CG Didymus
Veteran Member
Was religion and God invented by those that were in high places, and didn't suffer much, to get people in low places, that did suffer much, to get them to be happy and joyful knowing that an invisible God was going to reward them later? He has promised eternal life. He promised to take vengeance against evil people that hurt them. He promised new bodies that could run and not get weary. To some he promised lots of virgins. To others, if they were good, offered them a better reincarnated life.That is what Lewis always says but that does not really help people who are suffering in this life, even if they believe in the next life. Moreover, we are told hardly anything about the next life, only that there will be joy and gladness, but what does that mean?
“Death proffereth unto every confident believer the cup that is life indeed. It bestoweth joy, and is the bearer of gladness. It conferreth the gift of everlasting life.
As to those that have tasted of the fruit of man’s earthly existence, which is the recognition of the one true God, exalted be His glory, their life hereafter is such as We are unable to describe. The knowledge thereof is with God, alone, the Lord of all worlds.” Gleanings From the Writings of Bahá’u’lláh, pp. 345-346
Imo, the knowledge should not have been with God alone, if God expected us to endure so much suffering in this world, but as we both know, suffering is not evenly distributed, which is another problem as I see it. There is no explanation as to why some people suffer so much more than others but we are supposed to be grateful for our suffering because it is supposed to make us more spiritual. If that's really true I should be really spiritual by now, but I do not feel very spiritual. .
I best get off my high horse before I say anything more.
Lots and lots of things just to get people to do good and be happy no matter how difficult things got. Plus, he told them some of those things he caused... just to test them to get them to grow even more spiritual. Except some of those tests break people.