I don't think people can "pretend" this sort of thing. If a person is not convinced, they can't pretend to be convinced. If If the grass looks green to me, I can't really pretend it's purple.
It's kind of like a person that is scared of the water and sees a bunch of kids splashing around and having a good, and they call out, "Hey, come on in.'
With Jesus, there often times a lot of people having a good time praising Jesus. Maybe there's a Christian rock band playing and telling stories of how lost they were, but now everything is wonderful.
That's how things were in the early 70's. There were hippies saying, "Hey get stoned and you'll see the truth." And there was plenty of good times to be had. There were different East Indian Gurus saying, "Try meditation, and you'll get yourself to a place beyond this mundane life to a place of bliss."
For me, there was also Baha'is. I was in Southern California and up in L.A. they had Seals and Crofts at some of their meetings telling of a new revelation of peace and unity.
I stuck a toe into all these things, then a friend became a Christian. He and his Christian friends invited me in. They told me not to go into those other things... the gurus, the Baha'is, the hippies and their drugs and rock music... Jesus was the real deal. But, in a way, it was the same old stuff. They had Christian rock music up in Orange County on Saturday night. My friends took me up there, and there were 2000 young people rocking out and praising Jesus. It was a much better high than any drug the hippies were pushing... but it was still a high.
For me, it was pretending. I wasn't all in with any of these groups. But on the outside, it looked like I was, and I was able to get in deep enough to see what was really going on.
I think there's various degrees of belief and commitment. But a lot of people are pretenders. And some of thing I think can even fool themselves. But, deep down, they have doubt but put them way back in the recesses of the mind.
I knew a lot of people that tried different spiritual paths, and one week were all gung ho on one, the the next week, into something else. The ones that stayed with Christianity became more and more like the bulk of Christians around them. Their Christianity became a routine. Church on Sunday. Prayer meeting on Monday. Bible study on Wednesday.
So, what's this thing we are supposed to try? Pretend that Jesus is real... that he is God... that he is our savior... that we are lost sinners and need his forgiveness? For me, it was easy to pretend when I was in my twenties, because of the people around me made Christianity fun. Take away the fun, and what does it really offer? Various sects that have different dogmas and doctrines. Once saved, always saved... a rapture... a tribulation, a beast, an antichrist... a young Earth a flat earth... creation, Satan, hell and all kinds of other beliefs.
How does a person "pretend" all that makes sense?