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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


Bible Believer
Heck no...It's just your math is lacking actual facts. It's not my job to back up such bold claims.

You said one day is 4.5 Billion Years to "God"....

So how do you go about resolving this first bold claim?

Dear Dirty, It's because Adam was made on the 3rd Day Gen 2:4-7 and today is the 6th Day. Gen 1:27 Six minus 3 = 3 of God's Days, since Adam was made. Since Adam was made on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos, Gen 2:4 divide 3 of God's Days into the 13.7 Billion years since the Big Bang and you will see that it comes close to 4.5 Billion years for each of God's Days, in man's time, as I posted. God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Oh, it's easy to claim victory if your intent on dismissing the facts. No doctor worth his weight in gold could be a doctor without a basic fundamental understanding of evolution. Those who deal with infectious diseases are a prime example. You can't just pray the sick away.

There's the impasse. How can we separate your book of sayings from the scientific evidence?

Dear Dirty, Your doctor can't pray the death away either. All they can do is say there is nothing else they can do. That's when Jesus takes over. God bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
I think you misunderstood.
That's the CLAIM. I want the evidence for that. Just repeating and rewording the claim is not evidence.

Dear Richard, Go find you a fortune teller but you won't believe Him either. Will you? Have you ever tried to teach English to a kitten? It's the same as trying to tell God's Truth to an unbeliever. God Bless you.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Dirty, It's because Adam was made on the 3rd Day Gen 2:4-7 and today is the 6th Day. Gen 1:27 Six minus 3 = 3 of God's Days, since Adam was made. Since Adam was made on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our cosmos, Gen 2:4 divide 3 of God's Days into the 13.7 Billion years since the Big Bang and you will see that it comes close to 4.5 Billion years for each of God's Days, in man's time, as I posted. God Bless you.

In Love,

I see...so you're trying to shoe horn your beliefs into the known scientific findings...even though they don't fit...:confused:

"Man" is very young as far as the age of the Earth is concern. Our existence is but a speck in time when it comes to the over all age of the planet. We have no known way to test your claims but we do know how old man's existence is given the current fossil record. We actually have tangible evidence....but yours is but a claim...an unsubstantiated claim at that...
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Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Dirty, Your doctor can't pray the death away either. All they can do is say there is nothing else they can do. That's when Jesus takes over. God bless you.

In Love,

My statement wasn't meant as an ideological jab rather it was meant to state the obvious fact. In order for doctors (in various fields of study and degrees) to treat their patients...an understanding of evolution is key. Take for instance..scientist and doctors that deal with influenza. That particular disease is a prime example evolutionary mutation and how it adapts over time. There are many strains and every once in a while a strain that was previously treatable become resistant which means scientist are back at the drawing board trying to figure out a different way to combat this "new" strain. This doesn't happen by calling on Yeshua....It's done by accepting the facts of evolution......:shrug:


Admiral Obvious
Dear Mestemia, Yes, after Jesus returns and changes every creature into a Vegetarian as Gen 1:30 clearly states. This event draws closer every day....but first will be the Tribulation. God Bless you.

In Love,


You really need to work on your reading comprehension.


Admiral Obvious
Dear Dirty, False, since I've been showing the falseness of the belief that we evolved from apes, for years now.
For years?
And yet you completely failed in this thread?

What happened?

Oh wait...
Are you basing your bold empty claim on your wishful thinking?

In all that time, not a single Evol has been able to refute me either Scientifically, Scripturally, or Historically.
So what happend in this thread?
Did you lose your facts?

Did someone take them from you?

Cause you sure have been shown to be the donkeys backside in this thread.

Even is you are to blind to see it and or to ignorant to understand it.

It's all just a Satanic Lie and ll Peter 3:3-7 tells us that the Scoffers/Evols of the last days will be "willingly ignorant" of the Truth which totally destroys their ignorant idea that Humans are nothing but evolved animals.
What doe sthe Bible say about adding to scripture?
Perhaps you should go look it up before you add even more...

God tells us we are a Special Creation and Evols teach that we are nothing but animals and we live, die, and rot, and that's it, just like any other animal.
And where do "Evols" say this?

Prove it, or take yet another hit to your already diminished credibility.

Satan agrees with Evols.
As if you had even the slightest clue what The Satan doe sand does not agree with...
So far, you have shown you are nothing but hot air fueled by bull ****...


Admiral Obvious
Dear Richard, Go find you a fortune teller but you won't believe Him either. Will you? Have you ever tried to teach English to a kitten? It's the same as trying to tell God's Truth to an unbeliever. God Bless you.

In Love,

and yet here you are...


Bible Believer
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear Mestemia, Yes, after Jesus returns and changes every creature into a Vegetarian as Gen 1:30 clearly states. This event draws closer every day....but first will be the Tribulation. God Bless you.


You really need to work on your reading comprehension.

Dear Mestemia, False, since I have already read of what happens when Jesus returns.

Isa 11:6The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

Do you see WHY I call it PROPHECY in Genesis Chapter One, verse 30? We remain on the 6th Day because Gen 1:30 remains Unfulfilled. In street talk, you came in, in the middle of the movie. At the end of the present 6th Day, Jesus will return, and every creature will be changed into a Vegetarian.

The reason most find this hard to believe is that it does NOT agree with what everyone has been told the story says, by a bunch of ancient goatherders who lived thousands of years before Science. When you actually read it, it certainly does NOT agree with the traditional religious story. Does it? God Bless you.

In Love,


Admiral Obvious
Originally Posted by Aman777
Dear Mestemia, Yes, after Jesus returns and changes every creature into a Vegetarian as Gen 1:30 clearly states. This event draws closer every day....but first will be the Tribulation. God Bless you.

Dear Mestemia, False, since I have already read of what happens when Jesus returns.

Isa 11:6The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.

Do you see WHY I call it PROPHECY in Genesis Chapter One, verse 30? We remain on the 6th Day because Gen 1:30 remains Unfulfilled. In street talk, you came in, in the middle of the movie. At the end of the present 6th Day, Jesus will return, and every creature will be changed into a Vegetarian.

The reason most find this hard to believe is that it does NOT agree with what everyone has been told the story says, by a bunch of ancient goatherders who lived thousands of years before Science. When you actually read it, it certainly does NOT agree with the traditional religious story. Does it? God Bless you.

In Love,

Nice little ranting sermon.

To bad it does not change the fact that Genesis 1:30 is not claiming all animals will become vegetarians.
Seems you have been a long time preaching falsely.

You might want to fix that.
That is, if your ego will let you....

I am betting it won't.


Bible Believer
I see...so you're trying to shoe horn your beliefs into the known scientific findings...even though they don't fit...:confused:

"Man" is very young as far as the age of the Earth is concern. Our existence is but a speck in time when it comes to the over all age of the planet. We have no known way to test your claims but we do know how old man's existence is given the current fossil record. We actually have tangible evidence....but yours is but a claim...an unsubstantiated claim at that...

Dear Dirty, The first "man" was made on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos, Gen 2:4 which was some 13.7 Billion years ago, when the FIRST Stars lit, Gen 1:16 making it possible for us to measure God's time against man's. Adam, the first Human, was made BEFORE the First Stars of our world Gen 2:4-7 formed and began to put forth light. Adam was made the 3rd Day and the First Stars of our Cosmos lit up 13.7 Billion years ago on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16

It's God's Truth which totally destroys the False notion that Humans evolved from Apes. The first Human was a special creation, formed by the Hands of Jesus, BILLIONS of years BEFORE any other creature, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE for Humans to have descended from Apes. Where can you go to have your brain washing reversed? God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
My statement wasn't meant as an ideological jab rather it was meant to state the obvious fact. In order for doctors (in various fields of study and degrees) to treat their patients...an understanding of evolution is key. Take for instance..scientist and doctors that deal with influenza. That particular disease is a prime example evolutionary mutation and how it adapts over time. There are many strains and every once in a while a strain that was previously treatable become resistant which means scientist are back at the drawing board trying to figure out a different way to combat this "new" strain. This doesn't happen by calling on Yeshua....It's done by accepting the facts of evolution......:shrug:

Dear Dirty, As an open heart surgery survivor, I agree. I think God put Doctors here to help us while they're getting rich. Evolution is nothing more than changes within Their kinds (Natural) and His (Jesus kinds). Science calls them common ancestors, and I don't have a list of His kinds, so don't ask.

It's the interpretation of what Genesis chapter one actually says which has caused the problem, and NOT what is actually written there by the Supreme Intelligence of Creation. Genesis 1 proves that it's God's Truth, because God's Truth AGREES in every way with every discovery of mankind...to a "t". God Bless you.

In Love,


Bible Believer
Nice little ranting sermon.

To bad it does not change the fact that Genesis 1:30 is not claiming all animals will become vegetarians.
Seems you have been a long time preaching falsely.

You might want to fix that.
That is, if your ego will let you....

I am betting it won't.

Dear Mestemia, Here is what the KJV actually says:

Gen 1:30 And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

Now, it's YOUR time to show us any time in History when this event took place. You CANNOT because it will NOT happen until the end of the present 6th Day or Age in the Creation of the perfect Heaven. The verse refers to everything that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, AND IT WAS SO. When did this happen? God Bless you.

In Love,
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Woke gremlin
Evolution is nothing more than changes within Their kinds (Natural) and His (Jesus kinds). Science calls them common ancestors, and I don't have a list of His kinds, so don't ask.
If this is the case, then why would you have a problem with the concept of common ancestry? Everything that reproduces still reproduces within it's particular taxonomic rank - everything that currently exists is a variation of what came before it, all the way back to the first living cell. Do you accept that?


Bible Believer
If this is the case, then why would you have a problem with the concept of common ancestry? Everything that reproduces still reproduces within it's particular taxonomic rank - everything that currently exists is a variation of what came before it, all the way back to the first living cell. Do you accept that?

Dear ImmortalFlame, Everything that was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which shows changes in the allele frequency in a population over time. Science calls this evolution and God calls it changes within His kinds.

The only exception is Humanity. This is because Humans did NOT come forth from the water, but instead, was formed from the dust of the ground. Humans were made on the THIRD Day, the same Day as the Big Bang, Gen 2:4-7 and BEFORE the First Stars of our world, which began putting forth their light on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16

Humans and the sons of God (Prehistoric people who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes) could produce children together. Gen 6:1-4 That is WHY, for the first time in the History of this Planet,the descendants of Adam have become more than 7 Billion. God Bless you.

In Love,


Woke gremlin
Dear ImmortalFlame, Everything that was created and brought forth from the water on the 5th Day Gen 1:21 which shows changes in the allele frequency in a population over time. Science calls this evolution and God calls it changes within His kinds.

The only exception is Humanity. This is because Humans did NOT come forth from the water, but instead, was formed from the dust of the ground. Humans were made on the THIRD Day, the same Day as the Big Bang, Gen 2:4-7 and BEFORE the First Stars of our world, which began putting forth their light on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16

Humans and the sons of God (Prehistoric people who evolved from the common ancestor of Apes) could produce children together. Gen 6:1-4 That is WHY, for the first time in the History of this Planet,the descendants of Adam have become more than 7 Billion. God Bless you.

In Love,
So, you do believe in common ancestry?


Bible Believer
So, you do believe in common ancestry?

Dear ImmortalFlame, I believe God (the Trinity) is the cause of life from the water which science calls Natural. Changes within Their kinds or evolution is True and measurable. Adam's first words were that the Two would become One, and a mixing of the genetics of two separate people, become one in the offspring.

My only problem is with the False idea that Humans evolved from Apes. That is totally untrue, scripturally, scientifically, and historically. Humans were made long before ANY other living creature. Gen 2:4-7 Since Humans were FIRST made, we could NOT have evolved from ANY other creature. That's God's Truth. God Bless you.

In Love,

Dirty Penguin

Master Of Ceremony
Dear Dirty, The first "man" was made on the SAME Day as the Big Bang of our Cosmos, Gen 2:4 which was some 13.7 Billion years ago, when the FIRST Stars lit, Gen 1:16 making it possible for us to measure God's time against man's. Adam, the first Human, was made BEFORE the First Stars of our world Gen 2:4-7 formed and began to put forth light. Adam was made the 3rd Day and the First Stars of our Cosmos lit up 13.7 Billion years ago on the FOURTH Day. Gen 1:16

It's God's Truth which totally destroys the False notion that Humans evolved from Apes. The first Human was a special creation, formed by the Hands of Jesus, BILLIONS of years BEFORE any other creature, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE for Humans to have descended from Apes. Where can you go to have your brain washing reversed? God Bless you.

In Love,

Wait a minute....we have no way to test your claims yet you feel as though this qualifies as destroying our position on evolution even though we have a plethora of evidence back up our position....:areyoucra

No matter how many times you repeat your mantra above it means nothing without "testable" evidence. If your premis rest on your claim and "faith" in your scripture and your interpretations then we're once again at an impasse.....

This thread is about whether or not evolve from the common ancestor of apes and while we've presented evidence that we do in fact share a common ancestor none you here that reject this evidence have offered any real scientific evidence that we don't have a common ancestor. Quoting scripture and telling us what you believe is not evidence. What it shows is that many of you have no real understanding of basic biology.....


Rogue Theologian
Because there was no "creation".....A reason why these creation myths exist is due to the fact that these men had little to no actual idea how the natural world worked. We're still learning more and more daily.....

So you prefer....Man was made.....?
By means of evolution?
Ok with me.
Day Six....Chapter One.

THEN Chapter Two.
A story of isolation, experimentation and release.


pro scapegoat
So you prefer....Man was made.....?
By means of evolution?
Ok with me.
Day Six....Chapter One.

THEN Chapter Two.
A story of isolation, experimentation and release.

But that sort of thinking would disprove your god Theif. Omnipotent beings do not need to conduct experiments - you conduct experiments to learn things, so you are positing a god who is not all knowing.