Thank you
And in my case it was not even "stop my study". I never stopped my Spiritual Study.
My Master told us, that it is good for spiritual seekers to share experiences, also with other seekers in other religions, and learn from each other. Definitely not debating. As debating is usually about faultfinding and/or proving something to the other, hence it easily divides, whereas sharing is not about proof or explaining. You listen to the other, and by personal introspection each takes what is good for him.
By doing so, we get rid of our Spiritual narrow mindedness (my way is better or the best). And from there it is possible to develop Love for all God's Creation. As long as we are still judgmental toward others their Faith, God will never shower His full Grace (Divine Love) on us
And we also develop humility, don't search for faults in others, don't belittle others and all other positive things
That was the reason that I studied like 12 times with JW in Holland. Not as a member, or to become a member