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If money is the root of all evil.............


Well-Known Member
I asked him how he could be so stingy and against helping poor people when Jesus said to give up all possesions to get into heaven, and he said that Jesus only meant that for the guy he was talking to and not everyone else.

So basically they get around it by rationalizing.

Yes! that is one of my absolutely hated interpretations of that text along with trying to change the meaning of being easier for a camel entering the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven, some say it is a specific gate in Jerusalem Jesus was referring too :rolleyes:

But you know everyone will interpret the text in their own way. The only difference is those who see shades of gray will readily admit that they can be wrong and the text is fluid while those who see things in black and white will adamantly defend that their interpretation is the only one and that it's not even an interpretation, Jesus meant what they think about the text. No way any subconscious thought about who you are plays into it.


Well-Known Member
It might come to that.
You might wanna move to AZ then. I did a stretch with a tarp and a sleeping bag. Not bad at all. ;)

Seeing how quick people are to take money, this idea that money isn't a problem rings hollow. It is supposed to me a medium of exchange; yet there is commodities and futures markets, free market capitalism, and other things I just happen to find disgusting. Somebody works hard for their income, turning the hours of their lives into dollars; but these parasites speculate on dollars, literally trading on the slavery of others, and this isn't evil?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It is supposed to me a medium of exchange; yet there is commodities and futures markets, free market capitalism, and other things I just happen to find disgusting. Somebody works hard for their income, turning the hours of their lives into dollars; but these parasites speculate on dollars, literally trading on the slavery of others, and this isn't evil?
Those markets serve a useful purpose. Example: Farmers can sell futures to protect themselves against falling prices.
Also, I'm pretty sure slavery was abolished some time ago here....at least in Michigan.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
Also, I dont think Jesus meant all rich man cant get into heaven, it was supposed to be that the rich man has placed his heart more into the money than he had into his fellow man and god. Basically, it was a lesson on dont be greedy, not dont be rich.
A few thoughts:

- why did he say "rich" and not "greedy", if that's what he intended?

- I think that this passage fits in with other passages in the Gospels ("look at the birds of the field...") that suggest that to trust in God means that one shouldn't worry about the future. Even saving money for a rainy day could be seen as going against this principle.


Not your average Mormon
I actually had this conversation with my roommate who is an extremely convservative fundamentalist christian. I asked him how he could be so stingy and against helping poor people when Jesus said to give up all possesions to get into heaven, and he said that Jesus only meant that for the guy he was talking to and not everyone else.

So basically they get around it by rationalizing.
I'm assuming you think you're referring to a biblical teaching. If you are, you're wrong. The Bible never says that money is the root of all evil. It says the love of money is the root of all evil.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It says the love of money is the root of all evil.
This is where the Bible & I part company. Love of money is wonderful. The problem is that some people will do evil
things to get it. Tis that propensity for evil which is the problem, for it will emerge even in the absence of money.


Mother Heathen
Then why do most conservatives resist "sharing" it with the less fortunate? Isn't that what jesus did? All I see is that the Repubs in office hoarding more and more money for the rich, while they claim themselves as being religious at the same time. Oxymoron no?

Conservatives are often dissed for their failure to keep Jesus out of government and then blasted for not being Jesus enough.

I love America.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
I'm assuming you think you're referring to a biblical teaching. If you are, you're wrong. The Bible never says that money is the root of all evil. It says the love of money is the root of all evil.
It also says that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter Heaven, and (in Luke 21) praises the person who gives so much she doesn't even have enough money to live on, apparently holding her up as an example to follow.


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Yes! that is one of my absolutely hated interpretations of that text along with trying to change the meaning of being easier for a camel entering the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven, some say it is a specific gate in Jerusalem Jesus was referring too :rolleyes:.
I actually heard that the word for "camel" can also refer to a really coarse, thick yarn. Thus, it isn't impossible for the yarn to go thru the needle eye, it's just really hard.

But doesn't just accepting Jesus get you into heaven anyway? Why even bother with the yarn. And giving away all your money.

dawny0826 said:
Conservatives are often dissed for their failure to keep Jesus out of government and then blasted for not being Jesus enough.

I love America.
That's because the Jesus they want in government only cares about gay people and fetuses. Not the Jesus that wants to help out the poor.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Greed exists independently of money, which is merely a convenient medium of exchange. In fact, money is the root of all good,
for without it, you'd have to barter for everything.....the economy would grind to a halt, except for subsistence transactions.
Do you think I could pay my property taxes with limericks & smart-arsed remarks?

I'd call that a form of good, not all good. :D


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
It also says that it's easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a rich man to enter Heaven, and (in Luke 21) praises the person who gives so much she doesn't even have enough money to live on, apparently holding her up as an example to follow.

That's nothing. You should read the Hindu ideals of giving. ;)


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
A comedian you are!

No, I'm serious. So what? It's green pieces of paper that only have value so long as everyone says it does, and even then, only within the confines of certain countries.

I don't hate or shun money, and I do like when I can get stuff through its use. But I focus on the stuff, not the piece of paper by which stuff is obtained.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
No, I'm serious. So what? It's green pieces of paper that only have value so long as everyone says it does, and even then, only within the confines of certain countries.
Is a great book only pieces of paper sewn together? Is a great painting only a blank canvas with paint smeared upon it. Of course not.
Similarly, money is what it represents & how it functions, not its mundane components. Money is free exchange between people,
unfettered by the impracticality of bartering.....it is a shared system of trusting that each will honor the assigned value....it is what
allows grand endeavors with voluntary participants.....it is in effect, freedom, liberty & success!


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
Is a great book only pieces of paper sewn together? Is a great painting only a blank canvas with paint smeared upon it. Of course not.

Of course not because art actually has lasting substance. Money does not. Now it's here, now it's not.

Similarly, money is what it represents & how it functions, not its mundane components. Money is free exchange between people,
unfettered by the impracticality of bartering.....it is a shared system of trusting that each will honor the assigned value....it is what
allows grand endeavors with voluntary participants.....it is in effect, freedom, liberty & success!
...suuuure, it is. At least when it's not being used for price-gouging, bribing, hoarding, wasting, etc like it is most of the time. What you describe sounds very much like a fairy tale economy that simply doesn't exist even in most fantasy settings. In my experience, most people seem to grudgingly work only for it, thus causing a lack of loving care going into the making of the product and thus effecting its final quality.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Of course not because art actually has lasting substance. Money does not. Now it's here, now it's not.
Both only have value because we feel they do. And just as not all people appreciate art, not everyone appreciates the beauty of money.

...suuuure, it is. At least when it's not being used for price-gouging, bribing, hoarding, wasting, etc like it is most of the time.
Your experience with money must be very different from mine. I suppose even love could be viewed as evil, since it
sometimes inspires foul deeds. I can see that useful things can be used for wrong purposes, but to dwell on that is limiting.

What you describe sounds very much like a fairy tale economy that simply doesn't exist even in most fantasy settings.
Tis no fairy tale. Money is used daily by billions of people to accomplish everything from procuring food to observing the stars.

In my experience, most people seem to grudgingly work only for it, thus causing a lack of loving care going into the making of the product and thus effecting its final quality.
What a miserable existence that sounds like! To resent money & work grudgingly is a low existence indeed.....like a farmer who hates
his crops. Money is not the cause of their misery, but rather their attitudes & choices in life. A change in their world view is needed.
I hope that at your young age, you aren't so beaten down by life as those you observe so joylessly muddling thru.
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