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Hunting? Immoral?


Covert Operative
I'm not pale and sick! ( well, not sick anyway. There's not much I can do about my northern European ancestry).
Cooking's main advantage is in processing plant materials. Cooking breaks down cell walls our digestive enzymes can't penetrate, releasing otherwise inaccessible nutrition.
Animal cells have no cell walls. Meat is easily digested, raw or cooked, even by a short, simple digestive system.
I think he meant that you cannot live off of just veggies, fruits, and nuts without supplements.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Good point, Wannabe. B-12s the only nutrient generally deficient in a vegan diet, and that's mostly 'cause of the cleaning and cooking most of our foods go through -- kills the B-12 producing bacteria.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
Good point, Wannabe. B-12s the only nutrient generally deficient in a vegan diet, and that's mostly 'cause of the cleaning and cooking most of our foods go through -- kills the B-12 producing bacteria.

Who would have thought being clean was a bad thing.

After so many years of being vegetarian I just find meat filthy (Give me a break meat eaters I know this is just a matter of person taste :yes:) It is not even just a moral attempt at nonviolence any more. I just find the idea of eating a decaying corpse full of bodily fluids to be personally repulsive. (I hope this is not an obsession with bodily fluids like that of general Ripper in Dr. Strangelove.:eek:)
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New Member
I'm not pale and sick! ( well, not sick anyway. There's not much I can do about my northern European ancestry).
Cooking's main advantage is in processing plant materials. Cooking breaks down cell walls our digestive enzymes can't penetrate, releasing otherwise inaccessible nutrition.
Animal cells have no cell walls. Meat is easily digested, raw or cooked, even by a short, simple digestive system.

Definitely cooking had a lot to do with it, that was one thing that came out of the study - that cooking foods of all kinds helps us digest them and process the energy. Seeing the sugars break down in potatoes as they were heated was really fascinating. And I'm sorry, I was talking of the vegetarians I've met personally, there may have been other factors in their unhealthy appearance.

Maybe you have confused Goth kids and Vegetarians ;)

Two few famous veggy Athletes

Carl Lewis
World champion sprinter

Edwin Moses won gold medals in the 400 meter hurdles at the 1976 and 1984 Olympics.

Here is a much bigger list of famous vegetarians

I am sure you will find many healthy people on this list.

Point well made, and taken. Again, I was speaking of the vegetarians I know personally, I apologise for the generalisation :sorry1:

I think he meant that you cannot live off of just veggies, fruits, and nuts without supplements.

I'm a she :) I understand the confusion though.


Oldest Heretic
Hunting from necessity to survive is morally justified.
Hunting because you like to do it is not.

If every one went hunting there would be no wild game left.
If you must eat meat, eat farmed animals that are bred for the purpose. That way you can not consume more than are bred.

In the army I was a qualified marksman, I was brought up on a farm and shot rabbits to feed our dogs. ( in the 40's and 50's there was a large surfeit of rabbits on farmland) I used a .22 long case Remington repeater. It would kill a rabbit where ever it hit. My daily "hunt" to take two rabbits lasted no more than five minutes. It was a necessary chore, not fun.

Very few hunters make clean kills every shot, very much less with a bow. such killing is unnecessary and often cruel.

Surya Deva

Well-Known Member
I applaud the honesty of the poster that answered my "why" question with "Because I like it" :D

However, I cannot help but think of the morality of having another living being subject to pain and distress just so one have their taste buds gratified. It is even worse when it coming hunting, because here ones like is for the sport - a sport where another livng being is subject to pain and distress.

It is easy to see the problematic morality of it if we substitute living being with a human being. Would it be OK to slaughter humans for a cannibal population who like the taste of humans? Would it be OK to hunt humans for a people that enjoy the sport of hunting down humans? If not, why?

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
If you must eat meat, eat farmed animals that are bred for the purpose. That way you cannot consume more than are bred.

Very few hunters make clean kills every shot, very much less with a bow. such killing is unnecessary and often cruel.

I do not see how it could be more cruel the eating factory farmed meat. You have genetical engineered Turkeys that cannot really even walk in straight line or have sex even if they wanted to. Pigs who live in cages so small they cannot even turn around. Chickens have their beaks and toe nails cut off and live there lives in a space smaller then a standard piece of paper.

There is nothing more cruel then a factory farm.
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Admiral Obvious
If not, why?
There are laws (at least where I live) against it.Would it be OK to slaughter humans for a cannibal population who like the taste of humans?[/quote]

If not, why?
There are laws (at least where I live) against it.

Would it be OK to hunt humans for a people that enjoy the sport of hunting down humans?
There is a big difference between enjoying something and actually doing something.
That said, My answer to the question is yes.


Oldest Heretic
I do not see how it could be more cruel the eating factory farmed meat. You have genetical engineered Turkeys that cannot really even walk in straight line or have sex even if they wanted to. Pigs who live in cages so small they cannot even turn around. Chickens have their beaks and toe nails cut off and live there lives in a space smaller then a standard piece of paper.

There is nothing more cruel then a factory farm.

What you say about keeping animals is quite true ... but such conditions are all banned in the UK.

I suspect we all eat some factory farmed products, which is a shame, when all products are also available free range, or at least regulated as to space and conditions as we do here.

Wannabe Yogi

Well-Known Member
What you say about keeping animals is quite true ... but such conditions are all banned in the UK.

I suspect we all eat some factory farmed products, which is a shame, when all products are also available free range, or at least regulated as to space and conditions as we do here.

Very little meat is free range even in Europe. The laws in the EU are somewhat more humane but not as much as you think. It is important to remember that all birds have been given the same Franken bird genetic stock. World wide large corporations have taken over the free range title and still the treat their poultry bad. Things like beak trimming of birds still happens to free range birds.

Also no matter how well the animals are treated factory farmed animals are the #1 reason of climate change.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Mestemia's question is intriguing. What withholds us from preying on other humans? What qualities do humans have that other animals do not, that inhibit our harvesting them as we do other animals?


has anyone noticed a direct connection to people that badmouth hunting DO NOT live in an area where you can hunt.??????

Me personaly I dont think city people have valid input to this thread. in my opinion


Covert Operative
has anyone noticed a direct connection to people that badmouth hunting DO NOT live in an area where you can hunt.??????

Me personaly I dont think city people have valid input to this thread. in my opinion
Maybe, city people and us rednecks are completely different. First off, I dont understand why being a redneck is so bad...

I wouldnt say they have no valid input but it does make you wonder...


Maybe, city people and us rednecks are completely different. First off, I dont understand why being a redneck is so bad...

I wouldnt say they have no valid input but it does make you wonder...

I should clarify so im not taken the wrong way. because they will.

If you dont hunt or dont know why we are allowed to hunt you will only get statements that have no merit.

animals are hunted to thin out overpopulation, sport and food apply to this.

The animal population being hunted will benifit.

we have a huge deer problem right now due to all the housing, the deer are mysteriously dieing due to disease because they are so overpopulated nature is taking them all out. when numbers are in check this doesnt happen.

because of all the extra deer coyote and cougar populations are through the roof as well.

the whole animal chain in the area is thrown out of whack.

Its funny you go into other country's with no laws like peru there are very very few wild animals, there if it moves the eat it. with no control and rspect for nature things are worse.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
It's not that you can't do that, it is that you choose not to do that.

Millions of people in the world are vegetarian and are able to live healthy and full lives. So of course it is possible to live on only fruits, nuts, veg(and dairy if you are not vegan)

What I don't understand is why would you in knowledge that you can live a healhy life with only vegetarian food, still insist on having animals killed for food? Why subject other
living beings to pain and distress, when you don't have to?
If a hunter kills a wolf or a bear - both animals that will cause pain, distress and death to many other animals - can you really be sure that not hunting it will bring about the least suffering?

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I like to fish. I hardly ever eat the fish I catch, so I release them. I feel the same way about hunting. When my freezer gets low on venison, I may take another deer in season. There is a big difference between responsible animal management and participating in a blood thirsty sport.

If animal numbers where low, it would be unwise to hunt something to extinction. If animal numbers are high, it would be unwise not to reduce the herd. All animals are going to die, I support proper animal management that is compassionate.

As far as applying this to humans, I do not support taking extra measures to keep someone alive after a certain point in their life, especially if they where in pain.

I feel the same way about myself as I do my dog. If he where to get hit by a car and was in extreme pain, which would be better, to take a half hour ride to the vet and put him down or end it right then and there?

Same for me, if I am in pain, don't keep me alive for months just because you can not bear the thought of losing me. Put me down.

I don't support these farm factories activities. They are not respecting the animals in life or death. There is nothing wrong in harvesting animals or humans for that matter if it is done properly.