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I would have no beef with Islam if...


Veteran Member
So what would have to change in Islam, for you to no longer have bad feelings toward that faith.

For me, I would no longer have negative feelings for Islam if there were not radical regimes oppressing millions of people, ruining their lives, forcing women to dress like nuns, holding people back into the Dark Ages, refusing to let women get an education, oppressing other religious minorities, government brainwashing, recruiting children to be suicide bombers and terrorists, stoning adulterers, cutting off heads, cutting off hands, executing homosexuals, blasphemy laws, and imprisoning people and putting them to death for criticizing the prophet Muhammad.

If there were not entire governments oppressing hundreds of millions of people in our world with those policies, I would see Islam as a very beautiful religion.

There is nothing wrong with dressing modestly, taking a stand against Western culture, avoiding pornography, avoiding drugs and alcohol, avoiding pork, fasting during Ramadan, praying to God 5 times a day with your face to the ground, submission to God, I think all of that is beautiful.

I can forgive my friend Muhammad (peace be upon him) for being a pedophile, cutting off heads, persecuting Pagans, Jews, unbelievers, and Christians. I can forgive him for being a bit of a terrorist and Military Dictator, if I didn't see so many of his followers following in his footsteps, in our enlightened, civilized 21st century.

I'm willing to overlook the verses in the Koran that call people to kill non-muslims, in the same way that I have no negative feelings towards Jews, who follow a book that has a lot of other ridiculous policies, glorifies intolerant military Dictators and murderers like King David, commands adulterers to be stoned, homosexuals killed, wipeout the pagans, kill people for working on the Sabbath Etc.

The reason I have nothing but positive thoughts towards Israel and Jews, is I don't see them establishing entire governments that force people to live in a dark-aged theocracy that enforces what some ancient, outdated, bigoted text says.

I think having a Jewish State that waves the Star of David flag and Hebrew prayer Shawl, has a menorah for a coat of arms, and governs the land promised to them in Scripture, is very beautiful. It's great that there is a country where Jews can keep their Hebrew identity and culture in their promised land, without turning it into an intolerant Theocracy.

I'd be just as thrilled to see Islamic states, but it seems to be that when ever a country gets an Islamic majority, all sorts of atrocious behavior takes place and bigoted policies are instituted.

If Muslims would stick to dressing modestly, wearing kufis, praying on those beautiful prayer rugs, abstaining from alcohol and pork, erecting beautiful mosques, living a counter-cultural lifestyle, praying five times a day, practicing asceticism, respecting what other people hold as sacred etc., I would find Islam to be a very beautiful religion, that I would even advocate for. :)

I used to wear a Kufi, wash my hands, face, and feet, face Mecca, pray at an Islamic mosque, in Buffalo New York, and defend and advocate for Islam.

When I was living at a Carmelite Monastery trying to be a Carmelite Monk, I got in trouble for how often I argued in favor of Islam, and how devout they were, and how they took a stand against our culture. Eventually a monk walked out of the room in anger, and the superior told me to never talk about Islam again.

I wanted to see more of that behavior in Christianity, and I was very attracted to Islam.

I'm more than willing to love and respect Islam, but I have an increasing suspicion, that there is just something intrinsically toxic about the Faith itself, that is making it impossible to integrate into an enlightened, civilized, ecumenical world.

So, my romance with Islam is over. *Sniff* *sniff* :(. It was enriching!


Veteran Member
Yes, and the global rioting and killing people over something as silly as a cartoon really got to me as well.

Is there anything in the Quran that says you cannot make depictions of Muhammad? If not, where did that tradition come from?
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Non-Binary Physicalist
Premium Member
Yes, and the global rioting and killing people over something as silly as a cartoon really got to me as well.

Is there anything in the Quran that says you cannot make depictions about Muhammad? If not, where did that tradition come from?

I suppose if they'd stop promoting Islam as the only true and correct belief. If they could accept any and all other beliefs as potentially valid. If a person wants to for themselves, follow the dictates of a belief with no expectation of anyone accepting it, including any family members, I'd be cool with it. Like the Jews, they follow Judaism because it is their personal choice to do so. They don't care if anyone else accepts or follows it. They don't go trying to convert folks or trying to prove other beliefs are wrong.

So yeah if Muslims could be more like Jews...


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This is, once again, like saying the answer to Christian colonialism was to get rid of Christianity, not colonialism.


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
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millions and millions of Muslims disagree with you, please

And millions and millions of Christians think divorce is OK but gay sex is not. There's hypocrisy all around the ecumenical roundtable.



Veteran Member
And millions and millions of Christians think divorce is OK but gay sex is not. There's hypocrisy all around the ecumenical roundtable.

In our 21st century, I don't see any predominantly Christian nations instituting laws that execute people for homosexual acts.

Correct me if I'm wrong... please, regards


Veteran Member
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In our 21st century, I don't see any predominantly Christian nations instituting laws that execute people for homosexual acts.

Correct me if I'm wrong... please, regards
You're wrong. The 'kill gays Bill' of Uganda in 2009 would have single instances of homosexuality punished by life in prison and 'aggravated homosexuality' punished by death. Both the government and leaders were and are predominantly Christian.

Progress isn't linear or at equal rates for nations. Especially war torn nations with high poverty and low standards of education.


Veteran Member
Many times. Please.

Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a warlord who led 27 military campaigns against innocent villages, caravans and planned 38 others.

Sahih Bukhari – Volume 8, Book 82, Hadith 795
Narrated Anas: The Prophet cut off the hands and feet of the men belonging to the tribe of ‘Uraina and did not cauterise (their bleeding limbs) till they died. (Punishment of disbelievers)
there are many other atrocities of Muhammad ( peace be upon him)
1d. Muhammad’s Atrocities

Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Decapitated Jews:

Muhammad approved of the ruling, calling it similar to God's judgment,[14][15][16][19][20] after which nearly all male members of the tribe who had reached puberty were beheaded.[21][2][22] The Muslim jurist Tabariquotes 600–900 being executed.[23][3]The Sunni hadith do not give the number killed, but state that all pubescent males were killed and one woman.
Invasion of Banu Qurayza - Wikipedia


ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member
In our 21st century, I don't see any predominantly Christian nations instituting laws that execute people for homosexual acts.

Correct me if I'm wrong... please, regards

It's not only homosexuality those nations execute people for. Homosexuality is simply in the forefront of topics. The fight in the US has been more insidious... Christian legislators and lobbyists trying, and sometimes succeeding in passing anti-gay laws based on their beliefs. Just because the US Supreme Court decriminalized homosexual acts and legalized same sex marriage does not mean that discrimination does not still exist. It is alive and well.


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View attachment 21534

Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a warlord who led 27 military campaigns against innocent villages, caravans and planned 38 others.

Sahih Bukhari – Volume 8, Book 82, Hadith 795
Narrated Anas: The Prophet cut off the hands and feet of the men belonging to the tribe of ‘Uraina and did not cauterise (their bleeding limbs) till they died. (Punishment of disbelievers)
there are many other atrocities of Muhammad ( peace be upon him)
1d. Muhammad’s Atrocities

Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Decapitated Jews:

Muhammad approved of the ruling, calling it similar to God's judgment,[14][15][16][19][20] after which nearly all male members of the tribe who had reached puberty were beheaded.[21][2][22] The Muslim jurist Tabariquotes 600–900 being executed.[23][3]The Sunni hadith do not give the number killed, but state that all pubescent males were killed and one woman.
Invasion of Banu Qurayza - Wikipedia
Obviously interpretation varies. That Christians used bible quotes to justify attacks on nations and peoples, gays and women over history doesn't mean that is the only interpretation that is or can be of the passages they used. Quote mining isn't looking to understand the other side's interpretation. It's just looking for ammunition.

Samantha Rinne

Resident Genderfluid Writer/Artist
I would have no beef with Islam if they decided on a boundary of their own lands.

It seems like they have some sort of excuse for being in other people's countries. For Europe "I'm a poor suffering refugee." For Israel, it's that Israel was originally Palestine (that doesn't add up, because before the time Israel took the land from Palestine was during biblical period, and the Muslims are Saudis not Phillistines). For Africa, I think they just took the land outright. It's always more more more. Stop already! Jews have one land. Israel. They inhabit others because they've been pushed from place to place, but they have one area as their homeland.

Not satisfied with Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar, etc. the Muslims are trying to take that.

12 The Lord sent Nathan to David. When he came to him, he said, “There were two men in a certain town, one rich and the other poor. 2 The rich man had a very large number of sheep and cattle, 3 but the poor man had nothing except one little ewe lamb he had bought. He raised it, and it grew up with him and his children. It shared his food, drank from his cup and even slept in his arms. It was like a daughter to him.

4 “Now a traveler came to the rich man, but the rich man refrained from taking one of his own sheep or cattle to prepare a meal for the traveler who had come to him. Instead, he took the ewe lamb that belonged to the poor man and prepared it for the one who had come to him.”

5 David burned with anger against the man and said to Nathan, “As surely as the Lord lives, the man who did this must die! 6 He must pay for that lamb four times over, because he did such a thing and had no pity.”

7 Then Nathan said to David, “You are the man!


Veteran Member
Obviously interpretation varies. That Christians used bible quotes to justify attacks on nations and peoples, gays and women over history doesn't mean that is the only interpretation that is or can be of the passages they used. Quote mining isn't looking to understand the other side's interpretation. It's just looking for ammunition.
I agree, that it is disgusting, some of the verses that Christians use from the Bible to justify bigotry.

However, Jesus did not raise up a military that went around cutting off heads and enforcing his religion.

Neither did the apostles or the first Christians.

Muhammad and the first Muslims did.

Jesus forgave those who crucified him, saying father forgive them for they know not what they do.

Jesus told people to turn the other cheek and love their enemies.

There is a large amount of evidence that Muhammad was an extremist, who resembled a military dictator, and even resembles radical Islamic regimes... therefore, the behavior and atrocities of Muhammad resemble a terrorist.

I see harsh theocracies in our 21st century, and nearly all of them are Islamic.

This tells me, there could be something intrinsically toxic about the Islamic faith, and the example of its founder.


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However, Jesus did not raise up a military that went around cutting off heads and enforcing his religion.

Neither did the apostles or the first Christians.
Quite a lot of raising of military and killing whole nations of people in the Torah or Christian old testament, supposedly at God's behest. The justifications for that military expansionism and conquest varies among Christians and Jews. If they DO believe it was holy and morally righteous conquest, would you say that their faith is fundamentally wrong in some way?