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If Evolution Were True


Well-Known Member
I'm going to add a little spice here I hope, for the hope that is brings a little more to the table of conversation.

I'm a Christian, so I do believe that God did create the heavens and the earth in 6 days and rested the 7th.
That being said, do we know how much time passed from Gods creating Adam and Eve, till the point where they encounter the serpent and sinned?
I some times wonder if in that time evolution of some kind could have happened?

This question I pose still has no answer to the point of this thread, but it does bring an option to ponder.
But I still believe in creation, and also the ability to overcome and adapt to the changes around us.

Did they just change something in the matrix or are you repeating yourself?

Your duplicate post

Responses to your post


Seeking More Truth
LoL My computer does that sometimes.
I'm Folding and it maxes out my CPU and GPU usage sometimes my computer will post multiple times.
Sorry, I'll turn off the folding while posting here. :)


Seeking More Truth
I like fairy tales just as much as the next person, ;), But some kind of evolution?

What is some kind of evolution? In your study of the existing theory what conclusions have you come to that would lead you to believe that evolution as stated did not happen but provoked you to come up with a new "some kind" of evolutionary theory? How does the "some kind" of evolution theory differ from the accepted theory and what evidence do you have so far to support it?

Within the 'accepted theory' of evolution there are different concepts on Divergent and Parallel stages of evolution that not every scientist agree on. And there is the debate between Macro and Micro. My supported evidence is backed with the same 'theory' that the 'theory of evolution' is based on. Just a thought, a theory based on the same portability for and against either evolutionary theory already out there.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
The only Micro-Macro debate I'm aware of, is to the validity of the terms. Most biologists I talk with (and I agree) think the terms are bunk.



Seeking More Truth
And yet millions of Christians do NOT believe this, so maybe the connection is not as obvious as you think. After all, if being a Christian requires you to disregard all of modern science, you've got a problem, don't you think?

I personal love science, and I'm not other Christians.
I take "Christan" in the sense of wanting to be like Christ.
I believe him to be a good man who cared for others and wanted to save them from themselves and sin (evil).
So maybe others don't think like I do about this subject, but at least I can say it was my 'theory'.
Right or wrong, just because I think something different in this area doesn't mean I don't still believe in God.
All things being true, if we did evolve and there was a God, I would still know him and want to be with him.
My relationship with 'God' has nothing to do with evolution.
So no, I don't have a problem, just as you believe you don't. :)


Well-Known Member
fantôme profane;1452108 said:
For this recipe you are going to need a 4 quart pot. Like most competition chili recipes ingredients will be added in what is called drops. This recipe has 3 drops to it.
Brown 2 pounds of lean ground beef and drain all the grease off and add to the pot.
Now add one 14.5 ounce can of beef broth and one 8 ounce can of salt free tomato sauce.
Add 1 hot pepper (Serrano, Jalapeno) of your choice to the and bring to a boil. When the boil starts add drop 1.

Drop 1:
    • 1 Tablespoon of onion powder
    • 2 Teaspoons of garlic powder
    • 1 Tablespoon of Chili Powder
Cover the pot and reduce heat to simmer for 1 hour. Remove the pepper and crush the juice into the pot. Now its time to add Drop 2 to the pot.

Drop 2:
    • 2-1/2 Tablespoons light chili powder
    • 2 Teaspoons cumin
    • 1/4 Teaspoon black pepper
    • 1/4 Teaspoon white pepper
    • 1/4 Teaspoon cayenne pepper
    • 1/2 cube beef bullion
    • 1/2 cube chicken bullion
    • 1/2 Teaspoon brown sugar
    • 1 pk Sazon Goya
Continue boiling with lid on for 30 minutes. After the 30 minutes add the last drop.

Drop 3:
    • 2 Teaspoons Mexene Chili Powder
    • 1 Teaspon cumin
    • Salt to taste
Cover it up and simmer for 15 minutes more and serve it up. This is the Best Chili Recipe that i have found so far.

What..No onions?

If this chili evolved why are there still tomatoes? huh..HUH?


Well-Known Member
Asking if evolution is true is like asking if physics or chemistry is true. The question is non-sequitor.


non-existential luminary
Evolution is a word that even Darwin didn't like.
to me "micro-evo" is individual mutation
and "macro-evo" is species differentiation.

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Actually it was a word he added in later editions... it wasn't a common word when he published the first edition.



non-existential luminary
My history book begs to differ. though history books aren't that great. they choose lots of weakly supported infrences as long as they are popular. Gotta sell those books u know...
Darwin himself disapproved of the term "evolution" (the word doesn't appear in his book) because it implied an upward progression. In his view, natural selection was blind -- there was no intelligent design behind it. Since environments changed randomly, so did the adaptation of species. For Darwin, evolutionary progress was meaningless. But he had given evolution the stamp of scientific legitimacy and others, less scrupulous than he about drawing larger conclusons, moved confidently to apply evolution to social development.
Last edited:

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
My bad... Darwin did use the word evolution in the first edition... it was the very last word in the book. :D

According to my book on the subject (by Stephen J. Gould) Evolution was already in use at the time... as an embryology term. Coined in 1744 by a German scientist by the name of Albrecht von Haller. He used it in his theory of embryology.
By Darwin's time it was equated with progress...

Darwin didn't want natural selection to be thought of as progressive. (it isn't) There is no progression from lower to higher, all animals are equally evolved.



non-existential luminary
Wouldn't it be better if people wrote history books of the present.
even if all the details aren't there yet. and if some wrong than just change them.
that way our children would not have to sift threw all the crap that we could have just organized.


Intentionally Blank
Within the 'accepted theory' of evolution there are different concepts on Divergent and Parallel stages of evolution that not every scientist agree on.
Please explain, as I don't know what you're referring to.
And there is the debate between Macro and Micro.
Not within Biology there isn't.
My supported evidence is backed with the same 'theory' that the 'theory of evolution' is based on. Just a thought, a theory based on the same portability for and against either evolutionary theory already out there.
Sorry, this is incoherent; I don't know what you're going on about. In any case, you seem confused about what a scientific theory is. I recommend you look it up before you make a fool of yourself on the internet.


Intentionally Blank
I personal love science, and I'm not other Christians.
YOU said that since you are Christian, you believe...That is, you said that you hold these beliefs because you are Christian, not me. You're wrong, otherwise all Christians would hold these beliefs. Since most don't, whatever your reason for believing them, it could not be because you are Christian.
I take "Christan" in the sense of wanting to be like Christ.
And you know what Christ believed about the Theory of Evolution????
I believe him to be a good man who cared for others and wanted to save them from themselves and sin (evil).
Well that's fascinating, but completely irrelevant to this thread, so I suggest you start a new one.
So maybe others don't think like I do about this subject, but at least I can say it was my 'theory'.
Right or wrong, just because I think something different in this area doesn't mean I don't still believe in God.
Who said you don't believe in God???
All things being true, if we did evolve and there was a God, I would still know him and want to be with him.
Exactly. We did evolve, and you still know God and want to be with Him.
My relationship with 'God' has nothing to do with evolution.
Then why did you bring it up?!?
So no, I don't have a problem, just as you believe you don't. :)
What ARE you talking about?


Seeking More Truth
Please explain, as I don't know what you're referring to.

Wikipedia said:
Divergent evolution is the accumulation of differences between groups which can lead to the formation of new species, usually a result of diffusion of the same species adapting to different environments, leading to natural selection defining the success of specific mutations.

Parallel evolution is the independent evolution of similar traits, starting from a similar ancestral condition due to similar environments or other evolutionary pressureshttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_evolution#cite_note-0. Frequently this is the situation in more closely related lineages, where several species respond to similar challenges in a similar way.

These 2 theories are quite interesting to me, I can see where the application of them might be added, but like most theories mine can't seem to find a common ground between the 2.
I do see a real world application of adaptation (evolution) in a few animals, but I too think that a smart creator would create something able to adapt to situations as they might come. I do believe survival is a trait coded into everything.

But in the end weather it took a few thousand years or millions, nothing changes the fact that "I" know without fail that God Loves this questioning soul. :)

If we think the science of early civilizations to be rudimentary and outdated, what will they think about ours years from now... "Those tools of 2009, thinking there was only one universe, how absurd." Only time will tell...I can't wait! :yes:


Intentionally Blank
These 2 theories are quite interesting to me, I can see where the application of them might be added, but like most theories mine can't seem to find a common ground between the 2.
These are not two competing theories. These are two different kinds of evolution, both of which happen.
I do see a real world application of adaptation (evolution) in a few animals, but I too think that a smart creator would create something able to adapt to situations as they might come.
My suggestion is that if you want to figure out whether the Theory of Evolution (ToE) is correct, you first learn what it is. A smart creator could create things however She wanted, and could be smart in ways that we could not understand. For that reason, She would be beyond scientific study.

But in the end weather it took a few thousand years or millions, nothing changes the fact that "I" know without fail that God Loves this questioning soul. :)
Again, fascinating but irrelevant to this thread.

If we think the science of early civilizations to be rudimentary and outdated, what will they think about ours years from now... "Those tools of 2009, thinking there was only one universe, how absurd." Only time will tell...I can't wait! :yes:
True, completely true. And your point?

sandy whitelinger

Veteran Member
fantôme profane;1453362 said:
She sounds like a real special lady.
She's kinda mousy though.
fantôme profane;1453362 said:
I also want to know what you mean by macro evolution.
The grandest macro-evolution I would define as the concept that single-celled organisms (which is where life supposedly originated) evolved to created the panopoly of life that we see today.