Dear Runewolf, I'm sorry but there are so many posts answer. A little history is helpful. In the beginning God created the heaven (air) and the earth (ground), but darkness or death was upon everything God had brought into phyiscal form. When God said,
Let there be Light, God Himself came into physical form, the only Begotten Son of God (YHWH/Jesus) came forth into the physical world from within the Invisible Spirit of God. He is the only God ever formed physically or that ever will be formed physically. When you have seen Him, you have seen God.
Jesus, in His form as God, is
BRIGHTER than the Noonday Sun and blinded Saul on the road to Damascus.
Act 22:6 He is also the Light of Heaven, which has
NO need of the Sun nor the Moon.
Rev 21:23 When He was transfigured, while in the Flesh, His face shined like the Sun.
Mat 17:2 When Jesus returns to this Earth the Sun will be darkened and Moon will become as Blood and when He comes out of the East every living eye will see Him coming.
Rev 1:7
Jesus is the Light of the
FIRST 3 Days/Ages
BEFORE the Big Bang of our Cosmos, which was on the
Gen 2:4 the
SAME Day Adam's Earth was made,
Gen 1:9-10 which was some 13.7 Billion years ago in man's time. Can you imagine the fear which will be present in the mortal men who must stand before Him to be Judged? No man will be able to stand before Him since it will be like standing a few feet from the Sun. Every knee will bow. God Bless you.
In Love,