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If you can't believe.....

do you?....or don't you?......believe

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Mellowing with Age
If you can't believe in what cannot be proven.....
What are you doing here in a religious forum?

Wishful thinking?.....in the hope no rational can present God?

Proof is only "proof" with regards to alcohol content and math.
Math is provable, overly simplistic but 2 + 2 = 4.
Science isn't proof, requires no proof. Look it up if you like, probably should.
The Theory of Evolution is a THEROY.
a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.
/ˈTHēərē/ hypothesis, thesis, conjecture, supposition, speculation;

Such as the theory that the universe is an explosion of something infinately
small-some read "rapid expantion" of something infinatley small.
Infinately small means so small "it" can not be measured.
Science, to be believed must be repeatable with the same results.
Like water boils at 212 degrees F. That can be repeated easily, measured with
a scientific tool. i.e. ther-mo-meter therometer.
Very simple example but easy to grasp.
I would also ask why atheists, neo atheist, those desparately attempting to debunk any religious belief of any religion, constanty DEMAND PROOF????
Attempting to prove that which is not provable is a foolish endevor and only plays right into the mind of the atheist who will chop to ribbons any person who attempts to "prove" faith.
I have engaged in this foolish endevor and got my butt wiped by egghead academics with PhDs in science and know how to debate showing excellent skills.
I was a police officer most of my life. "Brevity is the essance of a good report."
Thus, I came, I saw, I gathered facts, here they are, go prosecute.
Perfect. Not for debate however.
So I learned. I learned about the atheist by cleverly setting traps.:mad:
I would take my licking and say, "WOW, Mr. buttwipe, you are a fantastic debater.
I admire your keen mind and now I read all these anteist posts and learn and learn
from you fine people.":rolleyes::rolleyes:
I say that a lot on that forum to the point that I sucked them right in and used their own demand for proof to bash them in the noggin.:D
Hold fast to that in which you believe do dearly as do I.
Don't fall for the "science rules" boys & girls.
Frankly they are closer to a deity of some kind than they realize.
Why indeed to they post so emphatically on a religious site that allows them to spread their own flase doctrines?
One PhD on the site I refer to has been a member there and has way over 7,000
posts debunking beliefs and faiths of all and any kind.
I have used his own self image of being an omnipitant being against him in ways that he didn't even recognize untill others began using MY arguments against him.:eek:
Remember also that they aren't all bright with degrees. Some are flat stupid and just look for an argument.
I generally leave that kind alone and just let the eggheads rip him/her apart.;)

You should really consider using a spell checker. It is difficult to take anyone seriously with so many spelling and grammatical errors. I also never considered calling someone stupid or a "butt wipe" as an effective method of argument. It does come across as rather juvenile.


Rogue Theologian
Some people are just clueless, I guess. There was a guy on another forum a couple of years ago who swore up and down that he wasn't a racist, he just hated black people. Needless to say, he didn't last long but I doubt he ever understood why the problem arose.

and some with their eyes covered cannot see.


Rogue Theologian
So you do not believe in cause and effect? If something can exist without a creator doesn't it make more sense to assume that the universe exists without a creator than to assume a magical invisible deity wished it into existence just so some hairless apes could grovel to and worship it?

You didn't see the sarcasm when I took aim?

so much for your avatar.....


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
You should really consider using a spell checker. It is difficult to take anyone seriously with so many spelling and grammatical errors. I also never considered calling someone stupid or a "butt wipe" as an effective method of argument. It does come across as rather juvenile.

Indeed. Does this board have such?
I fixed the errors.
I don't use that silly language on those site with those people and that board does have spellcheck. I use it.
Thank you for kindly pointing out errors.:):)


Mellowing with Age
Indeed. Does this board have such?
I fixed the errors.
I don't use that silly language on those site with those people and that board does have spellcheck. I use it.
Thank you for kindly pointing out errors.:):)

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For all the whining you do about empty retorts you sure do not hesitate to spew them yourself...Just saying.
He does seem very big on declarations of his superior prowess and general impressiveness, which is almost always an indication of the contrary--trying to make up for the lack of affirmation that reality is providing. It's certainly tedious, though in his defense, sort of, he does have enough of a flare to at least make some pints in a semi-poetic, oblique sort of way ... though even that may just be defnsive vagueness--denying the "enemy" a real target, which would again be a pretty clear signal that Genuine Dialog Ain't Happnin' Here.

It's a shame because he seems pretty smart. Maybe he'll get over himself and become interesting--maybe even actually engaging. But in the mean time I can't help but wonder (as with so many of these cases on The Interwebs) why people even bother responding to posts like that. They make it pretty clear there's no real potential for any kind of genuine dialog, do they not?

So why are these kinds of posts so consistently lavished with attention? What's the misfire in the human psyche that causes this rather unfortunate situation that's so toxic to social and intellectual climates?

Perhaps an issue for another topic ...


Admiral Obvious
He does seem very big on declarations of his superior prowess and general impressiveness, which is almost always an indication of the contrary--trying to make up for the lack of affirmation that reality is providing. It's certainly tedious, though in his defense, sort of, he does have enough of a flare to at least make some pints in a semi-poetic, oblique sort of way ... though even that may just be defnsive vagueness--denying the "enemy" a real target, which would again be a pretty clear signal that Genuine Dialog Ain't Happnin' Here.

It's a shame because he seems pretty smart. Maybe he'll get over himself and become interesting--maybe even actually engaging. But in the mean time I can't help but wonder (as with so many of these cases on The Interwebs) why people even bother responding to posts like that. They make it pretty clear there's no real potential for any kind of genuine dialog, do they not?

So why are these kinds of posts so consistently lavished with attention? What's the misfire in the human psyche that causes this rather unfortunate situation that's so toxic to social and intellectual climates?

Perhaps an issue for another topic ...
I am going to go with boredom.

Though to be honest, I do secretly hope he will someday stop hiding behind his faith and actually engage in discourse.


Rogue Theologian
Seems some of my posts have been deleted.
The answers you ask more may have been among them.

too bad.


This shows how unique i am.
If you can't believe in what cannot be proven.....
What are you doing here in a religious forum?

Wishful thinking?.....in the hope no rational can present God?

There are "religions" that frown upon belief of any kind. So that's why. Also: Not all said religions have deities.

That being said: I try not to believe anything. Not even what you're saying: You might be trolling. You are not 100% reliable so i shouldn't blindly believe you any more than i should put belief into a being someone else told me existed...

So: I believe absolutely nothing.

Seems some of my posts have been deleted.
The answers you ask more may have been among them.

too bad.

Dishonest much? You just showed me an example as to why i should NOT believe you: You are being dishonest on purpose.
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Rogue Theologian
There are "religions" that frown upon belief of any kind. So that's why. Also: Not all said religions have deities.

That being said: I try not to believe anything. Not even what you're saying: You might be trolling. You are not 100% reliable so i shouldn't blindly believe you any more than i should put belief into a being someone else told me existed...

So: I believe absolutely nothing.

?.....You believe nothing Greater than you?

That cannot be supported.
Especially with billions of copies of a learning device in action.


This shows how unique i am.
I might assume your stance.....You believe nothing Greater then you?

I think all things considered, i am at best equal to everyone else... That being said: There are greater things perhaps: I just won't claim that any of them are beings.

/E: But i did tell you i don't believe in things. If i were to say that there's a higher being; I would claim it as fact. But i don't know it as such so i won't.


This shows how unique i am.
Beings....as in other living forms?
almost every form of life as a specialty.
We are exceeded in every manner except.....mind and heart.

None of those make things better: Just different.

I have a cat and i have noticed him to be objectively better than me in some things: Namely, stalking and killing small prey. Such an ability would not bring me more joy: In fact it might distract me from more important things.


Rogue Theologian
None of those make things better: Just different.

I have a cat and i have noticed him to be objectively better than me in some things: Namely, stalking and killing small prey. Such an ability would not bring me more joy: In fact it might distract me from more important things.

This form we have generates a thinking person...on each occasion.
Granted some of us struggle.....but that too seems a facet of human life.

I simply don't believe we end in dust.


This shows how unique i am.
This form we have generates a thinking person...on each occasion.
Granted some of us struggle.....but that too seems a facet of human life.

I simply don't believe we end in dust.

Actually not on all occasions; And i find whether or not we think individually to be upon evolution more than anything else: We didn't ALWAYS think, speak and make civilizations...

We don't end in dust: Our bodies are mostly ogranic so they'd reduce down to essentially material for other life forms to strive upon: Nothing truly "ends." But i don't think that's the end of human experience: I have difficulty imagining non-existance as a first-hand experience. I cannot do it. Therefore... I've no real answers.


Rogue Theologian
I have been blind seven days....did not stop 'seeing'.
I've known my limbs unresponsive....did not stop 'feeling'.

I suspect we go to where our mind and heart will take us.
We end up with others that think and feel as we do.

How else to be happy?
How else to be fair?

Billions of souls learning to live....and none survive the last breath?
Not one chance?.....in billions?

I suspect quite a few will gather.