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If a gay or lesbien want to back normal?

Gay or Lesbien want to be partner to other gender .what they suppose to do ?

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yawn <ignore> yawn
honestly , YES , i wish if there is medicine that make you heterosexual .

Hello godobeyer.
The problem with what you say is that nobody can explain why I should change, except for having children. That is a big subject I will talk about in my next reply. I have a lot of opinions about it.
Other than that, there is nothing. At least nothing that is true and meaningful. My homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone else and the arguments for it being wrong are weak.
Yes it is unusual among humans and even more so among animals. That has nothing to do with morality. Humans do lots of things animals never do. That doesn't make those things immoral. People often do unusual things. That doesn't make those things wrong either.
Gay people who practice safe sex do not spread disease any more than anyone else. What spreads disease is irresponsible sex.

And then there are the people who claim to speak for God. I don't find them the least bit credible. They
are wrong about many many things, like the death and resurrection of Jesus as an example.

On the other hand, I've known I was gay since before I even understood sexuality. I tried very hard to be normal for many years. I desperately wanted that. If there had been a medicine to make me straight I would have jumped on it. But that was a long time ago. Now it would mean being a heterosexual who has been married to a guy for 20 years. That would be inconvenient to say the least. We have a whole life built together.
There is no good reason to do that kind of damage to the two of us and our families. And it would not do anything good for anyone else. So it would be immoral for me to take the medicine.


Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
I had a former and older therapist who interestingly enough for a "therapy" session told me he was married to his husband for over 20 years (I think they are in mid early to mid seventies). If homosexuality is supposed to be unhealthy and immoral in regards to marriage, that is a lie. It is beauty to hear those words being homosexual myself. Thank you for sharing.

Hello godobeyer.
The problem with what you say is that nobody can explain why I should change, except for having children. That is a big subject I will talk about in my next reply. I have a lot of opinions about it.
Other than that, there is nothing. At least nothing that is true and meaningful. My homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone else and the arguments for it being wrong are weak.
Yes it is unusual among humans and even more so among animals. That has nothing to do with morality. Humans do lots of things animals never do. That doesn't make those things immoral. People often do unusual things. That doesn't make those things wrong either.
Gay people who practice safe sex do not spread disease any more than anyone else. What spreads disease is irresponsible sex.

And then there are the people who claim to speak for God. I don't find them the least bit credible. They
are wrong about many many things, like the death and resurrection of Jesus as an example.

On the other hand, I've known I was gay since before I even understood sexuality. I tried very hard to be normal for many years. I desperately wanted that. If there had been a medicine to make me straight I would have jumped on it. But that was a long time ago. Now it would mean being a heterosexual who has been married to a guy for 20 years. That would be inconvenient to say the least. We have a whole life built together.
There is no good reason to do that kind of damage to the two of us and our families. And it would not do anything good for anyone else. So it would be immoral for me to take the medicine.


Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
What would it profit for a homosexual to take medicine to "cure" his homosexuality? Do you think they will live happily ever after? Is it because heterosexuals (rather than the homosexual) want them to conform to their definition of normality? Are we infecting heterosexuals? That statement you made a little while back is so inhumane, that I had to comment.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Nothing to cope with. Not having an interest in sex is like not having an interest in sports. Both are boring and worthless activities with no amusement :D.
Well, it is exhausting when you're not into it... I guess I understand. What they say, overrated. At least you can enjoy sports till you die... after a certain age,well... well...
Why thank you. NOW PREPARE TO BE ****ING ASSIMILATED! :mad:. . . lulz


yawn <ignore> yawn
I know I said I would talk about children and procreation in my next reply. But that is a big task. I will still do that. But an easier task occurred to me so I am asking you a different question for now.
honestly , YES , i wish if there is medicine that make you heterosexual .
Suppose a guy(let's call him Muhammad since that is the most common name for human males) was a straight guy who married his favorite girl. They had 4 children and raised them well.
When Muhammad was about 50 y/o his children were all married. His youngest daughter had 2 babies. Then his wife got cancer and died.

He is still a virile man who likes sex. He loves playing with the grandchildren, but is relieved to have the responsibility of child rearing behind him. He loves doting on and spoiling the little ones. But he doesn't want any more of his own.

Muhammad could take some medicine that would make him gay. He could then enjoy all the sex he wants without any more children. What he doesn't want is to get involved with a woman who does want to be a mother.

Should he take some medicine that would make him homosexual? If not, why not?



ॐ नमो भगवते वासुदेवाय
Staff member
Premium Member

In this thread many lulz were had.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Hi all

because most the human are not homosexaul (gays or lesbiens) , so they are odd/few ,in the humanity .

let's suppose that a gay or a lesbien want to back normal , i mean man (gay) want the woman , and woman (lesbien) want the man .why he/she suppose to do ?

let's suppose that your wife get in this problem ,and become a lesbien , what you will do ?
let's suppose that your husband become gay ? what you will do ?
Except in more extreme cases (and possibly not even then) your sexual orientation doesn't simply flip back and forth and usually has very little to do with what one wants. Sexuality is usually very fluid and its exceptionally hard to define as there are people who may have changes over the course of time about their sexual orientation or even identity. But typically a fully heterosexual male doesn't simply "turn" or "become" gay. The same for females. Though I am in the belief that we all have some degree of bisexuality or pansexuality within us.

But if we have an individual who is homosexual (not self identified as bisexual or any other sexual orientation) and wishes to "be" heterosexual... I would have to ask for what reason. I think that most if not all homosexuals (especially in the west) will have wished for heterosexuality at least once in their life. This is usually due to society and social pressures and backlashes against their current orientation.

Unfortunately it it was a choice for them to "turn strait" we would have far fewer homosexuals than we have today. So unless they want to live a lie then there is nothing they can do.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
thanks columbos for this honest reply .

I like you before , because you good and honest man , and we share almost same view sometimes in some politic issues .

Thanks for share this , and explain to me how is work .

honestly , YES , i wish if there is medicine that make you heterosexual .

at least you would may have kids .

See? You said it yourself: you liked and agreed with a member regardless of his sexual orientation. Being homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual has nothing to do with whether or not someone is a good person.

You have the opportunity to talk to homosexual members here instead of just believing stereotypes about them. You have already asked a lot of questions, which is good. I hope you can listen to the answers as well.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I just wonder how @Godobeyer feels about us asexuals:rolleyes:. So tell me @Godobeyer is it wrong to be Asexual?

Do you mean the man and woman whom had disable sex instinct ?

that's God destiney , so it's not their blame. they don't have choice .

I am interesting in man or woman whom had sex instinct in active mode , but their attractive to same gender .

I am actuatly think that any "gay" could made relation with woman , and any "lesbien" could made relation with man .

you will tell me God too creat gay or lesbien that way too , that wrong, so it's their problem to choose their same gender inspite they could choose oppose gender .

the exemple of Columbos when he said that his partner gay cheat on him is best exemple .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
See? You said it yourself: you liked and agreed with a member regardless of his sexual orientation. Being homosexual, heterosexual, or bisexual has nothing to do with whether or not someone is a good person.

You have the opportunity to talk to homosexual members here instead of just believing stereotypes about them. You have already asked a lot of questions, which is good. I hope you can listen to the answers as well.

Did i said ALL gays or lesbiens are bad people ?

I said it's linked in my society to gangs and prisons , they reputation is not good here .

I listen to the answsers with open mind , i just don't agree about with Louis about "rare" and homosexuals could had "kids" .

logically pure homosexual relation impossile end with kids . male will never make male pragenant , and female will never make female pragenant , without outside facture like adoption kids ...etc

so it's end of offspring of gays and lesbiens .

and I disagree with you that gay or lesbien could not convert to be heterosexaul as well in ALL the cases .


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Do you mean the man and woman whom had disable sex instinct ?

that's God destiney , so it's not their blame. they don't have choice .

That is very interesting, because for all I know you may be exactly right. Asexuality tends not to be a choice.

Sexuality is rarely a choice. We can't even choose to be attracted by specific people; it just happens that way.

I am interesting in man or woman whom had sex instinct in active mode , but their attractive to same gender .

I am actuatly think that any "gay" could made relation with woman , and any "lesbien" could made relation with man .

The physical act is certainly possible. The feeling and the confort will only be there in fringe situations.

Think about this: a lot of men and women are certainly capable of having sexual relations with each other, with various degrees or confort and pleasure. But in many cases that will be rather unpleasant, even violently invasive, or at least objectifying.

When it comes to sexual compatibility, the feelings and attractions of the people involved are very much a chief consideration.

And very few people, LGBT or otherwise, have any degree of significant control over those, far as I can tell.

you will tell me God too creat gay or lesbien that way too , that wrong,

You don't think God created LGBT people? How else could they exist then? Do you think LGBT is in some sense a challenge to God's will? Or even outright sin, perhaps?

Some Christian LGBTs have felt that way. That has never turned out to be a good idea. It brought lots of pointless, often destructive angst over them, leading to not a few suicides even.

so it's their problem to choose their same gender inspite they could choose oppose gender .

No, Godobeyer. People do not choose who they are attracted to. Not even heterosexuals truly have that choice.

the exemple of Columbos when he said that his partner gay cheat on him is best exemple .

How so? Are you assuming that the cheating was with women?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Hello godobeyer.
The problem with what you say is that nobody can explain why I should change, except for having children. That is a big subject I will talk about in my next reply. I have a lot of opinions about it.
Other than that, there is nothing. At least nothing that is true and meaningful. My homosexuality doesn't hurt anyone else and the arguments for it being wrong are weak.
Yes it is unusual among humans and even more so among animals. That has nothing to do with morality. Humans do lots of things animals never do. That doesn't make those things immoral. People often do unusual things. That doesn't make those things wrong either.
Gay people who practice safe sex do not spread disease any more than anyone else. What spreads disease is irresponsible sex.

And then there are the people who claim to speak for God. I don't find them the least bit credible. They
are wrong about many many things, like the death and resurrection of Jesus as an example.

On the other hand, I've known I was gay since before I even understood sexuality. I tried very hard to be normal for many years. I desperately wanted that. If there had been a medicine to make me straight I would have jumped on it. But that was a long time ago. Now it would mean being a heterosexual who has been married to a guy for 20 years. That would be inconvenient to say the least. We have a whole life built together.
There is no good reason to do that kind of damage to the two of us and our families. And it would not do anything good for anyone else. So it would be immoral for me to take the medicine.


Hello Columbos , i apperciate that you open your heart and you share your personal live with us .

why you tried very hard to be normal . so you know it's normal ?

do you love to be a father , i mean do you love kids ?



the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Columbos I have this honest question , i hope you reply to me honestly too

did you ever make relation with oppose gender ?
and how about your partner , did he ever make relation with oppose gender ?


Big Queer Chesticles!
indeed shocking , no offend, i think it disgusting for many men , i will not imagine my self married to man .

so there is no check doctor for kids !!!!

You can think it is disgusting. For you it is digusting. That does not mean it is disgusting for everyone. No one is asking you to marry a man.

I am a woman that will marry a woman. Do you think that is disgusting too? Or do you like many others watch lesbian porn while denying us rights?


yawn <ignore> yawn
I disagree with you that gay or lesbien could not convert to be heterosexaul as well in ALL the cases .
Why do you disagree?
I know a lot about being homosexual. I am one. Why do you think you know more about a small portion of the human race than those of us who are in it know?
