From One Father with Two Names with Two Son's and brothers to each by the Father and cousins to all through Two different mothers, we from the One God and Father through The One Son and One Mother become One again, brothers and sisters for all.
Peace to all,
Some are searching for perhaps:
"the possible universal nature of the universe with many different fallible human claims of the nature of our existence beyond physical"
Some are seeking oneness and see "The oneness as will be when you do not make any distinction at all, not even of difference between God and humans, Some ask, Is that what you mean by oneness?" When some say “the state of non-duality is oneness." "there is no logic and no non-logic, it is free from all concepts, all thoughts, all words, all maths. It is pure awareness, Christ Consciousness."
Some claim As far as any consideration of what may be "the universal beyond the physical or whatever, this to some is very, very , very unlikely."
Thanks for the above great information from all, in thoughts of existence and through the spirits of all.
And we know to judge only ourselves and not others.
To me the rationale follows the pattern that can be seen, perhaps, From the power of the Spirit and God for all mankind to become again, united as one in being together through the One Son and God from One Father and God for all mankind united in the One God in being for the Love of The One Mother
To me rationality, The New Creation becomes:
Rationally, to me, The intelligence of creation is the unfailing spirits of the three spirit persons, one in creation and one in becoming and one in becoming again, One of Creation, and One of Immortalization and glorification and One of transfiguration fulfilled through the "One" God in Being of Fulfilled Creation in becoming together.
We know, in History, from Abram, Hagar, Ishmael becomes Islam, and Muhammad speaks of The One God of the Father and also
And we know, from History, from Abraham, Sarah and Isaac, becomes Christianity by Judaism, for Jews have founded Christianity and had an indirect influence on Islam. And through the Exodus, we become again for The One God of The One Father.
To me in rationale and through Faith, Ishmael and Isaac are brothers through through the One Father in two names, Abraham and Abram and cousins to all mankind through two different mothers, Sarah and Hagar. With One Father it two names, Abraham and Abram and different Mothers, Sarah and Hagar, they are cousins to all mankind in Faith and Blood through the Old Covenant Living Sacrifice of Animals. The rationality follows to me, in And through the one God and Father we become one in being together through the One Son, Jesus for the Father by the Christ with a new and only one mother, Mary becoming brothers and sisters from the New Living Sacrifice through The One God's only Son from the spirit through the flesh for the souls of all mankind, and all over the world, together, from the power of the One Holy Spirit and God for all mankind to become again, united as one in being together through the One Son, The Christ is the New Temple and the New Living Sacrifice that transforms and glorifies and transfigures all mankind from the One God and One Father for all united in the One God in being from the One Love fulfilled eternal through The One Mother.
The rationale of The Three-in-One God, follows to me: And Each God are separate in Person and equal in Power and are The Person of The Father, Creator of mankind, all life and holiness and The Person of The Son, Transformer of all mankind created from corrupt and mortal becoming into immortality and incorruptiblity and The Person of the Holy Spirit, becoming again in all mankind for glorification and transfiguration, from the spirit through the flesh for the soul of the being, uniting all mankind as Son's of God, and together the Three Divine Person's are One God in being for the created and becoming, from, through the One Son conceived from the Power of The One Spirit for the One Father all of The One God in Being for The Fulfilled Love through The One Mother.
Peace always,