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I have issues with Islam


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Muslims do not have priests.

So what?
There is a Muslim Council for Britain...... would you suggest that it's members have no influence?
In fact there are many influential Muslims in the UK...... you might have some influential Muslims in your own country, perhaps?
Well well. Another day another attack on Western civilisation by the followers of the religion of peace - and what was it that we saw in Paris, London et al? Indeed, we did see protests of solidarity amongst its populace - flash mobs of people coming together to show that the right to freedom of speech supercedes the fear spread by those trying to shut it down (in the name of Islam of course).......and I sincerely do hope it didn't escape the attention of the people on this forum that these very groups were curiously and almost (if not entirely) composed of NON Moslems. Now, London and Paris have very very high numbers of the adherents of Islam and that yet hardly any (if any) were anywhere to be seen is deeply revealing of the Islamic ethos & loyalties - there really can be no excuses I am afraid. And yet, if Israel was to have the nerve to defend itself, or if another cartoon was made we'd see the Moslems out in force quick smart. Their silence is deafening.

Oh - and what else did we see - yes, the supposedly anti-Islamic media leaping to the defence of Islam yet again! Not only is Islam or Moslems being completely expunged from this clearlly Islamically inspired terrorism but astonishingly, the french paper itself is being made acountable for it by many! This is shameful. The media are letting down their fellow journalists and sending a clear signal to Moslems that such attempts at spreading terror ala the example of its prophet and its holy scripture can actually shape an environment more to their liking - and they are. We have an enemy making it clear it is at war with us and our response is that there is nothing to see here! I cannot believe the abject failure of the West to yet again stand for its superior values which seperate it from the Islamic dominated world. How much is the West going to forgo its culture to appease a religion that forgoes nothing?? This is sheer lunacy of the highest order and cultural suicide indeed.

To have the nerve to blame a newspaper (one that is being called anti-Islamic simply because it showed pictures of Muhammad!!) for this is akin to blaming a woman with a short skirt for being raped. Disgraceful. Today is the day the entire media should print on its front pages the face of Muhammad to show Moslems that they really are going to have to tow the line. Grow up. And to give them the important lesson that the only country worth living in is the one where you can have your deepest held beliefs ridiculed. For be in no doubt, by placing some things beyond criticism (as evidenced by '**** Christ' this does not include Jesus) then we have taken a very large step towards tyranny. Therefore, free speech is our fundamental bulwark against this - and the most important weapon we have in domesticating Islam. And Islam does need to be tamed.
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mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
The word in Arabic have 2 meanings, one is "passing over it" and the other meaning "expecting it".

The verse doesn't say that everyone will be punished by it.

The next verse make it clear that those who avoided the bad deeds by fearing God will be escaped from it.

Mahasn picked up one verse and make out of it a big issue that all Muslims will be in hell.

ترجمة و معنى كلمة واردها في قاموس المعاني. قاموس عربي انجليزي مصطلحات صفحة 1
I speak Arabic and studied Arabic grammar, too
The firstthreat
The secondorders
Thirdfinal judgement
Entering hell
Is General and not particularly
I've gota mind
Will I need to interpret the words of the Qur'an
It's very clear

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Each Mosque is individual with no physical or organizational ties to any other. Within each Mosque each person is individual as there is no membership like one finds in churches. Although typically those in a Mosque live in the same neighborhood.
In thecommand CenterMosqueIslam
1. the first mosque was explain (Quba)
2. the headquarters of Muhammad in Medina
3. all Islamic history depends on the mosque in opinions
4. obey the Messenger
5. the Prophet's tradition
6. for this mosque is for prayer only
7. that the command center and organization
8. you use (Tekke) of the Qur'an
9. search for meaning (Tekke)
It meanslying
10. read the Koran well
11. used with you (Tekke)
Textual in Arabic also
( التقية ()meaning --lie

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
So what?
There is a Muslim Council for Britain...... would you suggest that it's members have no influence?
In fact there are many influential Muslims in the UK...... you might have some influential Muslims in your own country, perhaps?
Events inFrancetoday-.
Islammoved tophase II
For the millions
More than sixmillion Muslims inFrance
Means thatin the near futurethere will bearmed organizations
Of the Declaration of independence of the South of England and South of France

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
In thecommand CenterMosqueIslam
1. the first mosque was explain (Quba)
2. the headquarters of Muhammad in Medina
3. all Islamic history depends on the mosque in opinions
4. obey the Messenger
5. the Prophet's tradition
6. for this mosque is for prayer only
7. that the command center and organization
8. you use (Tekke) of the Qur'an
9. search for meaning (Tekke)
It meanslying
10. read the Koran well
11. used with you (Tekke)
Textual in Arabic also
( التقية ()meaning --lie

Taqiyyah التقية is very much discouraged by Sunni. and is seen as something to be avoided.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Events inFrancetoday-.
Islammoved tophase II
For the millions
More than sixmillion Muslims inFrance
Means thatin the near futurethere will bearmed organizations
Of the Declaration of independence of the South of England and South of France

Hello again......
I am most saddened by yesterday's murders.......

No....... we would not let our media print cartoons like that here, certainly not without some action taking place against the media owners.

No...... we are not like France, or the French.
I hope that innocent Muslims everywhere will be protected.

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Taqiyyah التقية is very much discouraged by Sunni. and is seen as something to be avoided.
You arewrongmy friend.-
CannotcancelGod's wordsalso believes
Itremainedto the end ofIslam
The differencebetween the two teamsisin the application
Iusedonlyin a kaafir country
In States that do not have an Islamic ruling
In America, for example,
And always use even among Muslims

mahasn ebn sawresho

Well-Known Member
Hello again......
I am most saddened by yesterday's murders.......

No....... we would not let our media print cartoons like that here, certainly not without some action taking place against the media owners.

No...... we are not like France, or the French.
I hope that innocent Muslims everywhere will be protected.
Islamicideologythatproducesthese terrorists
And the Islamic ideology which calls for world domination
And ideology are Quranic
Because Islamic ideology block ideas
These photos are from the lyrics and wrote the Muslims
I don't(know)drawing
But I draw a thirteen woman
With one man
Is this image is forbidden and banned
Mohammed was with him three dozen woman from one Egyptian and Arab beauties and one Jewish
What isthe disadvantageofthese pictures
But Islam is intellectual terrorism
And physical terrorism
And social

Woodrow LI

IB Ambassador
Hello again......
I am most saddened by yesterday's murders.......

No....... we would not let our media print cartoons like that here, certainly not without some action taking place against the media owners.

No...... we are not like France, or the French.
I hope that innocent Muslims everywhere will be protected.

I also express my sorrow for yesterdays murders in France and offer condolences for the families of the victims.

But I see irony in Mahasn's post. Concerned about 6 million Muslims in France. During my child hood there were way more than 6 Million French in the Muslim Nations of North Africa. As a Child I saw "Beau Geste" one too many times and wanted to join the French foreign legion.

But I arrived in Morocco at about the time the last of the legionnaires were boarding ships at Casablanca. ended up as eventually returning to Morocco as part of US Military and later as an Evangelical Christian Missionary.

How much I had really wanted to sit in a bar in Tangiers, as a legionnaire, get into a fight and holler "La Legion avec moi-TOOT SWEET"


Skanky Old Mongrel!
I think we would, actually. And why not?

Do you think that we would?
I think I'll have a search round to discover how we compare with the bad ones, like Sweden, Denmark etc.......

You could help by suggesting any really outre mags...... we'd need something worse than Private Eye..... Hislop is a lightweight! :p
Then what is your suggestion? I would love to know what we as human beings can do to stop the cycle of violence.

If I knew the solution I'd be much richer than I am now. It certainly does no harm to stop feeding the cycle though. Certain Western countries have done absolutely everything the terrorists wanted since 2001. If OBL had been a senior Whitehouse advisor, he couldn't have written better policies himself.

What's the point in counter radicalisation programmes or community outreach if you keep creating extremists faster than you 'cure' them? (extremists are perfectly happy to tell you what radicalised them and it isn't sitting at home quietly reading the Quran and suddenly having an epiphany)

Anyway, after 15 years of creating a radicalisation factory in the Middle East and stockpiling bad will, there is nothing much that can be done to make it significantly better.

It's nothing new though, just a phase that will pass whenever its time is up.
You may or may not like what I am going to say? have you ever heard the term to be a man? Well what I mean by that is when a person agrees to accept a religious doctrine she or he agrees to abide by it's laws, I am fully aware of the teachings of compassion in the New Testament however Jesus says forsake not the law of your father nor forsake the law of your mother, that law being the old testament, Jesus also said I have come to reinforce my father's law, so to be a man? I am talking about knowing what you are following and believing? All of this is simply an analogy to your points taken from biblical text, for example the biblical scriptures say ''Know ye now that I am a jealous god and I will visit suffering even onto the 2nd, 3rd, 4th , 5th and even unto the 6th generation, you see the problem with the understanding of the concept of god is that god being the creator and the creation yielding to the will of it's father creator, the whole anthology of religious practise is well misinterpreted because to follow a god is not to have your own way (god detests the way of man: biblical text and as far as bigotry is concerned and killing is concerned forget it, here is another exert from the biblical text) And god commanded David not just to defeat his enemies but to totally wipe them from the face of the earth and behead their kind and mount his head on a pole for all to see and know that there is no god save him, the point I am trying to make in a simplified manner is if I decide to become a police constable I cannot make up my own laws and rules, in the same way when any persons embrace a faith even a monotheist faith he or she still has to abide by the law that are given, to be a man or woman of that belief you accept what is to be done and follow accordingly , as another analogy should the followers of the fallen find the followers of the Christ in a open unknown place without witness then he should slay him, rob him and hide his remains, in my opinion it is not a matter of what you consider, it is a matter of what you accept to believer and follow, for me all of this is just a discussion to a theoretical point though it is written in both books, the Bible and the Black Book, should your ideas of Christianity be a nice cushy no war dream then its opposite the fallen would have total rule. (ps did you actually know why 2000 years of holy war were fought?


Sheppard for the Die Hard
Take care not to oversimplify a complex reality. Humans will always be doing things that other humans disagree with. The causes of human behaviors, as well as our responses to them, are complex. Beware of attempting to place blame, and ask yourself what this accomplishes. What does blaming an entire group, instead of individuals who are more directly responsible, accomplish?

Oh no, theres probably millions of Muslims around the world who count on radicals to do their bidding. It's like when the evil bizotch in school gets beat up by the typically innocent chick, everyones like " Oh, thank God ". I count those people as radicals too, and that list is much larger than we think.


I would like to thank you so much for informing me that DIR sections of the forum are not for debate and apologize to you for not having learned that sooner. I will never start another thread such as this in any DIR section.

But, I feel it is important and healthy for me to start a thread where I voice my issues with and resentment of ANY Religion whenever it is used to trample the rights of others.

The Religion I have the least amount of issues with is the one that is responsible for the least amount of intolerance, bigotry, violence, and suffering in our world.

When I see Christians promoting bigotry, intolerance, hatred, or the torturing and disfiguring and executing of those who do not abide by their system of religion, it disgusts me no less than when it comes from Muslims and in fact disgusts me and shocks me that much more.

In our present modern world there is one Religion that stands out from the rest with the most violence and intolerance and complete disregard for the lives and feelings of those of different beliefs from it's members and that Religion is Islam.

The Scriptures say that you will know false prophets by their fruits. If Allah is most merciful (as he is referred to by Islam) than the fruit of his followers should be mercy!

I know what it is like to suffer and so do not wish it on others. My greatest issues with Religion are when it inflicts suffering on others and promotes intolerance, bigotry, violence, and war! I see no Religion that fuels more of this behavior than Islam and hence you know why I have my reservations about it.

I also have major issues with some of what Christ taught, but in our world I do not see Christianity oppressing people as I see Islam, not even close!

I do not see Christianity being a force in governments that call for the execution of people who do not obey Christian morality.

..and I see Christian holy wars and Crusades to be something from previous centuries.

what would we think if there was a big Vietnam war protest going on right now? it would seem ridiculous because America is not involved in the Vietnam War now. Likewise, I do not see any Crusades or inquisitions going on, so I am NOT protesting them.

however jihad is alive and well, and countless millions of lives are ruined as a result of Islamic laws and intolerant fanatic military Dictatorships being forced upon people in the name of Allah.
Does the religion of Islam have a problem?

Are Muslims inherently violent?

Is Islam inherently Evil?

Is Islam a “religion of Peace?”

Are the Islamists (Islamic radicals; Islamo Nazis; Jihaddists; violent Arabs and Muslims who kill for the sake of Allah; pick your own misnomer) in Syria and Iraq and Iran and Libya and Afghanistan, etc. the same as the Islamists among the Arabs called Palestinians and Hamas or, are they different because Israel is involved?

Survey Says!

Yes, the religion of Islam has a problem:
There is a worldwide phenomenon from Sweden to Kenya and from Indonesia to Nigeria where Muslims are specifically going to war or murdering innocents in the Name of their god. Tens of millions of human beings, mostly Muslims, have been murdered by other Muslims over the last century where the killers specifically claim that they are acting in the Name of Allah. There is currently no other religion (secular “isms” such as Naziism and Stalinism and Maoism excluded) that is, or that has for the last few hundred years, attacked and murdered its own practitioners or non combatant non Muslims in such vast overwhelming numbers.
This is a problem.

No, Muslims per se are not inherently violent:
Despite the hundred million or so Muslims who support killing in the Name of Allah, the majority of Muslims simply want to “go along and get along” with their own people and the rest of the human race. That is the default position of the human race.

No, Islam is not inherently Evil.
And, yes, Islam is… or was… a “religion of Peace” as much as any religion is or was…:
Muslims, since Islam’s inception by Mohammed, have not committed any more (or any less) “evil” depredations than any other religion or culture, including Hinduism; Judaism; Christianity; Buddhism; and other “pagan” and secular empires and cultures. The Jews had a period of sectarian civil war 2,000 years ago which resulted in the obliteration of the Kingdom of Israel and the deaths of millions of Jews. The Christians had a period of sectarian civil war 500 years ago which resulted in the total devastation and bankruptcy of Europe and the deaths of tens of millions of Christians. (And yes, Buddhists and Hindus and other “pagans” and cultures had their own sectarian civil wars that killed large numbers and/or devastated their territories.) The Muslims are currently undergoing their own sectarian civil war which, based on the previous paradigms, will result in the deaths of perhaps billions and the devastation of portions of the planet.
This is also a problem.

And, no – Hamas and the radical Islamists among the Arabs called Palestinians are no different from any other of those Muslims and Arabs who are murdering in the Name of Allah:
Witness to the fact that Hamas and the Arabs called Palestinians have spent the last 100 years murdering each other, as have all the other Arab/Muslim factions.

Islam was, for the most part, no different from any other culture or religion up until the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire.

After that point, the Arab tribe known as “آلسعود‎ Āl Saʻūd; the Saudis, conquered, for the third time in their bloody history, the Arabian Peninsula, taking the “Two Holy Cities” of Mecca and Medina, thereby becoming, de facto, the new “Custodians of the Two Holy Mosques,” a “royal” title that has been traditionally used by previous Islamic Sultans and Caliphates.
With the creation of Saudi Arabia, also came the establishment of the heretical Saudi cult of Wahhabism which has, for all practical purposes, replaced normative Sunni Islam.

The Wahabbi cult was created by a radical Islamist, Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab in the early 16th Century. Contrary to accepted Sunni practices and beliefs, ibn Wahhab preached a dogmatic extremist doctrine of Islam that denounced Muslims and non Muslims alike who did not accept his fanatical teachings meant to “purify Islam.” He was censured and condemned by the Ottoman Empire of the time and by standard Muslim scholars of his day.
After being driven out of most Arab and Muslim towns and villages, he was invited to the tribal village of Diryah, deep in the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula, by its tribal leader, Muhammad bin Saud.
After the two made a pact in 1744 and joined their families in marriage, they used this new intolerant militant religion to take over the Arabian Peninsula, including sacking and looting Mecca and Medina, and thus established the First Saudi State. Due to both the heresies of Wahhabism and the political dangers of letting the Saudis control Mecca, the Ottomans dispatched the Khedive of Egypt, Muhammad Ali Pasha, to destroy the nascent Saudi kingdom.
The military campaign was a success and most of the Saudi clan was killed and their city of Diryah was razed, never to be rebuilt.

Nonetheless, the remnants of the Saudis regrouped and reformed, once more taking over the Arabian Peninsula in the mid 19th Century, until they began fighting among themselves over which fanatical interpretation of Wahhabism was the “true Islam.”
The last surviving Saudis fled to Kuwait until they remerged once again, taking the present Saudi capital of Ridyah in 1902.

They gathered followers and, taking advantage of World War I and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire, they once more successfully sacked and looted Mecca, driving out the Hashemite dynasty and establishing their Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
The founding ruler, ibn Saud, was a clever diplomat who knew how to play the “Great Powers,” particularly England and the United States, with promises of oil and cooperation against their enemies.
The fact that the Saudis established an intolerant kingdom based on the fanatical and heretical doctrine of Wahhabism was of no concern to the non Muslim world in its new found thirst for oil.
However, ALL of the nominal Sunni sects that plague the world today, from the Muslim Brotherhood to Pakistan’s ISI; from the “Islamic State” to Sudan’s National Islamic Front; from Hamas to the Taliban; from al Qaeda to Boko Haram; from Indonesia’s Darul Islam to the Filipino Abu Sayyaf; and beyond, are the ******* children of Saudi Wahhabism.
Saudi Arabia today, in spite of the dissolute, sybaritic indulgences of its ruling Saud family, still preaches its repressive, hateful and bloody heresy of Wahhabism.
All of the radical fanatical cults of Sunni Islam that are hell bent on destroying the world today, look to “The Servants of the Two Noble Sanctuaries,” the death dealing Wahhabist Saudis, as their inspiration and doctrinal source.

Unless the Saudis ameliorate; reform; improve and rectify their heretical cult of Wahhabism to be more in line with the traditional Sunni teachings of the last 1400 hundred years, this current Muslim/ Arab Global Sectarian Civil War will continue unabated.

If the Saudis threw their weight and clever diplomatic instincts against intolerance; slavery; cruelty; and against the idea that any fanatic can establish his own murderous imitation of Wahhabism, they would solve their own problems and, they would establish Islam a force for good instead of letting its evil practitioners; the mufsidun, dominate.

If not, Islam will continue to destroy our world and more likely than not, billions will die.
However, ALL of the nominal Sunni sects that plague the world today, from the Muslim Brotherhood to Pakistan’s ISI; from the “Islamic State” to Sudan’s National Islamic Front; from Hamas to the Taliban; from al Qaeda to Boko Haram; from Indonesia’s Darul Islam to the Filipino Abu Sayyaf; and beyond, are the ******* children of Saudi Wahhabism.

I agree with most of what you said in your post, and Gulf money is certainly responsible for spreading a hateful version of Islam into places that were traditionally much more moderate and pluralistic. This has certainly caused problems at local levels in the developing world where minority communities who have lived in peace for centuries have become targets for attacks as well as contributing to Islamo-nationalist movements (groups with a localised and specific territorial goal).

It also contributes, to some extent, to the international terrorist problem, but this also draws heavily on people like Sayyid Qutb, whose radical Islamism bears a number of uncanny similarities to mid 20th C Western totalitarian ideologies, particularly Lenninism. A revolutionary vanguard seizing power to destroy the decadent and oppressive capitalist and hypocritical liberals and move people from a state of ignorance. After establishing sharia, there would eventually be little need for government as society would become enlightened and injustice would no longer exist.

The jihadi terrorist is a creation of modernity, and it only gained in popularity after the failure of Arab leftist movements in the 50s, 60s and 70s. However it has multiple analogues in many utopian and millenarian movements throughout history wether they be communist, Nazi, Mazdakist, anabaptist or whatever other ideology captured the particular zeitgeist when a society provided the correct breeding grounds for sufficiently widespread acceptance.

It is also worth noting that every significant terrorist group grew out of an ultimately nationalistic conflict.

Wahabbism/violent salfism is certainly a contributory factor, but it is far from the only one and arguably not the main one (if a 'main' cause can even be said to exist).


Active Member
So where I started this thread before a Muslim boasted that Muslims follow God's law where Christians and Jews abandoned God's law to please atheists, humanists, feminists, and other "followers of Satan".

Oh...ok...and who decides what God's law is? A Muslim might say "the Koran decides", but this begs the question when the two warring parties agree that the Koran is the final authority yet disagree on the interpretation, where do we go?

The violent radical fanatics claim the
Quaran backs them and they can back up their statements with the sacred text. The peaceful Muslims claim the Koran backs their statements. So the Koran has, since its existence lead countless of millions of those who read it to the opposite opinions because many verses in the Koran simply support the opposite belief!

So if a
Muslim has no authority to say that he/she has the authentic interpetation of the Koran and can put each verse in it's proper context, then NO Muslim has the authority to cut a child's hand off, stone an adulterer or homosexual, or torture and execute someone for Heresy because of their interpretation of "God's Law".

Although I find
Scriptures in the OT to be equally repulsive as the intolerance and violence promoted by the Koran, the Old Testament wasn't written 600 years after the death of Christ. But the main reason the Old Testament doesn't bother me as much is those laws were meant for a small nation of people many thousands of years ago, and you can question every Christian ordained pastor or priest in the world whether they believe we should stone Adulterers or Idolators and you will not even find even 1% of them that do. Way more than 99% of Christian leaders would tell you that to institute laws calling for or approving of the execution of someone for having consensual sex outside of marriage would be EXTREMELY wrong and unjust!

However, there are countless millions of people in the Islamic laws who are subject to such tyranny, intolerance, and cruelty, and those atrocities are happening to innocent people (including children) on a daily basis, publicly before the eyes many people, and it is done in the name of God and considered a praiseworthy and noble deed!

Should this not upset me me?

I agree with you. These upset me too and many others like us. Christianity has come out of the dark ages, but Islam is still residing there. we can speak out the errors or stupidities in Bible, (it might upset some), but nobody will demand a death sentence for this. On the other hand, if one question the ethics of Prophet Mohammed who raped a 9 year old girl (his wife Ayshaa whom he married at the age of 50 ! ), - situation would be much different - stoning to death, lashing ( 100 to 1000's), torturing - the possibilities are many.

Population of Muslims in the world in percentage = 23
contribution of terrorism by Muslims in the world = 95%.
So, person by person, a Muslim is over 65 times much more aggressive (which I believe is a sign of uncivilizedness as a religion) than an average non -Muslim.
I believe all gods that came through religion are fake and are man made. We can figure out countless stupidities in any religion.
What I believe is this - God speaks to us through our moral, our sense of being right. It is because of our higher moral codes that we disagree with terrorism and child marriages. And since Islam accept these and since that there is much more occurrence of terrorism among Islamic people, i have more reason to believe that Islam is Satan sent, not God sent. I only hope that they recognize this before their final judgment day:).