It is an accurate statement. It doesn't take any special equipment to discover the earth is round and rotates around the sun, only keen observation.
With the Koran, many of the "scientific" statements are either blatantly false or were well known by certain peoples of the time. Really, it's more of a fault of today's time in assuming that everyone of ages past were dumb and illiterate. The Quran states a geocentric model of the solar system, it says stars are missiles for devils, it has a sky that can be rolled up and a sun that can be folded, and there is also that bit about salt and fresh waters not mixing.
Your first statement is entirely wrong. One can not simply look into the horizon and state "the earth is round". In fact, to the naked eye, it looks flat. Unless your super girl or something. It took many years of scientific study, by arabs, europeans and many other people to come to the conclusion that the earth was round, thus proving the thesis, if you could call it that, in the Quran. This required people from numerous different specialties within physics to combine their knowledge across centuries of study.
But let us say, the Babylonians had said all this, which is pretty difficult to state in the first place as there are only a handful of surviving tablets, which even historians will admit only provide a slight insight into Babylonian astronomy, which actually speaks more about planets as Godly bodies and how different planets, foretell different omens i.e. one is good luck, another is back luck, others help with crops etc etc. I once again go back to the copying aspect, if the muslims, during the time of the Prophet PBUH actually found these tablets in the first place, only discovered many centuries after the revelation of the Quran, how they knew to copy the right stuff? (shape of the planet) and to leave out all the godly planets and good/bad omens, considering Islam teaches the opposite, that no planet or star can reveal an individuals fortune. They were really lucky copiers right?
I'm curious, what are these false scientific revelations in the Quran? Name me 1.
You talk about stars as missiles, the Quran does not state stars as missiles but rather shooting stars, which we know to be meteors or meteor fragments. But this is not a scientific revelation, the Quran is also a book of religion and we in our religion believe in Allah's creation simply beyond humans and what we see on earth. There are Jinn, or as you call them, devils. But Jinn can be good or bad, having free will like us humans. This is not a verse related to a scientific phenomena but one related to the spiritual side of things. So it's irrelevant to a scientific argument of the Quran.
And then you say the Quran preaches a geocentric model of the solar system. Do you really believe that or is it from an ignorance of what the Quran states. I hope it is and not just a blatant lie. Because the Quran states, that the earth move, as do the sun and the moon. This little verse in itself disproves the geocentric model, as the earth is the center of solar system. The earth is supposed to stay still in this model. That is not the case with the Quran. So where is the geocentric model you claim?