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I Can Not Respect A God who Allows Children to Suffer


No, we are basically past a 3rd standard deviation sideshow of evolution, of which bacteria are the main attraction.:sleep:
Note the "supposedly" in my question. I'm an atheist.

You are absolutely right ! This world is a horribly unjust place !
But please remember that WE make it so - seeing God has given us 6 days (6000 years) to do our own thing. It was Adam and Eve's rejection of God's command Gen.2v16,17 . Gen.3v6 that caused us to learn the lesson of disobedience. Even human parents have to use some methods of getting their children to behave and learn lessons not to continue in self-will when that will hurt them.
Mankind is still rebellious and rejects God's way of life - hence the suffering under the rule of satan who is at present the god of this world 2Cor.4v4, Eph.2v2.
The 6 days of man are almost up AND THEN GOD WILL STEP IN. :shout
We are not designed badly at all - we have free choice to obey God or disobey which shows the evil we bring on ourselves.

Why is God waiting 6000years before he steps in? Why let so many people endure such suffering, and then save it for others?

But the bodies which we act on are badly designed. For example, we have instinctual emotions and desires of anger, aggression, lust, superiority, power etc. These can be found in brain scans etc., which proves that they are the result of material impulses, which means God could have reduced the overwhelming effects of them if he really want us to be good (or atleast reduce suffering), all whilst keeping freewill.



New Member
Why does God allow people to suffer?

The spirit of heaven is based on God’s spirit which is control. Total control over all things in heaven which is extreme power. So nothing bad can happen in heaven because of this.

All bad things are the result of lose of control or lack of control over something.

The spirit of God is to control every though to control every action.
So to do and be apart of only what is good and beneficial for others and yourself.

When our spirits where in heaven, we allowed our spirits to become corrupt and rebellious to God’s spirit. This is when sin started and because we could no longer be trusted to do only what is good and right. God was forced to remove our corrupt spirits from heaven and we lost the extreme power in heaven.

Now we are in a new world, where we have no power over anything that happens in it and we suffer greatly because of it. We also have no interest in controlling ourselves to be apart of only good things, so we willing are apart of bad things and bad things are apart of our lives. So we suffer greatly from the sin we are willing to be apart of.

You cannot be saved from bad things or sin until you stop being apart of them.


Well-Known Member
Note the "supposedly" in my question. I'm an atheist.

Why is God waiting 6000years before he steps in? Why let so many people endure such suffering, and then save it for others?

But the bodies which we act on are badly designed. For example, we have instinctual emotions and desires of anger, aggression, lust, superiority, power etc. These can be found in brain scans etc., which proves that they are the result of material impulses, which means God could have reduced the overwhelming effects of them if he really want us to be good (or atleast reduce suffering), all whilst keeping freewill.
Man had no knowledge or experience when he was created because God wanted us to learn from him right from the start. There is a lot to know about life and death and the truth of it can only come from God. Being ignorant as we were God could not launch into some elaborate explanation of why things in the universe were as had already existed before mankind and how we were to fit into his plan for us.
For example : you can not explain to a Baby about adult life, all we can do is to let it grow and learn in it's own time. But a child needs training in obedience which God made every effort to do with Israel in the OT. So many scriptures tell of their failure to obey .Even after a new regime in the NT (love) people remain disobedient to his commandments or reject him altogether. Is that God's fault ?
You seem to think so taking no responsibility for your own short-comings and blaming it all on God for not making you more perfect.
The choice for good and evil lies with man not God . People want the good without having to do what is right which is to obey God. Apart from him there is only evil and people have to learn that lesson. When we start to live God's way then suffering would cease.
This period of 6 days we have been given is to show us that we can not of and by ourselves reduce evil.
Don't think I'm trying to convert you, just telling you how it is from scripture. We each must make our own choice.


New Member
God did not do those things to us, construction expertise was lacking in Haiti, the buildings were not strong enough to withstand a minor quake, construction regulations have been heightened in Haiti since such. We did it, it wasn't god, we know earth shakes but still cut corners to earn more money from construction.
Life is precious and brittle, we cant expect God to protect us from ourselves and our home this planet, we know what harms us and still do those things, we know what causes birth defects and still our govts let us be subjected to those things. dont blame god for life being brittle, thank him for what we have and what we are, life will always be brittle.


Well-Known Member
I am glad someone else sees the human problems as our own fault.
Ever since Adam and Eve succumbed to satans temptation mankind has entered into a negative, degrading and degenerating state.
We have our up's and down's along the way as is the nature of good and evil we are being nurtured with. Because of this see-sawing condition this world has struggled on for the 6000 years God has allowed human self-rule Ex.20v9. This is now coming to a rapid end and God will take charge v10. We will not be allowed to end life on this planet Mat.24v22.


Well-Known Member
There is nothing laudable about the god presented by the bible.
You are not in posession of all facts hence your misconception.
You accept that God gave man free will then expect him to step in and force us to do what is right ?


because there is imperfection which is not caused by God but by us, I know I know, its hard for us to continually take the blame but there you go, just be glad he has been spending all this time trying to get back in communion with us again,

btw cute photo......

not really its not so much of his omnipotence but our lacking of it, to keep our free will in place then he has to let us make the decision, but we are incapable, hence christ. the suffering isnt justifiable but we are the ones that are to blame not God he didnt Sin

You are not in posession of all facts hence your misconception.
You accept that God gave man free will then expect him to step in and force us to do what is right ?

I fail to see how we are responsible for all of the random suffering in the world. Man cannot raise earthquakes at the flick of its fingers. People can't create pandemics by blinking their eyes. All the wrong in the world is not our fault.


Well-Known Member
I fail to see how we are responsible for all of the random suffering in the world. Man cannot raise earthquakes at the flick of its fingers. People can't create pandemics by blinking their eyes. All the wrong in the world is not our fault.
I will go as far as to say that most people do not, would not purposely or deliberately cause evil to happen but we must remember that satan (the cause of all evil) is not open-minded toward man and works in secret and underhand actions man is unable to grasp - we are therefore satans ignorant tools. He uses our disobedience to God for his own purpose 2Cor.4v4.
The reason for natural disasters also lies at the root of human disobedience right at the start when we could have been instructed how to tame this natural world.


Superabacus Mystic
And, using the standard argument, Satan has to come from somewhere.

The reason for natural disasters also lies at the root of human disobedience right at the start when we could have been instructed how to tame this natural world.
Preventing earthquakes isn't possible with any known or theorized device. Those would have to be incredibly weird instructions.
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Well-Known Member
This may sound wrong (I don't want it too) but death is a part of life... Unfortunately some of us are so young, we can't have a chance to grow. It doesn't necessarily make God a bad person. It's just life... Death happens to all of us. To be honest, I'd be less concerned about a baby dying in a building collapsing and more concerned with how some mothers kill their babies in an oven. :shrug:


I will go as far as to say that most people do not, would not purposely or deliberately cause evil to happen but we must remember that satan (the cause of all evil) is not open-minded toward man and works in secret and underhand actions man is unable to grasp - we are therefore satans ignorant tools. He uses our disobedience to God for his own purpose 2Cor.4v4.
The reason for natural disasters also lies at the root of human disobedience right at the start when we could have been instructed how to tame this natural world.

Your point is moot. If God is omnipotent, then He would just kill Satan, and then there would be no suffering. But God is doing nothing. So now we back where we've started.

This may sound wrong (I don't want it too) but death is a part of life... Unfortunately some of us are so young, we can't have a chance to grow. It doesn't necessarily make God a bad person. It's just life... Death happens to all of us. To be honest, I'd be less concerned about a baby dying in a building collapsing and more concerned with how some mothers kill their babies in an oven. :shrug:

Death is a part of life. You are right. Everything will die in the end, everything will cease to exist as it now does, and I agree that accepting this whole-heartedly can be nothing short of a step forward. But as an imperfect person, could you honestly bring yourself to watch people die in the most brutal ways possible, if you had the power to stop it? If you answered yes to that question, then you are apparently more mericiful and loving than the Abrahamic God.
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Well-Known Member
Death is a part of life. You are right. Everything will die in the end, everything will cease to exist as it now does, and I agree that accepting this whole-heartedly can be nothing short of a step forward. But as an imperfect person, could you honestly bring yourself to watch people die in the most brutal ways possible, if you had the power to stop it? If you answered yes to that question, then you are apparently more mericiful and loving than the Abrahamic God.

I definitely get what you are saying. I can't say anything about why the Abrahamic God let's babies die brutally, let alone die at all. But yet... my belief of God, is that he/she isn't as powerful as what people think.


Well-Known Member
Your point is moot. If God is omnipotent, then He would just kill Satan, and then there would be no suffering. But God is doing nothing. So now we back where we've started.
Satan is the original cause of evil and disobedience to God and is used to show man that his example and method does not work or promote eternal life.
Had mankind been obedient to start with this experience of evil would have been avoided. So evil was entirely of our own making (through disobedience) and having opted for it we need also to experience it. If we commit crime we should be prepared to do time to teach us responsibility for our actions. God does not like to see man suffer but lessons must be learned.


Superabacus Mystic
If we commit crime we should be prepared to do time to teach us responsibility for our actions.
The crime was not made knowingly, and any punishment would be voided as entrapment under US law, AFAIK. Surely God is more just than that?


Well-Known Member
The crime was not made knowingly, and any punishment would be voided as entrapment under US law, AFAIK. Surely God is more just than that?
The crime was not made knowingly ?
Let's see -
Gen.2v16,17 God COMMANDED the man not to eat of the tree of good and evil.
Can we not safely assume that Adam knew what God had said ?
Just to be sure they both understood we read in
Gen.3v2,3.the woman (Eve) also knew they were not to eat of the forbidden tree nor even touch it.
How were they in ignorance when Eve even repeated what God had said ?
Get real friend ! It won't help to make blatant excuses for their disobedience ! :no: