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If Jesus was God, explain this verse...


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
I think that if God was the person of Jesus and God was in heaven when Jesus was here, then God is two and not one.
Remember, the Trinity says that God is three persons. The Father, the Son are two persons of the one God.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Jesus is a subject of TIME. If Jesus equals God then God is also a subject of time. If God is a subject of time then time is greater than God. If time is greater than God time is god. Is time god?
As a fully human person, Jesus existed in time. As a fully Divine Person, the Son exists outside time.


رسول الآلهة
God tested himself? This makes no logical sense.

Satan tried testing God? ow could god test himself and put humanity at fate with a silly game?

If God knew he would reject Satan then this is not a test. This is irrevocably backwards.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Your assertion that the Logos is timeless and eternal is based on what scriptural authority?
You're joking, right? John 1:1. Ἐν ἀρχῇ ἦν ὁ λόγος

In the beginning the word already was? There's lots more, but this is good enough. So, when do you believe Logos came into existence? In verse 14 of John 1?
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Truth Seeker
Remember, the Trinity says that God is three persons. The Father, the Son are two persons of the one God.

The trinity is not in the scripture. This thread is in the scriptural debates section. Please use verses to back up your claims. Your personal opinion holds no weight in this debate. Thanks.


Truth Seeker
BTW, if God is all-powerful, how is it impossible for God to become human? Logically, isn't that limiting God?

I didn't say it's impossible. God can do whatever he wants. I'm just saying that the scripture goes against the concept that Jesus was God. This is a man made concept.


Truth Seeker
Do your homework and read the Scriptures. ;)

I have read the scripture. No such verse exists as far as I know to back up your OPINION, or the opinion of the preacher/priest/clergy who put this fantasy in your head. If I am mistaken, please prove me wrong by quoting the biblical verse.


Truth Seeker
You asked "Please answer logically how this is possible". I provided a logical answer. Now you want a scriptural verse? But you just said people can make scripture say whatever they want it to. How would this suffice as you too read it as you need to?

This is a SCRIPTURAL debate. Please provide the verse to back up your claims, if such a verse exists. Can you prove to me that Jesus was God using the Bible? Or are you just blindly following the words of your clergy?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This thread is in the scriptural debates section. They only stated their opinions.
Nonsense. You asked "is it logical". I answered that question. And what's more, you yourself said that people read in scripture what they want to believe. What is the point of quoting verses when you have your mind made up?

All I or anyone can do is state their opinions based upon their experience. I can quote verses to support that, but it won't matter. There is no difference between ones opinion and what scripture says.


Truth Seeker
Nonsense. You asked "is it logical". I answered that question. And what's more, you yourself said that people read in scripture what they want to believe. What is the point of quoting verses when you have your mind made up?

All I or anyone can do is state their opinions based upon their experience. I can quote verses to support that, but it won't matter. There is no difference between ones opinion and what scripture says.

Well I won't state my opinion. I'll just quote from your scripture and prove your fantasy to be falsehood. Unless you're saying the Bible is false. Which is it?

James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
Matthew 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Obviously? Must suck to be the only human being who has such a superior handle on god's nature.

not at all. the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is not God. No superior handle needed. just an honest examination for the truth. (John 8:17,32) I believe God reveals his nature to humble ones, so that even a child can understand God's true nature and name.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
For starters, John 1. But why should scripture be the only authority?

Jesus used the scriptures as his authority, reading from and quoting God's Word frequently. He said in prayer to God; "Your word is truth." (John 17:17) (Yes, Jesus prayed frequently to God, showing his godly fear) 2 Timothy 3:16,17 show the Scriptures are sufficient to teach us the truth.
Jesus also showed the traditions of men that contradict the Scriptures are lies, and serve to turn people from true worship. (Mark 7:7,8)
Finally, John 1 shows Jesus was with God in the beginning, when God created the heavens and earth. (John 1:2) It does not say Jesus was timeless or eternal.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Well I won't state my opinion. I'll just quote from your scripture and prove your fantasy to be falsehood. Unless you're saying the Bible is false. Which is it?
Oh but you are stating your opinion in how you use verses of the Bible to support your already formed opinion. You chose the temptation verses to support your opinion that Jesus can't be God.

Now, I did, since citing verses somehow is seen as trump cards in your game of opinions, cite back the verse how he was made to be like us in all respects (the verse from Hebrews), and you selectively chose to ignore addressing that (again, confirming that using Bible verses doesn't prove anything at all). I also showed how John 1 shows that the Logos is eternally 'with God', and 'was God', and how that this Logos became flesh and dwelt among us. But somehow, because you deem God must fit your preconceived ideas and opinions, you come back to your temptation verses because that verse can fit into what you already believe (which you support relying on using your logic and reason, as opposed to penetrating the Mystery of Spirit beyond your reason).

See how this works? I've been playing this game for too many years to believe it has value. My favorite saying I've ever heard illustrates my point here. "A man convinced against his will, remains of same opinion still".

James 1:13 Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:
Matthew 4:1 Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
I see your verses and raise you two, "And the Logos became flesh and dwelt among us." "I and my Father are One".

See, we could play this game all day long...
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Active Member
Oh but you are stating your opinion in how you use verses of the Bible to support your already formed opinion. You chose the temptation verses to support your opinion that Jesus can't be God.

Now, I did, since citing verses somehow is seen as trump cards in your game of opinions, cite back the verse how he was made to be like us in all respects (the verse from Hebrews), and you selectively chose to ignore addressing that (again, confirming that using Bible verses doesn't prove anything at all). I also showed how John 1 shows that the Logos is eternally 'with God', and 'was God', and how that this Logos became flesh and dwelt among us. But somehow, because you deem God must fit your preconceived ideas and opinions, you come back to your temptation verses because that verse can fit into what you already believe (which you support relying on using your logic and reason, as opposed to penetrating the Mystery of Spirit beyond your reason).

See how this works? I've been playing this game for too many years to believe it has value. My favorite saying I've ever heard illustrates my point here. "A man convinced against his will, remains of same opinion still".

I see your verses and raise you two, "And the Logos became flesh and dwelt among us." "I and my Father are One".

See, we could play this game all day long...

Okay. So you say that other verses (like in the Gospel of John) say that the Logos (I believe is the fictional character Jesus Christ) was "with God" and "was God". He's God, but he's Son of God, now what kind of foolishness is that? Logically and Scientifically, you don't begot yourself and become the son of yourself.

God does not come into flesh because God (as in an invisible spirit somewhere in Space like what many Christians believe) does not exist. Divinity is within you. You create your own reality.