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I believe God loves gays and lesbians


Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
I believe God is love.

And because of this I believe God loves all his creatures.

Any thoughts?

You can believe anything you want about God since you can't actually prove or disprove anything with regard to God.

I can believe that God is an evil zombie monster that hates everyone equally and only created the world to watch everyone suffer. :shrug:

But, sure, believe whatever makes you feel better about things.


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
I believe God is love.

And because of this I believe God loves all his creatures.

Any thoughts?
I am not religious, have no God belief -- but I give you points for your post. If, as you believe, God "IS" love, then there is no other conclusion.

Another viewpoint (again, from a religious point of view) is that if homosexuality and other human differences occur naturally (and all the evidence suggests that this is the case), then the religious person must assume that "natural" means "part of God's plan." And again, how then could you come to the conclusion that something that occurs within that plan is hateful to God?

Keep thinking...you're not doing badly.


Well-Known Member
I believe God is love.

And because of this I believe God loves all his creatures.

Any thoughts?
You are right. God is Unconditional Love. On the other hand, I would have used the term Kiddies instead of creatures. Of course, the true basic meaning of your statement is a very good one!!

That's what I see. It's very clear!!


Hellenismos, BTW
Gay and lesbian are sexual identities. God loves souls more than sexual identities. If and when the two conflict, the true God chooses the soul at the expense of sexual identity. Not the other way around.

The same is true of gender identity.
Gay and lesbian are synonyms for homosexual. They're no more of an identity than heterosexual is; both are sexuality descriptors. Most people don't walk around saying "Hi, I'm straight/gay" and don't consider it to be anyone else's business. If we're to assume one's god loves heterosexuals, the same should hold true with homosexuals.

Queer, transgender, nonbinary etc. however, are identities and categories within the gay subculture.


Soul Pioneer

Well, if we look to the nature of 'God',......as 'love'........love can only act according to its own will and character. It is what it is :) :purpleheart: - I believe love is love, it is true to itself in its total inclusion and activity, as omnipresent, even INFINITE.....so naturally love includes all, is all. I look to the metaphysical reality of love in its opulence, its infinity :) I also acknowledge the omnipresence of Spirit.

Only humans presume to qualify love or diminish its power to include all, or dispense this love only to a few chosen ones while letting all others perish for eternity, or go to a lake of hellfire to suffer in torment to no end. Its insanity and will be called out as such. Love has no part in such erroneous logic. Love makes all whole who will choose love, which is to choose LIFE. The choice is yours, because this love is wholly present here NOW, it is absolute. I accept it fully NOW.

The so called 'biblical' debate over homosexuality is complicated because of translation issues of scripture, while most the rules were invented for a priesthood or society that no longer exists today, so they are obsolete or no longer apply in any rational sense to modern times. Each of the so called 'clobber passages' can be explained in a way that does not condemn homosexuality as we know the term and its definition today, neither does it anywhere condemn healthy monogomous homosexual relations.

Love is love. Love is expressed and shared among individuals regardless of label, gender or class definitions.



Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
If we're to assume one's god loves heterosexuals
I would never go here in my mind - the idea that God loves heterosexuals. It goes nowhere if spiritual development is the goal.

All this exaltation of non-traditional sexual and gender identities is secular activity for the secular domain. Even as a deeply religious person, I support the secular as a space to find reprieve from God’s judgment. However, invoking the name of God into it is going to be a ‘no’ from me.


Hellenismos, BTW
I would never go here in my mind - the idea that God loves heterosexuals. It goes nowhere if spiritual development is the goal.

All this exaltation of non-traditional sexual and gender identities is secular activity for the secular domain. Even as a deeply religious person, I support the secular as a space to find reprieve from God’s judgment. However, invoking the name of God into it is going to be a ‘no’ from me.

My point is that if it's souls that matter, sexual orientation is irrelevant as it's not an identity.

Treasure Hunter

Well-Known Member
My point is that if it's souls that matter, sexual orientation is irrelevant as it's not an identity.
When someone is identifying a group by their sexual orientation, you are not going to convince me to not call it an identity. It might be a weak identity for members of that group, but it’s an identity within the social sphere.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Gay and lesbian are sexual identities. God loves souls more than sexual identities. If and when the two conflict, the true God chooses the soul at the expense of sexual identity. Not the other way around.

The same is true of gender identity.

I'm so glad that you're here to tell us what God really thinks. He told you himself, did he?