Why did God leave evidence of evolution?
From a few moments after the "Big Bang" we have an explanation of how the universe formed into its current state without the need of any intelligence behind it.
We have evidence of several types of humanoids that lived prior to and even along side of homo sapiens.
If God created everything then we ought not be able to come up with an alternate explanation. There should be no evidence of evolution. There should exist only one possible explanation of our existence. That God created us.
Why create us and then leave this evidence laying around that the universe after the Big Bang could have formed on its own?
Why leave evidence of the evolution of life?
The way I resolve this paradox is by assuming the days in Genesis, are not earth days, but God days. God days were more time dilated, to account for the different time spans between Genesis and Cosmology/Evolution. The earth reference sees everything happens slower, while in the God reference it happens, faster.
To help orientate your mind, if God was moving at the speed of light, according to Special Relativity, he would see the universe look like a point, due to distance contraction. The entire life of the universe would appear to come and go in an instant of time; time dilation. If God was to slow his reference from the speed of light, the universe would appear to expand and more time would seem to be added to life of the universe. If he keeps slowing, eventually the universe would appear like we see it from the earth in terms of size and time; symbolized by God becomes man.
The effect is also similar to watching someone fall into a theoretical black hole, from the vantage point of the earth. It will appear like they never reach the center due to the extreme time dilation and distance contraction. But to them, their fall happens in a snap. From earth we have the slow view of evolution, but from God's POV, he as the fast view of creation.
We need the science concept of relativity to make a bridge between the two. However, relativity also has an interesting impact on cosmology. If the BB universe started from a singularity; primordial atom, and all the mass/energy of the universe, is in this point, this would curve space-time so much it would created a huge time dilation.
According to inflation theory, during the inflationary epoch about 10−32 of a second after the Big Bang, the universe suddenly expanded, and its volume increased by a factor of at least 1078 (an expansion of distance by a factor of at least 1026 in each of the three dimensions).
These numbers are based on the slow boat earth reference. The Primordial Atom reference, would be highly time dilated, so the physics would need to do this even faster in that reference, so the slow boat earth reference can see 10-32 second at the earth reference. The known laws of physics do not work that fast. God physics would be needed of it to happen. He would need to break space-time into separated space and separated time and then way more physics options appear.