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If a gay or lesbien want to back normal?

Gay or Lesbien want to be partner to other gender .what they suppose to do ?

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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
is default medical ? he had male organes , they don't work well ?.

That does happen as well, but is considerably more rare. I'm not certain about the name of that situation.

or psychiatrist issue , try to convince him that he is male (if he act like woman)

That, pretty much always, is just violence. Arguably well-meaning violence, but violence all the same.


Well-Known Member
and If He (the gay) hope to be interested woman as most of men in world, what he suppose to do ?

Hello :)

Let me first say, I know what Islam and Christianity both teach on the topic of homosexuality. I think sometimes when people follow a faith/religion, they think that they must become the judge of others, and this somehow will be a measure of their own faith. To me, someone else's life is someone else's life...it isn't for me to judge. God knows our hearts, and I don't think he looks down on homosexuals; this is my belief. So, why should we? I think that a person's sexual preference, and identity is normal for him/her, just like ours is normal for us. When we use the term 'normal,' it tends to suggest that one group is 'better than' another group. I personally don't view humanity in this way.

Above everything else, we are called to love and serve others. Judgment isn't a commandment. But to love... is. If a homosexual man or woman wish to sleep with people of the opposite sex, that is their choice. To me, it is none of my business.


There's an old legend in Revoltistan.....

A young man sat by a river lamenting his lot in life. His family wanted him to take a wife, but he lusted after a strapping young blacksmith. That just would not do. A magical frog saw his sad face, & said, "Monsieur, why are you so unhappy?". The young man said, "I am sad because I am not normal.". The magic frog said, "Mon dieu! I can fix that! I shall grant you a wish". The lad said, "Then I wish to be normal". Thereupon the frog waved his hand, & the air filled with a rainbow of sparkly shimmering, & said, "You how have your wish.". The lad arose to see what his heart felt. It was lust for the blacksmith. He then killed the frog, & ate him.
The moral of the story is. Prepare to become someone's dinner if you grant a wish ironically.

Like anyone who could speak French would visit that dump.


Hello :)

Let me first say, I know what Islam and Christianity both teach on the topic of homosexuality. I think sometimes when people follow a faith/religion, they think that they must become the judge of others, and this somehow will be a measure of their own faith. To me, someone else's life is someone else's life...it isn't for me to judge. God knows our hearts, and I don't think he looks down on homosexuals; this is my belief. So, why should we? I think that a person's sexual preference, and identity is normal for him/her, just like ours is normal for us. When we use the term 'normal,' it tends to suggest that one group is 'better than' another group. I personally don't view humanity in this way.

Above everything else, we are called to love and serve others. Judgment isn't a commandment. But to love... is. If a homosexual man or woman wish to sleep with people of the opposite sex, that is their choice. To me, it is none of my business.

I love you. How do you feel about middle aged men with limited prospects?

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Hi all
because most the human are not homosexaul (gays or lesbiens) , so they are odd/few ,in the humanity .let's suppose that a gay or a lesbien want to back normal , i mean man (gay) want the woman , and woman (lesbien) want the man .why he/she suppose to do ?

Gay and Lesbian people are normal. Not all people
conform to the majority (for example, left handed people verses right handed; Deaf versus hearing) and so forth--all people are normal. So, why would any a gay/lesbian change... a left handed want to be right handed and a Deaf person want to hear since all three are normal since their birth (and/or the cultural values and identity they are raised or adopted in)?

The question can't be answered given not all gay/lesbian want to change their normal attraction to relate to those who they accept are different than they are.
let's suppose that your wife get in this problem ,and become a lesbien , what you will do ?
Let's suppose that your husband become gay ? what you will do ?
No one came become gay. We are not our actions; so, we are not defined by them. Being gay, lesbian, tall, short, skinny, fat, blond hair, brown hair, is who we are as well as who we are attracted to--spiritually, physically, and mentally; how we express ourselves religiously (say Muslim women wearing scarf on their head), how we take care of our bodies physically (regardless the proportions), and how we want to present ourselves to others (died hair? short hair?) Doesn't matter.

We are all different. What would I do? If a woman I'm dating changed her behavior (not herself) into being with a guy, I'd talk with her about it... probably share some feedback on how we want each other to see ourselves...what we value and define about our identity...and things of that nature.

As in orientation, there is nothing one can do. It's not a condition, disease, or anything you can cure. It's just who we are.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Sure, a majority of people are heterosexuals, and I fully hope them to be happy as heterosexuals.
so you can't blame me or others that we saw gay as odd and rare .

It just turns out that homosexuals don't fit that mold, and that is fine.
Homosexuality is normal. It does not deserve to be discouraged.
if it's normal it's would and suppose to be more commun (not rare) .

so why some doctors suggest a treatement to homosexaulity .

Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals | Psych Central

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
if it's normal it's would and suppose to be more common (not rare) so why some doctors suggest a treatment to homosexuality .
What would they treat? We are all in control of our behaviors. A homosexual is still a homosexual even if he has not have sex with anyone his whole life. What is there to cure?


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
so you can't blame me or others that we saw gay as odd and rare .

I can and I do. Sexuality is a personal matter. It is not up to majority voting.

if it's normal it's would and suppose to be more commun (not rare) .

Again, that is doubly untrue. Homosexuality is hardly "rare" by any criteria that would have medical significance.

And if it were, that would still mean nothing.

so why some doctors suggest a treatement to homosexaulity .

Because there is a lot of prejudice and rejection running rampant still. Much of it motivated by (arguably misguided) religious beliefs.

Very few physicians still propose those treatments, however, and medical authorities these days hardly ever approve of them.


Active Member
indeed it's mean , that commun human action static tells .
that couple (different gender) male and female , is very more and extra mores than gay marriage in the world.

may thousand gay marriage VS rest of humanity . so gay or lesbien marriage is nothing if compared to man/woman couple marriage .
People with an IQ above 150 are rare. So smart is nothing given all the dumb we have around?


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
is default medical ? he had male organes , they don't work well ?.
or psychiatrist issue , try to convince him that he is male (if he act like woman)

What you're suggesting has, over and over again, been demonstrated to be completely ineffective, and leads to depression and suicide.

Gay people are born gay, and will always be gay, and should be able to take pride in that if they so wish.

And the same goes for trans people. If a person is biologically male but has a female gender identity, then she should be able to be exactly that, and take pride in it, if she so wishes.


Well-Known Member
so you can't blame me or others that we saw gay as odd and rare .

if it's normal it's would and suppose to be more commun (not rare) .

so why some doctors suggest a treatement to homosexaulity .

Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Higher Risk of Mental Health Problems for Homosexuals | Psych Central

From the first link:
The highest-profile contemporary advocates of conversion therapy tend to be fundamentalist Christian groups...


Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
i disagree . that your opinion .

since it's rare and odd ,, and rejected by most of religions , it'not normal .

It is not a personal opinion; most qualified medical experts agree that homosexuality occurs naturally both in humans and other members of the animal kingdom.

There are a lot of religions that are silent on the issue of sexual orientation and don't reject homosexuality. Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism are a few examples. In fact, it is only a minority of religions that forbid expressions of love between homosexuals. Those religions are mainly Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. The same goes for the Baha'i faith.

so gay , in first place he born as baby "gay "? so it's destiny to become a gay ? and it's impossible to a gay to change his addicated to man , to woman ? there is no solution : medical or religious , or psychiatrist . ?

The current scientific understanding is that homosexuals are not any different from heterosexuals in terms of how their sexual orientation is determined; both can't change it, and attempts to do so have been evidenced to be ineffective and unscientific.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
since it's rare and odd ,,

It is neither rare nor odd.

and rejected by most of religions

No, it isn't.

, it'not normal .

I've come to learn that "normal" doesn't exist. It's an artificial construct.

so gay , in first place he born as baby "gay "?


so it's destiny to become a gay ?

Not 'become'. He is gay. You don't "become" a sexual orientation.

and it's impossible to a gay to change his addicated to man , to woman ?

It's not an addiction, it's a sexual orientation, and sexual orientations are impossible to change.

there is no solution : medical or religious , or psychiatrist . ?

A solution requires a problem. Homosexuality is not a problem, unless a society makes it one. In that case, the solution is that the society needs to change to make homosexuality socially acceptable.