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If you allow homosexuals marriage then...

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
HopefulNikki said:
Neither does inter-racial marriage, so please stop bringing it up.

Actually you brought it up first.

HopefulNikki said:
How the heck do you know? We're only just now learning exactly what traits and behaviors are genetically caused and which aren't. The issue of nature vs. nurture is still one of the hottest issues in the psychological school of thought. You can't help being in love. Stop denying my three husbands and my sister our natural love and the right to protect our families.

OK, prove to me those are immutable traits.


Active Member
Revasser said:
So you don't even have religious reasons? Your entire argument consists of an unsupported, fallacious slippery slope assertion?

That's pretty thin, my friend.
It's not thin at all, you have yet to provide an argument for homosexual marriage that cannot be used for polygamy and/or incest.


Veteran Member
jmoum said:
Uh, could it be because hetereosexual behavior is considered normal. Why? Because the majority of people are attracted to people of the opposite sex. Because the only way to make babies is to have a man and a woman do the horizontal mambo. Remember my whole "Sexual Deviant" point? I think you should refer back to that definition to understand why hetereosexuals aren't being persecuted for their behavior.

Not everyone wants to make babies.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
jmoum said:
Uh, could it be because hetereosexual behavior is considered normal. Why? Because the majority of people are attracted to people of the opposite sex. Because the only way to make babies is to have a man and a woman do the horizontal mambo. Remember my whole "Sexual Deviant" point? I think you should refer back to that definition to understand why hetereosexuals aren't being persecuted for their behavior.

Many people consider homosexual behavior normal. Just because I'm not heterosexual doesn't mean I call all heterosexual deviant, why do that to us?

Just because something isn't the majority doesn't mean it's wrong.


Active Member
Maize said:

Actually you brought it up first.

I did? I'll go back and look; as far as I recall, lilithu brought it up, in order to show why we should keep making changes to marriage since we've made one already.

OK, prove to me those are immutable traits
Prove to you that love is an immutable trait? Prove to you that people cannot help who they fall in love with? I do hope you're kidding. As has already been discussed in this thread, and in other recent threads, it's not even verified that sexual orientation is 100% immutable. Again, it's still a huge bone of contention.


Terrible Dancer
HopefulNikki said:
It's not thin at all, you have yet to provide an argument for homosexual marriage that cannot be used for polygamy and/or incest.

You're the one making the assertion that the one will lead to the other. It's up to you to back it up.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
HopefulNikki said:
If you've gone through reading this entire thread and you still don't have even the faintest inkling as to why I'm against it (even if you don't agree), then you haven't been paying attention at all.

The only thing you've stated is that you believe allowing same gender marriage lead to more acceptance of polygamous and incestous relationships. Which is a logial fallacy. Therefore you have no valid argument against same gender marriage.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
HopefulNikki said:
It's not thin at all, you have yet to provide an argument for homosexual marriage that cannot be used for polygamy and/or incest.

You've yet to provide a valid reason for denying same gender couples marriage on that basis.


Veteran Member
jmoum said:
Um, last time I checked, that was the whole point of sex in the first place. The only reason it's fun is because that's the only way we'd be garunteed to continue to procreate.

Actually - some people take pleasure in sex, every think about that?


Active Member
Revasser said:
You're the one making the assertion that the one will lead to the other. It's up to you to back it up.
I'm not going to restate an argument that has taken more than 20 pages to discuss. I've been giving my reasons throughout. If you care to go back through and read, be my guest. If you are asserting that gay marriage can stand on its own by using an argument that cannot be applied to polygamy and/or incest, then please, let's see it.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
jmoum said:
No. But just because something isn't the majority doesn't mean it's right either. And while some people consider homosexual behavior, a lot of people don't, and unfortunately (at least in this case), the majority opinion is often the opinion that drives society.

Good thing we have the courts to protect us from the tryannical majority.


Active Member
Maize said:

You've yet to provide a valid reason for denying same gender couples marriage on that basis.
You've yet to provide a valid reason for giving same gender couples marriage, in a way that cannot be applied to another sexual minority. It's your job to prove why we should change the rules, not mine.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
jmoum said:
Seriously though. I'm stressing out here folks. Can we please try to make some progress here? I mean, if you hit a dead end in one area, why do we have to keep on running into the same damn wall? Can't we go in a different direction?

Because I won't back down from people who say I don't deserve equal rights just because I'm different from them.


Veteran Member
HopefulNikki said:
You've yet to provide a valid reason for giving same gender couples marriage, in a way that cannot be applied to another sexual minority. .

Because they are human beings and there is nothing in the constituion that allows them not too - except for the people 'interpreting' the constituion.

It's really simple.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
HopefulNikki said:
If you are asserting that gay marriage can stand on its own by using an argument that cannot be applied to polygamy and/or incest, then please, let's see it.

That an argument can be applied in a similar fashion to something is irrelevent.


Veteran Member
jmoum said:
Yes, and I stated the reason why people take pleasure in sex in the second half of my post. In fact, I have no problem with people taking pleasure in sex, especially if it helps to strengthen a healthy relationship (opinion section) between a married man and woman. I honestly think that marriage is the only healthy outlet for sexual behavior.

Kisses are allowed though. In fact, they're encouraged. So kiss away people! :D

But GBLT can't be married and have sex?



Active Member
beckysoup61 said:
Because they are human beings and there is nothing in the constituion that allows them not too - except for the people 'interpreting' the constituion.

It's really simple.
Polygamists and those in incestuous relationships are human beings too, and there is nothing in the Constitution that allows them not to - except for people "interpreting" the Constitution.

Is it really that simple? ;)


Active Member
Maize said:

That an argument can be applied in a similar fashion to something is irrelevent.
LOL...Maize, that's the point of the thread. I don't think you're comprehending that. This thread is not about whether or not gay marriage is right. It's about whether allowing gay marriage will lead to allowing other things like polygamy, incest, etc. If you don't like the topic of the thread, stop posting here and make another one.

Green Gaia

Veteran Member
HopefulNikki said:
You've yet to provide a valid reason for giving same gender couples marriage, in a way that cannot be applied to another sexual minority. It's your job to prove why we should change the rules, not mine.

No it's not, because it is not relevent. If you have a problem with polygamous or incestous relationships, fine go take that up with them. Don't take it out on me and my family. Now, if you were to state that you don't think same gender couples deserve equal rights because we're horrible, evil people (whatever reason you don't like gay people) then at least your argument would be logical.

You cannot punish same gender couples for the independent actions of other groups.


Veteran Member
HopefulNikki said:
Polygamists and those in incestuous relationships are human beings too, and there is nothing in the Constitution that allows them not to - except for people "interpreting" the Constitution.

Is it really that simple? ;)

Yes, actually it is.

But you see I don't have a problem with polygamists, and incestous relationships are proven unhealthy for the genetics.

It's a cut and dry thing, and the people who 'interpret' the constituion to their own beck and call should quit it and allow the people who deserve rights - to get them.