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I Can Not Respect A God who Allows Children to Suffer


Superabacus Mystic
Can we not safely assume that Adam knew what God had said ?
He did; But he did not understand. Besides, God designed his psychology (as there is nowhere else for it to come from) to be curious more than obedient. As I said, entrapment.


Well-Known Member
He did; But he did not understand. Besides, God designed his psychology (as there is nowhere else for it to come from) to be curious more than obedient. As I said, entrapment.
And how do you know Adam and Eve did not understand God ?
Do you think God was talking to a couple of morons ?
They certainly understood the serpent and had a conversation with him. Why should they not understand a simple command not to eat of a certain tree ?
I think YOUR psychology needs scrutinizing !!!


Superabacus Mystic
They understood the literal meaning of it, but didn't understand why they should obey it instead of their curiosity, since that would probably be "knowledge of good and evil". That's some catch, that Catch-22...


Well-Known Member
They understood the literal meaning of it, but didn't understand why they should obey it instead of their curiosity, since that would probably be "knowledge of good and evil". That's some catch, that Catch-22...
Yes , ignorance was a large part of their downfall and that is the reason we are given a chance to get it right this time having gained the necessary experience.


Superabacus Mystic
But whether or not we get it right is a foregone conclusion when you have God's infinite knowledge. Why test us at all?


Satan is the original cause of evil and disobedience to God and is used to show man that his example and method does not work or promote eternal life.
Had mankind been obedient to start with this experience of evil would have been avoided. So evil was entirely of our own making (through disobedience) and having opted for it we need also to experience it. If we commit crime we should be prepared to do time to teach us responsibility for our actions. God does not like to see man suffer but lessons must be learned.

This is dogmatic nonsense. But I don't really see any point in arguing, so forgive me if I don't. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
But whether or not we get it right is a foregone conclusion when you have God's infinite knowledge. Why test us at all?
And which man exactly has God's infinite knowledge ? :confused:
We are given only enough to save our butts ! (if we accept it)


Active Member
Seems to me that once we ate the apple we became more Godlike and hence suffer the consequences of being more on our own - with more significant benefits too.

Like the child who lives at their parents home all their life, they are bound by their parents house rules and limited in their achievements, but on leaving home the child makes their own house rules and has less limits on their achievements.

Essentially we wanted it this way, so god gave it to us.


Superabacus Mystic
And which man exactly has God's infinite knowledge ? :confused:
We are given only enough to save our butts ! (if we accept it)
God, which is my point. God doesn't need to give us the chance to do anything, because He knows whether we'll succeed beforehand.


I consider the explanation for the problem of evil using free will to be an ignorant one, but even if it were true, many innocent people, including children and non-human animals suffer as a result of things not caused by the free will of humans.

Babies were partially crushed and suffocated in collapsed buildings in Haity recently. A God who could allow such a thing is a horrific character IMO, and one to whom I could ever show any respect, no matter the consequences.

How do you justify worshipping a God who allegedly allows this?

How can you pay taxes or maintain citizenship in a country that allows abbortion?



Admiral Obvious
How can you pay taxes or maintain citizenship in a country that allows abbortion?

Easy, abortion is the choice of the one who is pregnant.
Then add to that fact the fact that abortion is a legal medical procedure in this country (USA)...

But enough of your blatant diversion tactic....


Well-Known Member
God, which is my point. God doesn't need to give us the chance to do anything, because He knows whether we'll succeed beforehand.
What God is trying to teach man is 'more' awareness.
We are not yet in any way 'like' God. So HIM knowing something does not affect US unless we know it too.
Get it ? :)


Admiral Obvious
What God is trying to teach man is 'more' awareness.
We are not yet in any way 'like' God. So HIM knowing something does not affect US unless we know it too.
Get it ? :)
It is utterly amazing to me just how much people know what their unknowable god wants, thinks, etc.

It is utterly amazing....



Well-Known Member
It is utterly amazing to me just how much people know what their unknowable god wants, thinks, etc.

It is utterly amazing....

Yes I agree it is utterly amazing how God reveals Himself to the humble and obedient ! :yes: