1. Proof God exists?
2. God hiding?
3. God should prove his own existence.
4. Not fair for God to demand worship if he doesn't provide proof of existence
Most atheists have faith (not faith in God), but don't believe in God.
Faith is belief without proof.
Some have faith that their spouse won't cheat on them. Some have faith that they won't be run over by a car when they cross the street. Obviously these faiths are broken at times. Even with broken faith, we must trust again or we will be stuck inside our houses, unable to shop or work, afraid of getting hit by another car.
Atheists refuse to believe in God (or anything) without faith. Otherwise, they'd have to believe in everything without proof....leprechauns, Fred Flintstone, the tooth fairy, Santa Claus. There are an infinite number of things to believe in, and it would be foolish to believe in them all.
Obviously the Religious Right had no faith in God. They defied God's commandment to not kill and they went to war with Iraq (specifically prohibited by Revelation).
Atheists point out that the bible was written at least 100 years after the apostles died (so could not be from direct quotations from apostles). Still, the bible could have been psychically transcribed, and it could have been perfect. Yet, with kings and popes altering the bible, and deleting many parts that don't suit their fancy, the bible has contradictions. Example: Genesis 125 and Genesis 2:18 (man created before or after animals).
Theists tell lies to strengthen their beliefs. For example, the lie that God loves us (flooded world in Noah's time, killing innocents)(wiped out Sodom, killing more innocents)(allows pain, disease, stinks, and evil to exist)(allowed Jesus to be killed...depriving world of a humane entity).
Proof of psychic ability is easy. If it is predicted, and comes true, then likely ESP is real. This is especially so if the prediction is very complicated and impossible to mistake for mere coincidence.
If ESP is real, then it is a hop skip and a jump to believe that God can use that same means of carrying and storing information to think or to store thoughts.
Dr. Jessica Utts (Professor of statistics, University of California, Irvine), proved that ESP is real.
Some believe that God made dinosaur bones to fool us into thinking that the earth is older than 6,000 years old. But, God's time is not our time, and even scientists know that such a thing is possible (called relativity). Every so-called miracle that is supposed to prove the existence of God can be thought of in different terms by atheists.
God gives us a test of faith. Do we believe without proof? Proving his existence would ruin that test. Hypothetically, assume that angels in heaven don't yet have a reason for God's decisions on earth, and decide for themselves to defy God's instructions. They might defy God and choose their own method. This is because they lack faith.
This same lack of faith occurred when the Religious Right elected W. Bush to be president, then used President W. Bush to attack Iraq (in defiance of God's commands not to kill and not to attack Iraq specifically). God wanted to handle terrorists in his own way, but no one (in power) had the faith to allow God to do so.
So, God wants angels and humans to have enough faith in Him to follow His guidance and not run off with their own ideas. Thus, a test of faith is necessary to enter heaven. No faith....no entry to heaven. We have to have faith to follow God's commandments whether they make sense to us or not.