Fluctuations are not things, but end up acting as if they are, such as 'atoms'. Hence, 'virtual' mass.
You are still not connecting the dots, and still caught in the shadowy world of Time, Space, and Causation.
Science sees 'change', but science is just an extension of perceptual reality. Any such 'change' is illusory.
When fluctuations create virtual mass, there is information involved. That is where Consciousness comes in.
If anyone is making s**t up, it is the Unified Field. It is having a ball making up the s**t that we call 'The Universe' and making believers like you think it to be real. Why, you even have the authority of Holy Science on your side to prove it! They keep lying to you and you keep believing their crap. Currently, science has reached a point of critical mass of their crap, and they've got us up to here with it. Oh, but not to worry. SOMEDAY they will have The Answer. Why, just look at all their progress! We have at least TEN, (count'em) TEN theories, none of which are conclusive, while Quantum Physics has turned the apple cart up on its end. We now know Pure Jack S**t about nada. Zilch. Nothingness. Wrong path.
3 blind men:
"Here is the elephant", touching the ear.
"No, no!" THIS is him, I am sure of it", touching the trunk.
"Ah, at last, here is the elephant", touching the tail.
You had claimed to be a materialist, but there is no such material for you to attach yourself to. 'You', in fact, do not exist.
Even if your were correct, the moment you claim the existence of 'something', you, unwittingly, have, in that very moment, also created the existence of Nothingness, as 'something' cannot exist without there first being No-Thing; just as solid cannot exist without its surround space; just as sound cannot exist without the backgfound of Silence; just as change cannot exist without it's background of 'The Changeless'. Everything is totally dependent upon Nothing in order to be. Everything comes out of Nothing. Pure Absolute Nothing, and because there is Nothing, there is Everything. How else could it possibly be?