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If Jesus was God, explain this verse...


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
not at all. the Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is not God. No superior handle needed. just an honest examination for the truth. (John 8:17,32) I believe God reveals his nature to humble ones, so that even a child can understand God's true nature and name.
No it doesn't. If it did, the council at Nicea wouldn't have come to the conclusion they did. When it comes to biblical exegesis, we ought to be wary of words like "obvious" and "clear." It's usually a sign that the one using those words hasn't done her or his homework.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Jesus used the scriptures as his authority, reading from and quoting God's Word frequently.
he also used other parts of the tradition as his authority.
Jesus also showed the traditions of men that contradict the Scriptures are lies, and serve to turn people from true worship.
Those particular traditions aren't what I'm referring to.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Logically and Scientifically, you don't begot yourself and become the son of yourself.
Logic and science exist in time and space. God does not.
God does not come into flesh because God (as in an invisible spirit somewhere in Space like what many Christians believe) does not exist.
That's an invalid "because," since God doesn't exist "somewhere in space." God exists outside of space.
Divinity is within you. You create your own reality.
Divinity is also without. We create reality together.


Active Member
Logic and science exist in time and space. God does not.

That's an invalid "because," since God doesn't exist "somewhere in space." God exists outside of space.

Divinity is also without. We create reality together.

WE are Gods, and we are beyond God. We just chose to live in this physical world and worship one, which is the reason why there's oppression.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Okay. So you say that other verses (like in the Gospel of John) say that the Logos (I believe is the fictional character Jesus Christ) was "with God" and "was God". He's God, but he's Son of God, now what kind of foolishness is that?
Why don't you ask the author of the Gospel of John that question. Perhaps if you understood the historical context and the schools of thought regarding what the Logos meant culturally, then you might be able to ask more informed questions, rather than simply assuming since it escapes your style of logic, it therefore must be nonsense. "I don't get it", does not equate to foolishness. Only saying "I don't get it, therefore it is foolishness", is foolishness.

So what do you know of the use of the term Logos from the time period in which the Gospel John was written? Anything?

Logically and Scientifically, you don't begot yourself and become the son of yourself.
You apparently did not read the words you quoted from me. I said clearly, "You support relying on using your logic and reason, as opposed to penetrating the Mystery of Spirit beyond your reason." The words "beyond reason", and "Mystery", have true meaning. And it's meaning does not violate reason, but in fact surpasses it.

Don't take my word for that. Let's turn to a really, really rational man I'm sure you've heard of:

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead —his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms—this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.”

- Albert Einstein, Living Philosophies
Oh but no! The neo-positivists have the true gift of insight! :)

God does not come into flesh because God (as in an invisible spirit somewhere in Space like what many Christians believe) does not exist.
That's totally a circular argument! Surely, you can see this?

BTW, do you have prove God doesn't exist in order to make a positive statement like this? Or is this a statement of faith?

Divinity is within you. You create your own reality.
There is actually truth to this, but I wonder based on your response above just how much of that truth you understand.


Active Member
Why don't you ask the author of the Gospel of John that question. Perhaps if you understood the historical context and the schools of thought regarding what the Logos meant culturally, then you might be able to ask more informed questions, rather than simply assuming since it escapes your style of logic, it therefore must be nonsense. "I don't get it", does not equate to foolishness. Only saying "I don't get it, therefore it is foolishness", is foolishness.

So what do you know of the use of the term Logos from the time period in which the Gospel John was written? Anything?

You apparently did not read the words you quoted from me. I said clearly, "You support relying on using your logic and reason, as opposed to penetrating the Mystery of Spirit beyond your reason." The words "beyond reason", and "Mystery", have true meaning. And it's meaning does not violate reason, but in fact surpasses it.

Don't take my word for that. Let's turn to a really, really rational man I'm sure you've heard of:

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead —his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms—this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of true religiousness.”

- Albert Einstein, Living Philosophies
Oh but no! The neo-positivists have the true gift of insight! :)

That's totally a circular argument! Surely, you can see this?

BTW, do you have prove God doesn't exist in order to make a positive statement like this? Or is this a statement of faith?

There is actually truth to this, but I wonder based on your response above just how much of that truth you understand.

The Bible ain't nothing but **** to me; just nothing but contradictions filled with stolen stories from the Ancients along with racism, violence, and even homosexuality, polygamy, hypocrisy, etc.

WE are Gods. The proof is inside the Pineal Gland in which when activated, we become enlightened. I need to go no further on this - you can search it simply on Google.

And no, I am not a neo-positivist. Straw man arguments are not going to help you in this "debate" (which is more of an ungrounded argument now days).

There's a difference between mysticism and contradicting foolishness, and this idea that Hey-Zeus, who is God and begots himself to be the Son, then incarnates to man, utterly unscientific and retarded.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
The Bible ain't nothing but **** to me
Then why use such "bull$pit" as an argument?
The proof is inside the Pineal Gland in which when activated, we become enlightened.
According to... whom? Descartes? Nothing but horse-and-buggy speculation.
Straw man arguments are not going to help you in this "debate" (which is more of an ungrounded argument now days).
Oh! You mean arguments much like you're using here?
There's a difference between mysticism and contradicting foolishness, and this idea that Hey-Zeus, who is God and begots himself to be the Son, then incarnates to man, utterly unscientific and retarded.
Christianity would be the former. Your "pineal gland" thingy would be the latter.
Of course the Trinity is unscientific. You expected otherwise??


Active Member
Then why use such "bull$pit" as an argument?

According to... whom? Descartes? Nothing but horse-and-buggy speculation.

Oh! You mean arguments much like you're using here?

Christianity would be the former. Your "pineal gland" thingy would be the latter.
Of course the Trinity is unscientific. You expected otherwise??

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Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Well, there's the Seven Chakras, which corresponds to the Seven Heavens of the Quran.
There's also DNA, which spirals similarly with the Caduceus and the Kundalini.
There's also the Pineal Gland; also known as the Eye of the World, the Third Eye, and the Eye of Horus.
None of this is proof. Simply names. Little is known about the pineal gland, except that it produces melatonin. Metaphysical similarities of many kinds are found all over the world. It proves nothing, except to show that the human mind works as it works, no matter where one hails from.


Active Member
The Q sayings are from as early as the 40's c.e. The synoptics are all before the year 100 c.e. And they certainly exist.

There is no "Q Sayings". If so, then why is there no mention of it in any Ancient accounts? Furthermore, why have people still yet to find it?

Even if the gospels existed in the first century, then tell me why didn't they appear during the supposed time of Hey-Zeus?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The Bible ain't nothing but **** to me; just nothing but contradictions filled with stolen stories from the Ancients along with racism, violence, and even homosexuality, polygamy, hypocrisy, etc.
Clearly, your knowledge is gleaned from reading Internet sites filled by the speculations of mythicists and "Bible debunkers". It's funny to me, that you actually have no idea what or how I believe, and you go this path with me.

WE are Gods. The proof is inside the Pineal Gland in which when activated, we become enlightened. I need to go no further on this - you can search it simply on Google.
This is silly. Of course there is brain activity in mystical experience. I have no issue with that. That doesn't mean "It's all in the brain", anymore that when you experience love with another person "it's all the brain", even though there are areas triggered in it that generate that experience. This is poor reasoning on your part.

And if you think activating the left amydala (which is where bliss and God are experienced) equals you being enlightened, that's laughable. That's just the beginning.

And no, I am not a neo-positivist. Straw man arguments are not going to help you in this "debate" (which is more of an ungrounded argument now days).
You came to argue scripture, and no nothing of it's history or contexts, or really anything other than just shallow propaganda of so-called skeptics. Ungrounded? Your not addressing anything at all, but just repeating skeptic arguments.

There's a difference between mysticism and contradicting foolishness, and this idea that Hey-Zeus, who is God and begots himself to be the Son, then incarnates to man, utterly unscientific and retarded.
You consider yourself a mystic? And you have such a narrow perspective as this? You don't sound like a mystic based on this level or rhetoric your spouting.


Active Member
Clearly, your knowledge is gleaned from reading Internet sites filled by the speculations of mythicists and "Bible debunkers". It's funny to me, that you actually have no idea what or how I believe, and you go this path with me.

This is silly. Of course there is brain activity in mystical experience. I have no issue with that. That doesn't mean "It's all in the brain", anymore that when you experience love with another person "it's all the brain", even though there are areas triggered in it that generate that experience. This is poor reasoning on your part.

You came to argue scripture, and no nothing of it's history or contexts, or really anything other than just shallow propaganda of so-called skeptics. Ungrounded? Your not addressing anything at all, but just repeating skeptic arguments.

You consider yourself a mystic? And you have such a narrow perspective as this? You don't sound like a mystic based on this level or rhetoric your spouting.

I believe you have not listened or read any real material from people like Kenneth Humphreys and Joseph Atwill. These guys bombard Christian theology.

Questioning is always good, since it produces real intellect other than believing in stuff. If you don't like what I'm putting out, then give me some good information and I'll try to address it.

I consider myself to be a learner of sorts. Surely the Bible can be a tool for metaphysics (like Revelation), but it's also stolen metaphysics too, and contains a ton of contradictions.

Biblical Contradictions
A List Of Biblical Contradictions


| abhyAvartin |
Well, there's the Seven Chakras, which corresponds to the Seven Heavens of the Quran.
There's also DNA, which spirals similarly with the Caduceus and the Kundalini.
There's also the Pineal Gland; also known as the Eye of the World, the Third Eye, and the Eye of Horus.


Listen, New Ager....stop using our Hindu terminology for your benefit!

Wanna bet that you can't even pronounce the terms कुण्डलिनी and चक्र ....?

Also, please don't mock Lord Shri Shiva by using the Third Eye for material aspirations and identifying it with Horus!

