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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Bible Believer
You are incorrect brother.You interpret that passage using human wisdom.This earth will not literally be destroyed.Without going into so much detail, as I would like to,I will keep it real short, simply using a couple scriptures to prove my point.

Dear Bible Student, Correction: I am incorrect according to JW teaching, which is NOT recognized as a Christian denomination.

Okay.... first, it says,"But the day of the Lord will come like a thief." This is referring to the great day of God better known as Armageddon.

I cannot agree since a Thief doesn't come as a Conqueror. It's obviously a reference to the Rapture.

This occurs before the 1,000 year reign of peace.In 2 Peter 3:10 when it says,"The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare." This does not mean that the earth will literally be burned and destroyed.Its a metaphor.It is figuratively speaking.

I've noticed that those who cannot support their views with Scripture change God's Truth into allegory, fantasy, or fiction. It's easier than explaining the elements melting with fervent heat. Is this another example of the paraphrased JW Bible?

We know this to be true because the 1,000 year reign happens right after the Lords great day.This 1,000 year reign takes place on earth,not in heaven.This can all be confirmed in Revelation 20.

It speaks about after the 1,000 year reign there being a final battle against those who did not take to the truth during this 1,000 year period of peace and training for the people who made it through the great day of God.It speaks of these people being gathered on earth by satan one last time to do battle with God.

Revelation 20:7-10. 7 When the thousand years are over, Satan will be released from his prison 8and will go out to deceive the nations in the four corners of the earth—Gog and Magog—and to gather them for battle. In number they are like the sand on the seashore. 9They marched across the breadth of the earth and surrounded the camp of God’s people, the city he loves. But fire came down from heaven and devoured them. 10And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

Do you see how it speaks of this battle taking place on Earth?

Of course it takes place on the Earth. It couldn't take place in Heaven because the Devil wouldn't be there. Would he? Now, show us that this is the battle of Armageddon, since that battle takes place in Rev 16. It appears that you are mixing the two separate battles.

It says satan gathered them from the four corners of the Earth and surrounded the camp of God's people.

It also says."They marched across the breadth of the earth"

It goes on to say,"But fire came down from heaven and devoured them."

So we have confirmation that this all occurs after Gods great day that comes like a thief in the night.

False presumption because you think the great Day of the LORD is when He returns to this Earth to begin His 1,000 year reign.

This all takes place before the 1,000 year reign.It says fire came down from heaven during this battle that takes place on Earth.
All of this also confirms that there is still an Earth during this 1,000 year reign.The Earth is never destroyed.

The Earth is not destroyed until AFTER the battle you describe, which is AFTER the Judgment when Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire. Where do you suppose people will be while the elements are melting with fervent heat? You are obviously confused. God Bless you.

In Love,


Well-Known Member
Dear Readers, It is impossible for Humans to have evolved from the common ancestor of Apes since Humans were made long before ANY other living creature. Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans was made the THIRD Day. Gen 2:4-7 Jesus made Adam of the dust of the ground BEFORE the first Stars of our Universe put forth their light on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16

This means that the common ancestor of Apes, on our Earth, lived Billions of years AFTER Adam, the first Human was made, according to Scripture. God Bless you.

In Love,

Hi Aman. In my opinion, the Bible is not a science book and shouldn't be used like one. There are various types of literature in the Bible with different ways to interpret those different types of literature. If you want to understand how to interpret the Bible the way that Catholics do, I would urge reading these links:

Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation - Dei Verbum

Understanding the Bible


Rogue Theologian
Hi Aman. In my opinion, the Bible is not a science book and shouldn't be used like one. There are various types of literature in the Bible with different ways to interpret those different types of literature. If you want to understand how to interpret the Bible the way that Catholics do, I would urge reading these links:

Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation - Dei Verbum

Understanding the Bible

and if you're really serious.....
Thomas Aquinas made attempt to use logic I support of dogma.

The logic is a bit strained.
I chose NOT to follow dogma as logic is not really supportive.
Dear Bible Student, Correction: I am incorrect according to JW teaching, which is NOT recognized as a Christian denomination.

I cannot agree since a Thief doesn't come as a Conqueror. It's obviously a reference to the Rapture.

I've noticed that those who cannot support their views with Scripture change God's Truth into allegory, fantasy, or fiction. It's easier than explaining the elements melting with fervent heat. Is this another example of the paraphrased JW Bible?

Of course it takes place on the Earth. It couldn't take place in Heaven because the Devil wouldn't be there. Would he? Now, show us that this is the battle of Armageddon, since that battle takes place in Rev 16. It appears that you are mixing the two separate battles.

False presumption because you think the great Day of the LORD is when He returns to this Earth to begin His 1,000 year reign.

The Earth is not destroyed until AFTER the battle you describe, which is AFTER the Judgment when Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire. Where do you suppose people will be while the elements are melting with fervent heat? You are obviously confused. God Bless you.

In Love,
No.You are still incorrect.You are actually incorrect according to true Christianity.You are lost.Very lost.I actually feel for you.Since there is nothing that can be done, I will cease to go any further with you brother.I truly am sorry.You have a good one and may God bless you with an accurate knowledge of the truth.Goodbye.............................


Bible Believer
No.You are still incorrect.You are actually incorrect according to true Christianity.You are lost.Very lost.I actually feel for you.Since there is nothing that can be done, I will cease to go any further with you brother.I truly am sorry.You have a good one and may God bless you with an accurate knowledge of the truth.Goodbye.............................

Dear Bible Student, I'm sure that you THINK that only JWs know the Truth, but Christianity rejects the JW opinion. This is easily shown Scripturally when you ask a JW HOW to get to Heaven. They can't tell you, since they preach "another" Gospel. God Bless you.

In Love,
I already explained that it is pointless to speak to one another brother.The most simplest known things, like the day which Adam and Eve were created,which is the sixth day,are not known to you.Everybody knows this except you.You are not qualified to give advice or teach anything about the holy scriptures if you do not even know the basics.Im not trying to sound mean.Im just letting you know the truth.I will now add you to my ignore list.Have a nice day:) :yes:


Bible Believer
I already explained that it is pointless to speak to one another brother.The most simplest known things, like the day which Adam and Eve were created,which is the sixth day,are not known to you.Everybody knows this except you.You are not qualified to give advice or teach anything about the holy scriptures if you do not even know the basics.Im not trying to sound mean.Im just letting you know the truth.I will now add you to my ignore list.Have a nice day:) :yes:

Dear Readers, Have you ever asked someone HOW to get to Heaven? It's the easiest way I know to separate the wheat from the chaff. Next time you see someone claim to be a Christian, ask them the question, and watch the chaff fly away in the wind. God Bless all of you.

In Love,
Dear Readers, Have you ever asked someone HOW to get to Heaven? It's the easiest way I know to separate the wheat from the chaff. Next time you see someone claim to be a Christian, ask them the question, and watch the chaff fly away in the wind. God Bless all of you.

In Love,

So, what you say is:
Whoever then gives an answer different to the one YOU would give, belongs to the chaff, right?
Nice to see that modesty is still a much celebrated virtue amongst christians :rolleyes:


Bible Believer
So, what you say is:
Whoever then gives an answer different to the one YOU would give, belongs to the chaff, right?
Nice to see that modesty is still a much celebrated virtue amongst christians :rolleyes:

Dear Richard, No. My view has NOTHING to do with it. It's based on what is actually written in God's Holy Word. Have you ever read it? God Bless you.

In Love,
Dear Richard, No. My view has NOTHING to do with it. It's based on what is actually written in God's Holy Word. Have you ever read it? God Bless you.

In Love,

You mean the bible?
Yes, I've read it.
Rather unimpressive for the claimed word of god, I have to say.

Also, your opinion certainly is a big part of it.
Given that the bible is so full of contradictions, whatever people get out of it, which doctrin they fallow, depends entirely on their personal opinion and interpretation.
So, if somebody interprets the text differently than you do, you claim they are doing it wrong.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
No. My view has NOTHING to do with it. It's based on what is actually written in God's Holy Word.

Which is just your view of a collection of ancient texts.

So, yes, your view has everything to do with it.


Rogue Theologian
So now for the sake of denial and pebble tossing.....

We will no longer address the notion? that Man has diverged from the primate.
And the notion that God might have something to do with it has been resolved.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
So now for the sake of denial and pebble tossing.....

We will no longer address the notion? that Man has diverged from the primate.
And the notion that God might have something to do with it has been resolved.

No one here has state man diverged "from" primates...We have explicitly and emphatically stated man IS in fact a primate....

We actually have much more in common with our primate cousins than you know...



No one here has state man diverged "from" primates...We have explicitly and emphatically stated man IS in fact a primate....

We actually have much more in common with our primate cousins than you know...

Falling dreams are a throwback to out primate ancestors.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Everyone seems to know what God thinks. Yet another reason why I flat out doubt he minds disbelievers.


Premium Member
So now for the sake of denial and pebble tossing.....

We will no longer address the notion? that Man has diverged from the primate.
And the notion that God might have something to do with it has been resolved.

I always like to give credit where it is due. Your parents get credit for you.