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I can't believe I am going to die one day...


Done here.
It doesn't bother me so much that I'll die and be forgotten, but I must admit I'm troubled by the thought that I will die and be almost immediately forgotten.


Really, we are already dead.

We aren't even a whisper.


Well-Known Member
Think of how it would feel to be dead and still have consciousness... lol. :) "WTHECK? I'm DEAD? Are you kidding me? HAHAHA! Check it out! I'm actually DEAD! I can't believe it!I'm so used to being alive! And here all of a sudden... I'M DEAD! OMG!"

Sorry. I've actually thought about that a lot. :) I've also tried to understand what it would be like if existence ended at death. It really depressed me. I had to think in weird ways. Like thinking that, at least the human race will survive. And maybe I can do something to help ensure the survival of the human race. Or, at least our actions are recorded forever in the ripples of particles and waves of the universe. I mean, a billion years from now, an alien species a billion light years from here, might look up into the night sky. And what's not to say that one photon reflected from my face will strike a photoreceptor in his eye (or similar organ) and he'll wonder what's out there. Hmm... Still pretty sad in my opinion. I dunno. I'll have do do better than that.

Life is sad. Those magical moments never last. It's like you start going through old stuff and you remember a part of your life that you had forgotten. And you start getting all nostalgic and wishing you could go back. Or you remember friends you used to love like brothers but haven't and probably never will see again. Or you hear a song from a musical you performed in junior high. Life is just so beautiful. It's the most beautiful work of art that could ever be composed. And it is torn from us one day at a time. I guess the best we can do is make each note of the song as sweet as we possibly can. Live each moment to the fullest. Connect to people as deeply as we can. Share as much joy as we can. Savour the sorrow as well. Do anything but take it for granted.


Active Member
Some of us are afraid to die because of their sins but at the same time wish it very hard in order to meet the All Merciful, and live forever not fearing death nor pain nor sadness.

Only those live happily, crying for forgivness and working hard to gain it while wishing for the happy end , and the blessed meeting.

Thanks God for faith :)


Well-Known Member
The only 2 things I'm afraid of are losing someone to death and how I will die. Other than that, I really can't see death itself being any worse than to live in a life that is unpredictable and cruel.


Veteran Member
Death is inevitable and you can't stop it, so why fear it?

Death is only inevitable until the time of Jesus 'glory' or divine intervention into mankind's affairs.-[Rev 21v4,5]

Matthew [25vs31,32,46] mentions how Jesus, as the Fine Shepherd, will separate the sheep-like righteous ones that are alive or living on earth at that time and Jesus will guide them to everlasting life, or in other words, they can continue to live right here on earth with eternal life in view into the start of Jesus peaceful 1000-year reign over earth when Jesus ushers in Peace on Earth toward men of goodwill.


Well-Known Member
Remember, in a few hundred odd years every single one of us will be completely forgotten.

I hate it when I get all existential.


Active Member
Not a few hundred years, wait until you die and see lol. No seriously, when one dies their relatives cry about them for a month, remember them for the next 6 months and then completely forget them and continue their life ( no one wants to spend his/her life crying on a dead body, what will it benefit both sides anyway?)

QUran (26:Al Shu'ara)
88. The Day whereon neither wealth nor sons will avail,89. Except him who brings to All�h a clean heart [clean from Shirk (polytheism) and Nif�q (hypocrisy)].

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Mike if you believe in God, like I've seen you say on this forum, don't you want to meet him? To go to where he is? Death is part of that process. I indeed believe I will meet my mother Sekhmet-Mut one day, I mean really meet her, besides within myself when I pray and meditate.


Well-Known Member
Mike if you believe in God, like I've seen you say on this forum, don't you want to meet him? To go to where he is? Death is part of that process. I indeed believe I will meet my mother Sekhmet-Mut one day, I mean really meet her, besides within myself when I pray and meditate.
Do I want to meet God? I dunno, I suppose that depends on my view of what God is at a given moment. Sometimes God is a lunatic, and others God is a murderer. OF course depending on the spin people place upon God.

Sometimes God is the most awesome thing imaginable.

It is dynamics like these that cause me to pause and be somewhat humbled by the fact, that if there is a God, I don't really understand God. Maybe God is a God, that wants us to admit to ourselves we don't like the sound of this God, and it is in this manner God holds our views to be honest and true.

On the other hand, all those that are "in love" with God and so "giddy" for God, don't really know God for what God is. In this case God looks down upon these people, because they are not being honest with themselves, or the material we have available to know about God.

I can only say that life feels like much more than death, and I can't explain it much further than that at this point.

Rainbow Mage

Lib Democrat/Agnostic/Epicurean-ish/Buddhist-ish
Okay Mike, so you're re-examining your view of God. That's good. At any rate you should not fear death.


Well-Known Member
Okay Mike, so you're re-examining your view of God. That's good. At any rate you should not fear death.
Not so much re-examing, as much as it is just admitting it is all in our imagination.

I mean to say, your view, my view, anyone's view is just our imagination, and would never reflect the real God if there is one. As such we should all be so humble towards the subject, at least IMO, and admit we know very little if anything about God.

Thanks for the encouragement though, but I don't fear death, I just fear not knowing, and feel anxious sometimes for my children and wife. Personal stuff ya know :)


Active Member
I mean to say, your view, my view, anyone's view is just our imagination, and would never reflect the real God if there is one. As such we should all be so humble towards the subject, at least IMO, and admit we know very little if anything about God.

It is very fair from God to send us a message telling us what there is after death, and why did He create us on earth, and where can we find the happiness (since He created us and know our souls better than ourselves, He surely knows how happiness can reach our hearts) , if one can rationally accept this idea, then Im sure the first thing he/she would start with is to examine the books evryone is calling Holy, and see wether some or any of it are really the word of God.

Thats my humble opinion anyway.