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If abortion were illegal


Victor said:
What a stupid comment to make. :mad:
Your ignorance radiates thru my screen.
There are literally thousands of organizations world wide trying to feed and shelter kids.

By giving away Bibles like to Katrina victims from the gulf coast? How quaint. There are charities such as Red Cross and Salvation Army that have no cultural boundaries. Are you denying everything else, especially the Schiavo case hypocrisy?
I would love to meet some of the loving fundies you're talking about, who even like those not of their belief, but alas I have not. Maybe we are talking about the same majority, just from the different point of view.


Well-Known Member
AtheistAJ said:
Excellent point, as proven in the Schiavo case, fundamentalists only care about living (being alive)- not the quality of life. Most of them don't give a rat's *** about raped poor mothers having illegal abortions or having their children grow up in the streets, whenever I give them examples like that they say things like "That's all a bunch of liberal hippie bull...!", while they drive gas-guzzling SUVs and watch Pat Robertson, listen to Rush Limbaugh, and pray to Jesus that everything will be ok. That is fundamentalists I know, mostly down of St. Louis.
I'm not a fundamentalist, but my church opposes abortion (except in cases or rape or incest or when the mother's life is in danger), but does not support keeping people on life support when it is unreasonable. Don't paint everyone with such a broad brush.


To Save A Lamb
If abortion were made illegal, would contraception follow?
You know it. I already had to go through hoops to get my birth control when it was for HEALTH reasons as my period stopped and getting sick or dying because all that crap is building up in my uterus isn't the most pleasant of things. I also had a GIRLFRIEND at the time so there were going to be no babies.

But really, they care about life. Just not the womens'.


AtheistAJ said:
By giving away Bibles like to Katrina victims from the gulf coast? How quaint.
Hair-brainded activism is not strictly relegated to religious institutions. Are you a member of PETA, by any chance?


User of Aspercreme
Sunstone said:
If abortion were made illegal, would contraception follow?
Contraception is preventative of creation of a child. Abortion is killing of something that has already been breated. To try and compare the ending of abortion to the ending of contraception doesn't work, unless you consider abortion just another form of contraception. Sadly, that is what it has become, which is why there are so many of them (abortions). When you consider the taking of a human life, just another form of preventive maintenance, you do a great injustice to the unborn, and demean the sanctity of life.


Well-Known Member
jamaesi said:
You know it. I already had to go through hoops to get my birth control when it was for HEALTH reasons as my period stopped and getting sick or dying because all that crap is building up in my uterus isn't the most pleasant of things. I also had a GIRLFRIEND at the time so there were going to be no babies.

But really, they care about life. Just not the womens'.
Read your bible Jamaesi,

Don't you realize that to the true beleiver, you are just a servant and a conduit to have babies? It is unrealistic to expect people, many of whom beleive that the woman is there merely to serve the man, to have the woman's health as a major concern. Many religions still won't allow a woman preacher or priest, for goodnes' sake.

And I am a bit surprised that nobody else pounced on the moral dilemma I so eloquently (and humbly) posed 2 pages ago. If a baby who has not yet sinned goes to heaven, and your goal is to get to heaven, then why on earth would you choose to stop and abortion which, if left unchecked might subject this kid to growing up, and not becoming a Christian, thus condemning that kid to Hell?



MdmSzdWhtGuy said:
If a baby who has not yet sinned goes to heaven, and your goal is to get to heaven, then why on earth would you choose to stop and abortion which, if left unchecked might subject this kid to growing up, and not becoming a Christian, thus condemning that kid to Hell?
Frankly, i'm surprised some of the "out there" churches haven't started baptizims in utero.


MdmSzdWhtGuy said:
Read your bible Jamaesi,

Don't you realize that to the true beleiver, you are just a servant and a conduit to have babies? It is unrealistic to expect people, many of whom beleive that the woman is there merely to serve the man, to have the woman's health as a major concern. Many religions still won't allow a woman preacher or priest, for goodnes' sake.

And I am a bit surprised that nobody else pounced on the moral dilemma I so eloquently (and humbly) posed 2 pages ago. If a baby who has not yet sinned goes to heaven, and your goal is to get to heaven, then why on earth would you choose to stop and abortion which, if left unchecked might subject this kid to growing up, and not becoming a Christian, thus condemning that kid to Hell?

I responded to this on post #110.


Well-Known Member
I have an idea. We allow women to choose for themselves whether or not they abort. How difficult is that?


Pneumatic Spiritualist

It simply means that the choice whether or not to allow abortions will once again return to the individual states. What this means is if a woman lives in a red state she's gonna have to make a weekend out of it.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Just out of curiosity, has there ever been a society that didn't to some extent practice abortion or infantcide? I can't think of one, but my knowledge in this area is not vast. Does anyone know of a society that was abortion and infantcide free?


Well-Known Member
Can't think of one, but I think I read somewhere that the Spartans had a sort of eugenics system that involved casting infants into ravines. I guess they figured it would be healthier for the women than attempting to abort. Perhaps we should switch to that method. Wait, it's already done, actually quite often. Perhaps some of you on this forum are living in a happy, little world where mothers suddenly go goo-goo after gazing upon their infants, but reality is quite another story. If it isn't a trip to the bottom of a dumpster, it's a ride to the orphanage where, if any luck, they'll be adopted before they're too old for anyone to want. If they are troubled somehow or have a visible deformity, they're out of luck and end up staying in the system. Take off the rose-colored glasses, and see a psychiatrist if an embryo starts talking to you. The world isn't nearly as simple and clear-cut as almost all of us dearly wish it could be. Make your own decisions, and leave others to make theirs.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Sunstone said:
Just out of curiosity, has there ever been a society that didn't to some extent practice abortion or infantcide? I can't think of one, but my knowledge in this area is not vast. Does anyone know of a society that was abortion and infantcide free?
I have a knack of sometimes finding answers to obtuse questions, but this one beat me. Zilch.:(


Well-Known Member
Whether abortion is legal or not will not solve the problem. Tthe problem is heart problem. Fix peoples hearts and the rest will fix itself. People should be taught to value each other, and all human life, taught the consequences of their actions, and taught responsibility for their actions. We are made in God's image, the Bible says, it says to flee fornication, to honor your body. Get back to God and the Bible, and obeying what it says, and people will be protected from these things. The Bible says sex is for marriage, so do that, see what happens, less VD, illegitimate children, abortins, ruined lives, etc. Its a heart problem, I don't think it will go away anytime soon, unless people go back to God. I don't think man can solve this one, but God can.


Well-Known Member
joeboonda, as riddled as your post is with typographical errors and references to a book that I think is mostly rubbish, I am inclined to agree. If this society didn't go to so much trouble to glorify unrestrained sexuality, even to the point of making life impossible for a person exceeding twenty who admits to virginity, so many of our social ills would solve themselves. Sexual liberty includes the liberty to treat it sensibly, something that far too many Americans fail to understand or exercise.

Oh, but I'm just an atheist. What do I know? Perhaps the world would be a better place if more of us were godless, actually.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
FlappyCat said:
Sexual liberty includes the liberty to treat it sensibly, something that far too many Americans fail to understand or exercise.
I agree, FlappyCat. America leads the Western World in virtually every category of sexual problem. The country could do much much better promoting responsible sexuality.