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If a gay or lesbien want to back normal?

Gay or Lesbien want to be partner to other gender .what they suppose to do ?

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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
the modern science discover that homosex , is natural and healthy !!!!

how they found out it's natural ?

It is natural because it happens naturally. It is not like, say, clothing.

btw 50 % of the Americans are extermists and behinded in this issue ?!!

Exactly. Back in 2008 when I entered these forums we were having quite heated discussions about California's Proposition 8.

It has been six years since, and the increased acceptance of LGBT is already quite perceptible.

i believe the others are just tolerance with, so they agreed .
NOT because they will marry same sex .

Obviously, only homosexuals and bisexuals will ever want to marry with their same sex. But I'm not certain I understood what you mean here.

it's not statics tells it's odd and rare marriage compared to heresex ? , so it is .

Statistics have two relevant attributes.

1. They describe general trends, literally glossing over the particularities of specific situations. Which means that they are not very useful for seeking just and fair actions, if we accept that justice must take into consideration the attributes and needs of the actual, specific people.

2. They take considerable skill to produce and present in accurate and useful forms. Much of the worth of statistical institutions comes from their lending their name and credibility to the numbers and reports that they present, because it is so very easy to create a fraudulent or simply useless statistical analysis.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
the modern science discover that homosex , is natural and healthy !!!!

how they found out it's natural ?

Well, for one thing, just like heterosexuality, it can't be changed. For another thing, it also occurs broadly in the animal kingdom:

Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

btw 50 % of the Americans are extermists and behinded in this issue ?!!

Yes, they do have an extremist opinion when it comes to this issue. Fortunately, as has been mentioned, more and more people in the U.S. are becoming tolerant toward homosexuals and are accepting them as human beings who deserve equal rights to other people.

i believe the others are just tolerance with, so they agreed .
NOT because they will marry same sex .

You don't have to be a homosexual to support equal rights for homosexuals or be tolerant of them. I'm strictly heterosexual, for example, and I strongly support the rights of LGBT people.

it's not statics tells it's odd and rare marriage compared to heresex ? , so it is .

There are many more heterosexual people than homosexual ones, but that's not a reason to discriminate against homosexuals or deny them their rights. People with red hair are about 1% of the human population. Obviously, the rarity of one particular trait they possess is no reason to treat them any differently from people with other hair colors.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
as resume to what i understand here : gays are male but attractive to men INSTEAD of women !!!. this phenomen is increasing in the West , and classify as normal , inspite it's rare


Well-Known Member
this phenomen is increasing in the West , and classify as normal , inspite it's rare
It's not increasing. They have always been around everywhere. Some religions have been unjust towards them and they had to hide or be killed because who they are naturally.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
as resume to what i understand here : gays are male but attractive to men INSTEAD of women !!!. this phenomen is increasing in the West , and classify as normal , inspite it's rare

The general line of thought is fairly correct, but there are a few corrections worth making:

1. There are male homosexuals and there are female homosexuals (lesbians). And there are also both male and female bisexuals.

In other words, both men and women can and do have attractions for men, women, or even both. Heterosexuality happens considerably more often than homosexuality or bisexuality (I think), but I don't think any of them is exactly rare. I have met a fair number of both without making a point of looking for them, after all.

2. While it is difficult to find reliable statistics, I sincerely believe that homosexuality and bisexuality are not becoming significantly more common. It wouldn't even surprise me to find out that they are happening less frequently after all.

The frequency of "coming out", which is to say, of open admitance of homosexuality and bisexuality, that however definitely seems to be rising, and quite a lot at that. Even more importantly, the frequency and quality of acceptance is raising in a very promising, heartwarming way.

By this point I fully expect to see same sex marriages becoming an everyday occurrence, not really worth of specific coverage in the media, in at most ten years in the future. The likely social effects are frankly exciting. I look forward to that day.

The challenges ahead of us regarding homosexuality, bisexuality and trangenderism involve a bit of research on the causes and nature of those LGBT situations, of course.

But important as that research is, it is still of very minor significance when contrasted with the challenges of acceptance, self-acceptance definitely included. For too long a time we have learned and taught our own people to dismiss, ridicule and despise all LGBT positions other than the "traditional" cisgendered, heterosexual, "standard" roles.

And that, I have no doubt now, was a very big shame inflicted on ourselves. It was attempting to protect our preconceptions and confortable expectations and social roles at the expense of the dignity, self-worth and not at all rarely of the actual desire to keep living of our LGBT brothers and sisters.

In a very real sense, their blood is on our hands. Even more often, their cruciating angst fails to kill them but makes them miserable. That has to stop, and as it turns out we do have the power to stop it. It does not even take much in the way of a price to pay, and odds are good that ultimately it is for our own good and convenience as well.

To put it bluntly, seeing LGBT people as fully entitled to respect and appreciation is of course good for them. But it may well turn out to be even better for us. It is certainly helpful in attaining less moral dilemmas and more fraternity and compassion. And what are we to lose in return? A source of jokes of dubious quality, some opportunities for self-gratification of a particularly unhealthy variety, some assurances that deep down we always knew to be lies and that we have little reason to miss.

Or to put it in yet another way, it is an exchange to the benefit of all parties involved. We give the LGBT the respect they so much deserve, and they give us back the opportunity to be that much more honorable, more ethical, more dignified people.

I'm not sure we even deserve that, come to think of it.


Veteran Member


yawn <ignore> yawn
I have these serious question , it's first time i chat with gay in RF thread :
I'll talk about it.
But it is not the first time you have chatted with a gay. You and I have talked many times before. Just not about this subject. I see little reason to discuss people's individual sex lives because it rarely has anything to do with me.

are you the husband or the wife first ? or it's depend ?
Doug and I are both men. There is no husband or wife.
We do the same things everybody does. Go to work,
pay bills, cook, clean house, argue... Who does what and when depends on the circumstances. 20 years ago, I worked many more hours than he did. So he did most of the house work, except for cooking. I'm better at that and I am fussier about food. Now, he works more hours so I do most of the work.
But it isn't like either of us decides everything or is required to do anything because of our gender. There is no husband or wife, we are spouses or partners.

IF your "husband man cheat on , with other woman , what you would do ?
IF your man cheat on with man , what you would do
Doug is rather attractive. Physically, personality, in lots of ways. Women hit on him all the time. Once they realize that they are peeing uphill(especially hard for a female) that goes away fast, usually. He has one girlfriend who still, after years, seems not to realize she is not going to get him. They lived together in motels for a week. That's not going to happen.
But I know he's cheated on me with guys. I was not happy. I've never cheated on him. But I knew a big part of that is that I just don't want sex so much any more. I'm almost 60, maybe I wore it out when I was young.
Anyway, I still want him. More than anyone else I have ever met. I like looking at hot guys, but I don't want to touch. I just want to stay married to my imperfect spouse who loves me even though I am imperfect.

Let me ask you a question. If I could take medicine and suddenly be heterosexual, do you think that would be the best thing for me to do?



Libertarian Egalitarian
Homosexuality and transsexualism/transgenderism are two different things. For example, I'm a transsexual but I'm not gay.
Agreed. Transexual is not an orientation, it's just the transition from one gender to the other. It is completely possible to be trans and straight, trans and gay, trans and bi, trans and pan, and trans and ace.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
Agreed. Transexual is not an orientation, it's just the transition from one gender to the other. It is completely possible to be trans and straight, trans and gay, trans and bi, trans and pan, and trans and ace.

Transsexualism and homosexuality are commonly conflated with each other in the minds of the public. They often think that female to male transsexuals are self-hating lesbians or lesbians who want to escape homophobia, gain hetero privilege and be "normal". So they also think the same about male to female transsexuals who are primarily attracted to men. For gay trans men, a lot of people just think that they're obsessed f*g hags who have taken their obsession with gay men too far. For lesbian trans women, a lot of people think they're just hetero transvestites. (The last two examples are found primarily among transphobic gays and lesbians; many of them have an element of self-hatred in their opinions because they can't fathom why someone would have a sex change to "end up" gay. "You became a man and like men?! Why not just be a straight girl?!")

So there's a lot of explaining that has to be done.


Libertarian Egalitarian
many of them have an element of self-hatred in their opinions because they can't fathom why someone would have a sex change to "end up" gay. "You became a man and like men?! Why not just be a straight girl?!")

So there's a lot of explaining that has to be done.
I'm actually following a girl on Tumblr that wishes she was a man, just so she could have gay sex. She is not trans though.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I'm actually following a girl on Tumblr that wishes she was a man, just so she could have gay sex. She is not trans though.

Lol. Hopefully some moonbat radfem doesn't see that and use that as "evidence" that trans men are just confused self-hating girls. There's no reason to idolize gay men, though. There's a lot of stupid, bigoted gay men, too. Trying to date while trans is a headache, to say the least, regardless of your sexual orientation.


Veteran Member
I don't think anyone needs to make an excuse why they are the way they are, and label themselves, to do so to me is stupid. We are all human beings, no matter what we do, if anyone doesn't like you for the way you are, then their the one with the problem not you.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
as resume to what i understand here : gays are male but attractive to men INSTEAD of women !!!. this phenomen is increasing in the West , and classify as normal , inspite it's rare

Gay males are attracted to other men, yes, and homosexuality is considered normal because it is neither a choice nor a disorder, as modern science tells us.

I don't think homosexuality is increasing anywhere; it's just that more and more homosexuals are feeling comfortable about openly discussing their sexuality in the West because their societies in general don't reject or condemn it now as much as they did in the past.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I'll talk about it.
But it is not the first time you have chatted with a gay. You and I have talked many times before. Just not about this subject. I see little reason to discuss people's individual sex lives because it rarely has anything to do with me.

Doug and I are both men. There is no husband or wife.
We do the same things everybody does. Go to work,
pay bills, cook, clean house, argue... Who does what and when depends on the circumstances. 20 years ago, I worked many more hours than he did. So he did most of the house work, except for cooking. I'm better at that and I am fussier about food. Now, he works more hours so I do most of the work.
But it isn't like either of us decides everything or is required to do anything because of our gender. There is no husband or wife, we are spouses or partners.

Doug is rather attractive. Physically, personality, in lots of ways. Women hit on him all the time. Once they realize that they are peeing uphill(especially hard for a female) that goes away fast, usually. He has one girlfriend who still, after years, seems not to realize she is not going to get him. They lived together in motels for a week. That's not going to happen.
But I know he's cheated on me with guys. I was not happy. I've never cheated on him. But I knew a big part of that is that I just don't want sex so much any more. I'm almost 60, maybe I wore it out when I was young.
Anyway, I still want him. More than anyone else I have ever met. I like looking at hot guys, but I don't want to touch. I just want to stay married to my imperfect spouse who loves me even though I am imperfect.

Let me ask you a question. If I could take medicine and suddenly be heterosexual, do you think that would be the best thing for me to do?


thanks columbos for this honest reply .

I like you before , because you good and honest man , and we share almost same view sometimes in some politic issues .

Thanks for share this , and explain to me how is work .

honestly , YES , i wish if there is medicine that make you heterosexual .

at least you would may have kids .


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Homosexuality and transsexualism/transgenderism are two different things. For example, I'm a transsexual but I'm not gay.
I actually have a question here regarding that, and if it comes off as offensive or insulting I apologize;

Let's say you're a Transwoman(if you're a Transman I apologize, but for the purpose of the question either works), and you want to be a man...does that make you homosexual because you were born physically male?

Again, I am very sorry if this is insulting.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
thanks columbos for this honest reply .

I like you before , because you good and honest man , and we share almost same view sometimes in some politic issues .

Thanks for share this , and explain to me how is work .

honestly , YES , i wish if there is medicine that make you heterosexual .

at least you would may have kids .
What's stopping him from having kids now? There are plenty of women who are happy to act as a surrogate for a gay couple, not to mention the millions of children who've been abandoned in orphanages who would love to have a home & parents who loved them regardless of their parents' sex lives or gender.