Wow... I had smoked since for 12 years as well. I had quit a few times... my record was 6 months with nicorette...
However I cheated a few times... so that 6 months was probably more like 15 days... but 6 months of not a pack a day or even a pack a week smoker.
I have actually tried to quit like 10 times.
My latest attempt is with chantix. Which is remarkable. It really messes with your brain... You really have no problem other then mental desire and habit to smoke.
Im on day 44 of chantix. I cheated on day 14. So its like 30 days right... Well on day 14 when I cheated I had no and I mean 0 effect from smoking. (In terms of what smokers feel after they have quit or in the relief they get when their jonesin) I mean nothing. It tasted bad, it seemed to irritate my lungs, it didnt make me feel better and it felt like thick air. It did nothing. Thats the magic and drawback of chantix. Even if you cheat you dont become a full time smoker again... however it is sometimes depressing to give up smoking...
Nonetheless... tomorrow is the 4th and will be my 31st day! Having the fam over... should be good times.
Congratz on quitting...Stay that way.