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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Rogue Theologian
But that sort of thinking would disprove your god Theif. Omnipotent beings do not need to conduct experiments - you conduct experiments to learn things, so you are positing a god who is not all knowing.

There are rules to chemistry.
If you create the rules, you might have the power to set them aside.
But if you flex the rule.....won't the experiment fail?

Of course it would.

Once in motion evolution will do as it was designed to do.
Unfortunately, we humans would have overrun the planet and it's resources long before the spiritual qualities emerge.

So...Chapter Two.


Rogue Theologian
Knowing ALL things is not ALL inclusive.

Does God really need to know what is going on in your head?
You think your next thought is that important?......to Him?


pro scapegoat
There are rules to chemistry.
If you create the rules, you might have the power to set them aside.
But if you flex the rule.....won't the experiment fail?

Of course it would.

Once in motion evolution will do as it was designed to do.
Unfortunately, we humans would have overrun the planet and it's resources long before the spiritual qualities emerge.

So...Chapter Two.

Sorry Theif, but the rules to chemistry are descriptive, not proscriptive. They describe how chemical interact, they do not control them. Nobody needed to create them.

You seem to have missed the point - an all knowing god would not need to conduct experiments, he would already know the outcome.


Rogue Theologian
Sorry Theif, but the rules to chemistry are descriptive, not proscriptive. They describe how chemical interact, they do not control them. Nobody needed to create them.

You seem to have missed the point - an all knowing god would not need to conduct experiments, he would already know the outcome.

Not in the case of installing freewill into a lesser being.


pro scapegoat
Knowing ALL things is not ALL inclusive.

Does God really need to know what is going on in your head?
You think your next thought is that important?......to Him?

All knowing is all inclusive by definition Thief. If it is not all inclusive it is not all knowing.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
So you prefer....Man was made.....?
By means of evolution?
Ok with me.
Day Six....Chapter One.

THEN Chapter Two.
A story of isolation, experimentation and release.

There was no making, creating etc...We exist and evolution is one of the processes that explains our existence.


Well-Known Member
Knowing ALL things is not ALL inclusive.

Does God really need to know what is going on in your head?
You think your next thought is that important?......to Him?

Actually, that's the whole point.

You make stuff that's awesome -you say to your friend "Dude! Check this out!"

Dude says... "Oh yah? Well, check this out!"

Multiply that by billions -all bouncing ideas off each other....

that's the awesomeness of life, man!

God knows most of what we will think and do -but would love to see us create something new to him, too!

Many scriptures support this idea (not all are into that, I get it).

Why wouldn't he be interested?


Admiral Obvious
Knowing ALL things is not ALL inclusive.

Does God really need to know what is going on in your head?
You think your next thought is that important?......to Him?

I don't, but you apparently do.

Now comes the denial.

Which reminds me, what is it you claim I am denying?

Perhaps you can actually answer the question this time?


Admiral Obvious
Dear Mestemia, Here is what the KJV actually says:

Gen 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

Now, it's YOUR time to show us any time in History when this event took place. You CANNOT because it will NOT happen until the end of the present 6th Day or Age in the Creation of the perfect Heaven. The verse refers to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, AND IT WAS SO. When did this happen? God Bless you.

In Love,

I am not the least bit interested in promoting your strawman.

If you are not going to address the point, that is fine.
At least have the balls to flat out say so.

I find your cowardice revolting.


Rogue Theologian
All knowing is all inclusive by definition Thief. If it is not all inclusive it is not all knowing.

We draw lines in so many different ways......

Knowing all things.....would be a lengthy diversion in this thread.
Start a thread and let me know.

(Don't tell the guy with red eyes.....he's in denial....again)
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pro scapegoat
We draw lines in so many different ways......

Knowing all things.....would be a lengthy diversion in this thread.
Start at thread and let me know.

(Don't tell the guy with red eyes.....he's in denial....again)

Denying what? It is just taxonomy - a way to classify things, not a value judgement. So what am I denying exactlly?


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Mestemia
Nice little ranting sermon.

To bad it does not change the fact that Genesis 1:30 is not claiming all animals will become vegetarians.
Seems you have been a long time preaching falsely.

You might want to fix that.
That is, if your ego will let you....

I am betting it won't.

Dear Mestemia, You just lost your bet and came back with this deceptive answer:

I am not the least bit interested in promoting your strawman.

If you are not going to address the point, that is fine.
At least have the balls to flat out say so.

I find your cowardice revolting.

You are NOT interested in having a debate over what Gen 1:30 actually says because you know that you don't have a leg to stand on. This should teach you to stop falsely accusing Christians of things which are so easy to refute. Your deception is caused by your cowardly way of trying to win the debate at ALL costs, in false and devious ways.

Dear Readers, I hereby specify that Mestemia is the winner of this debate. All Hail to Mestemia. God Bless all of you.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Readers, It is impossible for Humans to have evolved from the common ancestor of Apes since Humans were made long before ANY other living creature. Adam, the common ancestor of ALL Humans was made the THIRD Day. Gen 2:4-7 Jesus made Adam of the dust of the ground BEFORE the first Stars of our Universe put forth their light on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16

This means that the common ancestor of Apes, on our Earth, lived Billions of years AFTER Adam, the first Human was made, according to Scripture. God Bless you.

In Love,

We've reached a point in this thread, like the countless other threads like it, where offering any scientific evidence to refute the current finding that we are primates and share a common ancestor has not produced any results that contradict current scientific evidence.

So much is flawed in the OP's speculation above. While it is true the human body consist of "dust" we are in fact 70% water. This goes to the scientific evidence that shows creatures began in the water millions of years ago and have evolved since. All evidences point to primates (including man) having a common ancestor but not the other way around as the OP suggest. There's no scientific evidence that says we were first then the other apes. What the evolutionary tree does show is that up to now we are separate in our divergence but as you trace backward the divergence becomes less and less.....

Why there is Approximately 70 Percent Water in both the Human Body and on Planet Earth by Irrira Rikki | Sciences 360

Human and Chimp Genes May Have Split 13 Million Years Ago

The links above provide critical information.
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Bible Believer
We've reached a point in this thread, like the countless other threads like it, where offering any scientific evidence to refute the current finding that we are primates and share a common ancestor has not produced any results that contradict current scientific evidence.

So much is flawed in the OP's speculation above. While it is true the human body consist of "dust" we are in fact 70% water. This goes to the scientific evidence that shows creatures began in the water millions of years ago and have evolved since. All evidences point to primates (including man) having a common ancestor but not the other way around as the OP suggest. There's no scientific evidence that says we were first then the other apes. What the evolutionary tree does show is that up to now we are separate in our divergence but as you trace backward the divergence becomes less and less.....

Dear Dirty, Genesis 1:21 correctly shows Scientifically, that "every living creature that moveth" was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day, which in man's time began some 3.7 Billion years ago. Scripture and Science AGREE.

Gen 2:4-7 correctly shows Scientifically that Humans (Adam) was "formed" from the dust of the ground some 10 Billion years earlier, on the 3rd Day, the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos, which in man's time was some 13.7 Billion years ago.

You are confused because you don't have the ability to read and understand Scripture. IF you still think you can, then explain the above. I don't think you can. Fool me. God Bless you.

BTW, What you and those who worship at the Altar of Science do NOT know, is that Humans had our origin on another world, which was totally destroyed in the Flood. This completely destroys the False Theory of Evolution.

In Love,


Genesis 1:21 correctly shows Scientifically, that "every living creature that moveth" was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day, which in man's time began some 3.7 Billion years ago. Scripture and Science AGREE.

Gen 2:4-7 correctly shows Scientifically that Humans (Adam) was "formed" from the dust of the ground some 10 Billion years earlier, on the 3rd Day, the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos, which in man's time was some 13.7 Billion years ago.
No book "shows," books can only cite evidence outside of the themselves or claim. In your case, for all the posts you've ever made, you''ve shown nothing, you've proven nothing, you just claim, claim, claim and never support.
You are confused because you don't have the ability to read and understand Scripture. IF you still think you can, then explain the above. I don't think you can. Fool me. God Bless you.
There's nothing to explain, you make an unsupported claim, that's all.
BTW, What you and those who worship at the Altar of Science do NOT know, is that Humans had our origin on another world, which was totally destroyed in the Flood. This completely destroys the False Theory of Evolution.
I expect that fairly soon, most people here will put you on block out of sheer boredom and then you can claim all you want to yourself.

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
No book "shows," books can only cite evidence outside of the themselves or claim. In your case, for all the posts you've ever made, you''ve shown nothing, you've proven nothing, you just claim, claim, claim and never support.
There's nothing to explain, you make an unsupported claim, that's all.

I expect that fairly soon, most people here will put you on block out of sheer boredom and then you can claim all you want to yourself.

Exactly.....He's making claims without citing any evidence at all...I'm already bored which is probably why I haven't responded to his last bold claims....

The Neo Nerd

Well-Known Member

You keep citing bible verses without backing them up with any science. If you want us to accept your views without evidence then you have to accept that we will then have to accept everyone elses views as well.

If you want us to believe your particular interpretations you need to back it up with some kind of evidence. If you can not do so, then we can not in all intellectual honesty accept it over anyone elses.


Rogue Theologian
HEY!....EVERYBODY!..I heard on the radio...

There is a case on the books...in a court.....a decision soon to be made.....

When is a chimp called human????????

We should all keep an eye on this one!