Thanks for chatting with me. But I will end it here. I think I may be upsetting you and that is not my desire.
I will make a quick last statement here to sum up what I was trying to say. I will make it short, just hit on the main points.
Some people are very alone in their lives and need something to hold onto, and God in most cases is who they turn to, God is the only one who is always with them in their mind, and called on whenever needed, even when there is no one else. If not a real God, God is there in their thoughts, and beliefs and in some cases that is enough. My wife had bipolar disorder, and it got very severe after we had our first child. I had a very questioning belief in God before then, but because of her belief and the things that happened to her I became convinced there was a God. But that is a long story and I said I would be brief, I will try to be as brief as possible.
Anyway, I may or may not be able to prove there is a God to anyone. But I feel as human beings with a conscious mind and the ability to think we need a God. I feel that is why it is so prevalent though out all ages, and why I think there are more people who believe in a God than don't. We need Something that can tie our irrational thoughts together so we can make some kind of sense of it all when we do not have all the answers.
Also, during our most stressful times, it seems we are the most alone. Nobody wants to help, because that person seems so hopeless, and we as people don't know what to do to help. Or the person in need is isolated and there is no one to help. It could be during a psychotic event for a mentally ill person when nobody wants anything to do with them, a person who has crashed over the side of the road and they are dying alone quietly. A person on a battle field with bombs going off around them for days, or just a time when your life is falling apart and you have no answers. Having someone to talk to and believe they are there, is very comforting. Also having the hope and belief God can protect you, is helpful and having faith God will send help or what ever else, even if there is no God, their faith gives them hope.
I will end here. And hope that I was able to make a point, that whether God is real or imagined. There is a real need for many of us, it is part of or psyc, we need to have faith in something especially during times of stress.