(Book of Mormon | Alma42:22)
...if not so, the works of justice would be destroyed, and
God would cease to be God.
God would cease to be God if He were evil.
As others have prob said (I did not read the entire thread)
- God did not ex-Nihlo create everything, He is transforming what eternally exists. Evil is uncreated/untransformed... Good/beautiful has been touched/organized by God's hand.
Hebrew Word Studies "The English word "create" is an abstract word and a foriegn concept to the Hebrews. While we see God as one who makes something from nothing (create), the Hebrews saw God like a bird who goes about acquiring and gathering materials to build a nest (qen), the sky and earth."
translation error, "create" is more akin to "transform"... God transforms/refines... God found Himself in the midst of chaos, and put out some laws to transform what He found around Himself, so that everything had the chance to advance like Him...
so God is cleaning up a mess He did not create, but He will not take away anyone's agency.
We are refined in a "fire"... what is better, to be refined (even if it takes a fire), or to be left to wallow in an uncreated/unformed state? God is not evil, He allows hard things to happen so that we can learn, and be refined.
This life is also a test - to reveal who we are to ourselves... Not "I might have thought that, but I would have never done it"... we have to actually do what we will do, to prove to ourselves who we are...
Are we loving/caring/trusting/selfless etc. etc. no matter what? Our true character is revealed only when it is revealed in all possible circumstances. We learn how strong/weak we are, only when we are taken to the edge...