most people have agreed upon and simplify the entire process.

But that's up to you.


Bible Believer
Define "spirit" in a useful and or meaningful way.

Dear Mestemia, I once heard a man describe his born again Spiritual knowledge as "Jesus won't leave me alone, which is a good thing". To me, it's an inner knowledge from the Holy Spirit, that I am now immortal, thanks to Jesus. Since I will never die, I have NO fear of death since it's nothing but a homegoing. I now know that I will see my loved ones, who have gone before, thanks to Jesus.

To be born again Spiritually is Life itself. I am now an Eternal Creation because God does NOT create ANYthing unless it is Eternal. My destiny is to have dominion over every animal, forever. It's an awesome responsibility which I see as stewardship. I can hardly wait to go home to the Third Heaven. God Bless you.

In Love,
Dear Mestemia, I once heard a man describe his born again Spiritual knowledge as "Jesus won't leave me alone, which is a good thing". To me, it's an inner knowledge from the Holy Spirit, that I am now immortal, thanks to Jesus. Since I will never die, I have NO fear of death since it's nothing but a homegoing. I now know that I will see my loved ones, who have gone before, thanks to Jesus.

To be born again Spiritually is Life itself. I am now an Eternal Creation because God does NOT create ANYthing unless it is Eternal. My destiny is to have dominion over every animal, forever. It's an awesome responsibility which I see as stewardship. I can hardly wait to go home to the Third Heaven. God Bless you.

In Love,
Only those who are baptized in the holy spirit, like those at the Pentecost of 33 C.E., will go to Heaven to reign with Jesus Christ.The rest of the people who are forgiven and make it will reside on earth forever.Heaven is only for those who are anointed.This is where Gods government is.The earth was made to be inhabited forever,just as was planned from the beginning with Adam and Eve.Read this.

Isaiah 45:18 For this is what the LORD says-- he who created the heavens, he is God; he who fashioned and made the earth, he founded it; he did not create it to be empty, but formed it to be inhabited-- he says: "I am the LORD, and there is no other.

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

So we have God saying He created the Earth to be inhabited forever and we have the Word saying the Meek shall inherit the Earth.

Those who are not of the anointed class will reside on Earth forever.Not Heaven.

Another thing.When it speaks of the time after the 1,000 year reign of peace in the book of Revelation,it mentions this final battle will take place on earth,not Heaven.

Revelation 20:7-10. 7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8 and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore.
9 They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

So as you can see all of this takes place on Earth.This is where those who made it through Armageddon,which is Gods great day,will reside.


Rogue Theologian
I did not expect a straight answer from you.
You are to well versed in hiding.

And to accuse me of words games when word games is all you have..

Yes, you are well versed in hiding behind your faith.

Look who's talking!....nice avatar.....


Rogue Theologian
I don't object to you sharing something that is "just a belief" of yours.
I'm just still confused because you use terms in a way that seems entirely different to how the rest of us uses them.
If "consciousnes" is just "interaction", then sure... this will outlast us.
And as I've said, if you just believe that our parts (I assume you mean our atoms) will keep interacting after our death, I even agree with you.
So, if you describe THIS concept as "reincarnation" (our atoms keep interacting) and this interaction "consciousnes", then I'm on the same page as you are... I just use different terms to describe it, and I think the terms I use ("Interactions of atoms" f.e.) are less confusing, and don't hold bagage like the terms "reincarnation" do, which at least implies that we (and again: not what you seem to define the word "we" means, but our personality, our self-awareness, and these things) will eventually experience a different life in a different physical form. And I think that's what most people understand what you mean when you use the term "reincarnation", which is why I think you should reevaluate simply the terminology you use.

Not buying it.

Get real.

What if you DID wake up in a different form?!

Would 'you' still be ....'you'?
Could you deal with it?

I believe WE DO transform!
WE stand from the dust and become what we really are!

Some of us will take wing.....some of us will do no more than crawl away.
But that would be a spiritual body....not physical.

(What is you woke up and went to the mirror...and you see what you really are.......as your dead body remains in the bed?)


Well, ok then, I guess that's settles it.

I just think you should reconsider having your own definitions.
We have language to communicate, so we agree on a specific line of silibels to have a specific meaning on which we agree.
If we all use the same line of silibels ("words" ;)) to describe different concepts, language loses all usefullness...
And if people don't know that you use the words differently, then you will always end up having to explain yourself in great detail, to make the other person understand... when you could just use the definitions that most people have agreed upon and simplify the entire process.

But that's up to you.

I am aware that consciousness has a specific, well established meaning. However, it has a very vaguely established explanation. Really what I am doing is just presenting my own explanation for why we have this feeling of self-awareness. The way I see it, it is simply a complex form of interaction. Everything we do...touch, taste, see, smell, hear, think, react or respond to is an interaction. The reason why we can interact or really why anything at all interacts is due to the Fundamental Interactions. These interactions can and do occur outside of the human brain. The brain allows for highly complex, very peculiar interactions. It is my belief that even after that stage we call "death", there may occur even more peculiar interactions that in our present "living" state we may be completely unaware of.

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Bible Believer
Only those who are baptized in the holy spirit, like those at the Pentecost of 33 C.E., will go to Heaven to reign with Jesus Christ.The rest of the people who are forgiven and make it will reside on earth forever.Heaven is only for those who are anointed.This is where Gods government is.The earth was made to be inhabited forever,just as was planned from the beginning with Adam and Eve.

Dear Bible Student, UnScriptural, since you have ignored the following: 2Pe 3:10

Sounds like JW teaching. God Bless you.

In Love,
Dear Bible Student, UnScriptural, since you have ignored the following: 2Pe 3:10

Sounds like JW teaching. God Bless you.

In Love,
You are incorrect brother.You interpret that passage using human wisdom.This earth will not literally be destroyed.Without going into so much detail, as I would like to,I will keep it real short, simply using a couple scriptures to prove my point.

Okay.... first, it says,"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief." This is referring to the great day of God better known as Armageddon.This occurs before the 1,000 year reign of peace.In 2 Peter 3:10 when it says,"The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare." This does not mean that the earth will literally be burned and destroyed.Its a metaphor.It is figuratively speaking.

We know this to be true because the 1,000 year reign happens right after the Lords great day.This 1,000 year reign takes place on earth,not in heaven.This can all be confirmed in Revelation 20.

It speaks about after the 1,000 year reign there being a final battle against those who did not take to the truth during this 1,000 year period of peace and training for the people who made it through the great day of God.It speaks of these people being gathered on earth by satan one last time to do battle with God.

Revelation 20:7-10. 7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Do you see how it speaks of this battle taking place on Earth?

It says satan gathered them from the four corners of the Earth and surrounded the camp of God's people.

It also says."They marched across the breadth of the earth"

It goes on to say,"But fire came down from heaven and devoured them."

So we have confirmation that this all occurs after Gods great day that comes like a thief in the night.This all takes place before the 1,000 year reign.It says fire came down from heaven during this battle that takes place on Earth.
All of this also confirms that there is still an Earth during this 1,000 year reign.The Earth is never destroyed.
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Dear Bible Student, UnScriptural, since you have ignored the following: 2Pe 3:10

Sounds like JW teaching. God Bless you.

In Love,
Peter uses the term “earth” in a figurative sense, referring to human society—in this case wicked human society. Note that Peter draws a parallel with the Flood of Noah’s day. (2 Peter 3:5, 6) On that occasion, only wicked mankind was destroyed; the earth itself and righteous Noah and his family survived. By the same token, Peter’s use of “heavens” would also be symbolic. In this case, “heavens” refers to human rulership over the ungodly. Thus, the incorrigibly wicked will be gone, as will all wicked governments, which will be dissolved and replaced by God’s heavenly rule, or Kingdom.—Daniel 2:44.

Will the Earth Come to an End? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY