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If there could be a God, couldn't people experience him?


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
Has there ever been any palaeographer or expert in ancient handwriting who can prove that any ancient written text is the actual handwriting of God?
I don't think anyone believes that God physically wrote the Bible. Most are content with the idea that the Word of God was inspired by him (God-breathed), and written down by mere mortals.


Premium Member
to learn, to gain... to attain something new

forward momentum..

it's the only goal. otherwise we are static, still, motionless, inactive...

life is about tension and release, if life doesn't have tension it's not life as we all know it.

so....if we all thought and understood everything the same way, there wouldn't be progress, forward momentum or the ability to achieve a different perspective...


Forward momentum can be the only goal for a car also.

Whether an ego likes or not, the time has its own mechanism to relentlessly march ahead -- and all that happens by nature's causal determinism. Hawking says so. Scriptures say so. An ego takes birth and dies and in the meanwhile makes a lot of noise and ceates a lot of pain for itself and others, but time-nature moves on. It is ego that thinks that it has to do something. Ego is an illusion. If you enquire earnestly, you come to the conclusion that everything that happenes beginning from birth to death just happens. Ego is just the name of the erroneous thought that thinks that it makes things happen.

But that is not all. To me the main goal is to find where I fit into that causal determininsm. Whether I am automated piece of instrument in that cause-effect. Or whether I have any other reality?
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Premium Member
Most atheists or nonbelievers will admit that there could be a God, they just don't see any evidence for him or her. If there could be a God, then couldn't people experience him and if they do experience him, couldn't they know it?

God's form is as per the form of seeker him/herself. When seeker knows one's own form, god's form is also known. Atheists are not seekers and thus, IMO, seeing is irrelevant to them..


Veteran Member

Forward momentum can be the only goal for a car also.
we are ever moving...ever evolving.
the velocity, however, is determined by how quickly one adapts to their environment.

Whether an ego likes or not, the time has its own mechanism to relentlessly march ahead -- and all that happens by nature's causal determinism.
yes... consequences are a manifestation of forward momentum.

An ego takes birth and dies and in the meanwhile makes a lot of noise and ceates a lot of pain for itself and others, but time-nature moves on.
exactly, all that noise is inherent with time...no contrast no noise...btw, that noise also creates harmony...from time to time, something i call progress...
i think of progress as an upward spiral. every rotation bulids from the previous one while gaining new ground.

It is ego that thinks that it has to do something. Ego is an illusion. If you enquire earnestly, you come to the conclusion that everything that happenes beginning from birth to death just happens.

by that logic, enquiring earnestly is an illusionary perception as well.
wouldn't you consider the conclusion, progress?

Ego is just the name of the erroneous thought that thinks that it makes things happen.
including the illusion of enquiring earnestly?

But that is not all. To me the main goal is to find where I fit into that causal determininsm. Whether I am automated piece of instrument in that cause-effect. Or whether I have any other reality?

ego...can't avoid it. finding where you fit is ego...

if we all thought and understood everything the same way... then there wouldn't be a combination of elements that creates a whole of any sort ...our differences, our ego if you will, makes that space that moves with time...
and more often than not progress slows down when certain elements are not adapting to their environment at the same rate...
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Revelation all the time
something i call progress...
i think of progress as an upward spiral. every rotation bulids from the previous one while gaining new ground.

I like this.
It is very close to how I conceive of progress. Spiraling.

by that logic, enquiring earnestly is an illusionary perception as well.
wouldn't you consider the conclusion, progress?

Correct on the first point, at least in my understanding. It is an illusion. But an illusion to end the illusion. Akin to lucid dreaming.

Conclusion within the illusion, is another illusion. Conclusion when seen from within (not relying on body's eyes, ego mind) is where progress can be discerned.

finding where you fit is ego...

Not to the self realized. Not within honest assessment of Cause and Effect.
Ego can be, in some ways, easy to discern when realizing it is precisely that which has allegiance to the body, as if that is epitome / totality of "self." It's aim is as simple as, "seek, but do not find." Use the body to search (for endless list of things) and, when "found," continue to be not quite fulfilled. Maybe more, or something different, someplace else will lead to fulfillment. Keep using body as it is "all you got."

our differences, our ego if you will, makes that space that moves with time...
and more often than not progress slows down when certain elements are not adapting to their environment at the same rate...

Rocks arguably are as slowed down as possible, with seemingly no volition for what we call "progression," and yet, rocks have adapted incredibly well. Trees would be another example. While those who are most busy in appearance, seem to be grasping for sense of balance, and survival that is threatened by their own busyness.

(Going out of) Business.


Veteran Member
Rocks arguably are as slowed down as possible, with seemingly no volition for what we call "progression," and yet, rocks have adapted incredibly well.
Trees would be another example. While those who are most busy in appearance, seem to be grasping for sense of balance, and survival that is threatened by their own busyness.

(Going out of) Business.

a flower progresses faster than the rock perhaps because of it's role in the balance of it's environment...the flower provides nectar for the bee and the bee pollinates...and so on.
thats what i call progress.
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Premium Member
by that logic, enquiring earnestly is an illusionary perception as well.
wouldn't you consider the conclusion, progress?

including the illusion of enquiring earnestly?

Without enquiring that cannot be said.

ego...can't avoid it. finding where you fit is ego...

if we all thought and understood everything the same way... then there wouldn't be a combination of elements that creates a whole of any sort ...our differences, our ego if you will, makes that space that moves with time...
and more often than not progress slows down when certain elements are not adapting to their environment at the same rate...

What is this 'our' you speak about again and again. Last time I asked, the answer was not clear.

Enquiry means exactly that. To examine whether we know and own the intelligence-energy animating the body?


Veteran Member
Without enquiring that cannot be said.
inquiring who, the self or others?

What is this 'our' you speak about again and again. Last time I asked, the answer was not clear.
the individuals POV.

Enquiry means exactly that. To examine whether we know and own the intelligence-energy animating the body?
that is circular unless there is an outside element to confirm this knowledge...

for instance,
this man in norway...do you suppose he thought his enquiry was right? murdering all those people was justified by the ego... don't you think he owned the intelligence-energy animating the body?


Premium Member
inquiring who, the self or others?

Others do not exist apart from the self. Understanding here is that the intelligence-life is real. The ego mind can continue to believe in "I-Me-Mine" and degenerate into a self-righteous demon like Anders. Or it can accept that nothing from birth to death has actually been controlled by it. It can involute and find its source. It is not circular logic since the intelligence is real and only the perspectives are different.


Veteran Member
Others do not exist apart from the self. Understanding here is that the intelligence-life is real. The ego mind can continue to believe in "I-Me-Mine" and degenerate into a self-righteous demon like Anders. Or it can accept that nothing from birth to death has actually been controlled by it. It can involute and find its source. It is not circular logic since the intelligence is real and only the perspectives are different.
yes it is because:
The ego mind can continue to believe in "I-Me-Mine" and degenerate into a self-righteous demon like Anders. Or it can accept that nothing from birth to death has actually been controlled by it.
maybe more like pretzel logic...


Earthbending Lemur
Premium Member
God's form is as per the form of seeker him/herself. When seeker knows one's own form, god's form is also known. Atheists are not seekers and thus, IMO, seeing is irrelevant to them..
Aw, that's not fair, atanu. Some of us are legitimately seeking. We just haven't found it yet, or we believe we have found ultimate meaning in something else. Personally, I believe most theists haven't really seeked at all; they just landed in some place comfy and decided to stay rather than brave the lonely and rocky road.

God's form may be an expression of the seeker's true form. But the seeker's true form may take other expressions as well.

Yeshe Dawa

Lotus Born
Ego is just the name of the erroneous thought that thinks that it makes things happen.

Hi Atanu!

I like the way you said this. It reminds me of Ramakrishna:

when one identifies with activity rather than with principle, manifesting an ego that claims to generate various chains of events, then the tensions between polar opposites split that person's consciousness, creating various forms of obvious and subtle suffering...

Peace and blessings,


Revelation all the time
acceptance is ego, nonetheless.

Quite likely not.

Ego does not understand relationship and instead seeks to make alliances. Ego is that which places trust on outer edges where it is to be earned and discarded when it suits ego. (Complete) Acceptance of another is when ego advocates for trust to be discarded, and earned instead. Otherwise deception (perceived to be from 'other party') will surely follow.


Veteran Member
Quite likely not.

Ego does not understand relationship and instead seeks to make alliances. Ego is that which places trust on outer edges where it is to be earned and discarded when it suits ego. (Complete) Acceptance of another is when ego advocates for trust to be discarded, and earned instead. Otherwise deception (perceived to be from 'other party') will surely follow.

life is ego. existence is ego. trying to better oneself is ego. survival is ego.
you cannot escape it. accept it, unless your ego won't allow you to ;)


Premium Member
God's form may be an expression of the seeker's true form. But the seeker's true form may take other expressions as well.

You got me wrong Falvlun. But it is my fault.

God's form is as per the form of seeker him/herself. When seeker knows one's own form, god's form is also known. Atheists are not seekers and thus, IMO, seeing is irrelevant to them..

It is said that we are what our knowledge is. In waking time we are fleshy body, since awareness associates with gross body. In dream, we are made of light body. And in deep sleep we are darkness.

But, due to very nature of waking state (which is called the first state presented to senses-mind), we believe that our form is the waking fleshy form. We mostly assign that form to imagined God also. But our waking time form is everchanging and has no fixed reality to it. As per Vedanta scripture the real person is clothed in five sheaths.

What I meant was that form, which is devoid of all sheaths is said to be the real Person - the highest, all pervading one. Mind does not know that, since mind is one of the sheath.

I hope this is marginally more clear.


Revelation all the time
life is ego. existence is ego. trying to better oneself is ego. survival is ego.
you cannot escape it. accept it, unless your ego won't allow you to ;)

Life is Spirit.
Existence is reality (as Spirit).
Trying to better oneself is Holy Spirit.
Survival, as if it is doubtful or threatened, is ego. You (as Spirit) can escape the trapping of ego illusion. Happens all the time, unless it is perceived otherwise. Ego will not allow 'me' to accept that survival is not in doubt. That life is certain. When I realize this (fully) ego melts into the nothingness from which it came.