Hi there. Thanks for the thoughts. You and I have some things in common then. It just so happens I have experienced something I use to call out of body experience, however, it was under the influence of hallucinogens. Since it was so long ago, many have just convinced me it was not real. However, I still can't explain the things that happened. I just know our mind is extremely complex and powerful. Maybe enough so, that we can create worlds before us, and whether anyone else can see them or not, they might be there.
At any rate, I am both eager and a bit afraid of what awaits us, eager because I know it is inevitable, and afraid because I really want to be somewhat humble about it, and often feel like maybe I won't be worthy of whatever else is out there?
In the end, if this spark inside of us, this flow of energy simply extinguishes, it will be a sad thing. It is the thing I regard the most, the gift of life, and if it is all for naught, well it is a shame.
Just reading this thread over again. I missed this.
Im no stranger of hearing that visions etc are just hallucinations but when you stop and thing that those hallucnigenics are actually very simular to the chemical dmt that is produced naturally in the brain that DOES allow us to communicate on much higher levels! you can better understand the possibility of what you experience is higher communication. IMO people communicate without ever realising what is happening. Alot of the time what they see is misinterparated. (and that goes for the great prophets too!)
The communication chemical rises under certain cercumstances: near death, shock, panic, temper etc. This happens naturally and when the chemical rises, communication occurs. People might experience pholtigeist activety, some might see someone walking past them and just simply vanish. you could see a dog going crazy, hair standing up, crying loudly, shaking and doing its trousers in. But I beleive it is the mind that manifests these ghosts etc, but it is real but just taken the wrong way.
Shamans take the chemical from whatever sourse so they can see and know where and when the prey will turn up... and there visions are spot on if the shaman has understood propperly.
The human brain is the most magical tool imo.
When we dream, we are closer to that most intelligent us! Our aim is to be as one with it (God maybe!) "the real you, that is made up of all your anscestors imo"
For years I couldnt understand how when I was 12 yrs old during a propper haunting,
The person that manifested before me and my siblings was myself in my 30s? Ovcourse I didnt recognise this back then!
But when I set out to try and find answers to all those strange happening in my life I had a dream and I was the person in the doorway looking down at myself and when we looked into each others eyes, there was a transfur of memmorys and feelings etc and there was understanding. I wondered how it was possible for a child to manifest himself in the future before himself at present (if that makes sense) without even thinking about anything like that. Its pretty mind blowing. But what I beleive is throughout my life, my mind done things just so I could realise the real me in time.
my first memory of seeing this ghost (me in future) was when I was only 5 years old!
now how could a kid be that advanced to do things he doesnt understand... time travel etc... maybe I should ask the anscestors, I will know the answers within and Im sure the knowledge I inherited with d.n.a will surface when the time is just right. no sooner and no later. anyways m8 I'm rambling a bit here. I just wish I was more intelligent to put things down in a way that is understandible to people *sighs*
However, I still can't explain the things that happened. I just know our mind is extremely complex and powerful. Maybe enough so, that we can create worlds before us, and whether anyone else can see them or not, they might be there.
:yes: if you wanna talk about it to this old loon sometime, I will be pleased to!